9 resultados para Paradental Cyst

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The intercellular distribution of the enzymes and metabolites of assimilatory sulfate reduction and glutathione synthesis was analyzed in maize (Zea mays L. cv LG 9) leaves. Mesophyll cells and strands of bundle-sheath cells from second leaves of 11-d-old maize seedlings were obtained by two different mechanical-isolation methods. Cross-contamination of cell preparations was determined using ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (EC and nitrate reductase (EC as marker enzymes for bundle-sheath and mesophyll cells, respectively. ATP sulfurylase (EC and adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate sulfotransferase activities were detected almost exclusively in the bundle-sheath cells, whereas GSH synthetase (EC and cyst(e)ine, γ-glutamylcysteine, and glutathione were located predominantly in the mesophyll cells. Feeding experiments using [35S]sulfate with intact leaves indicated that cyst(e)ine was the transport metabolite of reduced sulfur from bundle-sheath to mesophyll cells. This result was corroborated by tracer experiments, which showed that isolated bundle-sheath strands fed with [35S]sulfate secreted radioactive cyst(e)ine as the sole thiol into the resuspending medium. The results presented in this paper show that assimilatory sulfate reduction is restricted to the bundle-sheath cells, whereas the formation of glutathione takes place predominantly in the mesophyll cells, with cyst(e)ine functioning as a transport metabolite between the two cell types.


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The Drosophila fusome is a germ cell-specific organelle assembled from membrane skeletal proteins and membranous vesicles. Mutational studies that have examined inactivating alleles of fusome proteins indicate that the organelle plays central roles in germ cell differentiation. Although mutations in genes encoding skeletal fusome components prevent proper cyst formation, mutations in the bag-of-marbles gene disrupt the assembly of membranous cisternae within the fusome and block cystoblast differentiation altogether. To understand the relationship between fusome cisternae and cystoblast differentiation, we have begun to identify other proteins in this network of fusome tubules. In this article we present evidence that the fly homologue of the transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase (TER94) is one such protein. The presence of TER94 suggests that the fusome cisternae grow by vesicle fusion and are a germ cell modification of endoplasmic reticulum. We also show that fusome association of TER94 is Bam-dependent, suggesting that cystoblast differentiation may be linked to fusome reticulum biogenesis.


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The availability of cysteine is thought to be the rate limiting factor for synthesis of the tripeptide glutathione (GSH), based on studies in rodents. GSH status is compromised in various disease states and by certain medications leading to increased morbidity and poor survival. To determine the possible importance of dietary cyst(e)ine availability for whole blood glutathione synthesis in humans, we developed a convenient mass spectrometric method for measurement of the isotopic enrichment of intact GSH and then applied it in a controlled metabolic study. Seven healthy male subjects received during two separate 10-day periods an l-amino acid based diet supplying an adequate amino acid intake or a sulfur amino acid (SAA) (methionine and cysteine) free mixture (SAA-free). On day 10, l-[1-13C]cysteine was given as a primed, constant i.v. infusion (3μmol⋅kg−1⋅h−1) for 6 h, and incorporation of label into whole blood GSH determined by GC/MS selected ion monitoring. The fractional synthesis rate (mean ± SD; day-1) of whole blood GSH was 0.65 ± 0.13 for the adequate diet and 0.49 ± 0.13 for the SAA-free diet (P < 0.01). Whole blood GSH was 1,142 ± 243 and 1,216 ± 162 μM for the adequate and SAA-free periods (P > 0.05), and the absolute rate of GSH synthesis was 747 ± 216 and 579 ± 135 μmol⋅liter−1⋅day−1, respectively (P < 0.05). Thus, a restricted dietary supply of SAA slows the rate of whole blood GSH synthesis and diminishes turnover, with maintenance of the GSH concentration in healthy subjects.


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The promoters of MEA (FIS1), FIS2, and FIE (FIS3), genes that repress seed development in the absence of pollination, were fused to β-glucuronidase (GUS) to study their activity pattern. The FIS2∷GUS product is found in the embryo sac, in each of the polar cell nuclei, and in the central cell nucleus. After pollination, the maternally derived FIS2∷GUS protein occurs in the nuclei of the cenocytic endosperm. Before cellularization of the endosperm, activity is terminated in the micropylar and central nuclei of the endosperm and subsequently in the nuclei of the chalazal cyst. MEA∷GUS has a pattern of activity similar to that of FIS2∷GUS, but FIE∷GUS protein is found in many tissues, including the prepollination embryo sac, and in embryo and endosperm postpollination. The similarity in mutant phenotypes; the activity of FIE, MEA, and FIS2 in the same cells in the embryo sac; and the fact that MEA and FIE proteins interact in a yeast two-hybrid system suggest that these proteins operate in the same system of control of seed development. Maternal and not paternal FIS2∷GUS, MEA∷GUS, and FIE∷GUS show activity in early endosperm, so these genes may be imprinted. When fis2, mea, and fie mutants are pollinated, seed development is arrested at the heart embryo stage. The seed arrest of mea and fis2 is avoided when they are fertilized by a low methylation parent. The wild-type alleles of MEA or FIS2 are not required. The parent-of-origin-determined differential activity of MEA, FIS2, and FIE is not dependent on DNA methylation, but methylation does control some gene(s) that have key roles in seed development.


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The sulfur K-edge x-ray absorption spectra for the amino acids cysteine and methionine and their corresponding oxidized forms cystine and methionine sulfoxide are presented. Distinct differences in the shape of the edge and the inflection point energy for cysteine and cystine are observed. For methionine sulfoxide the inflection point energy is 2.8 eV higher compared with methionine. Glutathione, the most abundant thiol in animal cells, also has been investigated. The x-ray absorption near-edge structure spectrum of reduced glutathione resembles that of cysteine, whereas the spectrum of oxidized glutathione resembles that of cystine. The characteristic differences between the thiol and disulfide spectra enable one to determine the redox status (thiol to disulfide ratio) in intact biological systems, such as unbroken cells, where glutathione and cyst(e)ine are the two major sulfur-containing components. The sulfur K-edge spectra for whole human blood, plasma, and erythrocytes are shown. The erythrocyte sulfur K-edge spectrum is similar to that of fully reduced glutathione. Simulation of the plasma spectrum indicated 32% thiol and 68% disulfide sulfur. The whole blood spectrum can be simulated by a combination of 46% disulfide and 54% thiol sulfur.


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Wounding of endothelial cells is associated with altered direct intercellular communication. To determine whether gap junctional communication participates to the wound repair process, we have compared connexin (Cx) expression, cell-to-cell coupling and kinetics of wound repair in monolayer cultures of PymT-transformed mouse endothelial cells (clone bEnd.3) and in bEnd.3 cells expressing different dominant negative Cx inhibitors. In parental bEnd.3 cells, mechanical wounding increased expression of Cx43 and decreased expression of Cx37 at the site of injury, whereas Cx40 expression was unaffected. These wound-induced changes in Cx expression were associated with functional changes in cell-to-cell coupling, as assessed with different fluorescent tracers. Stable transfection with cDNAs encoding for the chimeric connexin 3243H7 or the fusion protein Cx43-βGal resulted in perturbed gap junctional communication between bEnd.3 cells under both basal and wounded conditions. The time required for complete repair of a defined wound within a confluent monolayer was increased by ∼50% in cells expressing the dominant negative Cx inhibitors, whereas other cell properties, such as proliferation rate, migration of single cells, cyst formation and extracellular proteolytic activity, were unaltered. These findings demonstrate that proper Cx expression is required for coordinated migration during repair of an endothelial wound.


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The kidneys of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease become massively enlarged due to the progressive expansion of myriad fluid-filled cysts. The epithelial cells that line the cyst walls are responsible for secreting the cyst fluid, but the mechanism through which this secretion occurs is not well established. Recent studies suggest that renal cyst epithelial cells actively secrete Cl across their apical membranes, which in turn drives the transepithelial movement of Na and water. The characteristics of this secretory flux suggest that it is dependent upon the participation of an apical cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-like Cl channel and basolateral Na,K-ATPase. To test this hypothesis, we have immunolocalized the CFTR and Na,K-ATPase proteins in intact cysts and in cyst epithelial cells cultured in vitro on permeable filter supports. In both settings, cyst epithelial cells were found to possess Na,K-ATPase exclusively at their basolateral surfaces; apical labeling was not detected. The CFTR protein was present at the apical surfaces of cyst epithelial cells that had been stimulated to secrete through incubation in forskolin. CFTR was detected in intracellular structures in cultured cyst epithelial cells that had not received the forskolin treatment. These results demonstrate that the renal epithelial cells that line cysts in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease express transport systems with the appropriate polarity to mediate active Cl and fluid secretion.


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Giardia lamblia, like most human intestinal parasitic protozoa, sustains fundamental morphological and biochemical changes to survive outside the small intestine of its mammalian host by differentiating into an infective cyst. However, the stimulus that triggers this differentiation remains totally undefined. In this work, we demonstrate the induction of cyst formation in vitro when trophozoites are starved for cholesterol. Expression of cyst wall proteins was detected within encystation-specific secretory vesicles 90 min after the cells were placed in lipoprotein-deficient TYI-S-33 medium. Four cloned lines derived from two independent Giardia isolates were tested, and all formed cysts similarly. Addition of cholesterol, low density or very low density lipoproteins to the lipoprotein-deficient culture medium, inhibited the expression of cyst wall proteins, the generation of encystation-specific vesicles, and cyst wall biogenesis. In contrast, high density lipoproteins, phospholipids, bile salts, or fatty acids had little or no effect. These results indicate that cholesterol starvation is necessary and sufficient for the stimulation of Giardia encystation in vitro and, likely, in the intestine of mammalian hosts.


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gamma-Glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is an ectoenzyme that catalyzes the first step in the cleavage of glutathione (GSH) and plays an essential role in the metabolism of GSH and GSH conjugates of carcinogens, toxins, and eicosanoids. To learn more about the role of GGT in metabolism in vivo, we used embryonic stem cell technology to generate GGT-deficient (GGTm1/GGTm1) mice. GGT-deficient mice appear normal at birth but grow slowly and by 6 weeks are about half the weight of wild-type mice. They are sexually immature, develop cataracts, and have coats with a gray cast. Most die between 10 and 18 weeks. Plasma and urine GSH levels in the GGTm1/GGTm1 mice are elevated 6-fold and 2500-fold, respectively, compared with wild-type mice. Tissue GSH levels are markedly reduced in eye, liver, and pancreas. Plasma cyst(e)ine levels in GGTm1/GGTm1 mice are reduced to approximately 20% of wild-type mice. Oral administration of N-acetylcysteine to GGTm1/GGTm1 mice results in normal growth rates and partially restores the normal agouti coat color. These findings demonstrate the importance of GGT and the gamma-glutamyl cycle in cysteine and GSH homeostasis.