71 resultados para PHAGE DISPLAY

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Catalytic antibodies have shown great promise for catalyzing a tremendously diverse set of natural and unnatural chemical transformations. However, few catalytic antibodies have efficiencies that approach those of natural enzymes. In principle, random mutagenesis procedures such as phage display could be used to improve the catalytic activities of existing antibodies; however, these studies have been hampered by difficulties in the recombinant expression of antibodies. Here, we have grafted the antigen binding loops from a murine-derived catalytic antibody, 17E8, onto a human antibody framework in an effort to overcome difficulties associated with recombinant expression and phage display of this antibody. “Humanized” 17E8 retained similar catalytic and hapten binding properties as the murine antibody while levels of functional Fab displayed on phage were 200-fold higher than for a murine variable region/human constant region chimeric Fab. This construct was used to prepare combinatorial libraries. Affinity panning of these resulted in the selection of variants with 2- to 8-fold improvements in binding affinity for a phosphonate transition-state analog. Surprisingly, none of the affinity-matured variants was more catalytically active than the parent antibody and some were significantly less active. By contrast, a weaker binding variant was identified with 2-fold greater catalytic activity and incorporation of a single substitution (Tyr-100aH → Asn) from this variant into the parent antibody led to a 5-fold increase in catalytic efficiency. Thus, phage display methods can be readily used to optimize binding of catalytic antibodies to transition-state analogs, and when used in conjunction with limited screening for catalysis can identify variants with higher catalytic efficiencies.


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EGFRvIII is a mutant epidermal growth factor receptor found in glioblastoma, and in carcinoma of the breast, ovary, and lung. The mutant receptor has a deletion in its extracellular domain that results in the formation of a new, tumor-specific extracellular sequence. Mice were immunized with a synthetic peptide corresponding to this sequence and purified EGFRvIII. A single chain antibody variable domain (scFv) phage display library of 8 × 106 members was made from the spleen of one immunized mouse. A scFv specific for EGFRvIII was isolated from this library by panning with successively decreasing amounts of synthetic peptide. This was used to make an immunotoxin by fusing the scFv DNA sequence to sequences coding for domains II and III of Pseudomonas exotoxin A. Purified immunotoxin had a Kd of 22 nM for peptide and a Kd of 11 nM for cell-surface EGFRvIII. The immunotoxin was very cytotoxic to cells expressing EGFRvIII, with an IC50 of 1 ng/ml (16 pM) on mouse fibroblasts transfected with EGFRvIII and an IC50 of 7–10 ng/ml (110–160 pM) on transfected glioblastoma cells. There was no cytotoxic activity at 1000 ng/ml on the untransfected parent glioblastoma cell line. The immunotoxin was completely stable upon incubation at 37°C for 24 h in human serum. The combination of good affinity, cytotoxicity and stability make this immunotoxin a candidate for further preclinical evaluation.


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The gene VII protein (pVII) and gene IX protein (pIX) are associated closely on the surface of filamentous bacteriophage that is opposite of the end harboring the widely exploited pIII protein. We developed a phagemid format wherein antibody heavy- and light-chain variable regions were fused to the amino termini of pVII and pIX, respectively. Significantly, the fusion proteins interacted to form a functional Fv-binding domain on the phage surface. Our approach will be applicable to the display of generic peptide and protein libraries that can form combinatorial heterodimeric arrays. Consequently, it represents a first step toward artificial antibodies and the selection of novel biological activities.


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The Src homology 3 (SH3) domain is a 50-aa modular unit present in many cellular proteins involved in intracellular signal transduction. It functions to direct protein-protein interactions through the recognition of proline-rich motifs on associated proteins. SH3 domains are important regulatory elements that have been demonstrated to specify distinct regulatory pathways important for cell growth, migration, differentiation, and responses to the external milieu. By the use of synthetic peptides, ligands have been shown to consist of a minimum core sequence and to bind to SH3 domains in one of two pseudosymmetrical orientations, class I and class II. The class I sites have the consensus sequence ZP(L/P)PP psi P whereas the class II consensus is PP psi PPZ (where psi is a hydrophobic residue and Z is a SH3 domain-specific residue). We previously showed by M13 phage display that the Src, Fyn, Lyn, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) SH3 domains preferred the same class I-type core binding sequence, RPLPP psi P. These results failed to explain the specificity for cellular proteins displayed by SH3 domains in cells. In the current study, class I and class II core ligand sequences were displayed on the surface of bacteriophage M13 with five random residues placed either N- or C-terminal of core ligand residues. These libraries were screened for binding to the Src, Fyn, Lyn, Yes, and PI3K SH3 domains. By this approach, additional ligand residue preferences were identified that can increase the affinity of SH3 peptide ligands at least 20-fold compared with core peptides. The amino acids selected in the flanking sequences were similar for Src, Fyn, and Yes SH3 domains; however, Lyn and PI3K SH3 domains showed distinct binding specificities. These results indicate that residues that flank the core binding sequences shared by many SH3 domains are important determinants of SH3 binding affinity and selectivity.


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During assembly of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase, cytosolic p47-phox translocates to the plasma membrane and binds to flavocytochrome b, and binding domains for p47-phox have been identified on the C-terminal tails of both flavocytochrome b subunits. In the present report, we further examine the interaction of these two oxidase components by using random-sequence peptide phage display library analysis. Screening p47-phox with the peptide libraries identified five potential sites of interaction with flavocytochrome b, including three previously reported regions of interaction and two additional regions of interaction of p47-phox with gp91-phox and p22-phox. The additional sites were mapped to a domain on the first predicted cytosolic loop of gp91-phox encompassing residues S86TRVRRQL93 and to a domain near the cytosolic C-terminal tail of gp91-phox encompassing residues F450EWFADLL457. The mapping also confirmed a previously reported binding domain on gp91-phox (E554SGPRGVHFIF564) and putative Src homology 3 domain binding sites on p22-phox (P156PRPP160 and G177GPPGGP183). To demonstrate that the additional regions identified were biologically significant, peptides mimicking the gp91-phox sequences F77LRGSSACCSTRVRRQL93 and E451WFADLLQLLESQ463 were synthesized and assayed for their ability to inhibit NADPH oxidase activity. These peptides had EC50 values of 1 microM and 230 microM, respectively, and inhibited activation when added prior to assembly but did not affect activity of the preassembled oxidase. Our data demonstrate the usefulness of phage display library analysis for the identification of biologically relevant sites of protein-protein interaction and show that the binding of p47-phox to flavocytochrome b involves multiple binding sites along the C-terminal tails of both gp91- and p22-phox and other regions of gp91-phox nearer to the N terminus.


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Human monoclonal antibodies have considerable potential in the prophylaxis and treatment of viral disease. However, only a few such antibodies suitable for clinical use have been produced to date. We have previously shown that large panels of human recombinant monoclonal antibodies against a plethora of infectious agents, including herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, can be established from phage display libraries. Here we demonstrate that facile cloning of recombinant Fab fragments against specific viral proteins in their native conformation can be accomplished by panning phage display libraries against viral glycoproteins "captured" from infected cell extracts by specific monoclonal antibodies immobilized on ELISA plates. We have tested this strategy by isolating six neutralizing recombinant antibodies specific for herpes simplex glycoprotein gD or gB, some of which are against conformationally sensitive epitopes. By using defined monoclonal antibodies for the antigen-capture step, this method can be used for the isolation of antibodies to specific regions and epitopes within the target viral protein. For instance, monoclonal antibodies to a nonneutralizing epitope can be used in the capture step to clone antibodies to neutralizing epitopes, or antibodies to a neutralizing epitope can be used to clone antibodies to a different neutralizing epitope. Furthermore, by using capturing antibodies to more immunodominant epitopes, one can direct the cloning to less immunogenic ones. This method should be of value in generating antibodies to be used both in the prophylaxis and treatment of viral infections and in the characterization of the mechanisms of antibody protective actions at the molecular level.


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We report the use of “mRNA display,” an in vitro selection technique, to identify peptide aptamers to a protein target. mRNA display allows for the preparation of polypeptide libraries with far greater complexity than is possible with phage display. Starting with a library of ≈1013 random peptides, 20 different aptamers to streptavidin were obtained, with dissociation constants as low as 5 nM. These aptamers function without the aid of disulfide bridges or engineered scaffolds, yet possess affinities comparable to those for monoclonal antibody–antigen complexes. The aptamers bind streptavidin with three to four orders of magnitude higher affinity than those isolated previously by phage display from lower complexity libraries of shorter random peptides. Like previously isolated peptides, they contain an HPQ consensus motif. This study shows that, given sufficient length and diversity, high-affinity aptamers can be obtained even from random nonconstrained peptide libraries. By engineering structural constraints into these ultrahigh complexity peptide libraries, it may be possible to produce binding agents with subnanomolar binding constants.


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The affinity between molecules depends both on the nature and presentation of the contacts. Here, we observe coupling of functional and structural elements when a protein binding domain is evolved to a smaller functional mimic. Previously, a 38-residue form of the 59-residue B-domain of protein A, termed Z38, was selected by phage display. Z38 contains 13 mutations and binds IgG only 10-fold weaker than the native B-domain. We present the solution structure of Z38 and show that it adopts a tertiary structure remarkably similar to that observed for the first two helices of B-domain in the B-domain/Fc complex [Deisenhofer, J. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 2361–2370], although it is significantly less stable. Based on this structure, we have improved on Z38 by designing a 34-residue disulfide-bonded variant (Z34C) that has dramatically enhanced stability and binds IgG with 9-fold higher affinity. The improved stability of Z34C led to NMR spectra with much greater chemical shift dispersion, resulting in a more precisely determined structure. Z34C, like Z38, has a structure virtually identical to the equivalent region from native protein A domains. The well-defined hydrophobic core of Z34C reveals key structural features that have evolved in this small, functional domain. Thus, the stabilized two-helix peptide, about half the size and having one-third of the remaining residues altered, accurately mimics both the structure and function of the native domain.


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The link between recognition and replication is fundamental to the operation of the immune system. In recent years, modeling this process in a format of phage-display combinatorial libraries has afforded a powerful tool for obtaining valuable antibodies. However, the ability to readily select and isolate rare catalysts would expand the scope of library technology. A technique in which phage infection controlled the link between recognition and replication was applied to show that chemistry is a selectable process. An antibody that operated by covalent catalysis to form an acyl intermediate restored phage infectivity and allowed selection from a library in which the catalyst constituted 1 in 105 members. Three different selection approaches were examined for their convenience and generality. Incorporating these protocols together with well known affinity labels and mechanism-based inactivators should allow the procurement of a wide range of novel catalytic antibodies.


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We have used two monovalent phage display libraries containing variants of the Zif268 DNA-binding domain to obtain families of zinc fingers that bind to alterations in the last 4 bp of the DNA sequence of the Zif268 consensus operator, GCG TGGGCG. Affinity selection was performed by altering the Zif268 operator three base pairs at a time, and simultaneously selecting for sets of 16 related DNA sequences. In this way, only four experiments were required to select for all possible 64 combinations of DNA triplet sequences. The results show that (i) for high-affinity DNA binding in the range observed for the Zif268 wild-type complex (Kd = 0.5–5 nM), finger 1 specifically requires the arginine at the carboxy terminus of its recognition helix that forms a bidentate hydrogen-bond with the guanine base (G) in the crystal structure of Zif268 complexed to its DNA operator sequence GCG TGG GCG; (ii) when the guanine base (G) is replaced by A, C, or T, a lower-affinity family (Kd ⩾ 50 nM) can be detected that shows an overall tendency to bind G-rich DNA; (iii) the residues at position 2 on the finger 2 recognition helix do not appear to interact strongly with the complementary 5′ base in the finger 1 binding site; and (iv) unexpected substitutions at the amino terminus of finger 1 can occasionally result in specificity for the 3′ base in the finger 1 binding site. A DNA recognition directory was constructed for high-affinity zinc fingers that recognize all three bases in a DNA triplet for seven sequences of the type GNN. Similar approaches may be applied to other zinc fingers to broaden the scope of the directory.


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We demonstrate that the ligand pocket of a lipocalin from Pieris brassicae, the bilin-binding protein (BBP), can be reshaped by combinatorial protein design such that it recognizes fluorescein, an established immunological hapten. For this purpose 16 residues at the center of the binding site, which is formed by four loops on top of an eight-stranded β-barrel, were subjected to random mutagenesis. Fluorescein-binding BBP variants were then selected from the mutant library by bacterial phage display. Three variants were identified that complex fluorescein with high affinity, exhibiting dissociation constants as low as 35.2 nM. Notably, one of these variants effects almost complete quenching of the ligand fluorescence, similarly as an anti-fluorescein antibody. Detailed ligand-binding studies and site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicated (i) that the molecular recognition of fluorescein is specific and (ii) that charged residues at the center of the pocket are responsible for tight complex formation. Sequence comparison of the BBP variants directed against fluorescein with the wild-type protein and with further variants that were selected against several other ligands revealed that all of the randomized amino acid positions are variable. Hence, a lipocalin can be used for generating molecular pockets with a diversity of shapes. We term this class of engineered proteins “anticalins.” Their one-domain scaffold makes them a promising alternative to antibodies to create a stable receptor protein for a ligand of choice.


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This investigation was pursued to test the use of intracellular antibodies (intrabodies) as a means of blocking the pathogenesis of Huntington's disease (HD). HD is characterized by abnormally elongated polyglutamine near the N terminus of the huntingtin protein, which induces pathological protein–protein interactions and aggregate formation by huntingtin or its exon 1-containing fragments. Selection from a large human phage display library yielded a single-chain Fv (sFv) antibody specific for the 17 N-terminal residues of huntingtin, adjacent to the polyglutamine in HD exon 1. This anti-huntingtin sFv intrabody was tested in a cellular model of the disease in which huntingtin exon 1 had been fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP). Expression of expanded repeat HD-polyQ-GFP in transfected cells shows perinuclear aggregation similar to human HD pathology, which worsens with increasing polyglutamine length; the number of aggregates in these transfected cells provided a quantifiable model of HD for this study. Coexpression of anti-huntingtin sFv intrabodies with the abnormal huntingtin-GFP fusion protein dramatically reduced the number of aggregates, compared with controls lacking the intrabody. Anti-huntingtin sFv fused with a nuclear localization signal retargeted huntingtin analogues to cell nuclei, providing further evidence of the anti-huntingtin sFv specificity and of its capacity to redirect the subcellular localization of exon 1. This study suggests that intrabody-mediated modulation of abnormal neuronal proteins may contribute to the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as HD, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, prion disease, and the spinocerebellar ataxias.


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Snake-venom α-bungarotoxin is a member of the α-neurotoxin family that binds with very high affinity to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) at the neuromuscular junction. The structure of the complex between α-bungarotoxin and a 13-mer peptide (WRYYESSLEPYPD) that binds the toxin with high affinity, thus inhibiting its interactions with AChR with an IC50 of 2 nM, has been solved by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The bound peptide folds into a β-hairpin structure created by two antiparallel β-strands, which combine with the already existing triple-stranded β-sheet of the toxin to form a five-stranded intermolecular, antiparallel β-sheet. Peptide residues Y3P, E5P, and L8P have the highest intermolecular contact area, indicating their importance in the binding of α-bungarotoxin; W1P, R2P, and Y4P also contribute significantly to the binding. A large number of characteristic hydrogen bonds and electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions are observed in the complex. The high-affinity peptide exhibits inhibitory potency that is better than any known peptide derived from AChR, and is equal to that of the whole α-subunit of AChR. The high degree of sequence similarity between the peptide and various types of AChRs implies that the binding mode found within the complex might possibly mimic the receptor binding to the toxin. The design of the high-affinity peptide was based on our previous findings: (i) the detection of a lead peptide (MRYYESSLKSYPD) that binds α-bungarotoxin, using a phage-display peptide library, (ii) the information about the three-dimensional structure of α-bungarotoxin/lead-peptide complex, and (iii) the amino acid sequence analysis of different AChRs.


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A key step in the regulation of networks that control gene expression is the sequence-specific binding of transcription factors to their DNA recognition sites. A more complete understanding of these DNA–protein interactions will permit a more comprehensive and quantitative mapping of the regulatory pathways within cells, as well as a deeper understanding of the potential functions of individual genes regulated by newly identified DNA-binding sites. Here we describe a DNA microarray-based method to characterize sequence-specific DNA recognition by zinc-finger proteins. A phage display library, prepared by randomizing critical amino acid residues in the second of three fingers of the mouse Zif268 domain, provided a rich source of zinc-finger proteins with variant DNA-binding specificities. Microarrays containing all possible 3-bp binding sites for the variable zinc fingers permitted the quantitation of the binding site preferences of the entire library, pools of zinc fingers corresponding to different rounds of selection from this library, as well as individual Zif268 variants that were isolated from the library by using specific DNA sequences. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using DNA microarrays for genome-wide identification of putative transcription factor-binding sites.


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Prion diseases are disorders of protein conformation and do not provoke an immune response. Raising antibodies to the prion protein (PrP) has been difficult due to conservation of the PrP sequence and to inhibitory activity of alpha-PrP antibodies toward lymphocytes. To circumvent these problems, we immunized mice in which the PrP gene was ablated (Prnp 0/0) and retrieved specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) through phage display libraries. This approach yielded alpha-PrP mAbs that recognize mouse PrP. Studies with these mAbs suggest that cellular PrP adopts an unusually open structure consistent with the conformational plasticity of this protein.