em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The RD114/simian type D retroviruses, which include the feline endogenous retrovirus RD114, all strains of simian immunosuppressive type D retroviruses, the avian reticuloendotheliosis group including spleen necrosis virus, and baboon endogenous virus, use a common cell-surface receptor for cell entry. We have used a retroviral cDNA library approach, involving transfer and expression of cDNAs from highly infectable HeLa cells to nonpermissive NIH 3T3 mouse cells, to clone and identify this receptor. The cloned cDNA, denoted RDR, is an allele of the previously cloned neutral amino acid transporter ATB0 (SLC1A5). Both RDR and ATB0 serve as retrovirus receptors and both show specific transport of neutral amino acids. We have localized the receptor by radiation hybrid mapping to a region of about 500-kb pairs on the long arm of human chromosome 19 at q13.3. Infection of cells with RD114/type D retroviruses results in impaired amino acid transport, suggesting a mechanism for virus toxicity and immunosuppression. The identification and functional characterization of this retrovirus receptor provide insight into the retrovirus life cycle and pathogenesis and will be an important tool for optimization of gene therapy using vectors derived from RD114/type D retroviruses.


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The satellite tobacco necrosis virus RNA is uncapped and requires a 3′ translational enhancer domain (TED) for translation. Both in the wheat germ extract and in tobacco, TED stimulates in cis translation of heterologous, uncapped RNAs. In this study we investigated to what extent translation stimulation by TED depends on binding to wheat germ factors. We show that in vitro TED binds at least seven wheat germ proteins. Translation and crosslinking assays, to which TED or TED derivatives with reduced functionality were included as competitor, showed that TED function correlates with binding to a 28 kDa protein (p28). One particular condition of competition revealed that p28 binding is not obligatory for TED function. Under this condition, a 30 kDa protein (p30) binds to TED. Importantly, affinity of p30 correlates with functionality of TED. These results strongly suggest that TED has the capacity to stimulate translation by recruiting the translational machinery either via binding to p28 or via binding to p30.


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Persistent infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a leading cause of human liver disease and is strongly associated with hepatocellular carcinoma, one of the most prevalent forms of human cancer. Apoptosis (programmed cell death) is an important mediator of chronic liver disease caused by HBV infection. It is demonstrated that the HBV HBx protein acutely sensitizes cells to apoptotic killing when expressed during viral replication in cultured cells and in transfected cells independently of other HBV genes. Cells that were resistant to apoptotic killing by high doses of tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), a cytokine associated with liver damage during HBV infection, were made sensitive to very low doses of TNFα by HBx. HBx induced apoptosis by prolonged stimulation of N-Myc and the stress-mediated mitogen-activated-protein kinase kinase 1 (MEKK1) pathway but not by up-regulating TNF receptors. Cell killing was blocked by inhibiting HBx stimulation of N-Myc or mitogen-activated-protein kinase kinase 1 using dominant-interfering forms or by retargeting HBx from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, which prevents HBx activation of cytoplasmic signal transduction cascades. Treatment of cells with a mitogenic growth factor produced by many virus-induced tumors impaired induction of apoptosis by HBx and TNFα. These results indicate that HBx might be involved in HBV pathogenesis (liver disease) during virus infection and that enhanced apoptotic killing by HBx and TNFα might select for neoplastic hepatocytes that survive by synthesizing mitogenic growth factors.


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The Epstein–Barr virus latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is essential for the transformation of B lymphocytes into lymphoblastoid cell lines. Previous data are consistent with a model that LMP1 is a constitutively activated receptor that transduces signals for transformation through its carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic tail. One transformation effector site (TES1), located within the membrane proximal 45 residues of the cytoplasmic tail, constitutively engages tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factors. Signals from TES1 are sufficient to drive initial proliferation of infected resting B lymphocytes, but most lymphoblastoid cells infected with a virus that does not express the 155 residues beyond TES1 fail to grow as long-term cell lines. We now find that mutating two tyrosines to an isoleucine at the carboxyl end of the cytoplasmic tail cripples the ability of EBV to cause lymphoblastoid cell outgrowth, thereby marking a second transformation effector site, TES2. A yeast two-hybrid screen identified TES2 interacting proteins, including the tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated death domain protein (TRADD). TRADD was the only protein that interacted with wild-type TES2 and not with isoleucine-mutated TES2. TRADD associated with wild-type LMP1 but not with isoleucine-mutated LMP1 in mammalian cells, and TRADD constitutively associated with LMP1 in EBV-transformed cells. In transfection assays, TRADD and TES2 synergistically mediated high-level NF-κB activation. These results indicate that LMP1 appropriates TRADD to enable efficient long-term lymphoblastoid cell outgrowth. High-level NF-κB activation also appears to be a critical component of long-term outgrowth.


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Latent infection membrane protein 1 (LMP1), the Epstein-Barr virus transforming protein, associates with tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) associated factor 1 (TRAF1) and TRAF3. Since TRAF2 has been implicated in TNFR-mediated NF-kappa B activation, we have evaluated the role of TRAF2 in LMP1-mediated NF-kappa B activation. TRAF2 binds in vitro to the LMP1 carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain (CT), coprecipitates with LMP1 in B lymphoblasts, and relocalizes to LMP1 plasma membrane patches. A dominant negative TRAF2 deletion mutant that lacks amino acids 6-86 (TRAF/ delta 6-86) inhibits NF-kappa B activation from the LMP1 CT and competes with TRAF2 for LMP1 binding. TRAF2 delta 6-86 inhibits NF-kappa B activation mediated by the first 45 amino acids of the LMP1 CT by more than 75% but inhibits NF-kappa B activation through the last 55 amino acids of the CT by less than 40%. A TRAF interacting protein, TANK, inhibits NF-kappa B activation by more than 70% from both LMP1 CT domains. These data implicate TRAF2 aggregation in NF-kappa B activation by the first 45 amino acids of the LMP1 CT and suggest that a different TRAF-related pathway may be involved in NF-kappa B activation by the last 55 amino acids of the LMP1 CT.


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We tested the hypothesis that increases in tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) induced by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are associated with the increases in slow-wave sleep seen in early HIV infection and the decrease with sleep fragmentation seen in advanced HIV infection. Nocturnal sleep disturbances and associated fatigue contribute to the disability of HIV infection. TNF-alpha causes fatigue in clinical use and promotes slow-wave sleep in animal models. With slow progress toward a vaccine and weak effects from current therapies, efforts are directed toward extending productive life of HIV-infected individuals and shortening the duration of disability in terminal illness. We describe previously unrecognized nocturnal cyclic variations in plasma levels of TNF-alpha in all subjects. In 6 of 10 subjects (1 control subject, 3 HIV-seropositive patients with CD4+ cell number > 400 cells per microliters, and 2 HIV-positive patients with CD4+ cell number < 400 cells per microliters), these fluctuations in TNF-alpha were coupled to the known rhythm of electroencephalogram delta amplitude (square root of power) during sleep. This coupling was not present in 3 HIV-positive subjects with CD4+ cell number < 400 cells per microliters and 1 control subject. In 5 HIV subjects with abnormally low CD4+ cell counts ( < 400 cells per microliters), the number of days since seroconversion correlated significantly with low correlation between TNF-alpha and delta amplitude. We conclude that a previously unrecognized normal, physiological coupling exists between TNF-alpha and delta amplitude during sleep and that the lessened likelihood of this coupling in progressive HIV infection may be important in understanding fatigue-related symptoms and disabilities.


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The adenovirus (Ad) early region 3 (E3) genes code for at least four proteins that inhibit the host immune responses mediated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes and tumor necrosis factor alpha. To evaluate the potential use of these immunoregulatory viral functions in facilitating allogeneic cell transplantation, the Ad E3 genes were expressed in pancreatic beta cells in transgenic mice under control of the rat insulin II promoter. Transgenic H-2b/d (C57BL/6 x BALB/c) islets, expressing the Ad E3 genes, remained viable for at least 94 days after transplantation under the kidney capsule of BALB/c (H-2d) recipients. Nontransgenic H-2b/d control islets were rejected as anticipated between 14 and 28 days. Histological analysis of the transplanted transgenic islets revealed normal architecture. Immunohistochemical studies with antisera to islet hormones revealed the presence of both beta and non-beta islet cells, suggesting a propagation of the immunosuppressive effect of Ad proteins from beta cells to other islet cells. The use of viral genes, which have evolved to regulate virus-host interactions, to immunosupress the anti-genicity of donor transplant tissue suggests additional ways for prolonging allograft survival. In addition, these findings have implications for designing Ad vectors for gene therapy.


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Adenovirus (Ad) gene transfer vectors are rapidly cleared from infected hepatocytes in mice. To determine which effector mechanisms are responsible for elimination of the Ad vectors, we infected mice that were genetically compromised in immune effector pathways [perforin, Fas, or tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α)] with the Ad vector, Ad5-chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT). Mice were sacrificed at 7–60 days postinfection, and the levels of CAT expression in the liver determined by a quantitative enzymatic assay. When the livers of infected mice were harvested 28 days postinfection, the levels of CAT expression revealed that the effectors most important for the elimination of the Ad vector were TNF-α > Fas > perforin. TNF-α did not have a curative effect on infected hepatocytes, as the administration of TNF-α to infected severe combined immunodeficient mice or to infected cultures in vitro had no specific effect on virus persistence. However, TNF-α-deficient mice demonstrated a striking reduction in the leukocytic infiltration early on in the infection, suggesting that TNF-α deficiency resulted in impaired recruitment of inflammatory cells to the site of inflammation. In addition, the TNF-deficient mice had a significantly reduced humoral immune response to virus infection. These results demonstrate a dominant role of TNF-α in elimination of Ad gene transfer vectors. This result is particularly important because viral proteins that disable TNF-α function have been removed from most Ad vectors, rendering them highly susceptible to TNF-α-mediated elimination.


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Genetic studies in chickens and receptor interference experiments have indicated that avian leukosis virus (ALV)-E may utilize a cellular receptor related to the receptor for ALV-B and ALV-D. Recently, we cloned CAR1, a tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR)-related protein, that serves as a cellular receptor for ALV-B and ALV-D. To determine whether the cellular receptor for ALV-E is a CAR1-like protein, a cDNA library was made from turkey embryo fibroblasts (TEFs), which are susceptible to ALV-E infection, but not to infection by ALV-B and ALV-D. The cDNA library was screened with a radioactively labeled CAR1 cDNA probe, and clones that hybridized with the probe were isolated. A 2.3-kb cDNA clone was identified that conferred susceptibility to ALV-E infection, but not to ALV-B infection, when expressed in transfected human 293 cells. The functional cDNA clone is predicted to encode a 368 amino acid protein with significant amino acid similarity to CAR1. Like CAR1, the TEF protein is predicted to have two extracellular TNFR-like cysteine-rich domains and a putative death domain similar to those of TNFR I and Fas. Flow cytometric analysis and immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated specific binding between the TEF CAR1-related protein and an immunoadhesin composed of the surface (SU) envelope protein of subgroup E (RAV-0) virus fused to the constant region of a rabbit immunoglobulin. These two activities of the TEF CAR1-related protein, specific binding to ALV-E SU and permitting entry only of ALV-E, have unambiguously identified this protein as a cellular receptor specific for subgroup E ALV.


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Immune cells invading the central nervous system (CNS) in response to Borna disease virus (BDV) antigens are central to the pathogenesis of Borna disease (BD). We speculate that the response of the resident cells of the brain to infection may be involved in the sensitization and recruitment of these inflammatory cells. To separate the responses of resident cells from those of cells infiltrating from the periphery, we used dexamethasone to inhibit inflammatory reactions in BD. Treatment with dexamethasone prevented the development of clinical signs of BD, and the brains of treated animals showed no neuropathological lesions and a virtual absence of markers of inflammation, cell infiltration, or activation normally seen in the CNS of BDV-infected rats. In contrast, treatment with dexamethasone exacerbated the expression of BDV RNA, which was paralleled by a similarly elevated expression of mRNAs for egr-1, c-fos, and c-jun. Furthermore, dexamethasone failed to inhibit the increase in expression of mRNAs for tumor necrosis factor α, macrophage inflammatory protein 1β, interleukin 6, and mob-1, which occurs in the CNS of animals infected with BDV. Our findings suggest that these genes, encoding transcription factors, chemokines, and proinflammatory cytokines, might be directly activated in CNS resident cells by BDV. This result supports the hypothesis that the initial phase of the inflammatory response to BDV infection in the brain may be dependent upon virus-induced activation of CNS resident cells.


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced apoptosis is mediated by caspases, which are cysteine proteases related to interleukin 1β-converting enzyme. We report here that TNF-induced activation of caspases results in the cleavage and activation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) and that activated cPLA2 contributes to apoptosis. Inhibition of caspases by expression of a cowpox virus-derived inhibitor, CrmA, or by a specific tetrapeptide inhibitor of CPP32/caspase-3, acetyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-aldehyde (Ac-DEVD-CHO), inhibited TNF-induced activation of cPLA2 and apoptosis. TNF-induced activation of cPLA2 was accompanied by a cleavage of the 100-kDa cPLA2 to a 70-kDa proteolytic fragment. This cleavage was inhibited by Ac-DEVD-CHO in a similar manner as that of poly(ADP)ribose polymerase, a known substrate of CPP32/caspase-3. Interestingly, specific inhibition of cPLA2 enzyme activity by arachidonyl trifluoromethylketone (AACOCF3) partially inhibited TNF-induced apoptosis without inhibition of caspase activity. Thus, our results suggest a novel caspase-dependent activation pathway for cPLA2 during apoptosis and identify cPLA2 as a mediator of TNF-induced cell death acting downstream of caspases.


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The tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) promoter was used to explore the molecular mechanisms of estradiol (E2)-dependent repression of gene transcription. E2 inhibited basal activity and abolished TNF-α activation of the TNF-α promoter. The E2-inhibitory element was mapped to the −125 to −82 region of the TNF-α promoter, known as the TNF-responsive element (TNF-RE). An AP-1-like site in the TNF-RE is essential for repression activity. Estrogen receptor (ER) β is more potent than ERα at repressing the −1044 TNF-α promoter and the TNF-RE upstream of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter, but weaker at activating transcription through an estrogen response element. The activation function-2 (AF-2) surface in the ligand-binding domain is required for repression, because anti-estrogens and AF-2 mutations impair repression. The requirement of the AF-2 surface for repression is probably due to its capacity to recruit p160 coactivators or related coregulators, because overexpressing the coactivator glucocorticoid receptor interacting protein-1 enhances repression, whereas a glucocorticoid receptor interacting protein-1 mutant unable to interact with the AF-2 surface is ineffective. Furthermore, receptor interacting protein 140 prevents repression by ERβ, probably by interacting with the AF-2 surface and blocking the binding of endogenous coactivators. These studies demonstrate that E2-mediated repression requires the AF-2 surface and the participation of coactivators or other coregulatory proteins.


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The increased expression of epidermal growth factor receptor induced by tumor necrosis factor α renders pancreatic cancer cells more susceptible to antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity by a mAb specific for this receptor. Laboratory studies with athymic mice bearing xenografts of human pancreatic cancer cells demonstrated a cytokine-induced ability of the mAb to cause significant tumor regression. In a phase I/II clinical trial, 26 patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer were enrolled into three cohorts receiving variable amounts of the antibody together with a constant amount of tumor necrosis factor α. With increasing doses of antibody, the growth of the primary tumor was significantly inhibited. This was reflected by a longer median survival, with one complete remission lasting for 3 years obtained with the highest dose of antibody employed. Thus, a combination of the cytokine, tumor necrosis factor α, with a mAb to the epidermal growth factor receptor offers a potentially useful approach for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.


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β2-Microglobulin-deficient (β2m−) mice generate a CD4+ major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response following infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) virus (LCMV). We have determined the cytotoxic mechanism used by these CD4+ CTLs and have examined the role of this cytotoxic activity in pathogenesis of LCM disease in β2m− mice. Lysis of LCMV-infected target cells by CTLs from β2m− mice is inhibited by addition of soluble Fas-Ig fusion proteins or by pretreatment of the CTLs with the protein synthesis inhibitor emetine. In addition, LCMV-infected cell lines that are resistant to anti-Fas-induced apoptosis are refractory to lysis by these virus-specific CD4+ CTLs. These data indicate that LCMV-specific CD4+ CTLs from β2m− mice use a Fas-dependent lytic mechanism. Intracranial (i.c.) infection of β2m− mice with LCMV results in loss of body weight. Fas-deficient β2m−.lpr mice develop a similar wasting disease following i.c. infection. This suggests that Fas-dependent cytotoxicity is not required for LCMV-induced weight loss. A potential mediator of this chronic wasting disease is tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, which is produced by LCMV-specific CD4+ CTLs. In contrast to LCMV-induced weight loss, lethal LCM disease in β2m− mice is dependent on Fas-mediated cytotoxicity. Transfer of immune splenocytes from LCMV-infected β2m− mice into irradiated infected β2m− mice results in death of recipient animals. In contrast, transfer of these splenocytes into irradiated infected β2m−.lpr mice does not cause death. Thus a role for CD4+ T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity in virus-induced immunopathology has now been demonstrated.


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Epstein–Barr virus encodes integral membrane proteins LMP1 and LMP2A in transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines. We now find that LMP1 associates with the cell cytoskeleton through a tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor-interacting domain, most likely mediated by tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 3. LMP1 is palmitoylated, and the transmembrane domains associate with lipid rafts. Mutation of LMP1 cysteine-78 abrogates palmitoylation but does not affect raft association or NF-κB or c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation. LMP2A also associates with rafts and is palmitoylated but does not associate with the cell cytoskeleton. The associations of LMP1 and LMP2A with rafts and of LMP1 with the cell cytoskeleton are likely to effect interactions with cell proteins involved in shape, motility, signal transduction, growth, and survival.