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em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The most productive (“star”) bioscientists had intellectual human capital of extraordinary scientific and pecuniary value for some 10–15 years after Cohen and Boyer’s 1973 founding discovery for biotechnology [Cohen, S., Chang, A., Boyer, H. & Helling, R. (1973) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 70, 3240–3244]. This extraordinary value was due to the union of still scarce knowledge of the new research techniques and genius and vision to apply them in novel, valuable ways. As in other sciences, star bioscientists were very protective of their techniques, ideas, and discoveries in the early years of the revolution, tending to collaborate more within their own institution, which slowed diffusion to other scientists. Close, bench-level working ties between stars and firm scientists were needed to accomplish commercialization of the breakthroughs. Where and when star scientists were actively producing publications is a key predictor of where and when commercial firms began to use biotechnology. The extent of collaboration by a firm’s scientists with stars is a powerful predictor of its success: for an average firm, 5 articles coauthored by an academic star and the firm’s scientists result in about 5 more products in development, 3.5 more products on the market, and 860 more employees. Articles by stars collaborating with or employed by firms have significantly higher rates of citation than other articles by the same or other stars. The U.S. scientific and economic infrastructure has been particularly effective in fostering and commercializing the bioscientific revolution. These results let us see the process by which scientific breakthroughs become economic growth and consider implications for policy.


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Polyethylene glycol (PEG), which is often used to impose low water potentials (ψw) in solution culture, decreases O2 movement by increasing solution viscosity. We investigated whether this property causes O2 deficiency that affects the elongation or metabolism of maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots. Seedlings grown in vigorously aerated PEG solutions at ambient solution O2 partial pressure (pO2) had decreased steady-state root elongation rates, increased root-tip alanine concentrations, and decreased root-tip proline concentrations relative to seedlings grown in PEG solutions of above-ambient pO2 (alanine and proline accumulation are responses to hypoxia and low ψw, respectively). Measurements of root pO2 were made using an O2 microsensor to ensure that increased solution pO2 did not increase root pO2 above physiological levels. In oxygenated PEG solutions that gave maximal root elongation rates, root pO2 was similar to or less than (depending on depth in the tissue) pO2 of roots growing in vermiculite at the same ψw. Even without PEG, high solution pO2 was necessary to raise root pO2 to the levels found in vermiculite-grown roots. Vermiculite was used for comparison because it has large air spaces that allow free movement of O2 to the root surface. The results show that supplemental oxygenation is required to avoid hypoxia in PEG solutions. Also, the data suggest that the O2 demand of the root elongation zone may be greater at low relative to high ψw, compounding the effect of PEG on O2 supply. Under O2-sufficient conditions root elongation was substantially less sensitive to the low ψw imposed by PEG than that imposed by dry vermiculite.