16 resultados para Positioning precision

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Ligand-specific molecular switches composed of RNA were created by coupling preexisting catalytic and receptor domains via structural bridges. Binding of ligand to the receptor triggers a conformational change within the bridge, and this structural reorganization dictates the activity of the adjoining ribozyme. The modular nature of these tripartite constructs makes possible the rapid construction of precision RNA molecular switches that trigger only in the presence of their corresponding ligand. By using similar enzyme engineering strategies, new RNA switches can be made to operate as designer molecular sensors or as a new class of genetic control elements.


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What are the limits and modulators of neural precision? We address this question in the most regular biological oscillator known, the electric organ command nucleus in the brainstem of wave-type gymnotiform fish. These fish produce an oscillating electric field, the electric organ discharge (EOD), used in electrolocation and communication. We show here that the EOD precision, measured by the coefficient of variation (CV = SD/mean period) is as low as 2 × 10−4 in five species representing three families that range widely in species and individual mean EOD frequencies (70–1,250 Hz). Intracellular recording in the pacemaker nucleus (Pn), which commands the EOD cycle by cycle, revealed that individual Pn neurons of the same species also display an extremely low CV (CV = 6 × 10−4, 0.8 μs SD). Although the EOD CV can remain at its minimum for hours, it varies with novel environmental conditions, during communication, and spontaneously. Spontaneous changes occur as abrupt steps (250 ms), oscillations (3–5 Hz), or slow ramps (10–30 s). Several findings suggest that these changes are under active control and depend on behavioral state: mean EOD frequency and CV can change independently; CV often decreases in response to behavioral stimuli; and lesions of one of the two inputs to the Pn had more influence on CV than lesions of the other input.


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Extensive studies of the β-phaseolin (phas) gene in transgenic tobacco have shown that it is highly active during seed embryogenesis but is completely silent in leaf and other vegetative tissues. In vivo footprinting revealed that the lack of even basal transcriptional activity in vegetative tissues is associated with the presence of a nucleosome that is rotationally positioned with base pair precision over three phased TATA boxes present in the phas promoter. Positioning is sequence-dependent because an identical rotational setting is obtained upon nucleosome reconstitution in vitro. A comparison of DNase I and dimethyl sulfate footprints in vivo and in vitro strongly suggests that this repressive chromatin architecture is remodeled concomitant with gene activation in the developing seed. This leads to the disruption of histone-mediated DNA wrapping and the assembly of the TATA boxes into a transcriptionally competent nucleoprotein complex.


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In several cell types, an intriguing correlation exists between the position of the centrosome and the direction of cell movement: the centrosome is located behind the leading edge, suggesting that it serves as a steering device for directional movement. A logical extension of this suggestion is that a change in the direction of cell movement is preceded by a reorientation, or shift, of the centrosome in the intended direction of movement. We have used a fusion protein of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and γ-tubulin to label the centrosome in migrating amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum, allowing us to determine the relationship of centrosome positioning and the direction of cell movement with high spatial and temporal resolution in living cells. We find that the extension of a new pseudopod in a migrating cell precedes centrosome repositioning. An average of 12 sec elapses between the initiation of pseudopod extension and reorientation of the centrosome. If no reorientation occurs within approximately 30 sec, the pseudopod is retracted. Thus the centrosome does not direct a cell’s migration. However, its repositioning stabilizes a chosen direction of movement, most probably by means of the microtubule system.


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A densely sampled, diverse new fauna from the uppermost Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, indicates that the basic pattern of faunal composition for the Late Cretaceous of North America was already established by the Albian-Cenomanian boundary. Multiple, concordant 40Ar/39Ar determinations from a volcanic ash associated with the fauna have an average age of 98.39 ± 0.07 million years. The fauna of the Cedar Mountain Formation records the first global appearance of hadrosaurid dinosaurs, advanced lizard (e.g., Helodermatidae), and mammal (e.g., Marsupialia) groups, and the first North American appearance of other taxa such as tyrannosaurids, pachycephalosaurs, and snakes. Although the origin of many groups is unclear, combined biostratigraphic and phylogenetic evidence suggests an Old World, specifically Asian, origin for some of the taxa, an hypothesis that is consistent with existing evidence from tectonics and marine invertebrates. Large-bodied herbivores are mainly represented by low-level browsers, ornithopod dinosaurs, whose radiations have been hypothesized to be related to the initial diversification of angiosperm plants. Diversity at the largest body sizes (>106 g) is low, in contrast to both preceding and succeeding faunas; sauropods, which underwent demise in the Northern hemisphere coincident with the radiation of angiosperms, apparently went temporarily unreplaced by other megaherbivores. Morphologic and taxonomic diversity among small, omnivorous mammals, multituberculates, is also low. A later apparent increase in diversity occurred during the Campanian, coincident with the appearance of major fruit types among angiosperms, suggesting the possibility of adaptive response to new resources.


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Interactions between the cAMP receptor protein (CRP) and the carboxy-terminal regulatory domain (CTD) of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase α subunit were analyzed at promoters carrying tandem DNA sites for CRP binding using a chemical nuclease covalently attached to α. Each CRP dimer was found to direct the positioning of one of the two α subunit CTDs. Thus, the function of RNA polymerase may be subject to regulation through protein–protein interactions between the two α subunits and two different species of transcription factors.


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Assessing the reliability of neuronal spike trains is fundamental to an understanding of the neural code. We measured the reproducibility of retinal responses to repeated visual stimuli. In both tiger salamander and rabbit, the retinal ganglion cells responded to random flicker with discrete, brief periods of firing. For any given cell, these firing events covered only a small fraction of the total stimulus time, often less than 5%. Firing events were very reproducible from trial to trial: the timing jitter of individual spikes was as low as 1 msec, and the standard deviation in spike count was often less than 0.5 spikes. Comparing the precision of spike timing to that of the spike count showed that the timing of a firing event conveyed several times more visual information than its spike count. This sparseness and precision were general characteristics of ganglion cell responses, maintained over the broad ensemble of stimulus waveforms produced by random flicker, and over a range of contrasts. Thus, the responses of retinal ganglion cells are not properly described by a firing probability that varies continuously with the stimulus. Instead, these neurons elicit discrete firing events that may be the fundamental coding symbols in retinal spike trains.


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Hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics calculations using Austin Model 1 system-specific parameters were performed to study the SN2 displacement reaction of chloride from 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) by nucleophilic attack of the carboxylate of acetate in the gas phase and by Asp-124 in the active site of haloalkane dehalogenase from Xanthobacter autotrophicus GJ10. The activation barrier for nucleophilic attack of acetate on DCE depends greatly on the reactants having a geometry resembling that in the enzyme or an optimized gas-phase structure. It was found in the gas-phase calculations that the activation barrier is 9 kcal/mol lower when dihedral constraints are used to restrict the carboxylate nucleophile geometry to that in the enzyme relative to the geometries for the reactants without dihedral constraints. The calculated quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics activation barriers for the enzymatic reaction are 16.2 and 19.4 kcal/mol when the geometry of the reactants is in a near attack conformer from molecular dynamics and in a conformer similar to the crystal structure (DCE is gauche), respectively. This haloalkane dehalogenase lowers the activation barrier for dehalogenation of DCE by 2–4 kcal/mol relative to the single point energies of the enzyme's quantum mechanics atoms in the gas phase. SN2 displacements of this sort in water are infinitely slower than in the gas phase. The modest lowering of the activation barrier by the enzyme relative to the reaction in the gas phase is consistent with mutation experiments.


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Cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) 5 is a unique member of the Cdk family, because Cdk5 kinase activity is detected only in the nervous tissue. Two neuron-specific activating subunits of Cdk5, p35 and p39, have been identified. Overlapping expression pattern of these isoforms in the embryonic mouse brain and the significant residual Cdk5 kinase activity in brain homogenate of the p35−/− mice indicate the redundant functions of the Cdk5 activators in vivo. Severe neuronal migration defects in p35−/−Cdk5 +/− mice further support the idea that the redundant expression of the Cdk5 activators may cause a milder phenotype in p35−/− mice compared with Cdk5−/− mice. Mutant mice lacking either Cdk5 or p35 exhibit certain similarities with Reelin/Dab1-mutant mice in the disorganization of cortical laminar structure in the brain. To elucidate the relationship between Cdk5/p35 and Reelin/Dab1 signaling, we generated mouse lines that have combined defects of these genes. The addition of heterozygosity of either Dab1 or Reelin mutation to p35−/− causes the extensive migration defects of cortical neurons in the cerebellum. In the double-null mice of p35 and either Dab1 or Reelin, additional migration defects occur in the Purkinje cells in the cerebellum and in the pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus. These additional defects in neuronal migration in mice lacking both Cdk5/p35 and Reelin/Dab1 indicate that Cdk5/p35 may contribute synergistically to the positioning of the cortical neurons in the developing mouse brain.


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Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), and maize (Zea mays L.) provide about two-thirds of all energy in human diets, and four major cropping systems in which these cereals are grown represent the foundation of human food supply. Yield per unit time and land has increased markedly during the past 30 years in these systems, a result of intensified crop management involving improved germplasm, greater inputs of fertilizer, production of two or more crops per year on the same piece of land, and irrigation. Meeting future food demand while minimizing expansion of cultivated area primarily will depend on continued intensification of these same four systems. The manner in which further intensification is achieved, however, will differ markedly from the past because the exploitable gap between average farm yields and genetic yield potential is closing. At present, the rate of increase in yield potential is much less than the expected increase in demand. Hence, average farm yields must reach 70–80% of the yield potential ceiling within 30 years in each of these major cereal systems. Achieving consistent production at these high levels without causing environmental damage requires improvements in soil quality and precise management of all production factors in time and space. The scope of the scientific challenge related to these objectives is discussed. It is concluded that major scientific breakthroughs must occur in basic plant physiology, ecophysiology, agroecology, and soil science to achieve the ecological intensification that is needed to meet the expected increase in food demand.


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The Zn(Scys)4 unit is present in numerous proteins, where it assumes structural, regulatory, or catalytic roles. The same coordination is found naturally around iron in rubredoxins, several structures of which have been refined at resolutions of, or near to, 1 A. The fold of the small protein rubredoxin around its metal ion is an excellent model for many zinc finger proteins. Zn-substituted rubredoxin and its Fe-containing counterpart were both obtained as the products of the expression in Escherichia coli of the rubredoxin-encoding gene from Clostridium pasteurianum. The structures of both proteins have been refined with an anisotropic model at atomic resolution (1.1 A, R = 8.3% for Fe-rubredoxin, and 1.2 A, R = 9.6% for Zn-rubredoxin) and are very similar. The most significant differences are increased lengths of the M-S bonds in Zn-rubredoxin (average length, 2.345 A) as compared with Fe-rubredoxin (average length, 2.262 A). An increase of the CA-CB-SG-M dihedral angles involving Cys-6 and Cys-39, the first cysteines of each of the Cys-Xaa-Xaa-Cys metal binding motifs, has been observed. Another consequence of the replacement of iron by zinc is that the region around residues 36-46 undergoes larger displacements than the remainder of the polypeptide chain. Despite these changes, the main features of the FeS4 site, namely a local 2-fold symmetry and the characteristic network of N-H...S hydrogen bonds, are conserved in the ZnS4 site. The Zn-substituted rubredoxin provides the first precise structure of a Zn(Scys)4 unit in a protein. The nearly identical fold of rubredoxin around iron or zinc suggests that at least in some of the sites where the metal has mainly a structural role-e.g., zinc fingers-the choice of the relevant metal may be directed by its cellular availability and mobilization processes rather than by its chemical nature.


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Positioned nucleosomes contribute to both the structure and the function of the chromatin fiber and can play a decisive role in controlling gene expression. We have mapped, at high resolution, the translational positions adopted by limiting amounts of core histone octamers reconstituted onto 4.4 kb of DNA comprising the entire chicken adult beta-globin gene, its enhancer, and flanking sequences. The octamer displays extensive variation in its affinity for different positioning sites, the range exhibited being about 2 orders of magnitude greater than that of the initial binding of the octamer. Strong positioning sites are located 5' and 3' of the globin gene and in the second intron but are absent from the coding regions. These sites exhibit a periodicity (approximately 200 bp) similar to the average spacing of nucleosomes on the inactive beta-globin gene in vivo, which could indicate their involvement in packaging the gene into higher-order chromatin structure. Overlapping, alternative octamer positioning sites commonly exhibit spacings of 20 and 40 bp, but not of 10 bp. These short-range periodicities could reflect features of the core particle structure contributing to the pronounced sequence-dependent manner in which the core histone octamer interacts with DNA.


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T-cell receptors (TCRs) recognize peptide bound within the relatively conserved structural framework of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or class II molecules but can discriminate between closely related MHC molecules. The structural basis for the specificity of ternary complex formation by the TCR and MHC/peptide complexes was examined for myelin basic protein (MBP)-specific T-cell clones restricted by different DR2 subtypes. Conserved features of this system allowed a model for positioning of the TCR on DR2/peptide complexes to be developed: (i) The DR2 subtypes that presented the immunodominant MBP peptide differed only at a few polymorphic positions of the DR beta chain. (ii) TCR recognition of a polymorphic residue on the helical portion of the DR beta chain (position DR beta 67) was important in determining the MHC restriction. (iii) The TCR variable region (V) alpha 3.1 gene segment was used by all of the T-cell clones. TCR V beta usage was more diverse but correlated with the MHC restriction--i.e., with the polymorphic DR beta chains. (iv) Two clones with conserved TCR alpha chains but different TCR beta chains had a different MHC restriction but a similar peptide specificity. The difference in MHC restriction between these T-cell clones appeared due to recognition of a cluster of polymorphic DR beta-chain residues (DR beta 67-71). MBP-(85-99)-specific TCRs therefore appeared to be positioned on the DR2/peptide complex such that the TCR beta chain contacted the polymorphic DR beta-chain helix while the conserved TCR alpha chain contacted the nonpolymorphic DR alpha chain.