6 resultados para RESTRICTION DATA

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Novel restriction enzymes can be created by fusing the nuclease domain of FokI endonuclease with defined DNA binding domains. Recently, we have characterized a domain (Zα) from the N-terminal region of human double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminase (hADAR1), which binds the Z-conformation with high specificity. Here we report creation of a conformation-specific endonuclease, Zα nuclease, which is a chimera of Zα and FokI nuclease. Purified Zα nuclease cleaves negatively supercoiled plasmids only when they contain a Z-DNA forming insert, such as (dC-dG)13. The precise location of the cleavage sites was determined by primer extension. Cutting has been mapped to the edge of the B-Z junction, suggesting that Zα nuclease binds within the Z-DNA insert, but cleaves in the nearby B-DNA, by using a mechanism similar to type IIs restriction enzymes. These data show that Zα binds Z-DNA in an environment similar to that in a cell. Zα nuclease, a structure-specific restriction enzyme, may be a useful tool for further study of the biological role of Z-DNA.


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The 2.15-Å resolution cocrystal structure of EcoRV endonuclease mutant T93A complexed with DNA and Ca2+ ions reveals two divalent metals bound in one of the active sites. One of these metals is ligated through an inner-sphere water molecule to the phosphate group located 3′ to the scissile phosphate. A second inner-sphere water on this metal is positioned approximately in-line for attack on the scissile phosphate. This structure corroborates the observation that the pro-SP phosphoryl oxygen on the adjacent 3′ phosphate cannot be modified without severe loss of catalytic efficiency. The structural equivalence of key groups, conserved in the active sites of EcoRV, EcoRI, PvuII, and BamHI endonucleases, suggests that ligation of a catalytic divalent metal ion to this phosphate may occur in many type II restriction enzymes. Together with previous cocrystal structures, these data allow construction of a detailed model for the pretransition state configuration in EcoRV. This model features three divalent metal ions per active site and invokes assistance in the bond-making step by a conserved lysine, which stabilizes the attacking hydroxide ion nucleophile.


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The hsd genes of Mycoplasma pulmonis encode restriction and modification enzymes exhibiting a high degree of sequence similarity to the type I enzymes of enteric bacteria. The S subunits of type I systems dictate the DNA sequence specificity of the holoenzyme and are required for both the restriction and the modification reactions. The M. pulmonis chromosome has two hsd loci, both of which contain two hsdS genes each and are complex, site-specific DNA inversion systems. Embedded within the coding region of each hsdS gene are a minimum of three sites at which DNA inversions occur to generate extensive amino acid sequence variations in the predicted S subunits. We show that the polymorphic hsdS genes produced by gene rearrangement encode a family of functional S subunits with differing DNA sequence specificities. In addition to creating polymorphisms in hsdS sequences, DNA inversions regulate the phase-variable production of restriction activity because the other genes required for restriction activity (hsdR and hsdM) are expressed only from loci that are oriented appropriately in the chromosome relative to the hsd promoter. These data cast doubt on the prevailing paradigms that restriction systems are either selfish or function to confer protection from invasion by foreign DNA.


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The release of vast quantities of DNA sequence data by large-scale genome and expressed sequence tag (EST) projects underlines the necessity for the development of efficient and inexpensive ways to link sequence databases with temporal and spatial expression profiles. Here we demonstrate the power of linking cDNA sequence data (including EST sequences) with transcript profiles revealed by cDNA-AFLP, a highly reproducible differential display method based on restriction enzyme digests and selective amplification under high stringency conditions. We have developed a computer program (GenEST) that predicts the sizes of virtual transcript-derived fragments (TDFs) of in silico-digested cDNA sequences retrieved from databases. The vast majority of the resulting virtual TDFs could be traced back among the thousands of TDFs displayed on cDNA-AFLP gels. Sequencing of the corresponding bands excised from cDNA-AFLP gels revealed no inconsistencies. As a consequence, cDNA sequence databases can be screened very efficiently to identify genes with relevant expression profiles. The other way round, it is possible to switch from cDNA-AFLP gels to sequences in the databases. Using the restriction enzyme recognition sites, the primer extensions and the estimated TDF size as identifiers, the DNA sequence(s) corresponding to a TDF with an interesting expression pattern can be identified. In this paper we show examples in both directions by analyzing the plant parasitic nematode Globodera rostochiensis. Various novel pathogenicity factors were identified by combining ESTs from the infective stage juveniles with expression profiles of ∼4000 genes in five developmental stages produced by cDNA-AFLP.


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Secretory granules store neuropeptides and hormones and exhibit regulated exocytosis upon appropriate cellular stimulation. They are generated in the trans-Golgi network as immature secretory granules, short-lived vesicular intermediates, which undergo a complex and poorly understood maturation process. Due to their short half-life and low abundance, real-time studies of immature secretory granules have not been previously possible. We describe here a pulse/chase-like system based on the expression of a human chromogranin B-GFP fusion protein in neuroendocrine PC12 cells, which permits direct visualization of the budding of immature secretory granules and their dynamics during maturation. Live cell imaging revealed that newly formed immature secretory granules are transported in a direct and microtubule-dependent manner within a few seconds to the cell periphery. Our data suggest that the cooperative action of microtubules and actin filaments restricts immature secretory granules to the F-actin-rich cell cortex, where they move randomly and mature completely within a few hours. During this maturation period, secretory granules segregate into pools of different motility. In a late phase of maturation, 60% of secretory granules were found to be immobile and about half of these underwent F-actin-dependent tethering.


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We have developed an approach to study changes in gene expression by selective PCR amplification and display of 3' end restriction fragments of double-stranded cDNAs. This method produces highly consistent and reproducible patterns, can detect almost all mRNAs in a sample, and can resolve hidden differences such as bands that differ in their sequence but comigrate on a gel. Bands corresponding to known cDNAs move to predictable positions on the gel, making this a powerful approach to correlate gel patterns with cDNA data bases. Applying this method, we have examined differences in gene expression patterns during T-cell activation. Of a total of 700 bands that were evaluated in this study, as many as 3-4% represented mRNAs that are upregulated, while approximately 2% were down-regulated within 4 hr of activation of Jurkat T cells. These and other results suggest that this approach is suitable for the systematic, expeditious, and nearly exhaustive elucidation of subtle changes in the patterns of gene expression in cells with altered physiologic states.