10 resultados para Poultney, Evan.
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Deficiency of blood coagulation factor V or tissue factor causes the death of mouse embryos by 10.5 days of gestation, suggesting that part of the blood coagulation system is necessary for development. This function is proposed to require either generation of the serine protease thrombin and cell signaling through protease-activated receptors or an activity of tissue factor that is distinct from blood clotting. We find that murine deficiency of prothrombin clotting factor 2 (Cf2) was associated with the death of approximately 50% of Cf2−/− embryos by embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5), and surviving embryos had characteristic defects in yolk sac vasculature. Most of the remaining Cf2−/− embryos died by E15.5, but those surviving to E18.5 appeared normal. The rare Cf2−/− neonates died of hemorrhage on the first postnatal day. These studies suggest that a part of the blood coagulation system is adapted to perform a developmental function. Other mouse models show that the absence of platelets or of fibrinogen does not cause fetal wastage. Therefore, the role of thrombin in development may be independent of its effects on blood coagulation and instead may involve signal transduction on cells other than platelets.
The formation of estrogens from C19 steroids is catalyzed by aromatase cytochrome P450 (P450arom), the product of the cyp19 gene. The actions of estrogen include dimorphic anatomical, functional, and behavioral effects on the development of both males and females, considerations that prompted us to examine the consequences of deficiency of aromatase activity in mice. Mice lacking a functional aromatase enzyme (ArKO) were generated by targeted disruption of the cyp19 gene. Male and female ArKO mice were born with the expected Mendelian frequency from F1 parents and grew to adulthood. Female ArKO mice at 9 weeks of age displayed underdeveloped external genitalia and uteri. Ovaries contained numerous follicles with abundant granulosa cells and evidence of antrum formation that appeared arrested before ovulation. No corpora lutea were present. Additionally the stroma were hyperplastic with structures that appeared to be atretic follicles. Development of the mammary glands approximated that of a prepubertal female. Examination of male ArKO mice of the same age revealed essentially normal internal anatomy but with enlargement of the male accessory sex glands because of increased content of secreted material. The testes appeared normal. Male ArKO mice are capable of breeding and produce litters of approximately average size. Whereas serum estradiol levels were at the limit of detection, testosterone levels were elevated, as were the levels of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. The phenotype of these animals differs markedly from that of the previously reported ERKO mice, in which the estrogen receptor α is deleted by targeted disruption.
Neurons undergoing targeted photolytic cell death degenerate by apoptosis. Clonal, multipotent neural precursor cells were transplanted into regions of adult mouse neocortex undergoing selective degeneration of layer II/III pyramidal neurons via targeted photolysis. These precursors integrated into the regions of selective neuronal death; 15 ± 7% differentiated into neurons with many characteristics of the degenerated pyramidal neurons. They extended axons and dendrites and established afferent synaptic contacts. In intact and kainic acid-lesioned control adult neocortex, transplanted precursors differentiated exclusively into glia. These results suggest that the microenvironmental alterations produced by this synchronous apoptotic neuronal degeneration in adult neocortex induced multipotent neural precursors to undergo neuronal differentiation which ordinarily occurs only during embryonic corticogenesis. Studying the effects of this defined microenvironmental perturbation on the differentiation of clonal neural precursors may facilitate identification of factors involved in commitment and differentiation during normal development. Because photolytic degeneration simulates some mechanisms underlying apoptotic neurodegenerative diseases, these results also suggest the possibility of neural precursor transplantation as a potential cell replacement or molecular support therapy for some diseases of neocortex, even in the adult.
The trithorax gene family contains members implicated in the control of transcription, development, chromosome structure, and human leukemia. A feature shared by some family members, and by other proteins that function in chromatin-mediated transcriptional regulation, is the presence of a 130- to 140-amino acid motif dubbed the SET or Tromo domain. Here we present analysis of SET1, a yeast member of the trithorax gene family that was identified by sequence inspection to encode a 1080-amino acid protein with a C-terminal SET domain. In addition to its SET domain, which is 40–50% identical to those previously characterized, SET1 also shares dispersed but significant similarity to Drosophila and human trithorax homologues. To understand SET1 function(s), we created a null mutant. Mutant strains, although viable, are defective in transcriptional silencing of the silent mating-type loci and telomeres. The telomeric silencing defect is rescued not only by full-length episomal SET1 but also by the conserved SET domain of SET1. set1 mutant strains display other phenotypes including morphological abnormalities, stationary phase defects, and growth and sporulation defects. Candidate genes that may interact with SET1 include those with functions in transcription, growth, and cell cycle control. These data suggest that yeast SET1, like its SET domain counterparts in other organisms, functions in diverse biological processes including transcription and chromatin structure.
Carbohydrate–protein bonds interrupt the rapid flow of leukocytes in the circulation by initiation of rolling and tethering at vessel walls. The cell surface carbohydrate ligands are glycosylated proteins like the mucin P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), which bind ubiquitously to the family of E-, P-, and L-selectin proteins in membranes of leukocytes and endothelium. The current view is that carbohydrate–selectin bonds dissociate a few times per second, and the unbinding rate increases weakly with force. However, such studies have provided little insight into how numerous hydrogen bonds, a Ca2+ metal ion bond, and other interactions contribute to the mechanical strength of these attachments. Decorating a force probe with very dilute ligands and controlling touch to achieve rare single-bond events, we have varied the unbinding rates of carbohydrate–selectin bonds by detachment with ramps of force/time from 10 to 100,000 pN/sec. Testing PSGL-1, its outer 19 aa (19FT), and sialyl LewisX (sLeX) against L-selectin in vitro on glass microspheres and in situ on neutrophils, we found that the unbinding rates followed the same dependence on force and increased by nearly 1,000-fold as rupture forces rose from a few to ≈200 pN. Plotted on a logarithmic scale of loading rate, the rupture forces reveal two prominent energy barriers along the unbinding pathway. Strengths above 75 pN arise from rapid detachment (<0.01 sec) impeded by an inner barrier that requires a Ca2+ bond between a single sLeX and the lectin domain. Strengths below 75 pN occur under slow detachment (>0.01 sec) impeded by the outer barrier, which appears to involve an array of weak (putatively hydrogen) bonds.
Although the systemic administration of a number of different gene products has been shown to result in the inhibition of angiogenesis and tumor growth in different animal tumor models, the relative potency of those gene products has not been studied rigorously. To address this issue, recombinant adenoviruses encoding angiostatin, endostatin, and the ligand-binding ectodomains of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptors Flk1, Flt1, and neuropilin were generated and used to systemically deliver the different gene products in several different preexisting murine tumor models. Single i.v. injections of viruses encoding soluble forms of Flk1 or Flt1 resulted in ≈80% inhibition of preexisting tumor growth in murine models involving both murine (Lewis lung carcinoma, T241 fibrosarcoma) and human (BxPC3 pancreatic carcinoma) tumors. In contrast, adenoviruses encoding angiostatin, endostatin, or neuropilin were significantly less effective. A strong correlation was observed between the effects of the different viruses on tumor growth and the activity of the viruses in the inhibition of corneal micropocket angiogenesis. These data underscore the need for comparative analyses of different therapeutic approaches that target tumor angiogenesis and provide a rationale for the selection of specific antiangiogenic gene products as lead candidates for use in gene therapy approaches aimed at the treatment of malignant and ocular disorders.
Tranformed-rule up and down psychophysical methods have gained great popularity, mainly because they combine criterion-free responses with an adaptive procedure allowing rapid determination of an average stimulus threshold at various criterion levels of correct responses. The statistical theory underlying the methods now in routine use is based on sets of consecutive responses with assumed constant probabilities of occurrence. The response rules requiring consecutive responses prevent the possibility of using the most desirable response criterion, that of 75% correct responses. The earliest transformed-rule up and down method, whose rules included nonconsecutive responses, did not contain this limitation but failed to become generally accepted, lacking a published theoretical foundation. Such a foundation is provided in this article and is validated empirically with the help of experiments on human subjects and a computer simulation. In addition to allowing the criterion of 75% correct responses, the method is more efficient than the methods excluding nonconsecutive responses in their rules.
Inborn species' perceptual preferences are thought to serve as important guides for neonatal learning in most species of higher vertebrates. Although much work has been carried out on experiential contributions to the expression of such preferences, their neural and developmental correlates remain largely unexplored. Here we use embryonic neural transplants between two bird species, the Japanese quail and the domestic chicken, to demonstrate that an inborn auditory perceptual predisposition is transferable between species. The transfer of the perceptual preference was dissociated from changes to the vocalizations of the resulting animals (called chimeras), suggesting that experiential differences in auditory self-stimulation cannot explain the perceptual change. A preliminary localization of the effective brain region for the behavioral transfer by using a naturally occurring species-cell marker revealed that it is not contained within the major avian auditory pathways. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that abstract aspects of auditory perception can be transferred between species with transplants of the central nervous system.
Memory is one of the most fundamental mental processes. Neuroscientists study this process by using extremely diverse strategies. Two different approaches aimed at understanding learning and memory were introduced in this symposium. The first focuses on the roles played by synaptic plasticity, especially in long-term depression in the cerebellum in motor learning, and its regulatory mechanism. The second approach uses an elegant chick-quail transplantation system on defined brain regions to study how neural populations interact in development to form behaviorally important neural circuits and to elucidate neurobiological correlates of perceptual and motor predispositions.