11 resultados para Practical Atlas of Ruminant and Camelid Reproductive Ultrasonography
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
The ‘Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology’ (http://www.infobiogen.fr/services/chromcancer) is an Internet database aimed at genes involved in cancer, cytogenetics and clinical entities in cancer, and cancer-prone diseases. It presents information in concise and updated reviews (cards) or longer texts (deep insights), a (new) case report section, a huge portal towards genetics and/or cancer databases, and teaching items in genetics for students in medicine and the sciences. This database is made for and by clinicians and researchers in the above-mentioned fields, who are encouraged to contribute. It deals with cancer research, genomics and cytogenomics. It is at the crossroads of research, post-university teaching and telemedicine. The Atlas is available at no cost.
A rickettsial bacterium in the genus Wolbachia is the cause of a unidirectional reproductive incompatibility observed between two major beetle pests of maize, the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, and the Mexican corn rootworm, D. v. zeae. These subspecies are allopatric except for two known regions of sympatry in Texas and Mexico. We demonstrate that populations of D. v. virgifera, with the exception of two populations in southern Arizona, are infected with a strain of Wolbachia. Populations of D. v. zeae are not infected. Treatment of D. v. virgifera with tetracycline eliminated the Wolbachia and removed the reproductive incompatibility. Similar patterns of reproductive incompatibility exist among taxa of the cricket genus Gryllus. Gryllus assimilis, G. integer, G. ovisopis, G. pennsylvanicus, and G. rubens are infected with Wolbachia whereas G. firmus is usually not. Populations of G. rubens and G. ovisopis carry the same Wolbachia strain, which is distinct from that of G. integer. G. pennsylvanicus is infected with two Wolbachia strains, that found in G. rubens and one unique to G. pennsylvanicus. Moreover, a proportion of G. pennsylvanicus individuals harbors both strains. Wolbachia may have influenced speciation in some members of the genus Gryllus by affecting the degree of hybridization between species. Given that Wolbachia infections are relatively common in insects, it is likely that other insect hybrid zones may be influenced by infections with Wolbachia.
Family of MADS-Box Genes Expressed Early in Male and Female Reproductive Structures of Monterey Pine
Three MADS-box genes isolated from Monterey pine (Pinus radiata), PrMADS1, PrMADS2, and PrMADS3, are orthologs to members of the AGL2 and AGL6 gene subfamilies in Arabidopsis. These genes were expressed during early stages of pine shoot development in differentiating seed- and pollen-cone buds. Their transcripts were found within a group of cells that formed ovuliferous scale and microsporophyll primordia. Expression of PrMADS3 was also detected in a group of cells giving rise to needle primordia within differentiated vegetative buds, and in needle primordia.
For almost a century, events relating to the evolutionary origin of endosperm, a unique embryo-nourishing tissue that is essential to the reproductive process in flowering plants, have remained a mystery. Integration of recent advances in phylogenetic reconstruction, comparative reproductive biology, and genetic theory can be used to elucidate the evolutionary events and forces associated with the establishment of endosperm. Endosperm is shown to be derived from one of two embryos formed during a rudimentary process of "double fertilization" that evolved in the ancestors of angiosperms. Acquisition of embryo-nourishing behavior (with accompanying loss of individual fitness) by this supernumerary fertilization product was dependent upon compensatory gains in the inclusive fitness of related embryos. The result of the loss of individual fitness by one of the two original products of double fertilization was the establishment of endosperm, a highly modified embryo/organism that reproduces cryptically through behavior that enhances the fitness of its associated embryo within a seed. Finally, although triploid endosperm remains a synapomorphy of angiosperms, inclusive fitness analysis demonstrates that the embryo-nourishing properties of endosperm initially evolved in a diploid condition.
Simple cladogenetic theory suggests that gene genealogies can be used to detect mixis in a population and delineate reproductively isolated groups within sexual taxa. We have taken this approach in a study of Coccidioides immitis, an ascomycete fungus responsible for a recent epidemic of coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) in California. To test whether this fungus represents a single sexual species throughout its entire geographic range, we have compared genealogies from fragments of five nuclear genes. The five genealogies show multiple incompatibilities indicative of sex, but also share a branch that partitions the isolates into two reproductively isolated taxa, one centered in California and the other outside California. We conclude that coccidioidomycosis can be caused by two distinct noninterbreeding taxa. This result should aid the future study of the disease and illustrates the utility of the genealogical approach in population genetics.
Presented analysis of human and fly life tables proves that with the specified accuracy their entire survival and mortality curves are uniquely determined by a single point (e.g., by the birth mortality q0), according to the law, which is universal for species as remote as humans and flies. Mortality at any age decreases with the birth mortality q0. According to life tables, in the narrow vicinity of a certain q0 value (which is the same for all animals of a given species, independent of their living conditions), the curves change very rapidly and nearly simultaneously for an entire population of different ages. The change is the largest in old age. Because probability to survive to the mean reproductive age quantifies biological fitness and evolution, its universal rapid change with q0 (which changes with living conditions) manifests a new kind of an evolutionary spurt of an entire population. Agreement between theoretical and life table data is explicitly seen in the figures. Analysis of the data on basic metabolism reduces it to the maximal mean lifespan (for animals from invertebrates to mammals), or to the maximal mean fission time (for bacteria), and universally scales them with the total number of body atoms only. Phenomenological origin of this unification and universality of metabolism, survival, and evolution is suggested. Their implications and challenges are discussed.
Peptides corresponding to the immunodominant loop located at residues 135–158 on capsid protein VP1 of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) generally elicit high levels of anti-peptide and virus-neutralizing antibodies. In some instances, however, the level of neutralizing antibodies is low or even negligible, even though the level of anti-peptide antibodies is high. We have shown previously that the antigenic activity of peptide 141–159 of VP1 of a variant of serotype A can be mimicked by a retro-inverso (all-d retro or retroenantio) peptide analogue. This retro-inverso analogue induced greater and longer-lasting antibody titers than did the corresponding l-peptide. We now show that a single inoculation of the retro-inverso analogue elicits high levels of neutralizing antibodies that persist longer than those induced against the corresponding l-peptide and confer substantial protection in guinea pigs challenged with the cognate virus. In view of the high stability to proteases of retro-inverso peptide analogues and their enhanced immunogenicity, these results have practical relevance in designing potential peptide vaccines.
Rapid divergence in postmating-prezygotic characters suggests that selection may be responsible for generating reproductive barriers between closely related species. Theoretical models indicate that this rapid divergence could be generated by a series of male adaptations and female counteradaptations by means of sexual selection or conflict, but empirical tests of particular mechanisms are generally lacking. Moreover, although a male–female genotypic interaction in mediating sperm competition attests to an active role of females, molecular or morphological evidence of the female's participation in the coevolutionary process is critically needed. Here we show that postmating-prezygotic variation among populations of cactophilic desert Drosophila reflects divergent coevolutionary trajectories between the sexes. We explicitly test the female's role in intersexual interactions by quantifying differences in a specific postmating-prezygotic reproductive character, the insemination reaction mass, in two species, Drosophila mojavensis and Drosophila arizonae. A series of interpopulation crosses confirmed that population divergence was propelled by male–female interactions, a prerequisite if the selective forces derive from sexual conflicts. An association between the reaction mass and remating and oviposition behavior argues that divergence has been propelled by sexually antagonistic coevolution, and potentially has important implications for speciation.
In nearly all eukaryotes, at least some individuals inherit mitochondrial and chloroplast genes from only one parent. There is no single mechanism of uniparental inheritance: organelle gene inheritance is blocked by a variety of mechanisms and at different stages of reproduction in different species. Frequent changes in the pattern of organelle gene inheritance during evolution suggest that it is subject to varying selective pressures. Organelle genes often fail to recombine even when inherited biparentally; consequently, their inheritance is asexual. Sexual reproduction is apparently less important for genes in organelles than for nuclear genes, probably because there are fewer of them. As a result organelle sex can be lost because of selection for special reproductive features such as oogamy or because uniparental inheritance reduces the spread of cytoplasmic parasites and selfish organelle DNA.
Odortypes--namely, body odors that distinguish one individual from another on the basis of genetic polymorphism at the major histocompatibility complex and other loci--are a fundamental element in the social life and reproductive behavior of the mouse, including familial imprinting, mate choice, and control of early pregnancy. Odortypes are strongly represented in urine. During mouse pregnancy, an outcrossed mother's urine acquires fetal major histocompatibility complex odortypes of paternal origin, an observation that we took as the focus of a search for odortypes in humans, using a fully automated computer-programmed olfactometer in which trained rats are known to distinguish precisely the odortypes of another species. Five women provided urine samples before and after birth, which in each case appropriately trained rats were found to distinguish in the olfactometer. Whether this olfactory distinction of mothers' urine before and after birth reflects in part the odortype and hence genotype of the fetus, and not just the state of pregnancy per se, was tested in a second study in which each mother's postpartum urine was mixed either with urine from her own infant or with urine of a different, same-aged infant. Responses of trained rats were more positive with respect to the former (congruous) mixtures than to the latter (incongruous) mixtures, implying that, as in the mouse, human fetal odortypes of paternal genomic origin are represented in the odortype of the mother, doubtless by circulatory transfer of the pertinent odorants.