5 resultados para Piezoelectric sheets

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A major concern in plant morphogenesis is whether cortical microtubules are responsible for the arrangement and action of β-glucan synthases in the plasma membrane. We prepared isolated plasma membrane sheets with cortical microtubules attached and tested whether β-glucan synthases penetrated through the membrane to form microfibrils and whether these synthases moved in the fluid membrane along the cortical microtubules. This technique enabled us to examine synthesis of β-glucan as a fiber with a two-dimensional structure. The synthesis of β-glucan microfibrils was directed in arrays by cortical microtubules at many loci on the membrane sheets. The microfibrils were mainly arranged along the microtubules, but the distribution of microfibrils was not always parallel to that of the microtubules. The rate of β-glucan elongation as determined directly on the exoplasmic surface was 620 nm per min. When the assembly of microtubules was disrupted by treatment with propyzamide, the β-glucans were not deposited in arrays but in masses. This finding shows that the arrayed cortical microtubules are not required for β-glucan synthesis but are required for the formation of arranged microfibrils on the membrane sheet.


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Senile plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease contain deposits of fibrils formed by 39- to 43-residue β-amyloid peptides with possible neurotoxic effects. X-ray diffraction measurements on oriented fibril bundles have indicated an extended β-sheet structure for Alzheimer's β-amyloid fibrils and other amyloid fibrils, but the supramolecular organization of the β-sheets and other structural details are not well established because of the intrinsically noncrystalline, insoluble nature of amyloid fibrils. Here we report solid-state NMR measurements, using a multiple quantum (MQ) 13C NMR technique, that probe the β-sheet organization in fibrils formed by the full-length, 40-residue β-amyloid peptide (Aβ1–40). Although an antiparallel β-sheet organization often is assumed and is invoked in recent structural models for full-length β-amyloid fibrils, the MQNMR data indicate an in-register, parallel organization. This work provides site-specific, atomic-level structural constraints on full-length β-amyloid fibrils and applies MQNMR to a significant problem in structural biology.


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Electronic systems that use rugged lightweight plastics potentially offer attractive characteristics (low-cost processing, mechanical flexibility, large area coverage, etc.) that are not easily achieved with established silicon technologies. This paper summarizes work that demonstrates many of these characteristics in a realistic system: organic active matrix backplane circuits (256 transistors) for large (≈5 × 5-inch) mechanically flexible sheets of electronic paper, an emerging type of display. The success of this effort relies on new or improved processing techniques and materials for plastic electronics, including methods for (i) rubber stamping (microcontact printing) high-resolution (≈1 μm) circuits with low levels of defects and good registration over large areas, (ii) achieving low leakage with thin dielectrics deposited onto surfaces with relief, (iii) constructing high-performance organic transistors with bottom contact geometries, (iv) encapsulating these transistors, (v) depositing, in a repeatable way, organic semiconductors with uniform electrical characteristics over large areas, and (vi) low-temperature (≈100°C) annealing to increase the on/off ratios of the transistors and to improve the uniformity of their characteristics. The sophistication and flexibility of the patterning procedures, high level of integration on plastic substrates, large area coverage, and good performance of the transistors are all important features of this work. We successfully integrate these circuits with microencapsulated electrophoretic “inks” to form sheets of electronic paper.


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Glycosylation-inhibiting factor (GIF) is a cytokine that is involved in the regulation of IgE synthesis. The crystal structure of recombinant human GIF was determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method. The structure was refined to an R factor of 0.168 at 1.9 angstrom resolution. The overall structure is seen to consist of three interconnected subunits forming a barrel with three 6-stranded beta-sheets on the inside and six alpha-helices on the outside. There is a 5-angstrom-diameter "hole" through the middle of the barrel. The barrel structure of GIF in part resembles other "trefoil" cytokines such as interleukin 1 and fibroblast growth factor. Each subunit has a new class of alpha + beta sandwich structure consisting of two beta-alpha-beta motifs. These beta-alpha-beta motifs are related by a pseudo-twofold axis and resemble both interleukin 8 and the peptide binding domain of major histocompatibility complex protein, although the topology of the polypeptide chain is quite different.


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The bacterial cell division protein FtsZ is a homolog of tubulin, but it has not been determined whether FtsZ polymers are structurally related to the microtubule lattice. In the present study, we have obtained high-resolution electron micrographs of two FtsZ polymers that show remarkable similarity to tubulin polymers. The first is a two-dimensional sheet of protofilaments with a lattice very similar to that of the microtubule wall. The second is a miniring, consisting of a single protofilament in a sharply curved, planar conformation. FtsZ minirings are very similar to tubulin rings that are formed upon disassembly of microtubules but are about half the diameter. This suggests that the curved conformation occurs at every FtsZ subunit, but in tubulin rings the conformation occurs at either beta- or alpha-tubulin subunits but not both. We conclude that the functional polymer of FtsZ in bacterial cell division is a long thin sheet of protofilaments. There is sufficient FtsZ in Escherichia coli to form a protofilament that encircles the cell 20 times. The similarity of polymers formed by FtsZ and tubulin implies that the protofilament sheet is an ancient cytoskeletal system, originally functioning in bacterial cell division and later modified to make microtubules.