11 resultados para Pili

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli associated with human diarrheal disease utilize any of a limited group of serologically distinguishable pili for attachment to intestinal cells. These include CS1 and CFA/I pili. We show here that chemical modification of arginyl residues in CS1 pili abolishes CS1-mediated agglutination of bovine erythrocytes, which serves as a model system for attachment. Alanine substitution of the single arginyl residue in CooA, the major pilin, had no effect on the assembly of pili or on hemagglutination. In contrast, substitution of alanine for R181 in CooD, the minor pilin associated with the pilus tip, abolished hemagglutination, and substitution of R20 reduced hemagglutination. Neither of these substitutions affected CS1 pilus assembly. This shows that CooD is essential for CS1-mediated attachment and identifies specific residues that are involved in receptor binding but not in pilus assembly. In addition to mediating agglutination of bovine erythrocytes, CFA/I also mediates agglutination of human erythrocytes. Substitution of R181 by alanine in the CooD homolog, CfaE, abolished both of these reactions. We conclude that the same region of the pilus tip protein is involved in adherence of CS1 and CFA/I pili, although their receptor specificities differ. This suggests that the region of the pilus tip adhesin protein that includes R181 might be an appropriate target for therapeutic intervention or for a vaccine to protect against human diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic E. coli strains that have serologically different pili.


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CS1 pili serve as the prototype of a class of filamentous appendages found on the surface of strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. The four genes needed to synthesize functional CS1 pili in E. coli K12 are: cooA, which encodes the major pilin protein; cooD, which encodes a minor pilin protein found at the tip of the structure; cooC, which encodes a protein found in the outer membrane of piliated bacteria; and cooB. We show here that CooB, which is required for pilus assembly but is not part of the final structure, stabilizes CooA, CooC, and CooD. We previously reported that CooB is complexed with CooA in the periplasm and show here that CooB also is found complexed with CooD in the periplasm. CooB is associated with the membrane fraction only in the presence of CooC, suggesting that these two proteins also interact. This suggests that although it has no homology to known chaperone proteins, CooB serves a chaperone-like role for assembly of CS1.


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Type IV pili are thin filaments that extend from the poles of a diverse group of bacteria, enabling them to move at speeds of a few tenths of a micrometer per second. They are required for twitching motility, e.g., in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and for social gliding motility in Myxococcus xanthus. Here we report direct observation of extension and retraction of type IV pili in P. aeruginosa. Cells without flagellar filaments were labeled with an amino-specific Cy3 fluorescent dye and were visualized on a quartz slide by total internal reflection microscopy. When pili were attached to a cell and their distal ends were free, they extended or retracted at rates of about 0.5 μm s−1 (29°C). They also flexed by Brownian motion, exhibiting a persistence length of about 5 μm. Frequently, the distal tip of a filament adsorbed to the substratum and the filament was pulled taut. From the absence of lateral deflections of such filaments, we estimate tensions of at least 10 pN. Occasionally, cell bodies came free and were pulled forward by pilus retraction. Thus, type IV pili are linear actuators that extend, attach at their distal tips, exert substantial force, and retract.


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Haemophilus influenzae is a Gram-negative bacterium that represents a common cause of human disease. Disease due to this organism begins with colonization of the upper respiratory mucosa, a process facilitated by adhesive fibers called pili. In the present study, we investigated the structure and assembly of H. influenzae pili. Examination of pili by electron microscopy using quick-freeze, deep-etch and immunogold techniques revealed the presence of two distinct subassemblies, including a flexible two-stranded helical rod comprised of HifA and a short, thin, distal tip structure containing HifD. Genetic and biochemical studies demonstrated that the biogenesis of H. influenzae pili is dependent on a periplasmic chaperone called HifB, which belongs to the PapD family of immunoglobulin-like chaperones. HifB bound directly to HifA and HifD, forming HifB-HifA and HifB-HifD complexes, which were purified from periplasmic extracts by ion-exchange chromatography. Continued investigation of the biogenesis of H. influenzae pili should provide general insights into organelle development and may suggest novel strategies for disease prevention.


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The Gram-negative bacterial pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae is naturally competent for transformation with species-related DNA. We show here that two phase-variable pilus-associated proteins, the major pilus subunit (pilin, or PilE) and PilC, a factor known to function in the assembly and adherence of gonococcal pili, are essential for transformation competence. The PilE and PilC proteins are necessary for the conversion of linearized plasmid DNA carrying the Neisseria-specific DNA uptake signal into a DNase-resistant form. The biogenesis of typical pilus fibers is neither essential nor sufficient for this process. DNA uptake deficiency of defined piliated pilC1,2 double mutants can be complemented by expression of a cloned pilC2 gene in trans. The PilC defect can also be restored by the addition of purified PilC protein, or better, pili containing PilC protein, to the mutant gonococci. Our data suggest that the two phase-variable Pil proteins act on the bacterial cell surface and cooperate in DNA recognition and/or outer membrane translocation.


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The ability of Neisseria meningitidis (MC) to interact with cellular barriers is essential to its pathogenesis. With epithelial cells, this process has been modeled in two steps. The initial stage of localized adherence is mediated by bacterial pili. After this phase, MC disperse and lose piliation, thus leading to a diffuse adherence. At this stage, microvilli have disappeared, and MC interact intimately with cells and are, in places, located on pedestals of actin, thus realizing attaching and effacing (AE) lesions. The bacterial attributes responsible for these latter phenotypes remain unidentified. Considering that bacteria are nonpiliated at this stage, pili cannot be directly responsible for this effect. However, the initial phase of pilus-mediated localized adherence is required for the occurrence of diffuse adherence, loss of microvilli, and intimate attachment, because nonpiliated bacteria are not capable of such a cellular interaction. In this work, we engineered a mutation in the cytoplasmic nucleotide-binding protein PilT and showed that this mutation increased piliation and abolished the dispersal phase of bacterial clumps as well as the loss of piliation. Furthermore, no intimate attachment nor AE lesions were observed. On the other hand, PilT− MC remained adherent as piliated clumps at all times. Taken together these data demonstrate that the induction of diffuse adherence, intimate attachment, and AE lesions after pilus-mediated adhesion requires the cytoplasmic PilT protein.


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The major subassemblies of virulence-associated P pili, the pilus rod (comprised of PapA) and tip fibrillum (comprised of PapE), were reconstituted from purified chaperone-subunit complexes in vitro. Subunits are held in assembly-competent conformations in chaperone-subunit complexes prior to their assembly into mature pili. The PapD chaperone binds, in part, to a conserved motif present at the C terminus of the subunits via a beta zippering interaction. Amino acid residues in this conserved motif were also found to be essential for subunit–subunit interactions necessary for the formation of pili, thus revealing a molecular mechanism whereby the PapD chaperone may prevent premature subunit–subunit interactions in the periplasm. Uncapping of the chaperone-protected C terminus of PapA and PapE was mimicked in vitro by freeze–thaw techniques and resulted in the formation of pilus rods and tip fibrillae, respectively. A mutation in the leading edge of the beta zipper of PapA produces pilus rods with an altered helical symmetry and azimuthal disorder. This change in the number of subunits per turn of the helix most likely reflects involvement of the leading edge of the beta zipper in forming a right-handed helical cylinder. Organelle development is a fundamental process in all living cells, and these studies shed new light on how immunoglobulin-like chaperones govern the formation of virulence-associated organelles in pathogenic bacteria.


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Type IV pili of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the Gram-negative etiologic agent of gonorrhea, facilitate colonization of the human host. Gonococcal PilT, a protein belonging to a large family of molecules sharing a highly conserved nucleotide binding domain motif, has been shown to be dispensable for organelle biogenesis but essential for twitching motility and competence for genetic transformation. Here, we show that the defect in pilus biogenesis resulting from mutations in the pilC gene, encoding a putative pilus-associated adhesin for human tissue, can be suppressed by the absence of functional PilT. These data conclusively demonstrate that PilT influences the Type IV pilus biogenesis pathway and strongly suggest that organelle expression is a dynamic process. In addition, these findings imply that PilT antagonizes the process of organelle biogenesis and provide the basis for a model for how the counteractive roles of PilT and PilC might relate mechanistically to the phenomenon of twitching motility.


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Strains of uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) are the causative agents in the vast majority of all urinary tract infections. Upon entering the urinary tract, UPEC strains face a formidable array of host defenses, including the flow of urine and a panoply of antimicrobial factors. To gain an initial foothold within the bladder, most UPEC strains encode filamentous surface adhesive organelles called type 1 pili that can mediate bacterial attachment to, and invasion of, bladder epithelial cells. Invasion provides UPEC with a protective environment in which bacteria can either replicate or persist in a quiescent state. Infection with type 1-piliated E. coli can trigger a number of host responses, including cytokine production, inflammation, and the exfoliation of infected bladder epithelial cells. Despite numerous host defenses and even antibiotic treatments that can effectively sterilize the urine, recent studies demonstrate that uropathogens can persist within the bladder tissue. These bacteria may serve as a reservoir for recurrent infections, a common problem affecting millions each year.


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To optimize photosynthesis, cyanobacteria move toward or away from a light source by a process known as phototaxis. Phototactic movement of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 is a surface-dependent phenomenon that requires type IV pili, cellular appendages implicated in twitching and social motility in a range of bacteria. To elucidate regulation of cyanobacterial motility, we generated transposon-tagged mutants with aberrant phototaxis; mutants were either nonmotile or exhibited an “inverted motility response” (negative phototaxis) relative to wild-type cells. Several mutants contained transposons in genes similar to those involved in bacterial chemotaxis. Synechocystis PCC6803 has three loci with chemotaxis-like genes, of which two, Tax1 and Tax3, are involved in phototaxis. Transposons interrupting the Tax1 locus yielded mutants that exhibited an inverted motility response, suggesting that this locus is involved in controlling positive phototaxis. However, a strain null for taxAY1 was nonmotile and hyperpiliated. Interestingly, whereas the C-terminal region of the TaxD1 polypeptide is similar to the signaling domain of enteric methyl-accepting chemoreceptor proteins, the N terminus has two domains resembling chromophore-binding domains of phytochrome, a photoreceptor in plants. Hence, TaxD1 may play a role in perceiving the light stimulus. Mutants in the Tax3 locus are nonmotile and do not make type IV pili. These findings establish links between chemotaxis-like regulatory elements and type IV pilus-mediated phototaxis.


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Pathogenic bacteria rely on adhesins to bind to host tissues. Therefore, the maintenance of the functional properties of these extracellular macromolecules is essential for the pathogenicity of these microorganisms. We report that peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (MsrA), a repair enzyme, contributes to the maintenance of adhesins in Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Escherichia coli. A screen of a library of pneumococcal mutants for loss of adherence uncovered a MsrA mutant with 75% reduced binding to GalNAcbeta1-4Gal containing eukaryotic cell receptors that are present on type II lung cells and vascular endothelial cells. Subsequently, it was shown that an E. coli msrA mutant displayed decreased type I fimbriae-mediated, mannose-dependent, agglutination of erythrocytes. Previous work [Taha, M. K., So, M., Seifert, H. S., Billyard, E. & Marchal, C. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 4367-4378] has shown that mutants with defects in the pilA-pilB locus from N. gonorrhoeae were altered in their production of type IV pili. We show that pneumococcal MsrA and gonococcal PilB expressed in E. coli have MsrA activity. Together these data suggest that MsrA is required for the proper expression or maintenance of functional adhesins on the surfaces of these three major pathogenic bacteria.