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Contrary to previous theoretical studies at the UHF/6-31G* level, the methonium radical dication CH52+ is not a Cs symmetrical structure with a 2e—3c bond but a C2v symmetrical structure 1 with two 2e—3c bonds (at the UHF/6-31G**, UMP2/6-31G**, and UQCISD(T)/6-311G** levels). The Cs symmetrical structure is not even a minimum at the higher level of calculations. The four hydrogen atoms in 1 are bonded to the carbon atom by two 2e—3c bonds and the fifth hydrogen atom by a 2e—2c bond. The unpaired electron of 1 is located in a formal p-orbital (of the sp2-hybridized carbon atom) perpendicular to the plane of the molecule. Hydrogen scrambling in 1 is however extremely facile, as is in other C1 cations. It is found that the protonation of methane to CH5+ decreases the energy for subsequent homolytic cleavage resulting in the exothermic (24.1 kcal/mol) formation of CH4+•. Subsequent reaction with neutral methane while reforming CH5+ gives the methyl radical enabling reaction with excess methane to ethane and H2. The overall reaction is endothermic by 11.4 kcal/mol, but offers under conditions of oxidative removal of H2 an alternative to the more energetic carbocationic conversion of methane.


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Highly nonexponential folding kinetics in aqueous solution have been observed during temperature jump-induced refolding of two proteins, yeast phosphoglycerate kinase and a ubiquitin mutant. The observations are most easily interpreted in terms of downhill folding, which posits a heterogeneous ensemble of structures en route to the folded state. The data are also reconciled with exponential kinetics measured under different experimental conditions and with titration experiments indicating cooperative folding.


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Recent improvements of a hierarchical ab initio or de novo approach for predicting both α and β structures of proteins are described. The united-residue energy function used in this procedure includes multibody interactions from a cumulant expansion of the free energy of polypeptide chains, with their relative weights determined by Z-score optimization. The critical initial stage of the hierarchical procedure involves a search of conformational space by the conformational space annealing (CSA) method, followed by optimization of an all-atom model. The procedure was assessed in a recent blind test of protein structure prediction (CASP4). The resulting lowest-energy structures of the target proteins (ranging in size from 70 to 244 residues) agreed with the experimental structures in many respects. The entire experimental structure of a cyclic α-helical protein of 70 residues was predicted to within 4.3 Å α-carbon (Cα) rms deviation (rmsd) whereas, for other α-helical proteins, fragments of roughly 60 residues were predicted to within 6.0 Å Cα rmsd. Whereas β structures can now be predicted with the new procedure, the success rate for α/β- and β-proteins is lower than that for α-proteins at present. For the β portions of α/β structures, the Cα rmsd's are less than 6.0 Å for contiguous fragments of 30–40 residues; for one target, three fragments (of length 10, 23, and 28 residues, respectively) formed a compact part of the tertiary structure with a Cα rmsd less than 6.0 Å. Overall, these results constitute an important step toward the ab initio prediction of protein structure solely from the amino acid sequence.


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Visual habit formation in monkeys, assessed by concurrent visual discrimination learning with 24-h intertrial intervals (ITI), was found earlier to be impaired by removal of the inferior temporal visual area (TE) but not by removal of either the medial temporal lobe or inferior prefrontal convexity, two of TE's major projection targets. To assess the role in this form of learning of another pair of structures to which TE projects, namely the rostral portion of the tail of the caudate nucleus and the overlying ventrocaudal putamen, we injected a neurotoxin into this neostriatal region of several monkeys and tested them on the 24-h ITI task as well as on a test of visual recognition memory. Compared with unoperated monkeys, the experimental animals were unaffected on the recognition test but showed an impairment on the 24-h ITI task that was highly correlated with the extent of their neostriatal damage. The findings suggest that TE and its projection areas in the ventrocaudal neostriatum form part of a circuit that selectively mediates visual habit formation.


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The existence of a code relating the set of possible sequences at a given position in a protein backbone to the local structure at that location is investigated. It is shown that only 73% of 4-C alpha structure fragments in a sample of 114 protein structures exhibit a preference for a particular set of sequences. The remaining structures can accommodate essentially any sequence. The structures that encode specific sequence distributions include the classical "secondary" structures, with the notable exception of planar (beta) bends. It is suggested that this has implications as to the mechanism of folding in proteins with extensive sheet/barrel structure. The possible role of structures that do not encode specific sequences as mutation hot spots is noted.


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In this paper, we show the conserved regulation of the homeodomain gene Distal-less-3 (Dlx-3) by analyzing the expression of a promoter from the Xenopus ortholog, Xdll-2, in transgenic mice. A 470-bp frog regulatory sequence confers appropriate expression on a lacZ reporter gene in the ectodermal component of structures derived from epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Remarkably, this includes structures absent in Xenopus, such as the hair follicle and mammary gland, suggesting that conserved regulatory elements can be used to control the formation of structures peculiar to individual species. In addition, expression of Dlx-3 in developing limbs is highest at the most distal portion. This pattern is duplicated by the Xenopus promoter, indicating that this DNA may include sequences responsive to conserved proximodistal patterning signals in the vertebrate limb.