7 resultados para RNA sequencing

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Sets of RNA ladders can be synthesized by transcription of a bacteriophage-encoded RNA polymerase using 3′-deoxynucleotides as chain terminators. These ladders can be used for sequencing of DNA. Using a nicked form of phage SP6 RNA polymerase in this study substantially enhanced yields of transcriptional sequencing ladders. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) of chain-terminated RNA ladders allowed DNA sequence determination of up to 56 nt. It is also demonstrated that A→G and C→T variations in heterozygous and homozygous samples can be unambiguously identified by the mass spectrometric analysis. As a step towards single-tube sequencing reactions, α-thiotriphosphate nucleotide analogs were used to overcome problems caused by chain terminator-independent, premature termination and by the small mass difference between natural pyrimidine nucleotides.


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A cellular protein, previously described as p35/38, binds to the complementary (−)-strand of the leader RNA and intergenic (IG) sequence of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) RNA. The extent of the binding of this protein to IG sites correlates with the efficiency of the subgenomic mRNA transcription from that IG site, suggesting that it is a requisite transcription factor. We have purified this protein and determined by partial peptide sequencing that it is heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A1, an abundant, primarily nuclear protein. hnRNP A1 shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm and plays a role in the regulation of alternative RNA splicing. The MHV(−)-strand leader and IG sequences conform to the consensus binding motifs of hnRNP A1. Recombinant hnRNP A1 bound to these two RNA regions in vitro in a sequence-specific manner. During MHV infection, hnRNP A1 relocalizes from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where viral replication occurs. These data suggest that hnRNP A1 is a cellular factor that regulates the RNA-dependent RNA transcription of the virus.


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The pufferfish Fugu rubripes has a genome ≈7.5 times smaller than that of mammals but with a similar number of genes. Although conserved synteny has been demonstrated between pufferfish and mammals across some regions of the genome, there is some controversy as to what extent Fugu will be a useful model for the human genome, e.g., [Gilley, J., Armes, N. & Fried, M. (1997) Nature (London) 385, 305–306]. We report extensive conservation of synteny between a 1.5-Mb region of human chromosome 11 and <100 kb of the Fugu genome in three overlapping cosmids. Our findings support the idea that the majority of DNA in the region of human chromosome 11p13 is intergenic. Comparative analysis of three unrelated genes with quite different roles, WT1, RCN1, and PAX6, has revealed differences in their structural evolution. Whereas the human WT1 gene can generate 16 protein isoforms via a combination of alternative splicing, RNA editing, and alternative start site usage, our data predict that Fugu WT1 is capable of generating only two isoforms. This raises the question of the extent to which the evolution of WT1 isoforms is related to the evolution of the mammalian genitourinary system. In addition, this region of the Fugu genome shows a much greater overall compaction than usual but with significant noncoding homology observed at the PAX6 locus, implying that comparative genomics has identified regulatory elements associated with this gene.


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ETS transcription factors play important roles in hematopoiesis, angiogenesis, and organogenesis during murine development. The ETS genes also have a role in neoplasia, for example in Ewing’s sarcomas and retrovirally induced cancers. The ETS genes encode transcription factors that bind to specific DNA sequences and activate transcription of various cellular and viral genes. To isolate novel ETS target genes, we used two approaches. In the first approach, we isolated genes by the RNA differential display technique. Previously, we have shown that the overexpression of ETS1 and ETS2 genes effects transformation of NIH 3T3 cells and specific transformants produce high levels of the ETS proteins. To isolate ETS1 and ETS2 responsive genes in these transformed cells, we prepared RNA from ETS1, ETS2 transformants, and normal NIH 3T3 cell lines and converted it into cDNA. This cDNA was amplified by PCR and displayed on sequencing gels. The differentially displayed bands were subcloned into plasmid vectors. By Northern blot analysis, several clones showed differential patterns of mRNA expression in the NIH 3T3-, ETS1-, and ETS2-expressing cell lines. Sixteen clones were analyzed by DNA sequence analysis, and 13 of them appeared to be unique because their DNA sequences did not match with any of the known genes present in the gene bank. Three known genes were found to be identical to the CArG box binding factor, phospholipase A2-activating protein, and early growth response 1 (Egr1) genes. In the second approach, to isolate ETS target promoters directly, we performed ETS1 binding with MboI-cleaved genomic DNA in the presence of a specific mAb followed by whole genome PCR. The immune complex-bound ETS binding sites containing DNA fragments were amplified and subcloned into pBluescript and subjected to DNA sequence and computer analysis. We found that, of a large number of clones isolated, 43 represented unique sequences not previously identified. Three clones turned out to contain regulatory sequences derived from human serglycin, preproapolipoprotein C II, and Egr1 genes. The ETS binding sites derived from these three regulatory sequences showed specific binding with recombinant ETS proteins. Of interest, Egr1 was identified by both of these techniques, suggesting strongly that it is indeed an ETS target gene.


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The phenomenon of RNA editing has been found to occur in chloroplasts of several angiosperm plants. Comparative analysis of the entire nucleotide sequence of a gymnosperm [Pinus thunbergii (black pine)] chloroplast genome allowed us to predict several potential editing sites in its transcripts. Forty-nine such sites from 14 genes/ORFs were analyzed by sequencing both cDNAs from the transcripts and the corresponding chloroplast DNA regions, and 26 RNA editing sites were identified in the transcripts from 12 genes/ORFs, indicating that chloroplast RNA editing is not restricted to angiosperms but occurs in the gymnosperm, too. All the RNA editing events are C-to-U conversions; however, many new codon substitutions and creation of stop codons that have not so far been reported in angiosperm chloroplasts were observed. The most striking is that two editing events result in the creation of an initiation and a stop codon within a single transcript, leading to the formation of a new reading frame of 33 codons. The predicted product is highly homologous to that deduced from the ycf7 gene (ORF31), which is conserved in the chloroplast genomes of many other plant species.


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The amino acid sequences of a number of closely related proteins ("napin") isolated from Brassica napus were determined by mass spectrometry without prior separation into individual components. Some of these proteins correspond to those previously deduced (napA, BngNAP1, and gNa), chiefly from DNA sequences. Others were found to differ to a varying extent (BngNAP1', BngNAP1A, BngNAP1B, BngNAP1C, gNa', and gNaA). The short chains of gNa and gNa' and of BngNAP1 and BngNAP1' differ by the replacement of N-terminal proline by pyroglutamic acid; the long chains of gNaA and BngNAP1B contain a six amino acid stretch, MQGQQM, which is present in gNa (according to its DNA sequence) but absent from BngNAP1 and BngNAP1C. These alternations of sequences between napin isoforms are most likely due to homologous recombination of the genetic material, but some of the changes may also be due to RNA editing. The amino acids that follow the untruncated C termini of those napin chains for which the DNA sequences are known (napA, BngNAP1, and gNa) are aromatic amino acids. This suggests that the processing of the proprotein leading to the C termini of the two chains is due to the action of a protease that specifically cleaves a G/S-F/Y/W bond.


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The human squamous cell carcinoma cell line SCC83-01-82 (SCC) contains mutations in both the H-ras and p53 genes, but it exhibits a nontumorigenic phenotype in nude mice. This cell line can be converted into a cell line with a tumorigenic phenotype, SCC83-01-82CA (CA), by treatment with the mutagen methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). This indicates that additional genetic events leading to expression of a cooperating tumor susceptibility gene(s) may be required for tumorigenicity. To identify the cooperating gene(s), an expression cDNA library was made from tumorigenic Ca cells. The library DNA was transfected into nontumorigenic SCC cells and the transfected SCC cells were then injected into nude mice for the selection of a tumorigenic phenotype. Tumors developed in 3 of the 18 mice after injection. Several new cell lines were established from these transfected cell-induced tumors and designated as CATR cells. Tumor histology and karyotype analysis of these cells indicated that they were of human epithelial cell origin. All the CATR cells have the library vector sequence integrated in their genome. Cell line CATR1 expressed a single message from the integrated library representing a 1.3-kb cDNA insert that was absent from untransfected SCC cells or MMS-converted CA cells. This 1.3-kb cDNA insert was cloned by PCR amplification of reverse-transcribed CATR1 total RNA and was designated CATR1.3. The nucleotide sequence of CATR1.3 encodes a peptide of 79 amino acids, has a long 3' untranslated region, and represents an unknown gene product that was associated with the tumorigenic conversion due to the transfected expression library.