12 resultados para PCNA

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), a processivity factor for DNA polymerases δ and ɛ, is involved in DNA replication as well as in diverse DNA repair pathways. In quiescent cells, UV light-induced bulky DNA damage triggers the transition of PCNA from a soluble to an insoluble chromatin-bound form, which is intimately associated with the repair synthesis by polymerases δ and ɛ. In this study, we investigated the efficiency of PCNA complex formation in response to ionizing radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in normal and radiation-sensitive Ataxia telangiectasia (AT) cells by immunofluorescence and western blot techniques. Exposure of normal cells to γ-rays rapidly triggered the formation of PCNA foci in a dose-dependent manner in the nuclei and the PCNA foci (40–45%) co-localized with sites of repair synthesis detected by bromodeoxyuridine labeling. The chromatin-bound PCNA gradually declined with increasing post-irradiation times and almost reached the level of unirradiated cells by 6 h. The PCNA foci formed after γ-irradiation was resistant to high salt extraction and the chromatin association of PCNA was lost after DNase I digestion. Interestingly, two radiosensitive primary fibroblast cell lines, derived from AT patients harboring homozygous mutations in the ATM gene, displayed an efficient PCNA redistribution after γ-irradiation. We also analyzed the PCNA complex induced by a radiomimetic agent, Bleomycin (BLM), which produces predominantly single- and double-strand DNA breaks. The efficiency and the time course of PCNA complex induced by BLM were identical in both normal and AT cells. Our study demonstrates for the first time that the ATM gene product is not required for PCNA complex assembly in response to DNA strand breaks. Additionally, we observed an increased interaction of PCNA with the Ku70 and Ku80 heterodimer after DNA damage, suggestive of a role for PCNA in the non-homologous end-joining repair pathway of DNA strand breaks.


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Human replication factor C (RFC, also called activator 1) is a five-subunit protein complex (p140, p40, p38, p37, and p36) required for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-dependent processive DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase δ or ɛ. Here we report the reconstitution of the RFC complex from its five subunits simultaneously overexpressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells. The purified baculovirus-produced RFC appears to contain equimolar levels of each subunit and was shown to be functionally identical to its native counterpart in (i) supporting DNA polymerase δ-catalyzed PCNA-dependent DNA chain elongation; (ii) catalyzing DNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis that was stimulated by PCNA and human single-stranded DNA binding protein; (iii) binding preferentially to DNA primer ends; and (iv) catalytically loading PCNA onto singly nicked circular DNA and catalytically removing PCNA from these DNA molecules.


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Although three human genes encoding DNA ligases have been isolated, the molecular mechanisms by which these gene products specifically participate in different DNA transactions are not well understood. In this study, fractionation of a HeLa nuclear extract by DNA ligase I affinity chromatography resulted in the specific retention of a replication protein, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), by the affinity resin. Subsequent experiments demonstrated that DNA ligase I and PCNA interact directly via the amino-terminal 118 aa of DNA ligase I, the same region of DNA ligase I that is required for localization of this enzyme at replication foci during S phase. PCNA, which forms a sliding clamp around duplex DNA, interacts with DNA pol δ and enables this enzyme to synthesize DNA processively. An interaction between DNA ligase I and PCNA that is topologically linked to DNA was detected. However, DNA ligase I inhibited PCNA-dependent DNA synthesis by DNA pol δ. These observations suggest that a ternary complex of DNA ligase I, PCNA and DNA pol δ does not form on a gapped DNA template. Consistent with this idea, the cell cycle inhibitor p21, which also interacts with PCNA and inhibits processive DNA synthesis by DNA pol δ, disrupts the DNA ligase I–PCNA complex. Thus, we propose that after Okazaki fragment DNA synthesis is completed by a PCNA–DNA pol δ complex, DNA pol δ is released, allowing DNA ligase I to bind to PCNA at the nick between adjacent Okazaki fragments and catalyze phosphodiester bond formation.


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The protein p21Cip1, Waf1, Sdi1 is a potent inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). p21 can also block DNA replication through its interaction with the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), which is an auxiliary factor for polymerase δ. PCNA is also implicated in the repair resynthesis step of nucleotide excision repair (NER). Previous studies have yielded contradictory results on whether p21 regulates NER through its interaction with PCNA. Resolution of this controversy is of interest because it would help understand how DNA repair and replication are regulated. Hence, we have investigated the effect of p21 on NER both in vitro and in vivo using purified fragments of p21 containing either the CDK-binding domain (N terminus) or the PCNA binding domain (C terminus) of the protein. In the in vitro studies, DNA repair synthesis was measured in extracts from normal human fibroblasts using plasmids damaged by UV irradiation. In the in vivo studies, we used intact and permeabilized cells. The results show that the C terminus of the p21 protein inhibits NER both in vitro and in vivo. These are the first in vivo studies in which this question has been examined, and we demonstrate that inhibition of NER by p21 is not merely an artificial in vitro effect. A 50% inhibition of in vitro NER occurred at a 50:1 molar ratio of p21 C-terminus fragment to PCNA monomer. p21 differentially regulates DNA repair and replication, with repair being much less sensitive to inhibition than replication. Our in vivo results suggest that the inhibition occurs at the resynthesis step of the repair process. It also appears that preassembly of PCNA at repair sites mitigates the inhibitory effect of p21. We further demonstrate that the inhibition of DNA repair is mediated via binding of p21 to PCNA. The N terminus of p21 had no effect on DNA repair, and the inhibition of DNA repair by the C terminus of p21 was relieved by the addition of purified PCNA protein.


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Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a processivity factor required for DNA polymerase δ (or ɛ)-catalyzed DNA synthesis. When loaded onto primed DNA templates by replication factor C (RFC), PCNA acts to tether the polymerase to DNA, resulting in processive DNA chain elongation. In this report, we describe the identification of two separate peptide regions of human PCNA spanning amino acids 36–55 and 196–215 that bind RFC by using the surface plasmon resonance technique. Site-directed mutagenesis of residues within these regions in human PCNA identified two specific sites that affected the biological activity of PCNA. Replacement of the aspartate 41 residue by an alanine, serine, or asparagine significantly impaired the ability of PCNA to (i) support the RFC/PCNA-dependent polymerase δ-catalyzed elongation of a singly primed DNA template; (ii) stimulate RFC-catalyzed DNA-dependent hydrolysis of ATP; (iii) be loaded onto DNA by RFC; and (iv) activate RFC-independent polymerase δ-catalyzed synthesis of poly dT. Introduction of an alanine at position 210 in place of an arginine also reduced the efficiency of PCNA in supporting RFC-dependent polymerase δ-catalyzed elongation of a singly primed DNA template. However, this mutation did not significantly alter the ability of PCNA to stimulate DNA polymerase δ in the absence of RFC but substantially lowered the efficiency of RFC-catalyzed reactions. These results are in keeping with a model in which surface exposed regions of PCNA interact with RFC and the subsequent loading of PCNA onto DNA orients the elongation complex in a manner essential for processive DNA synthesis.


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Accurate chromosome segregation requires that replicated sister chromatids are held together until anaphase, when their “cohesion” is dissolved, and they are pulled to opposite spindle poles by microtubules. Establishment of new cohesion between sister chromatids in the next cell cycle is coincident with replication fork passage. Emerging evidence suggests that this temporal coupling is not just a coincident timing of independent events, but rather that the establishment of cohesion is likely to involve the active participation of replication-related activities. These include PCNA, a processivity clamp for some DNA polymerases, Trf4/Pol σ (formerly Trf4/Polκ), a novel and essential DNA polymerase, and a modified Replication Factor C clamp–loader complex. Here we describe recent advances in how cohesion establishment is linked to replication, highlight important unanswered questions in this new field, and describe a “polymerase switch” model for how cohesion establishment is coupled to replication fork progression. Building the bridges between newly synthesized sister chromatids appears to be a fundamental but previously unrecognized function of the eukaryotic replication machinery.


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The β and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) sliding clamps were first identified as components of their respective replicases, and thus were assigned a role in chromosome replication. Further studies have shown that the eukaryotic clamp, PCNA, interacts with several other proteins that are involved in excision repair, mismatch repair, cellular regulation, and DNA processing, indicating a much wider role than replication alone. Indeed, the Escherichia coli β clamp is known to function with DNA polymerases II and V, indicating that β also interacts with more than just the chromosomal replicase, DNA polymerase III. This report demonstrates three previously undetected protein–protein interactions with the β clamp. Thus, β interacts with MutS, DNA ligase, and DNA polymerase I. Given the diverse use of these proteins in repair and other DNA transactions, this expanded list of β interactive proteins suggests that the prokaryotic β ring participates in a wide variety of reactions beyond its role in chromosomal replication.


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Fen1 or maturation factor 1 is a 5'-3' exonuclease essential for the degradation of the RNA primer-DNA junctions at the 5' ends of immature Okazaki fragments prior to their ligation into a continuous DNA strand. The gene is also necessary for repair of damaged DNA in yeast. We report that human proliferating-cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) associates with human Fen1 with a Kd of 60 nM and an apparent stoichiometry of three Fen1 molecules per PCNA trimer. The Fen1-PCNA association is seen in cell extracts without overexpression of either partner and is mediated by a basic region at the C terminus of Fen1. Therefore, the polymerase delta-PCNA-Fen1 complex has all the activities associated with prokaryotic DNA polymerases involved in replication: 5'-3' polymerase, 3'-5' exonuclease, and 5'-3' exonuclease. Although p21, a regulatory protein induced by p53 in response to DNA damage, interacts with PCNA with a comparable Kd (10 nM) and a stoichiometry of three molecules of p21 per PCNA trimer, a p21-PCNA-Fen1 complex is not formed. This mutually exclusive interaction suggests that the conformation of a PCNA trimer switches such that it can either bind p21 or Fen1. Furthermore, overexpression of p21 can disrupt Fen1-PCNA interaction in vivo. Therefore, besides interfering with the processivity of polymerase delta-PCNA, p21 also uncouples Fen1 from the PCNA scaffold.


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The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) acts as a processivity factor for replicative DNA polymerases and is essential for DNA replication. In vitro studies have suggested a role for PCNA-in the repair synthesis step of nucleotide excision repair, and PCNA interacts with the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21. However, because of the lack of genetic evidence, it is not clear which of the DNA repair processes are in fact affected by PCNA in vivo. Here, we describe a PCNA mutation, pol30-46, that confers ultraviolet (UV) sensitivity but has no effect on growth or cell cycle progression, and the mutant pcna interacts normally with DNA polymerase delta and epsilon. Genetic studies indicate that the pol30-46 mutation is specifically defective in RAD6-dependent postreplicational repair of UV damaged DNA, and this mutation impairs the error-free mode of bypass repair. These results implicate a role for PCNA as an intermediary between DNA replication and postreplicational DNA repair.


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Replication factor C (RFC, also called Activator I) is part of the processive eukaryotic DNA polymerase holoenzymes. The processive elongation of DNA chains requires that DNA polymerases are tethered to template DNA at primer ends. In eukaryotes the ring-shaped homotrimeric protein, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), ensures tight template-polymerase interaction by encircling the DNA strand. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen is loaded onto DNA through the action of RFC in an ATP-dependent reaction. Human RFC is a protein complex consisting of five distinct subunits that migrate through SDS/polyacrylamide gels as protein bands of 140, 40, 38, 37, and 36 kDa. All five genes encoding the RFC subunits have been cloned and sequenced. A functionally identical RFC complex has been isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the deduced amino acid sequences among the corresponding human and yeast subunits are homologous. Here we report the expression of the five cloned human genes using an in vitro coupled transcription/translation system and show that the gene products form a complex resembling native RFC that is active in supporting an RFC-dependent replication reaction. Studies on the interactions between the five subunits suggest a cooperative mechanism in the assembly of the RFC complex. A three-subunit core complex, consisting of p36, p37, and p40, was identified and evidence is presented that p38 is essential for the interaction between this core complex and the large p140 subunit.


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Proliferating-cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a DNA damage-inducible protein that performs an essential function in DNA replication and repair as an auxiliary factor for DNA polymerases delta and epsilon. Examination of the human PCNA promoter DNA sequence revealed a site with homology to the consensus DNA sequence bound by p53. PCNA promoter fragments with this site intact bound p53 in vitro and were transcriptionally activated by wild-type p53 in transient expression assays in SAOS-2 cells. The resident p53-binding site could be functionally substituted by a previously described p53-binding site from the ribosomal gene cluster. A plasmid expressing a mutated version of p53 derived from a patient with Li-Fraumeni syndrome failed to activate the PCNA promoter in the cotransfection assay. In different cell types, activation of the PCNA promoter by the p53-binding sequence correlated with the status of p53. Activation of the PCNA promoter by wild-type p53 depends upon the level of p53 expression. This concentration dependence and cell type specificity reconciles the observations presented here with prior results indicating that wild-type p53 represses the PCNA promoter. These findings provide a mechanism whereby p53 modulates activation of PCNA expression as a cellular response to DNA damage.


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The application of DNA technology to regulate the transcription of disease-related genes in vivo has important therapeutic potentials. The transcription factor E2F plays a pivotal role in the coordinated transactivation of cell cycle-regulatory genes such as c-myc, cdc2, and the gene encoding proliferating-cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) that are involved in lesion formation after vascular injury. We hypothesized that double-stranded DNA with high affinity for E2F may be introduced in vivo as a decoy to bind E2F and block the activation of genes mediating cell cycle progression and intimal hyperplasia after vascular injury. Gel mobility-shift assays showed complete competition for E2F binding protein by the E2F decoy. Transfection with E2F decoy inhibited expression of c-myc, cdc2, and the PCNA gene as well as vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation both in vitro and in the in vivo model of rat carotid injury. Furthermore, 2 weeks after in vivo transfection, neointimal formation was significantly prevented by the E2F decoy, and this inhibition continued up to 8 weeks after a single transfection in a dose-dependent manner. Transfer of an E2F decoy can therefore modulate gene expression and inhibit smooth muscle proliferation and vascular lesion formation in vivo.