71 resultados para RNA induced silencing complex

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is a conserved component of the highly compact chromatin of higher eukaryotic centromeres and telomeres. Cytogenetic experiments in Drosophila have shown that HP1 localization into this chromatin is perturbed in mutants for the origin recognition complex (ORC) 2 subunit. ORC has a multisubunit DNA-binding activity that binds origins of DNA replication where it is required for origin firing. The DNA-binding activity of ORC is also used in the recruitment of the Sir1 protein to silence nucleation sites flanking silent copies of the mating-type genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A fraction of HP1 in the maternally loaded cytoplasm of the early Drosophila embryo is associated with a multiprotein complex containing Drosophila melanogaster ORC subunits. This complex appears to be poised to function in heterochromatin assembly later in embryonic development. Here we report the identification of a novel component of this complex, the HP1/ORC-associated protein. This protein contains similarity to DNA sequence-specific HMG proteins and is shown to bind specific satellite sequences and the telomere-associated sequence in vitro. The protein is shown to have heterochromatic localization in both diploid interphase and mitotic chromosomes and polytene chromosomes. Moreover, the gene encoding HP1/ORC-associated protein was found to display reciprocal dose-dependent variegation modifier phenotypes, similar to those for mutants in HP1 and the ORC 2 subunit.


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Nucleolar dominance is an epigenetic phenomenon in which one parental set of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes is silenced in an interspecific hybrid. In natural Arabidopsis suecica, an allotetraploid (amphidiploid) hybrid of Arabidopsis thaliana and Cardaminopsis arenosa, the A. thaliana rRNA genes are repressed. Interestingly, A. thaliana rRNA gene silencing is variable in synthetic Arabidopsis suecica F1 hybrids. Two generations are needed for A. thaliana rRNA genes to be silenced in all lines, revealing a species-biased direction but stochastic onset to nucleolar dominance. Backcrossing synthetic A. suecica to tetraploid A. thaliana yielded progeny with active A. thaliana rRNA genes and, in some cases, silenced C. arenosa rRNA genes, showing that the direction of dominance can be switched. The hypothesis that naturally dominant rRNA genes have a superior binding affinity for a limiting transcription factor is inconsistent with dominance switching. Inactivation of a species-specific transcription factor is argued against by showing that A. thaliana and C. arenosa rRNA genes can be expressed transiently in the other species. Transfected A. thaliana genes are also active in A. suecica protoplasts in which chromosomal A. thaliana genes are repressed. Collectively, these data suggest that nucleolar dominance is a chromosomal phenomenon that results in coordinate or cooperative silencing of rRNA genes.


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Association of mRNA with the cytoskeleton represents a fundamental aspect of RNA physiology likely involved in mRNA transport, anchoring, translation, and turnover. We report the initial characterization of a protein complex that binds RNA in a sequence-independent but size-dependent manner in vitro. The complex includes a ∼160-kDa protein that is bound directly to mRNA and that appears to be either identical or highly related to a ∼1600-kDa protein that binds directly to mRNA in vivo. In addition, the microtubule-associated protein, MAP 1A, a cytoskeletal associated protein is a component of this complex. We suggest that the general attachment of mRNA to the cytoskeleton may be mediated, in part, through the formation of this ribonucleoprotein complex.


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βarrestins mediate the desensitization of the β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR) and many other G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Additionally, βarrestins initiate the endocytosis of these receptors via clathrin coated-pits and interact directly with clathrin. Consequently, it has been proposed that βarrestins serve as clathrin adaptors for the GPCR family by linking these receptors to clathrin lattices. AP-2, the heterotetrameric clathrin adaptor protein, has been demonstrated to mediate the internalization of many types of plasma membrane proteins other than GPCRs. AP-2 interacts with the clathrin heavy chain and cytoplasmic domains of receptors such as those for epidermal growth factor and transferrin. In the present study we demonstrate the formation of an agonist-induced multimeric complex containing a GPCR, βarrestin 2, and the β2-adaptin subunit of AP-2. β2-Adaptin binds βarrestin 2 in a yeast two-hybrid assay and coimmunoprecipitates with βarrestins and β2AR in an agonist-dependent manner in HEK-293 cells. Moreover, β2-adaptin translocates from the cytosol to the plasma membrane in response to the β2AR agonist isoproterenol and colocalizes with β2AR in clathrin-coated pits. Finally, expression of βarrestin 2 minigene constructs containing the β2-adaptin interacting region inhibits β2AR endocytosis. These findings point to a role for AP-2 in GPCR endocytosis, and they suggest that AP-2 functions as a clathrin adaptor for the endocytosis of diverse classes of membrane receptors.


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Methylation of cytosines in the dinucleotide CpG has been shown to suppress transcription of a number of tissue-specific genes, yet the precise mechanism is not fully understood. The vertebrate globin genes were among the first examples in which an inverse correlation was shown between CpG methylation and transcription. We studied the methylation pattern of the 235-bp ρ-globin gene promoter in genomic DNA from primary chicken erythroid cells using the sodium bisulfite conversion technique and found all CpGs in the promoter to be methylated in erythroid cells from adult chickens in which the ρ-globin gene is silent but unmethylated in 5-day (primitive) embryonic red cells in which the gene is transcribed. To elucidate further the mechanism of methylation-induced silencing, an expression construct consisting of 235 bp of 5′ promoter sequence of the ρ-globin gene along with a strong 5′ erythroid enhancer driving a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene, ρ-CAT, was transfected into primary avian erythroid cells derived from 5-day embryos. Methylation of just the 235-bp ρ-globin gene promoter fragment at every CpG resulted in a 20- to 30-fold inhibition of transcription, and this effect was not overridden by the presence of potent erythroid-specific enhancers. The ability of the 235-bp ρ-globin gene promoter to bind to a DNA Methyl Cytosine binding Protein Complex (MeCPC) was tested in electrophoretic mobility shift assays utilizing primary avian erythroid cell nuclear extract. The results were that fully methylated but not unmethylated 235-bp ρ-globin gene promoter fragment could compete efficiently for MeCPC binding. These results are a direct demonstration that site-specific methylation of a globin gene promoter at the exact CpGs that are methylated in vivo can silence transcription in homologous primary erythroid cells. Further, these data implicate binding of MeCPC to the promoter in the mechanism of silencing.


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Specific and processive antitermination by bacteriophage lambda N protein in vivo and in vitro requires the participation of a large number of Escherichia coli proteins (Nus factors), as well as an RNA hairpin (boxB) within the nut site of the nascent transcript. In this study we show that efficient, though nonprocessive, antitermination can be induced by large concentrations of N alone, even in the absence of a nut site. By adding back individual components of the system, we also show that N with nut+ nascent RNA is much more effective in antitermination than is N alone. This effect is abolished if N is competed away from the nut+ RNA by adding, in trans, an excess of boxB RNA. The addition of NusA makes antitermination by the N-nut+ complex yet more effective. This NusA-dependent increase in antitermination is lost when delta nut transcripts are used. These results suggest the formation of a specific boxB RNA-N-NusA complex within the transcription complex. By assuming an equilibrium model, we estimate a binding constant of 5 x 10(6) M-1 for the interaction of N alone with the transcription complex. This value can be used to estimate a characteristic dissociation time of N from the complex that is comparable to the dwell time of the complex at an average template position, thus explaining the nonprocessivity of the antitermination effect induced by N alone. On this basis, the effective dissociation rate of N should be approximately 1000-fold slower from the minimally processive (100-600 bp) N-NusA-nut+ transcription complex and approximately 10(5)-fold slower from the maximally processive (thousands of base pairs) complex containing all of the components of the in vivo N-dependent antitermination system.


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We demonstrate that in contrast to previous findings by using simple synthetic promoters or activators, the natural IFN-β enhanceosome activates transcription by causing a dramatic increase of the rate by which preinitiation complexes assemble at the promoter. This effect totally depends on the recruitment of the CBP-PolII holoenzyme by the enhanceosome, because its depletion from the extract decelerates the rate of transcription. However, addition of the CBP-PolII holoenzyme back to these extracts fully restores the speed by which the enhanceosome activates transcription. Strikingly, preincubation of the enhanceosome with the CBP-RNA PolII holoenzyme complex results in instant assembly of preinitiation complexes. In contrast, individual IFN-β gene activators function solely by increasing the number of functional preinitiation complexes and not the rate of their assembly. Thus, fast recruitment of the CBP-RNA PolII holoenzyme complex is critical for the rapid activation of IFN-β gene expression by virus infection.


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The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a limited life-span, which is measured by the number of divisions that individual cells complete. Among the many changes that occur as yeasts age are alterations in chromatin-dependent transcriptional silencing. We have genetically manipulated histone deacetylases to modify chromatin, and we have examined the effect on yeast longevity. Deletion of the histone deacetylase gene RPD3 extended life-span. Its effects on chromatin functional state were evidenced by enhanced silencing at the three known heterochromatic regions of the genome, the silent mating type (HM), subtelomeric, and rDNA loci, which occurred even in the absence of SIR3. Similarly, the effect of the rpd3Δ on life-span did not depend on an intact Sir silencing complex. In fact, deletion of SIR3 itself had little effect on life-span, although it markedly accelerated the increase in cell generation time that is observed during yeast aging. Deletion of HDA1, another histone deacetylase gene, did not result in life-span extension, unless it was combined with deletion of SIR3. The hda1Δ sir3Δ resulted in an increase in silencing, but only at the rDNA locus. Deletion of RPD3 suppressed the loss of silencing in rDNA in a sir2 mutant; however, the silencing did not reach the level found in the rpd3Δ single mutant, and RPD3 deletion did not overcome the life-span shortening seen in the sir2 mutant. Deletion of both RPD3 and HDA1 caused a decrease in life-span, which resulted from a substantial increase in initial mortality of the population. The expression of both of these genes declines with age, providing one possible explanation for the increase in mortality during the life-span. Our results are consistent with the loss of rDNA silencing leading to aging in yeast. The functions of RPD3 and HDA1 do not overlap entirely. RPD3 exerts its effect on chromatin at additional sites in the genome, raising the possibility that events at loci other than rDNA play a role in the aging process.


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During oocyte maturation in Xenopus, previously quiescent maternal mRNAs are translationally activated at specific times. We hypothesized that the translational recruitment of individual messages is triggered by particular cellular events and investigated the potential for known effectors of the meiotic cell cycle to activate the translation of the FGF receptor-1 (XFGFR) maternal mRNA. We found that both c-mos and cdc2 activate the translation of XFGFR. However, although oocytes matured by injection of recombinant cdc2/cyclin B translate normal levels of XFGFR protein, c-mos depletion reduces the level of XFGFR protein induced by cdc2/cyclin B injection. In oocytes blocked for cdc2 activity, injection of mos RNA induced low levels of XFGFR protein, independent of MAPK activity. Through the use of injected reporter RNAs, we show that the XFGFR 3′ untranslated region inhibitory element is completely derepressed by cdc2 alone. In addition, we identified a new inhibitory element through which both mos and cdc2 activate translation. We found that cdc2 derepresses translation in the absence of polyadenylation, whereas mos requires poly(A) extension to activate XFGFR translation. Our results demonstrate that mos and cdc2, in addition to functioning as key regulators of the meiotic cell cycle, cooperate in the translational activation of a specific maternal mRNA during oocyte maturation.


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Here we describe the first instances to our knowledge of animal virus genome replication, and of de novo synthesis of infectious virions by a nonendogenous virus, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whose versatile genetics offers significant advantages for studying viral replication and virus-host interactions. Flock house virus (FHV) is the most extensively studied member of the Nodaviridae family of (+) strand RNA animal viruses. Transfection of yeast with FHV genomic RNA induced viral RNA replication, transcription, and assembly of infectious virions. Genome replication and virus synthesis were robust: all replicating FHV RNA species were readily detected in yeast by Northern blot analysis and yields of virions per cell were similar to those from Drosophila cells. We also describe in vivo expression and maintenance of a selectable yeast marker gene from an engineered FHV RNA derivative dependent on FHV-directed RNA replication. Use of these approaches with FHV and their possible extension to other viruses should facilitate identification and characterization of host factors required for genomic replication, gene expression, and virion assembly.


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Many examples of extreme virus resistance and posttranscriptional gene silencing of endogenous or reporter genes have been described in transgenic plants containing sense or antisense transgenes. In these cases of either cosuppression or antisense suppression, there appears to be induction of a surveillance system within the plant that specifically degrades both the transgene and target RNAs. We show that transforming plants with virus or reporter gene constructs that produce RNAs capable of duplex formation confer virus immunity or gene silencing on the plants. This was accomplished by using transcripts from one sense gene and one antisense gene colocated in the plant genome, a single transcript that has self-complementarity, or sense and antisense transcripts from genes brought together by crossing. A model is presented that is consistent with our data and those of other workers, describing the processes of induction and execution of posttranscriptional gene silencing.


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We report the isolation of 15 Neurospora crassa mutants defective in “quelling” or transgene-induced gene silencing. These quelling-defective mutants (qde) belonging to three complementation groups have provided insights into the mechanism of posttranscriptional gene silencing in N. crassa. The recessive nature of the qde mutations indicates that the encoded gene products act in trans. We show that when qde genes are mutated in a transgenic-induced silenced strain containing many copies of the transgene, the expression of the endogenous gene is maintained despite the presence of transgene sense RNA, the molecule proposed to trigger quelling. Moreover, the qde mutants failed to show quelling when tested with another gene, suggesting that they may be universally defective in transgene-induced gene silencing. As such, qde genes may be involved in sensing aberrant sense RNA and/or targeting/degrading the native mRNA. The qde mutations may be used to isolate the genes encoding the first components of the quelling mechanism. Moreover, these quelling mutants may be important in applied and basic research for the creation of strains able to overexpress a transgene.


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Cells from patients with Cockayne syndrome (CS) are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents and are unable to restore damage-inhibited RNA synthesis. On the basis of repair kinetics of different types of lesions in transcriptionally active genes, we hypothesized previously that impaired transcription in CS cells is a consequence of defective transcription initiation after DNA damage induction. Here, we investigated the effect of UV irradiation on transcription by using an in vitro transcription system that allowed uncoupling of initiation from elongation events. Nuclear extracts prepared from UV-irradiated or mock-treated normal human and CS cells were assayed for transcription activity on an undamaged β-globin template. Transcription activity in nuclear extracts closely mimicked kinetics of transcription in intact cells: extracts from normal cells prepared 1 h after UV exposure showed a strongly reduced activity, whereas transcription activity was fully restored in extracts prepared 6 h after treatment. Extracts from CS cells exhibited reduced transcription activity at any time after UV exposure. Reduced transcription activity in extracts coincided with a strong reduction of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) containing hypophosphorylated C-terminal domain, the form of RNAPII known to be recruited to the initiation complex. These results suggest that inhibition of transcription after UV irradiation is at least partially caused by repression of transcription initiation and not solely by blocked elongation at sites of lesions. Generation of hypophosphorylated RNAPII after DNA damage appears to play a crucial role in restoration of transcription. CS proteins may be required for this process in a yet unknown way.


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RNA-mediated, posttranscriptional gene silencing has been determined as the molecular mechanism underlying transgenic virus resistance in many plant virus-dicot host plant systems. In this paper we show that transgenic virus resistance in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) is based on posttranscriptional gene silencing. The resistance is derived from an untranslatable form of the sorghum mosaic potyvirus strain SCH coat protein (CP) gene. Transgenic sugarcane plants challenged with sorghum mosaic potyvirus strain SCH had phenotypes that ranged from fully susceptible to completely resistant, and a recovery phenotype was also observed. Clones derived from the same transformation event or obtained after vegetative propagation could display different levels of virus resistance, suggesting the involvement of a quantitative component in the resistance response. Most resistant plants displayed low or undetectable steady-state CP transgene mRNA levels, although nuclear transcription rates were high. Increased DNA methylation was observed in the transcribed region of the CP transgenes in most of these plants. Collectively, these characteristics indicate that an RNA-mediated, homology-dependent mechanism is at the base of the virus resistance. This work extends posttranscriptional gene silencing and homology-dependent virus resistance, so far observed only in dicots, to an agronomically important, polyploid monocot.