em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A coarse-grained model for protein-folding dynamics is introduced based on a discretized representation of torsional modes. The model, based on the Ramachandran map of the local torsional potential surface and the class (hydrophobic/polar/neutral) of each residue, recognizes patterns of both torsional conformations and hydrophobic-polar contacts, with tolerance for imperfect patterns. It incorporates empirical rates for formation of secondary and tertiary structure. The method yields a topological representation of the evolving local torsional configuration of the folding protein, modulo the basins of the Ramachandran map. The folding process is modeled as a sequence of transitions from one contact pattern to another, as the torsional patterns evolve. We test the model by applying it to the folding process of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, obtaining a kinetic description of the transitions between the contact patterns visited by the protein along the dominant folding pathway. The kinetics and detailed balance make it possible to invert the result to obtain a coarse topographic description of the potential energy surface along the dominant folding pathway, in effect to go backward or forward between a topological representation of the chain conformation and a topographical description of the potential energy surface governing the folding process. As a result, the strong structure-seeking character of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and the principal features of its folding pathway are reproduced in a reasonably quantitative way.


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Proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR-2) is a recently characterized G-protein coupled receptor that is cleaved and activated by pancreatic trypsin. Trypsin is usually considered a digestive enzyme in the intestinal lumen. We examined the hypothesis that trypsin, at concentrations normally present in the lumen of the small intestine, is also a signaling molecule that specifically regulates enterocytes by activating PAR-2. PAR-2 mRNA was highly expressed in the mucosa of the small intestine and in an enterocyte cell line. Immunoreactive PAR-2 was detected at the apical membrane of enterocytes, where it could be cleaved by luminal trypsin. Physiological concentrations of pancreatic trypsin and a peptide corresponding to the tethered ligand of PAR-2, which is exposed by trypsin cleavage, stimulated generation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, arachidonic acid release, and secretion of prostaglandin E2 and F1α from enterocytes and a transfected cell line. Application of trypsin to the apical membrane of enterocytes and to the mucosal surface of everted sacs of jejunum also stimulated prostaglandin E2 secretion. Thus, luminal trypsin activates PAR-2 at the apical membrane of enterocytes to stimulate secretion of eicosanoids, which regulate multiple cell types in a paracrine and autocrine manner. We conclude that trypsin is a signaling molecule that specifically regulates enterocytes by triggering PAR-2.


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One of the early events in physiological shock is the generation of activators for leukocytes, endothelial cells, and other cells in the cardiovascular system. The mechanism by which these activators are produced has remained unresolved. We examine here the hypothesis that pancreatic digestive enzymes in the ischemic intestine may be involved in the generation of activators during intestinal ischemia. The lumen of the small intestine of rats was continuously perfused with saline containing a broadly acting pancreatic enzyme inhibitor (6-amidino-2-naphthyl p-guanidinobenzoate dimethanesulfate, 0.37 mM) before and during ischemia of the small intestine by splanchnic artery occlusion. This procedure inhibited activation of circulating leukocytes during occlusion and reperfusion. It also prevented the appearance of activators in portal venous and systemic artery plasma and attenuated initiating symptoms of multiple organ injury in shock. Intestinal tissue produces only low levels of activators in the absence of pancreatic enzymes, whereas in the presence of enzymes, activators are produced in a concentration- and time-dependent fashion. The results indicate that pancreatic digestive enzymes in the ischemic intestine serve as an important source for cell activation and inflammation, as well as multiple organ failure.


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A tomato gene that is induced early after infection of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) with root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne javanica) encodes a protein with 54% amino acid identity to miraculin, a flavorless protein that causes sour substances to be perceived as sweet. This gene was therefore named LeMir (L. esculentum miraculin). Sequence similarity places the encoded protein in the soybean trypsin-inhibitor family (Kunitz). LeMir mRNA is found in root, hypocotyl, and flower tissues, with the highest expression in the root. Rapid induction of expression upon nematode infection is localized to root tips. In situ hybridization shows that LeMir is expressed constitutively in the root-cap and root-tip epidermis. The LeMir protein product (LeMir) was produced in the yeast Pichia pastoris for generation of antibodies. Western-blot analysis showed that LeMir expression is up-regulated by nematode infection and by wounding. LeMir is also expressed in tomato callus tissue. Immunoprint analysis revealed that LeMir is expressed throughout the seedling root, but that levels are highest at the root/shoot junction. Analysis of seedling root exudates revealed that LeMir is secreted from the root into the surrounding environment, suggesting that it may interact with soil-borne microorganisms.


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Developing chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seeds 12 to 60 d after flowering (DAF) were analyzed for proteinase inhibitor (Pi) activity. In addition, the electrophoretic profiles of trypsin inhibitor (Ti) accumulation were determined using a gel-radiographic film-contact print method. There was a progressive increase in Pi activity throughout seed development, whereas the synthesis of other proteins was low from 12 to 36 DAF and increased from 36 to 60 DAF. Seven different Ti bands were present in seeds at 36 DAF, the time of maximum podborer (Helicoverpa armigera) attack. Chickpea Pis showed differential inhibitory activity against trypsin, chymotrypsin, H. armigera gut proteinases, and bacterial proteinase(s). In vitro proteolysis of chickpea Ti-1 with various proteinases generated Ti-5 as the major fragment, whereas Ti-6 and -7 were not produced. The amount of Pi activity increased severalfold when seeds were injured by H. armigera feeding. In vitro and in vivo proteolysis of the early- and late-stage-specific Tis indicated that the chickpea Pis were prone to proteolytic digestion by H. armigera gut proteinases. These data suggest that survival of H. armigera on chickpea may result from the production of inhibitor-insensitive proteinases and by secretion of proteinases that digest chickpea Pis.


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This work illustrates potential adverse effects linked with the expression of proteinase inhibitor (PI) in plants used as a strategy to enhance pest resistance. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Xanthi) and Arabidopsis [Heynh.] ecotype Wassilewskija) transgenic plants expressing the mustard trypsin PI 2 (MTI-2) at different levels were obtained. First-instar larvae of the Egyptian cotton worm (Spodoptera littoralis Boisd.) were fed on detached leaves of these plants. The high level of MTI-2 expression in leaves had deleterious effects on larvae, causing mortality and decreasing mean larval weight, and was correlated with a decrease in the leaf surface eaten. However, larvae fed leaves from plants expressing MTI-2 at the low expression level did not show increased mortality, but a net gain in weight and a faster development compared with control larvae. The low MTI-2 expression level also resulted in increased leaf damage. These observations are correlated with the differential expression of digestive proteinases in the larval gut; overexpression of existing proteinases on low-MTI-2-expression level plants and induction of new proteinases on high-MTI-2-expression level plants. These results emphasize the critical need for the development of a PI-based defense strategy for plants obtaining the appropriate PI-expression level relative to the pest's sensitivity threshold to that PI.


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Pancreatic proteases in the duodenum inhibit the release of cholecystokinin (CCK) and thus exert feedback control of pancreatic exocrine secretion. Exclusion of proteases from the duodenum either by the diversion of bile-pancreatic juice or by the addition of protease inhibitors stimulates exocrine pancreatic secretion. The mechanism by which pancreatic proteases in the duodenum regulate CCK secretion is unknown. In this study, we isolated a trypsin-sensitive peptide that is secreted intraduodenally, releases CCK, and stimulates pancreatic enzyme secretion in rats. This peptide was found to be identical to the porcine diazepam binding inhibitor by peptide sequencing and mass spectrometry analysis. Intraduodenal infusion of 200 ng of synthetic porcine diazepam binding inhibitor1-86 in rats significantly stimulated pancreatic amylase output. Infusion of the CCK antagonist MK-329 completely blocked the diazepam binding inhibitor-stimulated amylase secretion. Similarly, diazepam binding inhibitor33-52 [corrected] also stimulated CCK release and pancreatic secretion in a dose-dependent manner although it was 100 times less potent than the whole peptide. Using a perfusion system containing isolated mucosal cells from the proximal intestine of rats, porcine diazepam binding inhibitor 10(-12) M) dose dependently stimulated CCK secretion. In separate studies, it was demonstrated that luminal secretion of the diazepam binding inhibitor immunoreactivity (7.5 X 10(11) M) could be detected in rat's intestinal washing following the diversion of bile-pancreatic juice. The secretion of this peptide was inhibited by atropine. In conclusion, we have isolated and characterized a CCK-releasing peptide that has a sequence identical to the porcine diazepam binding inhibitor from pig intestinal mucosa and that stimulates CCK release when administered intraduodenally in rat. This peptide may mediate feedback regulation of pancreatic enzyme secretion.


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Exposure to cyclopamine, a steroid alkaloid that blocks Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling, promotes pancreatic expansion in embryonic chicks. Heterotopic development of pancreatic endocrine and exocrine structures occurs in regions adjacent to the pancreas including stomach and duodenum, and insulin-producing islets in the pancreas are enlarged. The homeodomain transcription factor PDX1, required for pancreas development, is expressed broadly in the posterior foregut but pancreas development normally initiates only in a restricted region of PDX1-expressing posterior foregut where endodermal Shh expression is repressed. The results suggests that cyclopamine expands the endodermal region where Shh signaling does not occur, resulting in pancreatic differentiation in a larger region of PDX1-expressing foregut endoderm. Cyclopamine reveals the capacity of a broad region of the posterior embryonic foregut to form pancreatic cells and provides a means for expanding embryonic pancreas development.


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The pancreatic acinar cell produces powerful digestive enzymes packaged in zymogen granules in the apical pole. Ca2+ signals elicited by acetylcholine or cholecystokinin (CCK) initiate enzyme secretion by exocytosis through the apical membrane. Intracellular enzyme activation is normally kept to a minimum, but in the often-fatal human disease acute pancreatitis, autodigestion occurs. How the enzymes become inappropriately activated is unknown. We monitored the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), intracellular trypsin activation, and its localization in isolated living cells with specific fluorescent probes and studied intracellular vacuole formation by electron microscopy as well as quantitative image analysis (light microscopy). A physiological CCK level (10 pM) eliciting regular Ca2+ spiking did not evoke intracellular trypsin activation or vacuole formation. However, stimulation with 10 nM CCK, evoking a sustained rise in [Ca2+]i, induced pronounced trypsin activation and extensive vacuole formation, both localized in the apical pole. Both processes were abolished by preventing abnormal [Ca2+]i elevation, either by preincubation with the specific Ca2+ chelator 1,2-bis(O-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N-N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA) or by removal of external Ca2+. CCK hyperstimulation evokes intracellular trypsin activation and vacuole formation in the apical granular pole. Both of these processes are mediated by an abnormal sustained rise in [Ca2+]i.


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The recent demonstration of the occurrence in rat brain and other nonpancreatic tissues of carboxypeptidase A (CPA) gene transcripts without associated catalytic activity could be ascribed to the presence of a soluble endogenous protein inhibitor. This tissue carboxypeptidase inhibitor (TCI), detected by the inhibition of added bovine pancreatic CPA, was purified from rat brain. Peptides were obtained by partial proteolysis of purified TCI, a protein of approximately 30 kDa, and starting from their sequences, a full-length cDNA encoding a 223-amino acid protein containing three potential phosphorylation sites was cloned from a cDNA library. Its identity with TCI was shown by expression in Escherichia coli of a recombinant protein recognized by antibodies raised against native TCI and display characteristic CPA-inhibiting activity. TCI appears as a hardly reversible, non-competitive, and potent inhibitor of CPA1 and CPA2 (Ki approximately 3 nM) and mast-cell CPA (Ki = 16 nM) and inactive on various other proteases. This pattern of selectivity might be attributable to a limited homology of a 11-amino acid sequence with sequences within the activation segments of CPA and CPB known to interact with residues within their active sites. The widespread expression of TCI in a number of tissues (e.g., brain, lung, or digestive tract) and its apparently cytosolic localization point to a rather general functional role, e.g., in the control of cytosolic protein degradation.


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Insulin secretion has been studied in isolated rat pancreatic islets under stringent Ca(2+)-depleted, Ca(2+)-free conditions. Under these conditions, the effect of 16.7 mM glucose to stimulate insulin release was abolished. Forskolin, which activates adenylyl cyclase, also failed to stimulate release in the presence of either low or high glucose concentrations. A phorbol ester (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate; PMA) increased the release rate slightly and this was further increased by 16.7 mM glucose. Remarkably, in the presence of both forskolin and PMA, 16.7 mM glucose strongly augmented insulin release. The augmentation was concentration dependent and monophasic and had a temporal profile similar to the "second phase" of glucose-stimulated insulin release, which is seen under normal conditions when Ca2+ is present. Metabolism is required for the effect because mannoheptulose abolished the glucose response. Other nutrient secretagogues, alpha-ketoisocaproate, and the combination of leucine and glutamine augmented release under the same conditions. Norepinephrine, a physiological inhibitor of insulin secretion, totally blocked the stimulation of release by forskolin and PMA and the augmentation of release by glucose. Thus, under the stringent Ca(2+)-free conditions imposed, the stimulation of insulin release by forskolin and PMA, as well as the augmentation of release by glucose, is under normal physiological control. As no increase in intracellular [Ca2+] was observed, the results demonstrate that glucose can increase the rate of exocytosis and insulin release by pancreatic islets in a Ca(2+)-independent manner. This interesting pathway of stimulus-secretion coupling for glucose appears to exert its effect at a site beyond the usual elevation of intracellular [Ca2+] and is not due to an activation by glucose of protein kinase A or C.