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Light-dependent inorganic C (Ci) transport and accumulation in air-grown cells of Synechococcus UTEX 625 were examined with a mass spectrometer in the presence of inhibitors or artificial electron acceptors of photosynthesis in an attempt to drive CO2 or HCO3− uptake separately by the cyclic or linear electron transport chains. In the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, the cells were able to accumulate an intracellular Ci pool of 20 mm, even though CO2 fixation was completely inhibited, indicating that cyclic electron flow was involved in the Ci-concentrating mechanism. When 200 μm N,N-dimethyl-p-nitrosoaniline was used to drain electrons from ferredoxin, a similar Ci accumulation was observed, suggesting that linear electron flow could support the transport of Ci. When carbonic anhydrase was not present, initial CO2 uptake was greatly reduced and the extracellular [CO2] eventually increased to a level higher than equilibrium, strongly suggesting that CO2 transport was inhibited and that Ci accumulation was the result of active HCO3− transport. With 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea-treated cells, Ci transport and accumulation were inhibited by inhibitors of CO2 transport, such as COS and Na2S, whereas Li+, an HCO3−-transport inhibitor, had little effect. In the presence of N,N-dimethyl-p-nitrosoaniline, Ci transport and accumulation were not inhibited by COS and Na2S but were inhibited by Li+. These results suggest that CO2 transport is supported by cyclic electron transport and that HCO3− transport is supported by linear electron transport.


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The location and density of biologically useful energy sources on Mars will limit the biomass, spatial distribution, and organism size of any biota. Subsurface Martian organisms could be supplied with a large energy flux from the oxidation of photochemically produced atmospheric H2 and CO diffusing into the regolith. However, surface abundance measurements of these gases demonstrate that no more than a few percent of this available flux is actually being consumed, suggesting that biological activity driven by atmospheric H2 and CO is limited in the top few hundred meters of the subsurface. This is significant because the available but unused energy is extremely large: for organisms at 30-m depth, it is 2,000 times previous estimates of hydrothermal and chemical weathering energy and far exceeds the energy derivable from other atmospheric gases. This also implies that the apparent scarcity of life on Mars is not attributable to lack of energy. Instead, the availability of liquid water may be a more important factor limiting biological activity because the photochemical energy flux can only penetrate to 100- to 1,000-m depth, where most H2O is probably frozen. Because both atmospheric and Viking lander soil data provide little evidence for biological activity, the detection of short-lived trace gases will probably be a better indicator of any extant Martian life.


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The food system dominates anthropogenic disruption of the nitrogen cycle by generating excess fixed nitrogen. Excess fixed nitrogen, in various guises, augments the greenhouse effect, diminishes stratospheric ozone, promotes smog, contaminates drinking water, acidifies rain, eutrophies bays and estuaries, and stresses ecosystems. Yet, to date, regulatory efforts to limit these disruptions largely ignore the food system. There are many parallels between food and energy. Food is to nitrogen as energy is to carbon. Nitrogen fertilizer is analogous to fossil fuel. Organic agriculture and agricultural biotechnology play roles analogous to renewable energy and nuclear power in political discourse. Nutrition research resembles energy end-use analysis. Meat is the electricity of food. As the agriculture and food system evolves to contain its impacts on the nitrogen cycle, several lessons can be extracted from energy and carbon: (i) set the goal of ecosystem stabilization; (ii) search the entire production and consumption system (grain, livestock, food distribution, and diet) for opportunities to improve efficiency; (iii) implement cap-and-trade systems for fixed nitrogen; (iv) expand research at the intersection of agriculture and ecology, and (v) focus on the food choices of the prosperous. There are important nitrogen-carbon links. The global increase in fixed nitrogen may be fertilizing the Earth, transferring significant amounts of carbon from the atmosphere to the biosphere, and mitigating global warming. A modern biofuels industry someday may produce biofuels from crop residues or dedicated energy crops, reducing the rate of fossil fuel use, while losses of nitrogen and other nutrients are minimized.