5 resultados para RXR-ALPHA

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The RXR gamma (RXR, retinoid X receptor) gene was disrupted in the mouse. Homozygous mutant mice developed normally and were indistinguishable from their RXR gamma +/- or wild-type littermates with respect to growth, fertility, viability, and apparent behavior in the animal facility. Moreover, RXR alpha -/-/RXR gamma -/- and RXR beta -/-/RXR gamma -/- mutant phenotypes were indistinguishable from those of RXR alpha -/- and RXR beta -/- mutants, respectively. Strikingly, RXR alpha +/-/RXR beta -/-/RXR gamma -/- triple mutants were viable. Thus, it appears that RXR gamma does not exert any essential function that cannot be performed by RXR alpha or RXR beta, and one copy of RXR alpha is sufficient to perform most of the functions of the RXRs.


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Protein-protein interactions allow the retinoid X receptor (RXR) to bind to cognate DNA as a homo- or a heterodimer and to participate in mediating the effects of a variety of hormones on gene transcription. Here we report a systematic study of the oligomeric state of RXR in the absence of a DNA template. We have used electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions and chemical crosslinking to show that in solution, RXR alpha forms homodimers as well as homotetramers. The dissociation constants governing dimer and tetramer formation were estimated by fluorescence anisotropy studies. The results indicate that RXR tetramers are formed with a high affinity and that at protein concentrations higher than about 70 nM, tetramers will constitute the predominant species. Tetramer formation may provide an additional level of the regulation of gene transcription mediated by RXRs.


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We have recently characterized a cardiac model of ventricular chamber defects in retinoid X receptor alpha (RXR alpha) homozygous mutant (-/-) gene-targeted mice. These mice display generalized edema, ventricular chamber hypoplasia, and muscular septal defects, and they die at embryonic day 15. To substantiate our hypothesis that the embryos are dying of cardiac pump failure, we have used digital bright-field and fluorescent video microscopy and in vivo microinjection of fluorescein-labeled albumin to analyze cardiac function. The affected embryos showed depressed ventricular function (average left ventricular area ejection fraction, 14%), ventricular septal defects, and various degrees of atrioventricular block not seen in the RXR alpha wild-type (+/+) and heterozygous (+/-) littermates (average left ventricular area ejection fraction, 50%). The molecular mechanisms involved in these ventricular defects were studied by evaluating expression of cardiac-specific genes known to be developmentally regulated. By in situ hybridization, aberrant, persistent expression of the atrial isoform of myosin light chain 2 was identified in the ventricles. We hypothesize that retinoic acid provides a critical signal mediated through the RXR alpha pathway that is required to allow progression of development of the ventricular region of the heart from its early atrial-like form to the thick-walled adult ventricle. The conduction system disturbances found in the RXR alpha -/- embryos may reflect a requirement of the developing conduction system for the RXR alpha signaling pathway, or it may be secondary to the failure of septal development.


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The t(15;17) chromosomal translocation, specific for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), fuses the PML gene to the retinoic acid receptor alpha (RAR alpha) gene, resulting in expression of a PML-RAR alpha hybrid protein. In this report, we analyzed the nature of PML-RAR alpha-containing complexes in nuclear protein extracts of t(15;17)-positive cells. We show that endogenous PML-RAR alpha can bind to DNA as a homodimer, in contrast to RAR alpha that requires the retinoid X receptor (RXR) dimerization partner. In addition, these cells contain oligomeric complexes of PML-RAR alpha and endogenous RXR. Treatment with retinoic acid results in a decrease of PML-RAR alpha protein levels and, as a consequence, of DNA binding by the different complexes. Using responsive elements from various hormone signaling pathways, we show that PML-RAR alpha homodimers have altered DNA-binding characteristics when compared to RAR alpha-RXR alpha heterodimers. In transfected Drosophila SL-3 cells that are devoid of endogenous retinoid receptors PML-RAR alpha inhibits transactivation by RAR alpha-RXR alpha heterodimers in a dominant fashion. In addition, we show that both normal retinoid receptors and the PML-RAR alpha hybrid bind and activate the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor responsive element from the Acyl-CoA oxidase gene, indicating that retinoids and peroxisome proliferator receptors may share common target genes. These properties of PML-RAR alpha may contribute to the transformed phenotype of APL cells.


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We have developed a strategy to generate mutant genes in mammalian cells in a conditional manner by employing a fusion protein, Cre-ER, consisting of the loxP site-specific Cre recombinase linked to the ligand-binding domain of the human estrogen receptor. We have established homozygous retinoid X receptor alpha-negative (RXR alpha-/-) F9 embryonal carcinoma cells constitutively expressing Cre-ER and have shown that estradiol or the estrogen agonist/antagonist 4-hydroxytamoxifen efficiently induced the recombinase activity, whereas no activity was detected in the absence of ligand or in the presence of the antiestrogen ICI 164,384. Furthermore, using a targeting vector containing a selection marker flanked by loxP sites, we have inactivated one retinoic acid receptor alpha allele in such a line, demonstrating that the presence of the recombinase does not inhibit homologous recombination. Combining this conditional site-specific recombination system with tissue-specific expression of Cre-ER may allow modification of the mammalian genome in vivo in a spatiotemporally regulated manner.