45 resultados para Oxidative damage

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The mechanisms that cause aging are not well understood. The oxidative stress hypothesis proposes that the changes associated with aging are a consequence of random oxidative damage to biomolecules. We hypothesized that oxidation of specific proteins is critical in controlling the rate of the aging process. Utilizing an immunochemical probe for oxidatively modified proteins, we show that mitochondrial aconitase, an enzyme in the citric acid cycle, is a specific target during aging of the housefly. The oxidative damage detected immunochemically was paralleled by a loss of catalytic activity of aconitase, an enzyme activity that is critical in energy metabolism. Experimental manipulations which decrease aconitase activity should therefore cause a decrease in life-span. This expected decrease was observed when flies were exposed to hyperoxia, which oxidizes aconitase, and when they were given fluoroacetate, an inhibitor of aconitase. The identification of a specific target of oxidative damage during aging allows for the assessment of the physiological age of a specific individual and provides a method for the evaluation of treatments designed to affect the aging process.


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Free transition metal ions oxidize lipids and lipoproteins in vitro; however, recent evidence suggests that free metal ion-independent mechanisms are more likely in vivo. We have shown previously that human ceruloplasmin (Cp), a serum protein containing seven Cu atoms, induces low density lipoprotein oxidation in vitro and that the activity depends on the presence of a single, chelatable Cu atom. We here use biochemical and molecular approaches to determine the site responsible for Cp prooxidant activity. Experiments with the His-specific reagent diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) showed that one or more His residues was specifically required. Quantitative [14C]DEPC binding studies indicated the importance of a single His residue because only one was exposed upon removal of the prooxidant Cu. Plasmin digestion of [14C]DEPC-treated Cp (and N-terminal sequence analysis of the fragments) showed that the critical His was in a 17-kDa region containing four His residues in the second major sequence homology domain of Cp. A full length human Cp cDNA was modified by site-directed mutagenesis to give His-to-Ala substitutions at each of the four positions and was transfected into COS-7 cells, and low density lipoprotein oxidation was measured. The prooxidant site was localized to a region containing His426 because CpH426A almost completely lacked prooxidant activity whereas the other mutants expressed normal activity. These observations support the hypothesis that Cu bound at specific sites on protein surfaces can cause oxidative damage to macromolecules in their environment. Cp may serve as a model protein for understanding mechanisms of oxidant damage by copper-containing (or -binding) proteins such as Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase, and amyloid precursor protein.


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Oxidants generated by eosinophils during chronic inflammation may lead to mutagenesis in adjacent epithelial cells. Eosinophil peroxidase, a heme enzyme released by eosinophils, generates hypobromous acid that damages tissue in inflammatory conditions. We show that human eosinophils use eosinophil peroxidase to produce 5-bromodeoxycytidine. Flow cytometric, immunohistochemical, and mass spectrometric analyses all demonstrated that 5-bromodeoxycytidine generated by eosinophil peroxidase was taken up by cultured cells and incorporated into genomic DNA as 5-bromodeoxyuridine. Although previous studies have focused on oxidation of chromosomal DNA, our observations suggest another mechanism for oxidative damage of DNA. In this scenario, peroxidase-catalyzed halogenation of nucleotide precursors yields products that subsequently can be incorporated into DNA. Because the thymine analog 5-BrUra mispairs with guanine in DNA, generation of brominated pyrimidines by eosinophils might constitute a mechanism for cytotoxicity and mutagenesis at sites of inflammation.


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The application of a moderate water deficit (water potential of −1.3 MPa) to pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Lincoln) leaves led to a 75% inhibition of photosynthesis and to increases in zeaxanthin, malondialdehyde, oxidized proteins, and mitochondrial, cytosolic, and chloroplastic superoxide dismutase activities. Severe water deficit (−1.9 MPa) almost completely inhibited photosynthesis, decreased chlorophylls, β-carotene, neoxanthin, and lutein, and caused further conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin, suggesting damage to the photosynthetic apparatus. There were consistent decreases in antioxidants and pyridine nucleotides, and accumulation of catalytic Fe, malondialdehyde, and oxidized proteins. Paraquat (PQ) treatment led to similar major decreases in photosynthesis, water content, proteins, and most antioxidants, and induced the accumulation of zeaxanthin and damaged proteins. PQ decreased markedly ascorbate, NADPH, ascorbate peroxidase, and chloroplastic Fe-superoxide dismutase activity, and caused major increases in oxidized glutathione, NAD+, NADH, and catalytic Fe. It is concluded that, in cv Lincoln, the increase in catalytic Fe and the lowering of antioxidant protection may be involved in the oxidative damage caused by severe water deficit and PQ, but not necessarily in the incipient stress induced by moderate water deficit. Results also indicate that the tolerance to water deficit in terms of oxidative damage largely depends on the legume cultivar.


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Human diploid fibroblast cells cease growth in culture after a finite number of population doublings. To address the cause of growth cessation in senescent IMR-90 human fibroblast cells, we determined the level of oxidative DNA damage by using 8-oxoguanine excised from DNA and 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine in DNA as markers. Senescent cells excise from DNA four times more 8-oxoguanine per day than do early-passage young cells. The steady-state level of 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine in DNA is approximately 35% higher in senescent cells than in young cells. Measurement of protein carbonyls shows that senescent cells did not appear to have elevated protein oxidation. To reduce the level of oxidative damage, we cultured cells under a more physiological O2 concentration (3%) and compared the replicative life span to the cells cultured at the O2 concentration of air (20%). We found that cells grown under 3% O2 achieved 50% more population doublings during their lifetime. Such an extension of life span resulted from the delayed onset of senescence and elevation of growth rate and saturation density of cells at all passages. The spin-trapping agent alpha-phenyl-t-butyl nitrone (PBN), which can act as an antioxidant, also effectively delayed senescence and rejuvenated near senescent cells. The effect is dose-dependent and is most pronounced for cells at the stage just before entry into senescence. Our data support the hypothesis that oxidative DNA damage contributes to replicative cessation in human diploid fibroblast cells.


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Previously, we identified the heavy chain of ferritin as a developmentally regulated nuclear protein of embryonic chicken corneal epithelial cells. The nuclear ferritin is assembled into a supramolecular form indistinguishable from the cytoplasmic form of ferritin found in other cell types and thus most likely has iron-sequestering capabilities. Free iron, via the Fenton reaction, is known to exacerbate UV-induced and other oxidative damage to cellular components, including DNA. Since corneal epithelial cells are constantly exposed to UV light, we hypothesized that the nuclear ferritin might protect the DNA of these cells from free radical damage. To test this possibility, primary cultures of cells from corneal epithelium and stroma, and from skin epithelium and stroma, were UV irradiated, and DNA strand breaks were detected by an in situ 3′-end labeling method. Corneal epithelial cells without nuclear ferritin were also examined. We observed that the corneal epithelial cells with nuclear ferritin had significantly less DNA breakage than other cell types examined. Furthermore, increasing the iron concentration of the culture medium exacerbated the generation of UV-induced DNA strand breaks in corneal and skin fibroblasts, but not in the corneal epithelial cells. Most convincingly, corneal epithelial cells in which the expression of nuclear ferritin was inhibited became much more susceptible to UV-induced DNA damage. Therefore, it seems that corneal epithelial cells have evolved a novel, nuclear ferritin-based mechanism for protecting their DNA against UV damage.


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To determine the importance of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species toxicity in aging and senescence, we analyzed changes in mitochondrial function with age in mice with partial or complete deficiencies in the mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Liver mitochondria from homozygous mutant mice, with a complete deficiency in MnSOD, exhibited substantial respiration inhibition and marked sensitization of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Mitochondria from heterozygous mice, with a partial deficiency in MnSOD, showed evidence of increased proton leak, inhibition of respiration, and early and rapid accumulation of mitochondrial oxidative damage. Furthermore, chronic oxidative stress in the heterozygous mice resulted in an increased sensitization of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and the premature induction of apoptosis, which presumably eliminates the cells with damaged mitochondria. Mice with normal MnSOD levels show the same age-related mitochondrial decline as the heterozygotes but occurring later in life. The premature decline in mitochondrial function in the heterozygote was associated with the compensatory up-regulation of oxidative phosphorylation enzyme activity. Thus mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production, oxidative stress, functional decline, and the initiation of apoptosis appear to be central components of the aging process.


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Nrf2, a member of the “cap ‘n collar” group of transcription factors, is important for protecting cells against oxidative damage. We investigated its role in the detoxification of acetaminophen [N-acetyl-p-aminophenol (APAP)]-induced hepatotoxicity. When Nrf2 knockout (Nrf2−/−) and wild-type mice were given APAP by i.p. injection, the Nrf2−/− mice were highly susceptible to APAP treatment. With doses of APAP that were tolerated by wild-type mice, the Nrf2−/− mice died of liver failure. When hepatic glutathione was depleted after a dose of 400 mg/kg of APAP, the wild-type mice were able to compensate and regain the normal glutathione level. In contrast, the glutathione level in the Nrf2−/− mice was not compensated and remained low. This was because of the decrease in the gene expression of gcsH and gcsL as well as gss in the livers of the Nrf2−/− mice. In addition, the expression of ugt1a6 and gstpi that detoxify APAP by conjugation was also decreased. This increased susceptibility of the Nrf2−/− mice to APAP, because of an impaired capacity to replenish their glutathione stores, compounded with a decreased detoxification capability, highlights the importance of Nrf2 in the regulation of glutathione synthesis and cellular detoxification processes.


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Predicted highly expressed (PHX) and putative alien genes determined by codon usages are characterized in the genome of Deinococcus radiodurans (strain R1). Deinococcus radiodurans (DEIRA) can survive very high doses of ionizing radiation that are lethal to virtually all other organisms. It has been argued that DEIRA is endowed with enhanced repair systems that provide protection and stability. However, predicted expression levels of DNA repair proteins with the exception of RecA tend to be low and do not distinguish DEIRA from other prokaryotes. In this paper, the capability of DEIRA to resist extreme doses of ionizing and UV radiation is attributed to an unusually high number of PHX chaperone/degradation, protease, and detoxification genes. Explicitly, compared with all current complete prokaryotic genomes, DEIRA contains the greatest number of PHX detoxification and protease proteins. Other sources of environmental protection against severe conditions of UV radiation, desiccation, and thermal effects for DEIRA are the several S-layer (surface structure) PHX proteins. The top PHX gene of DEIRA is the multifunctional tricarboxylic acid (TCA) gene aconitase, which, apart from its role in respiration, also alerts the cell to oxidative damage.


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Induction of Drosophila hsp70 protein was detected during aging in flight muscle and leg muscle in the absence of heat shock, using an hsp70-specific monoclonal antibody, and in transgenic flies containing hsp70-beta-galactosidase fusion protein reporter constructs. While hsp70 and reporter proteins were induced during aging, hsp70 message levels were not, indicating that aging-specific induction is primarily posttranscriptional. In contrast, hsp22 and hsp23 were found to be induced during aging at the RNA level and with a broader tissue distribution. The same muscle-specific hsp70 reporter expression pattern was observed in young flies mutant for catalase (H2O2:H2O2 oxidoreductase, EC In catalase (cat) hypomorphic lines where flies survived to older ages, the time course of hsp70 reporter expression during aging was accelerated, and the initial and ultimate levels of expression were increased. The hsp70 reporter was also induced in young flies mutant for copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (superoxide:superoxide oxidoreductase, EC Taken together, the results suggest that aging-specific hsp70 expression may be a result of oxidative damage.


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Mitochondria have been proposed to possess base excision repair processes to correct oxidative damage to the mitochondrial genome. As the only DNA polymerase (pol) present in mitochondria, pol γ is necessarily implicated in such processes. Therefore, we tested the ability of the catalytic subunit of human pol γ to participate in uracil-provoked base excision repair reconstituted in vitro with purified components. Subsequent to actions of uracil-DNA glycosylase and apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease, human pol γ was able to fill a single nucleotide gap in the presence of a 5′ terminal deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) flap. We report here that the catalytic subunit of human pol γ catalyzes release of the dRP residue from incised apurinic/apyrimidinic sites to produce a substrate for DNA ligase. The heat sensitivity of this activity suggests the dRP lyase function requires a three-dimensional protein structure. The dRP lyase activity does not require divalent metal ions, and the ability to trap covalent enzyme-DNA complexes with NaBH4 strongly implicates a Schiff base intermediate in a β-elimination reaction mechanism.


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Nrf2 is a member of the “cap ‘n’ collar” family of transcription factors. These transcription factors bind to the NF-E2 binding sites (GCTGAGTCA) that are essential for the regulation of erythroid-specific genes. Nrf2 is expressed in a wide range of tissues, many of which are sites of expression for phase 2 detoxification genes. Nrf2−/− mice are viable and have a normal phenotype under normal laboratory conditions. The NF-E2 binding site is a subset of the antioxidant response elements that have the sequence GCNNNGTCA. The antioxidant response elements are regulatory sequences found on promoters of several phase 2 detoxification genes that are inducible by xenobiotics and antioxidants. We report here that Nrf2−/− mice are extremely susceptible to the administration of the antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene. With doses of butylated hydroxytoluene that are tolerated by wild-type mice, the Nrf2−/− mice succumb from acute respiratory distress syndrome. Gene expression studies show that the expression of several detoxification enzymes is altered in the Nrf2−/− mice. The Nrf2−/− mice may prove to be a good in vivo model for toxicological studies. As oxidative damage causes DNA breakage, these mice may also be useful for testing carcinogenic agents.


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A gene homologous to methionine sulfoxide reductase (msrA) was identified as the predicted ORF (cosmid 9379) in chromosome V of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encoding a protein of 184 amino acids. The corresponding protein has been expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. The recombinant yeast MsrA possessed the same substrate specificity as the other known MsrA enzymes from mammalian and bacterial cells. Interruption of the yeast gene resulted in a null mutant, ΔmsrA::URA3 strain, which totally lost its cellular MsrA activity and was shown to be more sensitive to oxidative stress in comparison to its wild-type parent strain. Furthermore, high levels of free and protein-bound methionine sulfoxide were detected in extracts of msrA mutant cells relative to their wild-type parent cells, under various oxidative stresses. These findings show that MsrA is responsible for the reduction of methionine sulfoxide in vivo as well as in vitro in eukaryotic cells. Also, the results support the proposition that MsrA possess an antioxidant function. The ability of MsrA to repair oxidative damage in vivo may be of singular importance if methionine residues serve as antioxidants.


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Damage from free radicals has been demonstrated in susceptible neuronal populations in cases of Alzheimer disease. In this study, we investigated whether iron, a potent source of the highly reactive hydroxyl radical that is generated by the Fenton reaction with H2O2, might contribute to the source of radicals in Alzheimer disease. We found, using a modified histochemical technique that relies on the formation of mixed valence iron complexes, that redox-active iron is associated with the senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles—the pathological hallmark lesions of this disease. This lesion-associated iron is able to participate in in situ oxidation and readily catalyzes an H2O2-dependent oxidation. Furthermore, removal of iron was completely effected using deferoxamine, after which iron could be rebound to the lesions. Characterization of the iron-binding site suggests that binding is dependent on available histidine residues and on protein conformation. Taken together, these findings indicate that iron accumulation could be an important contributor toward the oxidative damage of Alzheimer disease.