15 resultados para P3 purinoceptor

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Gene silencing is an important but little understood regulatory mechanism in plants. Here we report that a viral sequence, initially identified as a mediator of synergistic viral disease, acts to suppress the establishment of both transgene-induced and virus-induced posttranscriptional gene silencing. The viral suppressor of silencing comprises the 5′-proximal region of the tobacco etch potyviral genomic RNA encoding P1, helper component-proteinase (HC-Pro) and a small part of P3, and is termed the P1/HC-Pro sequence. A reversal of silencing assay was used to assess the effect of the P1/HC-Pro sequence on transgenic tobacco plants (line T4) that are posttranscriptionally silenced for the uidA reporter gene. Silencing was lifted in offspring of T4 crosses with four independent transgenic lines expressing P1/HC-Pro, but not in offspring of control crosses. Viral vectors were used to assess the effect of P1/HC-Pro expression on virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS). The ability of a potato virus X vector expressing green fluorescent protein to induce silencing of a green fluorescent protein transgene was eliminated or greatly reduced when P1/HC-Pro was expressed from the same vector or from coinfecting potato virus X vectors. Expression of the HC-Pro coding sequence alone was sufficient to suppress virus-induced gene silencing, and the HC-Pro protein product was required for the suppression. This discovery points to the role of gene silencing as a natural antiviral defense system in plants and offers different approaches to elucidate the molecular basis of gene silencing.


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The synaptic vesicle membrane protein synaptotagmin (tagmin) is essential for fast, calcium-dependent, neurotransmitter release and is likely to be the calcium sensor for exocytosis, because of its many calcium-dependent properties. Polyphosphoinositides are needed for exocytosis, but it has not been known why. We now provide a possible connection between these observations with the finding that the C2B domain of tagmin I binds phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIns-4,5-P2), its isomer phosphatidylinositol-3,4-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIns-3,4,5-P3). Calcium ions switch the specificity of this binding from PIns-3,4,5-P3 (at calcium concentrations found in resting nerve terminals) to PIns-4,5-P2 (at concentration of calcium required for transmitter release). Inositol polyphosphates, known blockers of neurotransmitter release, inhibit the binding of both PIns-4,5-P2 and PIns-3,4,5-P3 to tagmin. Our findings imply that tagmin may operate as a bimodal calcium sensor, switching bound lipids during exocytosis. This connection to polyphosphoinositides, compounds whose levels are physiologically regulated, could be important for long-term memory and learning.


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In RBL-2H3 tumor mast cells, cross-linking the high affinity IgE receptor (FcεRI) with antigen activates cytosolic tyrosine kinases and stimulates Ins(1,4,5)P3 production. Using immune complex phospholipase assays, we show that FcεRI cross-linking activates both PLCγ1 and PLCγ2. Activation is accompanied by the increased phosphorylation of both PLCγ isoforms on serine and tyrosine in antigen-treated cells. We also show that the two PLCγ isoforms have distinct subcellular localizations. PLCγ1 is primarily cytosolic in resting RBL-2H3 cells, with low levels of plasma membrane association. After antigen stimulation, PLCγ1 translocates to the plasma membrane where it associates preferentially with membrane ruffles. In contrast, PLCγ2 is concentrated in a perinuclear region near the Golgi and adjacent to the plasma membrane in resting cells and does not redistribute appreciably after FcεRI cross-linking. The activation of PLCγ1, but not of PLCγ2, is blocked by wortmannin, a PI 3-kinase inhibitor previously shown to block antigen-stimulated ruffling and to inhibit Ins(1,4,5)P3 synthesis. In addition, wortmannin strongly inhibits the antigen-stimulated phosphorylation of both serine and tyrosine residues on PLCγ1 with little inhibition of PLCγ2 phosphorylation. Wortmannin also blocks the antigen-stimulated translocation of PLCγ1 to the plasma membrane. Our results implicate PI 3-kinase in the phosphorylation, translocation, and activation of PLCγ1. Although less abundant than PLCγ2, activated PLCγ1 may be responsible for the bulk of antigen-stimulated Ins(1,4,5)P3 production in RBL-2H3 cells.


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(RS)-2-cis, 4-trans-abscisic acid (ABA), a naturally occurring plant stress hormone, elicited rapid agonist-specific changes in myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6) measured in intact guard cells of Solanum tuberosum (n = 5); these changes were not reproduced by (RS)-2-trans, 4-trans-abscisic acid, an inactive stereoisomer of ABA (n = 4). The electrophysiological effects of InsP6 were assessed on both S. tuberosum (n = 14) and Vicia faba (n = 6) guard cell protoplasts. In both species, submicromolar concentrations of InsP6, delivered through the patch electrode, mimicked the inhibitory effects of ABA and internal calcium (Cai2+) on the inward rectifying K+ current, IK,in, in a dose-dependent manner. Steady state block of IK,in by InsP6 was reached much more quickly in Vicia (3 min at ≈1 μM) than Solanum (20–30 min). The effects of InsP6 on IK,in were specific to the myo-inositol isomer and were not elicited by other conformers of InsP6 (e.g., scyllo- or neo-). Chelation of Ca2+ by inclusion of 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid or EGTA in the patch pipette together with InsP6 prevented the inhibition of IK,in, suggesting that the effect is Ca2+ dependent. InsP6 was ≈100-fold more potent than Ins(1,4,5)P3 in modulating IK,in. Thus ABA increases InsP6 in guard cells, and InsP6 is a potent Ca2+-dependent inhibitor of IK,in. Taken together, these results suggest that InsP6 may play a major role in the physiological response of guard cells to ABA.


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The candidate tumor suppressor gene, FHIT, encompasses the common human chromosomal fragile site at 3p14.2, the hereditary renal cancer translocation breakpoint, and cancer cell homozygous deletions. Fhit hydrolyzes dinucleotide 5′,5‴-P1,P3-triphosphate in vitro and mutation of a central histidine abolishes hydrolase activity. To study Fhit function, wild-type and mutant FHIT genes were transfected into cancer cell lines that lacked endogenous Fhit. No consistent effect of exogenous Fhit on growth in culture was observed, but Fhit and hydrolase “dead” Fhit mutant proteins suppressed tumorigenicity in nude mice, indicating that 5′,5‴-P1,P3-triphosphate hydrolysis is not required for tumor suppression.


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The rpoH regulatory region of different members of the enteric bacteria family was sequenced or downloaded from GenBank and compared. In addition, the transcriptional start sites of rpoH of Yersinia frederiksenii and Proteus mirabilis, two distant members of this family, were determined. Sequences similar to the σ70 promoters P1, P4 and P5, to the σE promoter P3 and to boxes DnaA1, DnaA2, cAMP receptor protein (CRP) boxes CRP1, CRP2 and box CytR present in Escherichia coli K12, were identified in sequences of closely related bacteria such as: E.coli, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter cloacae and Klebsiella pneumoniae. In more distant bacteria, Y.frederiksenii and P.mirabilis, the rpoH regulatory region has a distal P1-like σ70 promoter and two proximal promoters: a heat-induced σE-like promoter and a σ70 promoter. Sequences similar to the regulatory boxes were not identified in these bacteria. This study suggests that the general pattern of transcription of the rpoH gene in enteric bacteria includes a distal σ70 promoter, >200 nt upstream of the initiation codon, and two proximal promoters: a heat-induced σE-like promoter and a σ70 promoter. A second proximal σ70 promoter under catabolite-regulation is probably present only in bacteria closely related to E.coli.


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Using a consensus sequence in inositol phosphate kinase, we have identified and cloned a 44-kDa mammalian inositol phosphate kinase with broader catalytic capacities than any other member of the family and which we designate mammalian inositol phosphate multikinase (mIPMK). By phosphorylating inositol 4,5-bisphosphate, mIPMK provides an alternative biosynthesis for inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3]. mIPMK also can form the pyrophosphate disphosphoinositol tetrakisphosphate (PP-InsP4) from InsP5. Additionally, mIPMK forms InsP4 from Ins(1,4,5)P3 and InsP5 from Ins(1,3,4,5)P4.


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The proteasome is a large protease complex consisting of multiple catalytic subunits that function simultaneously to digest protein substrates. This complexity has made deciphering the role each subunit plays in the generation of specific protein fragments difficult. Positional scanning libraries of peptide vinyl sulfones were generated in which the amino acid located directly at the site of hydrolysis (P1 residue) was held constant and sequences distal to that residue (P2, P3, and P4 positions) were varied across all natural amino acids (except cysteine and methionine). Binding information for each of the individual catalytic subunits was obtained for each library under a variety of different conditions. The resulting specificity profiles indicated that substrate positions distal to P1 are critical for directing substrates to active subunits in the complex. Furthermore, specificity profiles of IFN-γ-regulated subunits closely matched those of their noninducible counterparts, suggesting that subunit swapping may modulate substrate processing by a mechanism that does require a change in the primary sequence specificity of individual catalytic subunits in the complex. Finally, specificity profiles were used to design specific inhibitors of a single active site in the complex. These reagents can be used to further establish the role of each subunit in substrate processing by the proteasome.


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The expression of virulence determinants in Staphylococcus aureus is controlled by global regulatory loci (e.g., sarA and agr). The sar (Staphylococcus accessory regulator) locus is composed of three overlapping transcripts (sarA P1, P3, and P2, transcripts initiated from the P1, P3, and P2 promoters, respectively), all encoding the 124-aa SarA protein. The level of SarA, the major regulatory protein, is partially controlled by the differential activation of the sarA promoters. We previously partially purified a 13.6-kDa protein, designated SarR, that binds to the sarA promoter region to down-modulate sarA transcription from the P1 promoter and subsequently SarA expression. SarR shares sequence similarity to SarA, and another SarA homolog, SarS. Here we report the 2.3 Å-resolution x-ray crystal structure of the dimeric SarR-MBP (maltose binding protein) fusion protein. The structure reveals that the SarR protein not only has a classic helix–turn–helix module for DNA binding at the major grooves, but also has an additional loop region involved in DNA recognition at the minor grooves. This interaction mode could represent a new functional class of the “winged helix” family. The dimeric SarR structure could accommodate an unusually long stretch of ≈27 nucleotides with two or four bending points along the course, which could lead to the bending of DNA by 90° or more, similar to that seen in the catabolite activator protein (CAP)–DNA complex. The structure also demonstrates the molecular basis for the stable dimerization of the SarR monomers and possible motifs for interaction with other proteins.


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The molecular reaction mechanism of the GTPase-activating protein (GAP)-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis by Ras was investigated by time resolved Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy using caged GTP (P3-1-(2-nitro)phenylethyl guanosine 5′-O-triphosphate) as photolabile trigger. This approach provides the complete GTPase reaction pathway with time resolution of milliseconds at the atomic level. Up to now, one structural model of the GAP⋅Ras⋅GDP⋅AlFx transition state analog is known, which represents a “snap shot” along the reaction-pathway. As now revealed, binding of GAP to Ras⋅GTP shifts negative charge from the γ to β phosphate. Such a shift was already identified by FTIR in GTP because of Ras binding and is now shown to be enhanced by GAP binding. Because the charge distribution of the GAP⋅Ras⋅GTP complex thus resembles a more dissociative-like transition state and is more like that in GDP, the activation free energy is reduced. An intermediate is observed on the reaction pathway that appears when the bond between β and γ phosphate is cleaved. In the intermediate, the released Pi is strongly bound to the protein and surprisingly shows bands typical of those seen for phosphorylated enzyme intermediates. All these results provide a mechanistic picture that is different from the intrinsic GTPase reaction of Ras. FTIR analysis reveals the release of Pi from the protein complex as the rate-limiting step for the GAP-catalyzed reaction. The approach presented allows the study not only of single proteins but of protein–protein interactions without intrinsic chromophores, in the non-crystalline state, in real time at the atomic level.


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Endopolyphosphatases (Ppn1) from yeast and animal cells hydrolyze inorganic polyphosphate (poly P) chains of many hundreds of phosphate residues into shorter lengths. The limit digest consists predominantly of chains of 60 (P60) and 3 (P3) Pi residues. Ppn1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a homodimer of 35-kDa subunits (about 352-aa) is of vacuolar origin and requires the protease activation of a 75-kDa (674-aa) precursor polypeptide. The Ppn1 gene (PPN1) now has been cloned, sequenced, overexpressed, and deleted. That PPN1 encodes Ppn1 was verified by a 25-fold increase in Ppn1 when overexpressed under a GAL promoter and also by several peptide sequences that match exactly with sequences in a yeast genome ORF, the mutation of which abolishes Ppn1 activity. Null mutants in Ppn1 accumulate long-chain poly P and are defective in growth in minimal media. A double mutant of PPN1 and PPX1 (the gene encoding a potent exopolyphosphatase) loses viability rapidly in stationary phase. Whether this loss is a result of the excess of long-chain poly P or to the lack of shorter chains (i.e., poly P60 and P3) is unknown. Overexpression of the processed form of Ppn1 should provide a unique and powerful reagent to analyze poly P when the chain termini are unavailable to the actions of polyPase and poly P kinase.


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We have previously linked aging, carcinogenesis, and de novo methylation within the promoter of the estrogen receptor (ER) gene in human colon. We now examine the dynamics of this process for the imprinted gene for insulin-like growth factor II (IGF2). In young individuals, the P2-4 promoters of IGF2 are methylated exclusively on the silenced maternal allele. During aging, this promoter methylation becomes more extensive and involves the originally unmethylated allele. Most adult human tumors, including colon, breast, lung, and leukemias, exhibit increased methylation at the P2-4 IGF2 promoters, suggesting further spreading during the neoplastic process. In tumors, this methylation is associated with diminished or absent IGF2 expression from the methylated P3 promoter but maintained expression from P1, an upstream promoter that is not contained within the IGF2 CpG island. Our results demonstrate a remarkable evolution of methylation patterns in the imprinted promoter of the IGF2 gene during aging and carcinogenesis, and provide further evidence for a potential link between aberrant methylation and diseases of aging.


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Pleckstrin homology (PH) domains are found in many signaling molecules and are thought to be involved in specific intermolecular interactions. Their binding to several proteins and to membranes containing 1-alpha-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2] has been reported. A region that includes the PH domain has also been implicated in binding of phospholipase C-delta 1 (PLC-delta 1) to both PtdIns(4,5)P2 and D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3] [Cifuentes, M. E., Delaney, T. & Rebecchi, M. J. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 1945-1948]. We report herein that the isolated PH domain from PLC-delta 1 binds to both PtdIns(4,5)P2 and Ins(1,4,5)P3 with high affinity and shows the same binding specificity seen by others with whole PLC-delta 1. Thus the PH domain is functionally and structurally modular. These results demonstrate stereo-specific high-affinity binding by an isolated PH domain and further support a functional role for PH domains in the regulation of PLC isoforms. Other PH domains did not bind strongly to the compounds tested, suggesting that inositol phosphates and phospholipids are not likely physiological ligands for all PH domains. Nonetheless, since all PH-domain-containing proteins are associated with membrane surfaces, several PH domains bind to specific sites on membranes, and PH domains appear to be electrostatically polarized, a possible general role for PH domains in membrane association is suggested.


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We have synthesized two sets of noncleavable peptide-inhibitor libraries to map the S and S' subsites of human heart chymase. Human heart chymase is a chymotrypsin-like enzyme that converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II. The first library consists of peptides with 3-fluorobenzylpyruvamides in the P1 position. (Amino acid residues of substrates numbered P1, P2, etc., are toward the N-terminal direction, and P'1, P'2, etc., are toward the C-terminal direction from the scissile bond.) The P'1 and P'2 positions were varied to contain each one of the 20 naturally occurring amino acids and P'3 was kept constant as an arginine. The second library consists of peptides with phenylalanine keto-amides at P1, glycine in P'1, and benzyloxycarbonyl (Z)-isoleucine in P4. The P2 and P3 positions were varied to contain each of the naturally occurring amino acids, except for cysteine and methionine. The peptides of both libraries are attached to a solid support (pins). The peptides are evaluated by immersing the pins in a solution of the target enzyme and evaluating the amount of enzyme absorbed. The pins with the best inhibitors will absorb most enzyme. The libraries select the best and worst inhibitors within each group of peptides and provide an approximate ranking of the remaining peptides according to Ki. Through this library, we determined that Z-Ile-Glu-Pro-Phe-CO2Me and (F)-Phe-CO-Glu-Asp-ArgOMe should be the best inhibitors of chymase in this collection of peptide inhibitors. We synthesized the peptides and found Ki values were 1 nM and 1 microM, respectively. The corresponding Ki values for chymotrypsin were 10 nM and 100 microM. The use of libraries of inhibitors has advantages over the classical method of synthesis of potential inhibitors in solution: the libraries are reusable, the same libraries can be used with a variety of different serine proteases, and the method allows the screening of hundreds of compounds in short periods of time.


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The effect of day of birth (postnatal day 0; P0) infraorbital nerve section on the morphology of individual thalamocortical axons in rat somatosensory cortex was examined on P3. Thalamic fibers were labeled in fixed brains with the carbocyanine dye 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate, and individual photo-converted thalamocortical fibers were reconstructed. In normal animals on P3, axon arbor terminal formation within layer IV has commenced and terminal arbor width is comparable to that of a cortical "barrel." After infraorbital nerve section, the average width of thalamocortical terminal arbors is significantly greater than is the average arbor width of normal rats of the same age; however, neither the number of branches per terminal arbor nor total arbor length differs between groups. These observations suggest that the role of the periphery in guiding terminal arbor formation is exerted both very rapidly and at the level of the single thalamic axon. Further, these results indicate a close association between individual axon terminal arbor morphology and pattern formation in the rat somatosensory cortex.