20 resultados para Pegylated alpha-2a interferon
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Type I (alpha, beta) and type II (gamma) interferons (IFNs) can restrict the growth of many cell types. INF-stimulated gene transcription, a key early event in IFN response, acts through the Janus kinase-signal transducers and activators of transcription pathway, in which both IFN-alpha and IFN-gamma activate the transcription factor Stat1. A cell line lacking Stat1 (U3A) was not growth-arrested by IFN-alpha or IFN-gamma, and experiments were carried out with U3A cells permanently expressing normal or various mutant forms of Stat1 protein. Only cells in which complete Stat1 activity was available (Stat1alpha) were growth-inhibited by IFN-gamma. A mutant that supports 20-30% normal transcription did not cause growth restraint. In contrast, IFN-alpha growth restraint was imposed by cells producing Stat1beta, which lacks transcriptional activation potential. This parallels earlier results showing the truncated Stat1 can function in IFN-alpha gene activation. In addition to experiments on long-term cultured cells, we also found that wild-type primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts were inhibited by IFNs, but fibroblasts from Stat1-deficient mouse embryos were not inhibited by IFNs.
Although the production of NO within rodent phagocytes is well-characterized, its production and function within human phagocytes are less clear. We show here that neutrophils within human buffy coat preparations stimulated with a mixture of interleukin 1, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interferon gamma contain inducible NO synthase mRNA and protein, one of the enzymes responsible for NO production. The protein colocalizes with myeloperoxidase within neutrophil primary granules. Using an inhibitor of NO synthase, L-N-monomethyl arginine, we show that activity of this enzyme is required for the formation of nitrotyrosine around phagocytosed bacteria, most likely through the intermediate production of peroxynitrite, a reaction product of NO and superoxide anions.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is thought to be controlled by virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). We have recently shown that HBV-specific CTL can abolish HBV replication noncytopathically in the liver of transgenic mice by secreting tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) after antigen recognition. We now demonstrate that hepatocellular HBV replication is also abolished noncytopathically during lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection, and we show that this process is mediated by TNF-alpha and IFN-alpha/beta produced by LCMV-infected hepatic macrophages. These results confirm the ability of these inflammatory cytokines to abolish HBV replication; they elucidate the mechanism likely to be responsible for clearance of HBV in chronically infected patients who become superinfected by other hepatotropic viruses; they suggest that pharmacological activation of intrahepatic macrophages may have therapeutic value in chronic HBV infection; and they raise the possibility that conceptually similar events may be operative in other viral infections as well.
Although the incidence of Gram-positive sepsis has risen strongly, it is unclear how Gram-positive organisms (without endotoxin) initiate septic shock. We investigated whether two cell wall components from Staphylococcus aureus, peptidoglycan (PepG) and lipoteichoic acid (LTA), can induce the inflammatory response and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) associated with septic shock caused by Gram-positive organisms. In cultured macrophages, LTA (10 micrograms/ml), but not PepG (100 micrograms/ml), induces the release of nitric oxide measured as nitrite. PepG, however, caused a 4-fold increase in the production of nitrite elicited by LTA. Furthermore, PepG antibodies inhibited the release of nitrite elicited by killed S. aureus. Administration of both PepG (10 mg/kg; i.v.) and LTA (3 mg/kg; i.v.) in anesthetized rats resulted in the release of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma and MODS, as indicated by a decrease in arterial oxygen pressure (lung) and an increase in plasma concentrations of bilirubin and alanine aminotransferase (liver), creatinine and urea (kidney), lipase (pancreas), and creatine kinase (heart or skeletal muscle). There was also the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in these organs, circulatory failure, and 50% mortality. These effects were not observed after administration of PepG or LTA alone. Even a high dose of LTA (10 mg/kg) causes only circulatory failure but no MODS. Thus, our results demonstrate that the two bacterial wall components, PepG and LTA, work together to cause systemic inflammation and multiple systems failure associated with Gram-positive organisms.
Recruitment of antigen-specific tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) is a major goal for immunotherapy of malignant tumours. We now describe that T-cell-activating superantigens targeted to a tumor by monoclonal antibodies induced large numbers of pseudospecific TILs and eradication of micrometastases. As a model for tumor micrometastases, syngeneic B16 melanoma cells transfected with the human colon carcinoma antigen C215 were injected intravenously into C57BL/6 mice and therapy with an anti-C215 Fab fragment-staphylococcal enterotoxin A (C215Fab-SEA) fusion protein reacting with the C215 antigen was initiated when visible lung metastases were established. More than 90% reduction of the number of lung metastases was observed when mice carrying 5-day-old established lung metastases were treated with C215Fab-SEA. The antitumor effect of C215Fab-SEA was shown to be T-cell-dependent since no therapeutic effect was seen in T-cell-deficient nude mice. Depletion of T-cell subsets by injection of monoclonal antibody demonstrated that CD8+ cells were the most prominent effector cells although some contribution from CD4+ cells was also noted. C215Fab-SEA treatment induced massive tumor infiltration of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, while only scattered T cells were observed in untreated tumors. SEA treatment alone induced a slight general inflammatory response in the lung parenchyme, but no specific accumulation of T cells was seen in the tumor. TILs induced by C215Fab-SEA were mainly CD8+ but a substantial number of CD4+ cells were also present. Immunohistochemical analysis showed strong production of the tumoricidal cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma in the tumor. Thus, the C215Fab-SEA fusion protein targets effector T lymphocytes to established tumors in vivo and provokes a strong local antitumor immune response.
The cellular kinase known as PKR (protein kinase RNA-activated) is induced by interferon and activated by RNA. PKR is known to have antiviral properties due to its role in translational control. Active PKR phosphorylates eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha and leads to inhibition of translation, including viral translation. PKR is also known to function as a tumor suppressor, presumably by limiting the rate of tumor-cell translation and growth. Recent research has shown that RNA from the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of human alpha-tropomyosin has tumor-suppressor properties in vivo [Rastinejad, F., Conboy, M. J., Rando, T. A. & Blau, H. M. (1993) Cell 75, 1107-1117]. Here we report that purified RNA from the 3'UTR of human alpha-tropomyosin can inhibit in vitro translation in a manner consistent with activation of PKR. Inhibition of translation by tropomyosin 3'UTR RNA was observed in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system, which is known to contain endogenous PKR but was not seen in wheat germ lysate, which is not responsive to a known activator of PKR. A control RNA purified in the same manner as the 3'UTR RNA did not inhibit translation in either system. The inhibition of translation observed in reticulocyte lysates was prevented by the addition of adenovirus virus-associated RNA1 (VA RNAI), an inhibitor of PKR activation. Tropomyosin 3'UTR RNA was bound by immunoprecipitated PKR and activated the enzyme in an in vitro kinase assay. These data suggest that activation of PKR could be the mechanism by which tropomyosin 3'UTR RNA exerts its tumor-suppression activity in vivo.
Interferon tau (IFN tau), originally identified as a pregnancy recognition hormone, is a type I interferon that is related to the various IFN alpha species (IFN alpha s). Ovine IFN tau has antiviral activity similar to that of human IFN alpha A on the Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cell line and is equally effective in inhibiting cell proliferation. In this study, IFN tau was found to differ from IFN alpha A in that is was > 30-fold less toxic to MDBK cells at high concentrations. Excess IFN tau did not block the cytotoxicity of IFN alpha A on MDBK cells, suggesting that these two type I IFNs recognize the type I IFN receptor differently on these cells. In direct binding studies, 125I-IFN tau had a Kd of 3.90 x 10(-10) M for receptor on MDBK cells, whereas that of 125I-IFN alpha A was 4.45 x 10(-11) M. Consistent with the higher binding affinity, IFN alpha A was severalfold more effective than IFN tau in competitive binding against 125I-IFN tau to receptor on MDBK cells. Paradoxically, the two IFNs had similar specific antiviral activities on MDBK cells. However, maximal IFN antiviral activity required only fractional occupancy of receptors, whereas toxicity was associated with maximal receptor occupancy. Hence, IFN alpha A, with the higher binding affinity, was more toxic than IFN tau. The IFNs were similar in inducing the specific phosphorylation of the type I receptor-associated tyrosine kinase Tyk2, and the transcription factors Stat1 alpha and Stat2, suggesting that phosphorylation of these signal transduction proteins is not involved in the cellular toxicity associated with type I IFNs. Experiments using synthetic peptides suggest that differences in the interaction at the N terminal of IFN tau and IFN alpha with the type I receptor complex contribute significantly to differences in high-affinity equilibrium binding of these molecules. It is postulated that such a differential recognition of the receptor is responsible for the similar antiviral but different cytotoxic effects of these IFNs. Moreover, these data imply that receptors are "spare'' with respect to certain biological properties, and we speculate that IFNs may induce a concentration-dependent selective association of receptor subunits.
To examine the in vivo role(s) of type I interferons (IFNs) and to determine the role of a component of the type I IFN receptor (IFNAR1) in mediating responses to these IFNs, we generated mice with a null mutation (-/-) in the IFNAR1 gene. Despite compelling evidence for modulation of cell proliferation and differentiation by type I IFNs, there were no gross signs of abnormal fetal development or morphological changes in adult IFNAR1-/- mice. However, abnormalities of hemopoietic cells were detected in IFNAR1 -/- mice. Elevated levels of myeloid lineage cells were detected in peripheral blood and bone marrow by staining with Mac-1 and Gr-1 antibodies. Furthermore, bone marrow macrophages from IFNAR1 -/- mice showed abnormal responses to colony-stimulating factor 1 and lipopolysaccharide. IFNAR1 -/- mice were highly susceptible to viral infection: viral titers were undetected 24 hr after infection of IFNAR1 +/+ mice but were extremely high in organs of IFNAR1 -/- mice, demonstrating that the type I IFN system is a major acute antiviral defence. In cell lines derived from IFNAR1 -/- mice, there was no signaling in response to IFN-alpha or -beta as measured by induction of 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase, antiviral, or antiproliferative responses. Importantly, these studies demonstrate that type I IFNs function in the development and responses of myeloid lineage cells, particularly macrophages, and that the IFNAR1 receptor component is essential for antiproliferative and antiviral responses to IFN-alpha and -beta.
Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is well-characterized for its necrotic action against tumor cells; however, it has been increasingly associated with an apoptosis-inducing potential on target cells. While the signaling events and the actual cytolytic mechanism(s) for both TNF-alpha-induced necrosis and apoptosis remain to be fully elucidated, we report here on (i) the ability of TNF-alpha to induce apoptosis in the promonocytic U937 cells, (ii) the discovery of a cross-talk between the TNF-alpha and the interferon signaling pathways, and (iii) the pivotal role of interferon-inducible, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase (PKR) in the induction of apoptosis by TNF-alpha. Our data from microscopy studies, trypan blue exclusion staining, and apoptotic DNA ladder electrophoresis revealed that a subclone derived from U937 and carrying a PKR antisense expression vector was resistant to TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis. Further, TNF-alpha initiated a generalized RNA degradation process in which the participation of PKR was required. Finally, the PKR gene is a candidate "death gene" since overexpression of this gene could bring about apoptosis in U937 cells.
In tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)-stimulated T-cell responses are depressed transiently, whereas antibody levels are increased. Lymphoproliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from Pakistani tuberculosis (TB) patients to both mycobacterial and candidal antigens were suppressed by approximately 50% when compared to healthy purified protein derivative (PPD)-positive household contacts. Production of interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) in response to PPD also was depressed by 78%. Stimulation with PPD and the 30-kDa alpha antigen of MTB (30-kDa antigen) induced greater secretion of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), but not interleukin 10 (IL-10) or tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), by PBMCs from TB patients compared to healthy contacts. The degree of suppression correlated with the duration of treatment; patients treated for <1 month had significantly lower T-cell blastogenesis and IFN-gamma production and higher levels of TGF-beta than did patients treated for >1 month. Neutralizing antibody to TGF-beta normalized lymphocyte proliferation in response to PPD, partially restored blastogenesis to candidal antigen, and significantly increased PPD-stimulated production of IFN-gamma in TB patients but not in contacts. Neutralizing antibody to IL-10 augmented, but did not normalize, T-cell responses to both PPD and candida in TB patients and candidal antigen in contacts. TGF-beta, produced in response to MTB antigens, therefore plays a prominent role in down-regulating potentially protective host effector mechanisms and looms as an important mediator of immunosuppression in TB.
ISG15 is a 15-kDa protein of unique primary amino acid sequence, which is transcriptionally regulated by interferon (IFN) alpha and IFN-beta. Because it is synthesized in many cell types and secreted from human monocytes and lymphocytes, we postulated that ISG15 might act to modulate immune cell function. ISG15 stimulated B-depleted lymphocyte proliferation in a dose-dependent manner with significant proliferation induced by amounts of ISG15 as low as 1 ng/ml (58 pM). Maximal stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation by B-depleted lymphocytes occurred at 6-7 days. Immunophenotyping of ISG15-treated B-depleted lymphocyte cultures indicated a 26-fold expansion of natural killer (NK) cells (CD56+). In cytotoxicity assays, ISG15 was a potent inducer of cytolytic activity directed against both K562 (100 lytic units per 10(6) cells) and Daudi (80 lytic units per 10(6) cells) tumor cell targets, indicating that ISG15 enhanced lymphokine-activated killer-like activity. ISG15-induced NK cell proliferation required coculturing of T and NK cells, suggesting that soluble factor(s) were required. Measurement of ISG15-treated cell culture supernatants for cytokines indicated production of IFN-gamma (> 700 units/ml). No interleukin 2 or interleukin 12 was detected. IFN-gamma itself failed to stimulate lymphocyte proliferation and lymphokine-activated killer cell activation. Further, induced expression of IFN-gamma mRNA was detected by reverse transcription-PCR in T lymphocytes after ISG15 treatment but not in NK cells. Enhancement of NK cell proliferation, augmentation of non-major histocompatibility complex-restricted cytotoxicity, and induction of IFN-gamma from T cells identify ISG15 as a member of the cytokine cascade and suggest that it may be responsible for amplifying and directing some of the immunomodulatory effects of IFN-alpha or IFN-beta.
Ceramide has been identified as a potential second messenger that may mediate cell differentiation and apoptosis after exposure to hormonal agonists such as 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, tumor necrosis factor alpha, or gamma-interferon. The secondary cellular events that follow ceramide generation remain undefined. We report that in NIH WT-3T3 cells, ceramide induces an enhancement of gene transcription of alpha B-crystallin, a small heat shock protein. The levels of alpha B-crystallin, as measured by Northern blot and immunoblot analyses, were increased by the addition of an exogenous short-chain ceramide, N-acetylsphingosine, or by increasing endogenous intracellular ceramide by inhibition of glucosylceramide synthase. Similar effects were not seen in the expression of the closely related gene, Hsp25. To ascertain whether ceramide-mediated gene transcription was a feature of the heat shock response, cell ceramide was measured in heat shocked cells and observed to be elevated 2-fold immediately upon the return of cells to 37 degrees C. Thus ceramide formed after heat shock treatment of 3T3 cells may mediate the transcription events associated with the cell stress response.
The IFNAR chain of the type I interferon (IFN) receptor (IFNIR) undergoes rapid ligand-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation and acts as a species-specific transducer for type I IFN action. Using the vaccinia/T7 expression system to amplify IFNAR expression, we found that human HeLa-S3 cells transiently express high levels of cell surface IFNAR chains (approximately 250,000 chains per cell). Metabolic labeling and immunoblot analysis of transfected HeLa cells show that the IFNAR chain is initially detected as 65-kDa and 98-kDa precursors, and then as the 130-kDa mature protein. Due to variation in N-glycosylation, the apparent molecular mass of the mature IFNAR chain varies from 105 to 135 kDa in different cells. IFNIR structure was characterized in various human cell lines by analyzing 125I-labeled IFN cross-linked complexes recognized by various antibodies against IFNIR subunits and JAK protein-tyrosine kinases. Precipitation of cross-linked material from Daudi cells with anti-IFNAR antibodies showed that IFNAR was present in a 240-kDa complex. Precipitation of cross-linked material from U937 cells with anti-TYK2 sera revealed a 240-kDa complex, which apparently did not contain IFNAR and was not present in IFN-resistant HEC1B cells. The tyrosine phosphorylation and down-regulation of the IFNAR chain were induced by type I IFN in several human cell lines of diverse origins but not in HEC1B cells. However, of type I IFNs, IFN-beta uniquely induced the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 105-kDa protein associated with the IFNAR chain in two lymphoblastoid cell lines (Daudi and U266), demonstrating the specificity of transmembrane signaling for IFN-beta and IFN-alpha through the IFNAR chain.
We report the 1.8-A crystal structure of the CD11a I-domain with bound manganese ion. The CD11a I-domain contains binding sites for intercellular adhesion molecules 1 and 3 and can exist in both low- and high-affinity states. The metal-bound form reported here is likely to represent a high-affinity state. The CD11a I-domain structure reveals a strained hydrophobic ridge adjacent to the bound metal ion that may serve as a ligand-binding surface and is likely to rearrange in the absence of bound metal ion. The CD11a I-domain is homologous to domains found in von Willebrand factor, and mapping of mutations found in types 2a and 2b von Willebrand disease onto this structure allows consideration of the molecular basis of these forms of the disease.
The signaling mechanisms responsible for the induced expression of interferon (IFN) genes by viral infection or double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) are not well understood. Here we investigate the role of the interferon-induced dsRNA-dependent protein kinase PKR in the regulation of IFN induction. Biological activities attributed to PKR include regulating protein synthesis, mediating IFN actions, and functioning as a possible tumor suppressor. Since binding of dsRNA is required for its activation, PKR has been considered as a candidate signal transducer for regulating IFN expression. To examine this role of PKR, loss-of-function phenotypes in stable transformants of promonocytic U-937 cells were achieved by two different strategies, overexpression of an antisense PKR transcript or a dominant negative PKR mutant gene. Both types of PKR-deficient cells were more permissive for viral replication than the control U-937 cells. As the result of PKR loss, they also showed impaired induction of IFN-alpha and IFN-beta genes in response to several inducers--specifically, encephalomyocarditis virus, lipopolysaccharide, and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Interestingly, while IFN-alpha induction by dsRNA was impaired in PKR-deficient cells, IFN-beta induction remained intact. Loss of PKR function also resulted in decreased antiviral activity as elicited by IFN-alpha and, to a greater extent, by IFN-gamma. These results implicate PKR in the regulation of several antiviral activities.