12 resultados para PCR detection

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A sensitive, labor-saving, and easily automatable nonradioactive procedure named APEX-FCS (amplified probe extension detected by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy) has been established to detect specific in vitro amplification of pathogen genomic sequences. As an example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis genomic DNA was subjected to PCR amplification with the Stoffel fragment of Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase in the presence of nanomolar concentrations of a rhodamine-labeled probe (third primer), binding to the target in between the micromolar amplification primers. The probe becomes extended only when specific amplification occurs. Its low concentration avoids false-positives due to unspecific hybridization under PCR conditions. With increasing portion of extended probe molecules, the probe’s average translational diffusion properties gradually change over the course of the reaction, reflecting amplification kinetics. Following PCR, this change from a stage of high to a stage of low mobility can directly be monitored during a 30-s measurement using a fluorescence correlation spectroscopy device. Quantitation down to 10 target molecules in a background of 2.5 μg unspecific DNA without post-PCR probe manipulations could be achieved with different primer/probe combinations. The assay holds the promise to concurrently perform amplification, probe hybridization, and specific detection without opening the reaction chamber, if sealable foils are used.


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We have developed a technique, methylation-specific PCR in situ hybridization (MSP-ISH), which allows for the methylation status of specific DNA sequences to be visualized in individual cells. We use MSP-ISH to monitor the timing and consequences of aberrant hypermethylation of the p16 tumor suppresser gene during the progression of cancers of the lung and cervix. Hypermethylation of p16 was localized only to the neoplastic cells in both in situ lesions and invasive cancers, and was associated with loss of p16 protein expression. MSP-ISH allowed us to dissect the surprising finding that p16 hypermethylation occurs in cervical carcinoma. This tumor is associated with infection of the oncogenic human papillomavirus, which expresses a protein, E7, that inactivates the retinoblastoma (Rb) protein. Thus, simultaneous Rb and p16 inactivation would not be needed to abrogate the critical cyclin D–Rb pathway. MSP-ISH reveals that p16 hypermethylation occurs heterogeneously within early cervical tumor cell populations that are separate from those expressing viral E7 transcripts. In advanced cervical cancers, the majority of cells have a hypermethylated p16, lack p16 protein, but no longer express E7. These data suggest that p16 inactivation is selected as the most effective mechanism of blocking the cyclin D–Rb pathway during the evolution of an invasive cancer from precursor lesions. These studies demonstrate that MSP-ISH is a powerful approach for studying the dynamics of aberrant methylation of critical tumor suppressor genes during tumor evolution.


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A homogeneous DNA diagnostic assay based on template-directed primer extension detected by fluorescence resonance energy transfer, named template-directed dye-terminator incorporation (TDI) assay, has been developed for mutation detection and high throughput genome analysis. Here, we report the successful application of the TDI assay to detect mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, the human leukocyte antigen H (HLA-H) gene, and the receptor tyrosin kinase (RET) protooncogene that are associated with cystic fibrosis, hemochromatosis, and multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2, respectively. Starting with total human DNA, the samples are amplified by the PCR followed by enzymatic degradation of excess primers and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates before the primer extension reaction is performed. All these standardized steps are performed in the same tube, and the fluorescence changes are monitored in real time, making it a useful clinical DNA diagnostic method.


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Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA) has proved to be an ultrasensitive method for HIV-1 diagnosis in plasma even in the primary HIV infection stage. This technique was combined with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) which enables online detection of the HIV-1 RNA molecules amplified by NASBA. A fluorescently labeled DNA probe at nanomolar concentration was introduced into the NASBA reaction mixture and hybridizing to a distinct sequence of the amplified RNA molecule. The specific hybridization and extension of this probe during amplification reaction, resulting in an increase of its diffusion time, was monitored online by FCS. As a consequence, after having reached a critical concentration of 0.1–1 nM (threshold for unaided FCS detection), the number of amplified RNA molecules in the further course of reaction could be determined. Evaluation of the hybridization/extension kinetics allowed an estimation of the initial HIV-1 RNA concentration that was present at the beginning of amplification. The value of initial HIV-1 RNA number enables discrimination between positive and false-positive samples (caused for instance by carryover contamination)—this possibility of discrimination is an essential necessity for all diagnostic methods using amplification systems (PCR as well as NASBA). Quantitation of HIV-1 RNA in plasma by combination of NASBA with FCS may also be useful in assessing the efficacy of anti-HIV agents, especially in the early infection stage when standard ELISA antibody tests often display negative results.


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We describe a multiplex nucleic acid assay that identifies and determines the abundance of four different pathogenic retroviruses (HIV-1, HIV-2, and human T-lymphotrophic virus types I and II). Retroviral DNA sequences are amplified in a single, sealed tube by simultaneous PCR assays, and the resulting amplicons are detected in real time by the hybridization of four differently colored, amplicon-specific molecular beacons. The color of the fluorescence generated in the course of amplification identifies which retroviruses are present, and the number of thermal cycles required for the intensity of each color to rise significantly above background provides an accurate measure of the number of copies of each retroviral sequence that were present originally in the sample. Fewer than 10 retroviral genomes can be detected. Moreover, 10 copies of a rare retrovirus can be detected in the presence of 100,000 copies of an abundant retrovirus. Ninety-six samples can be analyzed in 3 hr on a single plate, and the use of a closed-tube format eliminates crossover contamination. Utilizing previously well characterized clinical samples, we demonstrate that each of the pathogenic retroviruses can be identified correctly and no false positives occur. This assay enables the rapid and reliable screening of donated blood and transplantable tissues.


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Linkage and association analyses were performed to identify loci affecting disease susceptibility by scoring previously characterized sequence variations such as microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms. Lack of markers in regions of interest, as well as difficulty in adapting various methods to high-throughput settings, often limits the effectiveness of the analyses. We have adapted the Escherichia coli mismatch detection system, employing the factors MutS, MutL and MutH, for use in PCR-based, automated, high-throughput genotyping and mutation detection of genomic DNA. Optimal sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratios were obtained in a straightforward fashion because the detection reaction proved to be principally dependent upon monovalent cation concentration and MutL concentration. Quantitative relationships of the optimal values of these parameters with length of the DNA test fragment were demonstrated, in support of the translocation model for the mechanism of action of these enzymes, rather than the molecular switch model. Thus, rapid, sequence-independent optimization was possible for each new genomic target region. Other factors potentially limiting the flexibility of mismatch scanning, such as positioning of dam recognition sites within the target fragment, have also been investigated. We developed several strategies, which can be easily adapted to automation, for limiting the analysis to intersample heteroduplexes. Thus, the principal barriers to the use of this methodology, which we have designated PCR candidate region mismatch scanning, in cost-effective, high-throughput settings have been removed.


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Early detection is an effective means of reducing cancer mortality. Here, we describe a highly sensitive high-throughput screen that can identify panels of markers for the early detection of solid tumor cells disseminated in peripheral blood. The method is a two-step combination of differential display and high-sensitivity cDNA arrays. In a primary screen, differential display identified 170 candidate marker genes differentially expressed between breast tumor cells and normal breast epithelial cells. In a secondary screen, high-sensitivity arrays assessed expression levels of these genes in 48 blood samples, 22 from healthy volunteers and 26 from breast cancer patients. Cluster analysis identified a group of 12 genes that were elevated in the blood of cancer patients. Permutation analysis of individual genes defined five core genes (P ≤ 0.05, permax test). As a group, the 12 genes generally distinguished accurately between healthy volunteers and patients with breast cancer. Mean expression levels of the 12 genes were elevated in 77% (10 of 13) untreated invasive cancer patients, whereas cluster analysis correctly classified volunteers and patients (P = 0.0022, Fisher's exact test). Quantitative real-time PCR confirmed array results and indicated that the sensitivity of the assay (1:2 × 108 transcripts) was sufficient to detect disseminated solid tumor cells in blood. Expression-based blood assays developed with the screening approach described here have the potential to detect and classify solid tumor cells originating from virtually any primary site in the body.


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We have developed a novel allele-specific primer elongation protocol using a DNA polymerase on oligonucleotide chips. Oligonucleotide primers carrying polymorphic sites at their free 3́end were covalently bound to glass slides. The generation of single-stranded targets of genomic DNA containing single nuclotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to be typed was achieved by an asymmetric PCR reaction or exonuclease treatment of phosphothioate (PTO)-modified PCR products. In the presence of DNA polymerase and all four dNTPs, with Cy3-dUTP replacing dTTP, allele-specific extension of the immobilized primers took place along a stretch of target DNA sequence. The yield of elongated products was increased by repeated reaction cycles. We performed multiplexed assays with many small DNA targets, or used single targets of up to 4.4 kb mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence to detect multiple SNPs in one reaction. The latter approach greatly simplifies preamplification of SNP-containing regions, thereby providing a framework for typing hundreds of mtDNA polymorphisms.


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A method was developed to detect 5' ends of bacterial RNAs expressed at low levels and to differentiate newly initiated transcripts from processed transcripts produced in vivo. The procedure involves use of RNA ligase to link a specific oligoribonucleotide to the 5' ends of cellular RNAs, followed by production of cDNA and amplification of the gene of interest by PCR. The method was used to identify the precise sites of transcription initiation within a 10-kb region of the pheromone-inducible conjugative plasmid pCF10 of Enterococcus faecalis. Results confirmed the 5' end of a very abundant, constitutively produced transcript (from prgQ) that had been mapped previously by primer extension and defined the initiation point of a less abundant, divergently transcribed message (from prgX). The method also showed that the 5' end of a pheromone-inducible transcript (prgB) that had been mapped by primer extension was generated by processing rather than new initiation. In addition, the results provided evidence for two promoters, 3 and 5 kb upstream of prgB, and indicated that only the transcripts originating 5 kb upstream may be capable of extending to prgB.


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We describe molecular and clinical findings in an immunocompetent patient with an oligoastrocytoma and the concomitant presence of the human papovavirus, JC virus (JCV), which is the etiologic agent of the subacute, debilitating demyelinating disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Histologic review revealed a glial neoplasm consisting primarily of a moderately cellular oligodendroglioma with distinct areas of a fibrillary astrocytoma. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed nuclear staining of tumor cells with antibodies against the viral oncoprotein [tumor antigen (T antigen)], the proliferation marker (Ki67), and the cellular proliferation regulator (p53). Using primers specific to the JCV control region, PCR yielded amplified DNA that was identical to the control region of the Mad-4 strain of the virus. PCR analysis demonstrated the presence of the genome for the viral oncoprotein, T antigen, and results from primer extension studies revealed synthesis of the viral early RNA for T antigen in the tumor tissues. The presence of viral T antigen in the tumor tissue was further demonstrated by immunoblot assay. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of JCV DNA, RNA, and T antigen in tissue in which viral T antigen is localized to tumor cell nuclei and suggests the possible association of JCV with some glial neoplasms.


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Detection of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) by comparison of normal and tumor genotypes using PCR-based microsatellite loci provides considerable advantages over traditional Southern blotting-based approaches. However, current methodologies are limited by several factors, including the numbers of loci that can be evaluated for LOH in a single experiment, the discrimination of true alleles versus "stutter bands," and the use of radionucleotides in detecting PCR products. Here we describe methods for high throughput simultaneous assessment of LOH at multiple loci in human tumors; these methods rely on the detection of amplified microsatellite loci by fluorescence-based DNA sequencing technology. Data generated by this approach are processed by several computer software programs that enable the automated linear quantitation and calculation of allelic ratios, allowing rapid ascertainment of LOH. As a test of this approach, genotypes at a series of loci on chromosome 4 were determined for 58 carcinomas of the uterine cervix. The results underscore the efficacy, sensitivity, and remarkable reproducibility of this approach to LOH detection and provide subchromosomal localization of two regions of chromosome 4 commonly altered in cervical tumors.


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Escherichia coli methyl-directed mismatch repair is initiated by MutS-, MutL-, and ATP-dependent activation of MutH endonuclease, which cleaves at d(GATC) sites in the vicinity of a mismatch. This reaction provides an efficient method for detection of mismatches in heteroduplexes produced by hybridization of genetically distinct sequences after PCR amplification. Multiple examples of transition and transversion mutations, as well as one, two, and three nucleotide insertion/deletion mutants, have been detected in PCR heteroduplexes ranging in size from 400 bp to 2.5 kb. Background cleavage of homoduplexes is largely due to polymerase errors that occur during amplification, and the MutHLS reaction provides an estimate of the incidence of mutant sequences that arise during PCR.