25 resultados para Prolifération de thymocyte

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Recent studies indicate that CTLA-4 interaction with B7 ligands transduces an inhibitory signal to T lymphocytes. Mice homozygous for a null mutation in CTLA-4 have provided the most dramatic example of the functional importance of CTLA-4 in vivo. These animals develop a fatal lymphoproliferative disorder and were reported to have an increase in CD4+ and CD8+ thymocytes and CD4−CD8− thymocytes, and a decrease in CD4+CD8+ thymocytes. Based on these observations, it was proposed that CTLA-4 is necessary for normal thymocyte development. In this study, CTLA-4-deficient mice carrying an insertional mutation into exon 3 of the ctla-4 gene were generated. Although these mice display a lymphoproliferative disorder similar to previous reports, there was no alteration in the thymocyte profiles when the parathymic lymph nodes were excluded from the thymi. Further, thymocyte development was normal throughout ontogeny and in neonates, and there was no increase in thymocyte production. Finally, T cell antigen receptor signaling, as assessed by proximal and distal events, was not altered in thymocytes from CTLA-4−/− animals. Collectively, these results clearly demonstrate that the abnormal T cell expansion in the CTLA-4-deficient mice is not due to altered thymocyte development and suggest that the apparent altered thymic phenotype previously described was due to the inclusion of parathymic lymph nodes and, in visibly ill animals, to the infiltration of the thymus by activated peripheral T cells. Thus it appears that CTLA-4 is primarily involved in the regulation of peripheral T cell activation.


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Thymocytes and thymic dendritic cell (DC) lineages develop simultaneously and may originate from a common intrathymic progenitor. Mice deficient for two growth factor receptor molecules [c-kit and the common cytokine receptor γ chain (γc)] lack all thymocytes including T cell progenitors. Despite this lack of pro-T cells, thymic DC compartments were identified in c-kit−γc− mice. Thus, c-kit- and γc-mediated signals are not essential to generate thymic DCs. In addition, pro-T cells do not appear to be obligatory progenitors of thymic DCs, because DC development is dissociated from the generation of thymocytes in these mice. Thymic DCs in c-kit−γc− mice are phenotypically and functionally normal. In contrast to wild-type mice, however, thymic DCs in c-kit−γc− and, notably, in RAG-2-deficient mice are CD8αneg/low, indicating that CD8α expression on thymic DCs is not independent of thymocytes developing beyond the “RAG-block.”


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The Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) recently have been shown to be required for thymocyte apoptosis and T cell differentiation and/or proliferation. To investigate the molecular targets of JNK signaling in lymphoid cells, we used mice in which the serines phosphorylated by JNK in c-Jun were replaced by homologous recombination with alanines (junAA mice). Lymphocytes from these mice showed no phosphorylation of c-Jun in response to activation stimuli, whereas c-Jun was rapidly phosphorylated in wild-type cells. Despite the fact that c-jun is essential for early development, junAA mice develop normally; however, c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation was required for efficient T cell receptor-induced and tumor necrosis factor-α-induced thymocyte apoptosis. In contrast, c-Jun phosphorylation by JNK is not required for T cell proliferation or differentiation. Because jnk2−/− T cells display a proliferation defect, we concluded that JNK2 must have other substrates required for lymphocyte function. Surprisingly, jnk2−/− T cells showed reduced NF-AT DNA-binding activity after activation. Furthermore, overexpression of JNK2 in Jurkat T cells strongly enhanced NF-AT-dependent transcription. These results demonstrate that JNK signaling differentially uses c-Jun and NF-AT as molecular effectors during thymocyte apoptosis and T cell proliferation.


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The X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) and other members of the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) family can suppress apoptosis induced by a diverse variety of triggers. Functional studies done to date have focused on tissue culture models and adenovirus overexpression of XIAP and other IAP proteins. Here we report the phenotype of an engineered transgenic mouse overexpressing a human IAP, as well as assessing the long-term consequence of IAP overexpression. We document the relative protein expression levels of the endogenous mouse homologue to XIAP, mouse inhibitor of apoptosis (MIAP 3), within thymocyte and T cell subpopulations. The consequence of lymphoid-targeted overexpression of XIAP in transgenic mice suggests a physiological role for the endogenous protein, MIAP3. Xiap-transgenic mice accumulated thymocytes and/or T cells in primary and secondary lymphoid tissue, T cell maturation was perturbed, and transgenic thymocytes resisted a variety of apoptotic triggers both in vitro and in vivo. These observations imply a possible key function for the intrinsic cellular inhibitor XIAP in maintaining the homeostasis of the immune system.


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A major therapeutic target in the search for a cure to the devastating Alzheimer's disease is γ-secretase. This activity resides in a multiprotein enzyme complex responsible for the generation of Aβ42 peptides, precipitates of which are thought to cause the disease. γ-Secretase is also a critical component of the Notch signal transduction pathway; Notch signals regulate development and differentiation of adult self-renewing cells. This has led to the hypothesis that therapeutic inhibition of γ-secretase may interfere with Notch-related processes in adults, most alarmingly in hematopoiesis. Here, we show that application of γ-secretase inhibitors to fetal thymus organ cultures interferes with T cell development in a manner consistent with loss or reduction of Notch1 function. Progression from an immature CD4−/CD8− state to an intermediate CD4+/CD8+ double-positive state was repressed. Furthermore, treatment beginning later at the double-positive stage specifically inhibited CD8+ single-positive maturation but did not affect CD4+ single-positive cells. These results demonstrate that pharmacological γ-secretase inhibition recapitulates Notch1 loss in a vertebrate tissue and present a system in which rapid evaluation of γ-secretase-targeted pharmaceuticals for their ability to inhibit Notch activity can be performed in a relevant context.


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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are key regulatory events in T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling. We investigated the role of the tyrosine phosphatase SHPTP1 in TCR signaling by analysis of TCR signal transduction in motheaten (me/me) mice, which lack SHPTP1 expression. As revealed by flow cytometric analysis, thymocyte development was normal in me/me mice. However, me/me thymocytes hyperproliferated (3-to 5-fold) in response to TCR stimulation, whereas their response to interleukin 2 stimulation was unchanged compared with normal thymocytes. TCR-induced hyperproliferation of me/me thymocytes was reproduced in purified single-positive thymocytes. Moreover, me/me thymocytes produced increased amounts of interleukin 2 production upon TCR stimulation. Biochemical analysis revealed that, in response to TCR or TCR/CD4 stimulation, thymocytes lacking SHPTP1 showed increased tyrosyl phosphorylation of several cellular substrates, which correlated with increased activation of the src-family kinases Lck and Fyn. Taken together, our data suggest that SHPTP1 is an important negative regulator of TCR signaling, acting at least in part to inactivate Lck and Fyn.


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Adenosine deaminase (ADA, EC is a ubiquitous enzyme in the purine catabolic pathway. In contrast to the widespread tissue distribution of this enzyme, inherited ADA deficiency in human results in a tissue-specific severe combined immunodeficiency. To explain the molecular basis for this remarkable tissue specificity, we have used a genetic approach to study ADA deficiency. We demonstrate that ADA deficiency causes depletion of CD8low transitional and CD4+CD8+ double-positive thymocytes by an apoptotic mechanism. This effect is mediated by a p53-dependent pathway, since p53-deficient mice are resistant to the apoptosis induced by ADA deficiency. DNA damage, known to be caused by the abnormal accumulation of dATP in ADA deficiency, is therefore responsible for the ablation of T-cell development and for the immunodeficiency. The two thymocyte subsets most susceptible to apoptosis induced by ADA deficiency are also the two thymocyte subsets with the lowest levels of bcl-2 expression. We show that thymocytes from transgenic mice that overexpress bcl-2 in the thymus are rescued from apoptosis induced by ADA deficiency. Thus, the tissue specificity of the pathological effects of ADA deficiency is due to the low bcl-2 expression in CD8low transitional and CD4+CD8+ double-positive thymocytes.


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The T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain is instrumental in the progression of thymocyte differentiation from the CD4-CD8- to the CD4+CD8+ stage. This differentiation step may involve cell surface expression of novel CD3-TCR complexes. To facilitate biochemical characterization of these complexes, we established cell lines from thymic lymphomas originating from mice carrying a mutation in the p53 gene on the one hand and a mutation in TCR-alpha, TCR-beta, or the recombination activating gene 1 (RAG-1) on the other hand. The cell lines were CD4+CD8+ and appeared to be monoclonal. A cell line derived from a RAG-1 x p53 double mutant thymic lymphoma expressed low levels of CD3-epsilon, -gamma, and -delta on the surface. TCR-alpha x p53 double mutant cell lines were found to express complexes consisting of TCR-beta chains associated with CD3-epsilon, -gamma, and -delta chains and CD3-zeta zeta dimers. These lines will be useful tools to study the molecular structure and signal transducing properties of partial CD3-TCR complexes expressed on the surface of immature thymocytes.


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During αβ thymocyte development, clonotype-independent CD3 complexes are expressed at the cell surface before the pre-T cell receptor (TCR). Signaling through clonotype-independent CD3 complexes is required for expression of rearranged TCRβ genes. On expression of a TCRβ polypeptide chain, the pre-TCR is assembled, and TCRβ locus allelic exclusion is established. We investigated the putative contribution of clonotype-independent CD3 complex signaling to TCRβ locus allelic exclusion in mice single-deficient or double-deficient for CD3ζ/η and/or p56lck. These mice display defects in the expression of endogenous TCRβ genes in immature thymocytes, proportional to the severity of CD3 complex malfunction. Exclusion of endogenous TCRβ VDJ (variable, diversity, joining) rearrangements by a functional TCRβ transgene was severely compromised in the single-deficient and double-deficient mutant mice. In contrast to wild-type mice, most of the CD25+ double-negative (DN) thymocytes of the mutant mice failed to express the TCRβ transgene, suggesting defective expression of the TCRβ transgene similar to endogenous TCRβ genes. In the mutant mice, a proportion of CD25+ DN thymocytes that failed to express the transgene expressed endogenous TCRβ polypeptide chains. Many double-positive cells of the mutant mice coexpressed endogenous and transgenic TCRβ chains or more than one endogenous TCRβ chain. The data suggest that signaling through clonotype-independent CD3 complexes may contribute to allelic exclusion of the TCRβ locus by inducing the expression of rearranged TCRβ genes in CD25+ DN thymocytes.


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Developmental commitment involves activation of lineage-specific genes, stabilization of a lineage-specific gene expression program, and permanent inhibition of inappropriate characteristics. To determine how these processes are coordinated in early T cell development, the expression of T and B lineage-specific genes was assessed in staged subsets of immature thymocytes. T lineage characteristics are acquired sequentially, with germ-line T cell antigen receptor-β transcripts detected very early, followed by CD3ɛ and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, then pTα, and finally RAG1. Only RAG1 expression coincides with commitment. Thus, much T lineage gene expression precedes commitment and does not depend on it. Early in the course of commitment to the T lineage, thymocytes lose the ability to develop into B cells. To understand how this occurs, we also examined expression of well defined B lineage-specific genes. Although λ5 and Ig-α are not expressed, the μ0 and Iμ transcripts from the unrearranged IgH locus are expressed early, in distinct patterns, then repressed just before RAG1 expression. By contrast, RNA encoding the B cell receptor component Ig-β was found to be transcribed in all immature thymocyte subpopulations and throughout most thymocyte differentiation. Ig-β expression is down-regulated only during positive selection of CD4+CD8– cells. Thus several key participants in the B cell developmental program are expressed in non-B lineage-committed cells, and one is maintained even through commitment to an alternative lineage, and repressed only after extensive T lineage differentiation. The results show that transcriptional activation of “lymphocyte-specific” genes can occur in uncommitted precursors, and that T lineage commitment is a composite of distinct positive and negative regulatory events.


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An early stage in thymocyte development, after rearrangement of the β chain genes of the T cell receptor (TCR), involves expression of the pre-TCR complex and accompanying differentiation of CD4−CD8− double negative (DN) cells to CD4+CD8+ double positive (DP) cells. The ZAP-70 and Syk tyrosine kinases each contain two N-terminal SH2 domains that bind phosphorylated motifs in antigen receptor subunits and are implicated in pre-T receptor signaling. However, mice deficient in either ZAP-70 or Syk have no defect in the formation of DP thymocytes. Here we show that, in mice lacking both Syk and ZAP-70, DN thymocytes undergo β chain gene rearrangement but fail to initiate clonal expansion and are incapable of differentiating into DP cells after expression of the pre-TCR. These data suggest that the ZAP-70 and Syk tyrosine kinases have crucial but overlapping functions in signaling from the pre-TCR and hence in early thymocyte development.


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T cell antigen receptor (TCR) and pre-TCR complexes are composed of clonotypic heterodimers in association with dimers of signal transducing invariant subunits (CD3γ, -δ, -ɛ, and ζ). The role of individual invariant subunits in T cell development has been investigated by generating gene-specific mutations in mice. Mutation of CD3γ, -δ, or ζ results in an incomplete block in development, characterized by reduced numbers of mature T cells that express low levels of TCR. In contrast, mature T cells are absent from CD3ɛ−/− mice, and thymocyte development is arrested at the early CD4−CD8− stage. Although these results suggest that CD3ɛ is essential for pre-TCR and TCR expression/function, their interpretation is complicated by the fact that expression of the CD3γ and CD3δ genes also is reduced in CD3ɛ−/− mice. Thus, it is unclear whether the phenotype of CD3ɛ−/− mice reflects the collective effects of CD3γ, -δ, and -ɛ deficiency. By removing the selectable marker (PGK-NEO) from the targeted CD3ɛ gene via Cre/loxP-mediated recombination, we generated mice that lack CD3ɛ yet retain normal expression of the closely linked CD3γ and CD3δ genes. These (CD3ɛΔ/Δ) mice exhibited an early arrest in T cell development, similar to that of CD3ɛ−/− mice. Moreover, the developmental defect could be rescued by expression of a CD3ɛ transgene. These results identify an essential role for CD3ɛ in T cell development not shared by the CD3γ, CD3δ, or ζ-family proteins and provide further evidence that PGK-NEO can influence the expression of genes in its proximity.


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The vitronectin receptor is a member of the integrin family of adhesion protein receptors and binds a broad spectrum of ligands, including fibronectin and fibrinogen in addition to vitronectin. We have generated four mAbs that recognize the murine αvβ3 vitronectin receptor. Biochemical and expression analyses showed that two of the mAbs are specific for the αv chain, and two are specific for the β3 chain. The mAbs are effective blocking reagents and inhibited cell adhesion to vitronectin, fibrinogen, and fibronectin. Staining analysis revealed expression of αv and β3 on certain populations of murine thymocytes, splenocytes, and bone marrow cells. The expression of αv and β3 appeared to be modulated at specific stages of thymocyte development, suggesting a possible function for the αvβ3 vitronectin receptor in T cell development.


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Immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes expressing T-cell antigen receptors (TCR) are selected by TCR-mediated recognition of peptides associated with major histocompatibility complex molecules on thymic stromal cells. Selection ensures reactivity of the mature cells to foreign antigens and tolerance to self. Although much has been learned about the factors that determine whether a thymocyte with a given specificity will be positively or negatively selected, selection as an aspect of the developmental process as a whole is less well-understood. Here we invoke a model in which thymocytes tune their response characteristics individually and dynamically in the course of development. Cellular development and selection are driven by receptor-mediated metabolic perturbations. Perturbation is a measure of the net intracellular change induced by external stimulation. It results from the integration of several signals and countersignals over time and therefore depends on the environment and the maturation stage of the cell. Individual cell adaptation limits the range of perturbations. Such adaptation renders thymocytes less sensitive to the level of stimulation per se, but responsive to environmental changes in that level. This formulation begins to explain the mechanisms that link developmental and selection events to each other.