209 resultados para Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The transmembrane protein-tyrosine-phosphatases (PTPases) LAR, PTP delta, and PTP sigma each contain two intracellular PTPase domains and an extracellular region consisting of Ig-like and fibronectin type III-like domains. We describe the cloning and characterization of human PTP sigma (HPTP sigma) and compare the structure, alternative splicing, tissue distribution, and PTPase activity of LAR, HPTP delta, and HPTP sigma, as well their ability to associate with the intracellular coiled-coil LAR-interacting protein LIP.1. Overall, these three PTPases are structurally very similar, sharing 64% amino acid identity. Multiple isoforms of LAR, HPTP delta, and HPTP sigma appear to be generated by tissue-specific alternative splicing of up to four mini-exon segments that encode peptides of 4-16 aa located in both the extracellular and intracellular regions. Alternative usage of these peptides varies depending on the tissue mRNA analyzed. Short isoforms of both HPTP sigma and HPTP delta were also detected that contain only four of the eight fibronectin type III-like domains. Northern blot analysis indicates that LAR and HPTP sigma are broadly distributed whereas HPTP delta expression is largely restricted to brain, as is the short HPTP sigma isoform containing only four fibronectin type III-like domains. LAR, HPTP delta, and HPTP sigma exhibit similar in vitro PTPase activities and all three interact with LIP.1, which has been postulated to recruit LAR to focal adhesions. Thus, these closely related PTPases may perform similar functions in various tissues.


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Mammalian capping enzymes are bifunctional proteins with both RNA 5′-triphosphatase and guanylyltransferase activities. The N-terminal 237-aa triphosphatase domain contains (I/V)HCXXGXXR(S/T)G, a sequence corresponding to the conserved active-site motif in protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). Analysis of point mutants of mouse RNA 5′-triphosphatase identified the motif Cys and Arg residues and an upstream Asp as required for activity. Like PTPs, this enzyme was inhibited by iodoacetate and VO43− and independent of Mg2+, providing additional evidence for phosphate removal from RNA 5′ ends by a PTP-like mechanism. The full-length, 597-aa mouse capping enzyme and the C-terminal guanylyltransferase fragment (residues 211–597), unlike the triphosphatase domain, bound poly (U) and were nuclear in transfected cells. RNA binding was increased by GTP, and a guanylylation-defective, active-site mutant was not affected. Ala substitution at positions required for the formation of the enzyme-GMP capping intermediate (R315, R530, K533, or N537) also eliminated poly (U) binding, while proteins with conservative substitutions at these sites retained binding but not guanylyltransferase activity. These results demonstrate that the guanylyltransferase domain of mammalian capping enzyme specifies nuclear localization and RNA binding. Association of capping enzyme with nascent transcripts may act in synergy with RNA polymerase II binding to ensure 5′ cap formation.


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We used a genetic method, the yeast substrate-trapping system, to identify substrates for protein tyrosine phosphatases ζ (PTPζ/RPTPβ). This method is based on the yeast two-hybrid system, with two essential modifications: conditional expression of protein tyrosine kinase v-src (active src) to tyrosine-phosphorylate the prey proteins and screening by using a substrate-trap mutant of PTPζ (PTPζ-D1902A) as bait. By using this system, several substrate candidates for PTPζ were isolated. Among them, GIT1/Cat-1 (G protein-coupled receptor kinase-interactor 1/Cool-associated, tyrosine-phosphorylated 1) was examined further. GIT1/Cat-1 bound to PTPζ-D1902A dependent on the substrate tyrosine phosphorylation. Tyrosine-phosphorylated GIT1/Cat-1 was dephosphorylated by PTPζ in vitro. Immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that PTPζ-D1902A and GIT1/Cat-1 form a stable complex also in mammalian cells. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed that PTPζ and GIT1/Cat-1 were colocalized in the processes of pyramidal cells in the hippocampus and neocortex in rat brain. Subcellular colocalization was further verified in the growth cones of mossy fibers from pontine explants and in the ruffling membranes and processes of B103 neuroblastoma cells. Moreover, pleiotrophin, a ligand for PTPζ, increased tyrosine phosphorylation of GIT1/Cat-1 in B103 cells. All these results indicate that GIT1/Cat-1 is a substrate molecule of PTPζ.


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The protein-tyrosine phosphatase epsilon (PTP epsilon) is a transmembranal, receptor-type protein that possesses two phosphatase catalytic domains characteristic of transmembranal phosphatases. Here we demonstrate the existence of a nontransmembranal isoform of PTP epsilon, PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic. PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic and the transmembranal isoform of PTP epsilon have separate, nonoverlapping expression patterns. Further, the data clearly indicate that control of which of the two isoforms is to be expressed is initiated at the transcriptional level, suggesting that they have distinct physiological roles. PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic mRNA is the product of a delayed early response gene in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, and its transcription is regulated through a pathway that requires protein kinase C. The human homologue of PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic has also been cloned and is strongly up-regulated in the early stages of phorbol 12-tetradecanoate 13-acetate-induced differentiation of HL-60 cells. Sequence analysis indicates and cellular fractionation experiments confirm that this isoform is a cytoplasmic molecule. PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic is therefore the initial example to our knowledge of a nontransmembranal protein-tyrosine phosphatase that contains two tandem of catalytic domains.


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Exposure of cells to protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibitors causes an increase in the phosphotyrosine content of many cellular proteins. However, the level at which the primary signaling event is affected is still unclear. We show that Jaks are activated by tyrosine phosphorylation in cells that are briefly exposed to the PTP inhibitor pervanadate (PV), resulting in tyrosine phosphorylation and functional activation of Stat6 (in addition to other Stats). Mutant cell lines that lack Jak1 activity fail to support PV-mediated [or interleukin 4 (IL-4)-dependent] activation of Stat6 but can be rescued by complementation with functional Jak1. The docking sites for both Jak1 and Stat6 reside in the cytoplasmic domain of the IL-4 receptor α-chain (IL-4Rα). The glioblastoma-derived cell lines T98G, GRE, and M007, which do not express the IL-4Rα chain, fail to support Stat6 activation in response to either IL-4 or PV. Complementation of T98G cells with the IL-4Rα restores both PV-mediated and IL-4-dependent Stat6 activation. Murine L929 cells, which do not express the γ common chain of the IL-4 receptor, support PV-mediated but not IL-4-dependent Stat6 activation. Thus, Stat6 activation by PV is an IL-4Rα-mediated, Jak1-dependent event that is independent of receptor dimerization. We propose that receptor-associated constitutive PTP activity functions to down-regulate persistent, receptor-linked kinase activity. Inhibition or deletion of PTP activity results in constitutive activation of cytokine signaling pathways.


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We established stable COS-7 cell lines overexpressing recombinant PTPMEG and an inactive mutant form in which the active site cysteine is mutated to serine (PTPMEGCS). We found that both endogenous and recombinant enzyme were primarily located in the membrane and cytoskeletal fractions of COS-7 cells. Endogenous PTPMEG accounts for only 1/3000th of the total tyrosine phosphatase activity in COS-7 cells and transfected cells expressed 2- to 7-fold higher levels of the enzyme. These levels of overexpression did not result in detectable changes in either total tyrosine phosphatase activity or the state of protein tyrosine phosphorylation as determined by immunoblotting of cell homogenates with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies. Despite the low levels of activity for PTPMEG, we found that overexpressing cells grew slower and reached confluence at a lower density than vector transfected cells. Surprisingly, PTPMEGCS-transfected cells also reach confluence at a lower density than vector-transfected cells, although they grow to higher density than PTPMEG-transfected cells. Both constructs inhibited the ability of COS-7 cells to form colonies in soft agar, with the native PTPMEG having a greater effect (30-fold) than PTPMEGCS (10-fold). These results indicate that in COS-7 cells both PTPMEG and PTPMEGCS inhibit cell proliferation, reduce the saturation density, and block the ability of these cells to grow without adhering to a solid matrix.


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The bcr-abl chimeric oncoprotein exhibits deregulated protein tyrosine kinase activity and is implicated in the pathogenesis of Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-positive human leukemias, such as chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Recently we have shown that the levels of the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B are enhanced in p210 bcr-abl-expressing cell lines. Furthermore, PTP1B recognizes p210 bcr-abl as a substrate, disrupts the formation of a p210 bcr-abl/Grb2 complex, and inhibits signaling events initiated by this oncoprotein PTK. In this report, we have examined whether PTP1B effects transformation induced by p210 bcr-abl. We demonstrate that expression of either wild-type PTP1B or the substrate-trapping mutant form of the enzyme (PTP1B-D181A) in p210 bcr-abl-transformed Rat-1 fibroblasts diminished the ability of these cells to form colonies in soft agar, to grow in reduced serum, and to form tumors in nude mice. In contrast, TCPTP, the closest relative of PTP1B, did not effect p210 bcr-abl-induced transformation. Furthermore, neither PTP1B nor TCPTP inhibited transformation induced by v-Abl. In addition, overexpression of PTP1B or treatment with CGP57148, a small molecule inhibitor of p210 bcr-abl, induced erythroid differentiation of K562 cells, a CML cell line derived from a patient in blast crisis. These data suggest that PTP1B is a selective, endogenous inhibitor of p210 bcr-abl and is likely to be important in the pathogenesis of CML.


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Src family protein-tyrosine kinases are implicated in signaling via glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored receptors. Both kinds of molecules reside in opposite leaflets of the same sphingolipid-enriched microdomains in the lymphocyte plasma membrane without making direct contact. Under detergent-free conditions, we isolated a GPI-enriched plasma membrane fraction, also containing transmembrane proteins, selectively associated with sphingolipid microdomains. Nonionic detergents released the transmembrane proteins, yielding core sphingolipid microdomains, limited amounts of which could also be obtained by detergent-free subcellular fractionation. Protein-tyrosine kinase activity in membranes containing both GPI-anchored and transmembrane proteins was much lower than in core sphingolipid microdomains but was strongly reactivated by nonionic detergents. The inhibitory mechanism acting on Lck and Fyn kinases in these membranes was independent of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase CD45 and was characterized as a mixed, noncompetitive one. We propose that in lymphocyte plasma membranes, Lck and Fyn kinases exhibit optimal activity when juxtaposed to the GPI- and sphingolipid-enriched core microdomains but encounter inhibitory conditions in surrounding membrane areas that are rich in glycerophospholipids and contain additional transmembrane proteins.


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Activating mutations in the Kit receptor tyrosine kinase have been identified in both rodent and human mast cell leukemia. One activating Kit mutation substitutes a valine for aspartic acid at codon 816 (D816V) and is frequently observed in human mastocytosis. Mutation at the equivalent position in the murine c-kit gene, involving a substitution of tyrosine for aspartic acid (D814Y), has been described in the mouse mastocytoma cell line P815. We have investigated the mechanism of oncogenic activation by this mutation. Expression of this mutant Kit receptor tyrosine kinase in a mast cell line led to the selective tyrosine phosphorylation of a 130-kDa protein and the degradation, through the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway, of a 65-kDa phosphoprotein. The 65-kDa protein was identified as the src homology domain 2 (SH2)-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1, a negative regulator of signaling by Kit and other hematopoietic receptors, and the protein product of the murine motheaten locus. This mutation also altered the sites of receptor autophosphorylation and peptide substrate selectivity. Thus, this mutation activates the oncogenic potential of Kit by a novel mechanism involving an alteration in Kit substrate recognition and the degradation of SHP-1, an attenuator of the Kit signaling pathway.


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Transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatases, such as CD45, can act as both positive and negative regulators of cellular signaling. CD45 positively modulates T cell receptor (TCR) signaling by constitutively priming p56lck through the dephosphorylation of the C-terminal negative regulatory phosphotyrosine site. However, CD45 can also exert negative effects on cellular processes, including events triggered by integrin-mediated adhesion. To better understand these opposing actions of tyrosine phosphatases, the subcellular compartmentalization of CD45 was imaged by using laser scanning confocal microscopy during functional TCR signaling of live T lymphocytes. On antigen engagement, CD45 was first excluded from the central region of the interface between the T cell and the antigen-presenting surface where CD45 would inhibit integrin activation. Subsequently, CD45 was recruited back to the center of the contact to an area adjacent to the site of sustained TCR engagement. Thus, CD45 is well positioned within a supramolecular assembly in the vicinity of the engaged TCR, where CD45 would be able to maintain src-kinase activity for the duration of TCR engagement.


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The structure of the catalytically inactive mutant (C215S) of the human protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) has been solved to high resolution in two complexes. In the first, crystals were grown in the presence of bis-(para-phosphophenyl) methane (BPPM), a synthetic high-affinity low-molecular weight nonpeptidic substrate (Km = 16 μM), and the structure was refined to an R-factor of 18.2% at 1.9 Å resolution. In the second, crystals were grown in a saturating concentration of phosphotyrosine (pTyr), and the structure was refined to an R-factor of 18.1% at 1.85 Å. Difference Fourier maps showed that BPPM binds PTP1B in two mutually exclusive modes, one in which it occupies the canonical pTyr-binding site (the active site), and another in which a phosphophenyl moiety interacts with a set of residues not previously observed to bind aryl phosphates. The identification of a second pTyr molecule at the same site in the PTP1B/C215S–pTyr complex confirms that these residues constitute a low-affinity noncatalytic aryl phosphate-binding site. Identification of a second aryl phosphate binding site adjacent to the active site provides a paradigm for the design of tight-binding, highly specific PTP1B inhibitors that can span both the active site and the adjacent noncatalytic site. This design can be achieved by tethering together two small ligands that are individually targeted to the active site and the proximal noncatalytic site.


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Previous reports indicate that the expression and/or activity of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) LAR are increased in insulin-responsive tissues of obese, insulin-resistant humans and rodents, but it is not known whether these alterations contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. To address this question, we generated transgenic mice that overexpress human LAR, specifically in muscle, to levels comparable to those reported in insulin-resistant humans. In LAR-transgenic mice, fasting plasma insulin was increased 2.5-fold compared with wild-type controls, whereas fasting glucose was normal. Whole-body glucose disposal and glucose uptake into muscle in vivo were reduced by 39–50%. Insulin injection resulted in normal tyrosyl phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) in muscle of transgenic mice. However, phosphorylation of IRS-2 was reduced by 62%, PI3′ kinase activity associated with phosphotyrosine, IRS-1, or IRS-2 was reduced by 34–57%, and association of p85α with both IRS proteins was reduced by 39–52%. Thus, overexpression of LAR in muscle causes whole-body insulin resistance, most likely due to dephosphorylation of specific regulatory phosphotyrosines on IRS proteins. Our data suggest that increased expression and/or activity of LAR or related PTPs in insulin target tissues of obese humans may contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance.


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IA-2 is a 105,847 Da transmembrane protein that belongs to the protein tyrosine phosphatase family. Immunoperoxidase staining with antibody raised against IA-2 showed that this protein is expressed in human pancreatic islet cells. In this study, we expressed the full-length cDNA clone of IA-2 in a rabbit reticulocyte transcription/translation system and used the recombinant radiolabeled IA-2 protein to detect autoantibodies by immunoprecipitation. Coded sera (100) were tested: 50 from patients with newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and 50 from age-matched normal controls. Sixty-six percent of the sera from patients, but none of the sera from controls, reacted with IA-2. The same diabetic sera tested for autoantibodies to islet cells (ICA) by indirect immunofluorescence and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65Ab) by depletion ELISA showed 68% and 52% positivity, respectively. Up to 86% of the IDDM patients had autoantibodies to IA-2 and/or GAD65. Moreover, greater than 90% (14 of 15) of the ICA-positive but GAD65Ab-negative sera had autoantibodies to IA-2. Absorption experiments showed that the immunofluorescence reactivity of ICA-positive sera was greatly reduced by prior incubation with recombinant IA-2 or GAD65 when the respective antibody was present. A little over one-half (9 of 16) of the IDDM sera that were negative for ICA were found to be positive for autoantibodies to IA-2 and/or GAD65, arguing that the immunofluorescence test for ICA is less sensitive than the recombinant tests for autoantibodies to IA-2 and GAD65. It is concluded that IA-2 is a major islet cell autoantigen in IDDM, and, together with GAD65, is responsible for much of the reactivity of ICA with pancreatic islets. Tests for the detection of autoantibodies to recombinant IA-2 and GAD65 may eventually replace ICA immunofluorescence for IDDM population screening.


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Alendronate (ALN), an aminobisphosphonate used in the treatment of osteoporosis, is a potent inhibitor of bone resorption. Its molecular target is still unknown. This study examines the effects of ALN on the activity of osteoclast protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP; protein-tyrosine-phosphate phosphohydrolase, EC, called PTPepsilon. Using osteoclast-like cells generated by coculturing mouse bone marrow cells with mouse calvaria osteoblasts, we found by molecular cloning and RNA blot hybridization that PTPepsilon is highly expressed in osteoclastic cells. A purified fusion protein of PTPepsilon expressed in bacteria was inhibited by ALN with an IC50 of 2 microM. Other PTP inhibitors--orthovanadate and phenylarsine oxide (PAO)-inhibited PTPepsilon with IC50 values of 0.3 microM and 18 microM, respectively. ALN and another bisphosphonate, etidronate, also inhibited the activities of other bacterially expressed PTPs such as PTPsigma and CD45 (also called leukocyte common antigen). The PTP inhibitors ALN, orthovanadate, and PAO suppressed in vitro formation of multinucleated osteoclasts from osteoclast precursors and in vitro bone resorption by isolated rat osteoclasts (pit formation) with estimated IC50 values of 10 microM, 3 microM, and 0.05 microM, respectively. These findings suggest that tyrosine phosphatase activity plays an important role in osteoclast formation and function and is a putative molecular target of bisphosphonate action.