12 resultados para Parasitoid-host-interactions

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Microbial pathogens have evolved many ingenious ways to infect their hosts and cause disease, including the subversion and exploitation of target host cells. One such subversive microbe is enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). A major cause of infantile diarrhea in developing countries, EPEC poses a significant health threat to children worldwide. Central to EPEC-mediated disease is its colonization of the intestinal epithelium. After initial adherence, EPEC causes the localized effacement of microvilli and intimately attaches to the host cell surface, forming characteristic attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions. Considered the prototype for a family of A/E lesion-causing bacteria, recent in vitro studies of EPEC have revolutionized our understanding of how these pathogens infect their hosts and cause disease. Intimate attachment requires the type III-mediated secretion of bacterial proteins, several of which are translocated directly into the infected cell, including the bacteria's own receptor (Tir). Binding to this membrane-bound, pathogen-derived protein permits EPEC to intimately attach to mammalian cells. The translocated EPEC proteins also activate signaling pathways within the underlying cell, causing the reorganization of the host actin cytoskeleton and the formation of pedestal-like structures beneath the adherent bacteria. This review explores what is known about EPEC's subversion of mammalian cell functions and how this knowledge has provided novel insights into bacterial pathogenesis and microbe-host interactions. Future studies of A/E pathogens in animal models should provide further insights into how EPEC exploits not only epithelial cells but other host cells, including those of the immune system, to cause diarrheal disease.


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The whole genome sequence (1.83 Mbp) of Haemophilus influenzae strain Rd was searched to identify tandem oligonucleotide repeat sequences. Loss or gain of one or more nucleotide repeats through a recombination-independent slippage mechanism is known to mediate phase variation of surface molecules of pathogenic bacteria, including H. influenzae. This facilitates evasion of host defenses and adaptation to the varying microenvironments of the host. We reasoned that iterative nucleotides could identify novel genes relevant to microbe-host interactions. Our search of the Rd genome sequence identified 9 novel loci with multiple (range 6-36, mean 22) tandem tetranucleotide repeats. All were found to be located within putative open reading frames and included homologues of hemoglobin-binding proteins of Neisseria, a glycosyltransferase (IgtC gene product) of Neisseria, and an adhesin of Yersinia. These tetranucleotide repeat sequences were also shown to be present in two other epidemiologically different H. influenzae type b strains, although the number and distribution of repeats was different. Further characterization of the IgtC gene showed that it was involved in phenotypic switching of a lipopolysaccharide epitope and that this variable expression was associated with changes in the number of tetranucleotide repeats. Mutation of IgtC resulted in attenuated virulence of H. influenzae in an infant rat model of invasive infection. These data indicate the rapidity, economy, and completeness with which whole genome sequences can be used to investigate the biology of pathogenic bacteria.


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Here we describe the first instances to our knowledge of animal virus genome replication, and of de novo synthesis of infectious virions by a nonendogenous virus, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whose versatile genetics offers significant advantages for studying viral replication and virus-host interactions. Flock house virus (FHV) is the most extensively studied member of the Nodaviridae family of (+) strand RNA animal viruses. Transfection of yeast with FHV genomic RNA induced viral RNA replication, transcription, and assembly of infectious virions. Genome replication and virus synthesis were robust: all replicating FHV RNA species were readily detected in yeast by Northern blot analysis and yields of virions per cell were similar to those from Drosophila cells. We also describe in vivo expression and maintenance of a selectable yeast marker gene from an engineered FHV RNA derivative dependent on FHV-directed RNA replication. Use of these approaches with FHV and their possible extension to other viruses should facilitate identification and characterization of host factors required for genomic replication, gene expression, and virion assembly.


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The adenovirus (Ad) early region 3 (E3) genes code for at least four proteins that inhibit the host immune responses mediated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes and tumor necrosis factor alpha. To evaluate the potential use of these immunoregulatory viral functions in facilitating allogeneic cell transplantation, the Ad E3 genes were expressed in pancreatic beta cells in transgenic mice under control of the rat insulin II promoter. Transgenic H-2b/d (C57BL/6 x BALB/c) islets, expressing the Ad E3 genes, remained viable for at least 94 days after transplantation under the kidney capsule of BALB/c (H-2d) recipients. Nontransgenic H-2b/d control islets were rejected as anticipated between 14 and 28 days. Histological analysis of the transplanted transgenic islets revealed normal architecture. Immunohistochemical studies with antisera to islet hormones revealed the presence of both beta and non-beta islet cells, suggesting a propagation of the immunosuppressive effect of Ad proteins from beta cells to other islet cells. The use of viral genes, which have evolved to regulate virus-host interactions, to immunosupress the anti-genicity of donor transplant tissue suggests additional ways for prolonging allograft survival. In addition, these findings have implications for designing Ad vectors for gene therapy.


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Agrobacterium tumefaciens induces crown gall tumors on plants by transferring a nucleoprotein complex, the T-complex, from the bacterium to the plant cell. The T-complex consists of T-DNA, a single-stranded DNA segment of the tumor-inducing plasmid, VirD2, an endonuclease covalently bound to the 5′ end of the T-DNA, and perhaps VirE2, a single-stranded DNA binding protein. The yeast two-hybrid system was used to screen for proteins interacting with VirD2 and VirE2 to identify components in Arabidopsis thaliana that interact with the T-complex. Three VirD2- and two VirE2-interacting proteins were identified. Here we characterize the interactions of VirD2 with two isoforms of Arabidopsis cyclophilins identified by using this analysis. The VirD2 domain interacting with the cyclophilins is distinct from the endonuclease, omega, and the nuclear localization signal domains. The VirD2–cyclophilin interaction is disrupted in vitro by cyclosporin A, which also inhibits Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Arabidopsis and tobacco. These data strongly suggest that host cyclophilins play a role in T-DNA transfer.


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Cation-π interactions are important forces in molecular recognition by biological receptors, enzyme catalysis, and crystal engineering. We have harnessed these interactions in designing molecular systems with circular arrangement of benzene units that are capable of acting as ionophores and models for biological receptors. [n]Collarenes are promising candidates with high selectivity for a specific cation, depending on n, because of their structural rigidity and well-defined cavity size. The interaction energies of [n]collarenes with cations have been evaluated by using ab initio calculations. The selectivity of these [n]collarenes in aqueous solution was revealed by using statistical perturbation theory in conjunction with Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations. It has been observed that in [n]collarenes the ratio of the interaction energies of a cation with it and the cation with the basic building unit (benzene) can be correlated to its ion selectivity. We find that collarenes are excellent and efficient ionophores that bind cations through cation-π interactions. [6]Collarene is found to be a selective host for Li+ and Mg2+, [8]collarene for K+ and Sr2+, and [10]collarene for Cs+ and Ba2+. This finding indicates that [10]collarene and [8]collarene could be used for effective separation of highly radioactive isotopes, 137Cs and 90Sr, which are major constituents of nuclear wastes. More interestingly, collarenes of larger cavity size can be useful in capturing organic cations. [12]Collarene exhibits a pronounced affinity for tetramethylammonium cation and acetylcholine, which implies that it could serve as a model for acetylcholinestrase. Thus, collarenes can prove to be novel and effective ionophores/model-receptors capable of heralding a new direction in molecular recognition and host-guest chemistry.


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Various pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and protozoan bind to glycosaminoglycan-based receptors on host cells and initiate an infection. Sporozoites of Plasmodium predominantly express circumsporozoite (CS) protein on their surface, which binds to heparan sulfate proteoglycans on liver cell surface that subsequently leads to malaria. Here we show that the interaction of free heparin with this parasite ligand has the potential to be a critical component of invasion. CS protein of P. falciparum contains four cysteines at positions 361, 365, 396, and 401. In this study, all four cysteine residues were mutagenized to alanine both individually and in different combinations. Conversion of cysteine 396 to alanine (protein CS3) led to a 10-fold increase in the binding activity of the protein to HepG2 cells. Replacement of cysteines at positions 361, 365, and 401 either alone or in different combinations led to a near total loss of binding. Surprisingly, activity in these inactive mutants could be effectively restored in the presence of submolar concentrations of heparin. Heparin also up-regulated binding of CS3 at submolar concentrations with respect to the protein but down-regulated binding when present in excess. Given the significantly different concentrations of heparin in different organs of the host and the in vitro results described here one can consider in vivo ramifications of this phenomenon for pathogen targeting of specific organs and for the functional effects of antigenic variation on receptor ligand interaction.


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Host Cell Factor-1 (HCF-1, C1) was first identified as a cellular target for the herpes simplex virus transcriptional activator VP16. Association between HCF and VP16 leads to the assembly of a multiprotein enhancer complex that stimulates viral immediate-early gene transcription. HCF-1 is expressed in all cells and is required for progression through G1 phase of the cell cycle. In addition to VP16, HCF-1 associates with a cellular bZIP protein known as LZIP (or Luman). Both LZIP and VP16 contain a four-amino acid HCF-binding motif, recognized by the N-terminal β-propeller domain of HCF-1. Herein, we show that the N-terminal 92 amino acids of LZIP contain a potent transcriptional activation domain composed of three elements: the HCF-binding motif and two LxxLL motifs. LxxLL motifs are found in a number of transcriptional coactivators and mediate protein–protein interactions, notably recognition of the nuclear hormone receptors. LZIP is an example of a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that uses LxxLL motifs within its activation domain to stimulate transcription. The LxxLL motifs are not required for association with the HCF-1 β-propeller and instead interact with other regions in HCF-1 or recruit additional cofactors.


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The large size of many novel therapeutics impairs their transport through the tumor extracellular matrix and thus limits their therapeutic effectiveness. We propose that extracellular matrix composition, structure, and distribution determine the transport properties in tumors. Furthermore, because the characteristics of the extracellular matrix largely depend on the tumor–host interactions, we postulate that diffusion of macromolecules will vary with tumor type as well as anatomical location. Diffusion coefficients of macromolecules and liposomes in tumors growing in cranial windows (CWs) and dorsal chambers (DCs) were measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. For the same tumor types, diffusion of large molecules was significantly faster in CW than in DC tumors. The greater diffusional hindrance in DC tumors was correlated with higher levels of collagen type I and its organization into fibrils. For molecules with diameters comparable to the interfibrillar space the diffusion was 5- to 10-fold slower in DC than in CW tumors. The slower diffusion in DC tumors was associated with a higher density of host stromal cells that synthesize and organize collagen type I. Our results point to the necessity of developing site-specific drug carriers to improve the delivery of molecular medicine to solid tumors.


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Initiation of minus (-) strand DNA synthesis was examined on templates containing R, U5, and primer-binding site regions of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), and equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) genomic RNA. DNA synthesis was initiated from (i) an oligoribonucleotide complementary to the primer-binding sites, (ii) synthetic tRNA(3Lys), and (iii) natural tRNA(3Lys), by the reverse transcriptases of HIV-1, FIV, EIAV, simian immunodeficiency virus, HIV type 2 (HIV-2), Moloney murine leukemia virus, and avian myeloblastosis virus. All enzymes used an oligonucleotide on wild-type HIV-1 RNA, whereas only a limited number initiated (-) strand DNA synthesis from either tRNA(3Lys). In contrast, all enzymes supported efficient tRNA(3Lys)-primed (-) strand DNA synthesis on the genomes of FIV and EIAV. This may be in part attributable to the observation that the U5-inverted repeat stem-loop of the EIAV and FIV genomes lacks an A-rich loop shown with HIV-1 to interact with the U-rich tRNA anticodon loop. Deletion of this loop in HIV-1 RNA, or disrupting a critical loop-loop complex by tRNA(3Lys) extended by 9 nt, restored synthesis of HIV-1 (-) strand DNA from primer tRNA(3Lys) by all enzymes. Thus, divergent evolution of lentiviruses may have resulted in different mechanisms to use the same host tRNA for initiation of reverse transcription.


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We used the common fish pathogen Ichthyophthirius multifiliis as a model for studying interactions between parasitic ciliates and their vertebrate hosts. Although highly pathogenic, Ichthyophthirius can elicit a strong protective immune response in fish after exposure to controlled infections. To investigate the mechanisms underlying host resistance, a series of passive immunization experiments were carried out using mouse monoclonal antibodies against a class of surface membrane proteins, known as immobilization antigens (or i-antigens), thought to play a role in the protective response. Such antibodies bind to cilia and immobilize I. multifiliis in vitro. Surprisingly, we found that passive antibody transfer in vivo caused rapid exit of parasites from the host. The effect was highly specific for a given I. multifiliis serotype. F(ab)2 subfragments had the same effect as intact antibody, whereas monovalent Fab fragments failed to protect. The activity of Fab could, nevertheless, be restored after subsequent i.p. injection of bivalent goat anti-mouse IgG. Parasites that exit the host had detectable antibody on their surface and appeared viable in all respects. These findings represent a novel instance among protists in which protective immunity (and evasion of the host response) result from an effect of antibody on parasite behavior.