em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Several human genetic cataracts have been linked recently to point mutations in the γD crystallin gene. Here we provide a molecular basis for lens opacity in two genetic cataracts and suggest that the opacity occurs because of the spontaneous crystallization of the mutant proteins. Such crystallization of endogenous proteins leading to pathology is an unusual event. Measurements of the solubility curves of crystals of the Arg-58 to His and Arg-36 to Ser mutants of γD crystallin show that the mutations dramatically lower the solubility of the protein. Furthermore, the crystal nucleation rate of the mutants is enhanced considerably relative to that of the wild-type protein. It should be noted that, although there is a marked difference in phase behavior, there is no significant difference in protein conformation among the three proteins.
A powerful and potentially general approach to the targeting and crystallization of proteins on lipid interfaces through coordination of surface histidine residues to lipid-chelated divalent metal ions is presented. This approach, which should be applicable to the crystallization of a wide range of naturally occurring or engineered proteins, is illustrated here by the crystallization of streptavidin on a monolayer of an iminodiacetate-Cu(II) lipid spread at the air-water interface. This method allows control of the protein orientation at interfaces, which is significant for the facile production of highly ordered protein arrays and for electron density mapping in structural analysis of two-dimensional crystals. Binding of native streptavidin to the iminodiacetate-Cu lipids occurs via His-87, located on the protein surface near the biotin binding pocket. The two-dimensional streptavidin crystals show a previously undescribed microscopic shape that differs from that of crystals formed beneath biotinylated lipids.
Understanding the mechanisms of action of membrane proteins requires the elucidation of their structures to high resolution. The critical step in accomplishing this by x-ray crystallography is the routine availability of well-ordered three-dimensional crystals. We have devised a novel, rational approach to meet this goal using quasisolid lipidic cubic phases. This membrane system, consisting of lipid, water, and protein in appropriate proportions, forms a structured, transparent, and complex three-dimensional lipidic array, which is pervaded by an intercommunicating aqueous channel system. Such matrices provide nucleation sites (“seeding”) and support growth by lateral diffusion of protein molecules in the membrane (“feeding”). Bacteriorhodopsin crystals were obtained from bicontinuous cubic phases, but not from micellar systems, implying a critical role of the continuity of the diffusion space (the bilayer) on crystal growth. Hexagonal bacteriorhodopsin crystals diffracted to 3.7 Å resolution, with a space group P63, and unit cell dimensions of a = b = 62 Å, c = 108 Å; α = β = 90° and γ = 120°.
A chimeric Lhcb gene encoding light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (LHCII) was expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. To separate native from recombinant LHCII, the protein was extended by six histidines at its C terminus. Recombinant LHCII was isolated by detergent-mediated monomerization of pure trimers followed by affinity-chromatography on Ni2+-NTA-agarose (NTA is nitrilotriacetic acid). Elution with imidazole yielded recombinant monomers that formed trimers readily after dilution of the detergent without further in vitro manipulations. LHCII subunits showed the typical chlorophyll a/b ratio at all steps of purification indicating no significant loss of pigments. Transgenic tobacco overexpressed amounts of recombinant protein that corresponded to about 0.7% of total LHCII. This yield suggested that expression in planta might be an alternative to the expression of eukaryotic membrane proteins in yeast. Recombinant LHCII was able to form two-dimensional crystals after addition of digalactolipids, which diffracted electrons to 3.6-Å resolution. LHCII carrying a replacement of Arg-21 with Gln accumulated to only 0.004% of total thylakoid proteins. This mutant was monomeric in the photosynthetic membrane probably due to the deletion of the phosphatidylglycerol binding site and was degraded by the plastidic proteolytic system. Exchange of Asn-183 with Leu impaired LHCII biogenesis in a similar way presumably due to the lack of a chlorophyll a binding site.
The structure of a multisubunit protein (immunoglobulin light chain) was solved in three crystal forms, differing only in the solvent of crystallization. The three structures were obtained at high ionic strength and low pH, high ionic strength and high pH, and low ionic strength and neutral pH. The three resulting "snapshots" of possible structures show that their variable-domain interactions differ, reflecting their stabilities under specific solvent conditions. In the three crystal forms, the variable domains had different rotational and translational relationships, whereas no alteration of the constant domains was found. The critical residues involved in the observed effect of the solvent are tryptophans and histidines located between the two variable domains in the dimeric structure. Tryptophan residues are commonly found in interfaces between proteins and their subunits, and histidines have been implicated in pH-dependent conformation changes. The quaternary structure observed for a multisubunit protein or protein complex in a crystal may be influenced by the interactions of the constituents within the molecule or complex and/or by crystal packing interactions. The comparison of buried surface areas and hydrogen bonds between the domains forming the molecule and between the molecules forming the crystals suggest that, for this system, the interactions within the molecule are most likely the determining factors.