12 resultados para Order-disorder transition

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We report the results of x-ray reflectivity and grazing incidence x-ray diffraction studies of the liquid–vapor interface of a dilute alloy of Pb in Ga over the temperature range of 23–76°C. Our data show that the liquid–vapor interface of this alloy is stratified for several atomic diameters into the bulk liquid and that a monolayer of Pb forms the outermost stratum of the interface. Over the temperature range of 23–56°C, the monolayer of Pb is in an ordered hexagonal phase. At about 58°C, this monolayer undergoes a first-order transition to a hexatic phase, which remains stable to 76°C. An analogy between the observed transition and the first-order melting transition in a one-component classical plasma is suggested.


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I attempt to reconcile apparently conflicting factors and mechanisms that have been proposed to determine the rate constant for two-state folding of small proteins, on the basis of general features of the structures of transition states. Φ-Value analysis implies a transition state for folding that resembles an expanded and distorted native structure, which is built around an extended nucleus. The nucleus is composed predominantly of elements of partly or well-formed native secondary structure that are stabilized by local and long-range tertiary interactions. These long-range interactions give rise to connecting loops, frequently containing the native loops that are poorly structured. I derive an equation that relates differences in the contact order of a protein to changes in the length of linking loops, which, in turn, is directly related to the unfavorable free energy of the loops in the transition state. Kinetic data on loop extension mutants of CI2 and α-spectrin SH3 domain fit the equation qualitatively. The rate of folding depends primarily on the interactions that directly stabilize the nucleus, especially those in native-like secondary structure and those resulting from the entropy loss from the connecting loops, which vary with contact order. This partitioning of energy accounts for the success of some algorithms that predict folding rates, because they use these principles either explicitly or implicitly. The extended nucleus model thus unifies the observations of rate depending on both stability and topology.


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Bipolar affective disorder (BPAD; manic-depressive illness) is characterized by episodes of mania and/or hypomania interspersed with periods of depression. Compelling evidence supports a significant genetic component in the susceptibility to develop BPAD. To date, however, linkage studies have attempted only to identify chromosomal loci that cause or increase the risk of developing BPAD. To determine whether there could be protective alleles that prevent or reduce the risk of developing BPAD, similar to what is observed in other genetic disorders, we used mental health wellness (absence of any psychiatric disorder) as the phenotype in our genome-wide linkage scan of several large multigeneration Old Order Amish pedigrees exhibiting an extremely high incidence of BPAD. We have found strong evidence for a locus on chromosome 4p at D4S2949 (maximum genehunter-plus nonparametric linkage score = 4.05, P = 5.22 × 10−4; sibpal Pempirical value <3 × 10−5) and suggestive evidence for a locus on chromosome 4q at D4S397 (maximum genehunter-plus nonparametric linkage score = 3.29, P = 2.57 × 10−3; sibpal Pempirical value <1 × 10−3) that are linked to mental health wellness. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that certain alleles could prevent or modify the clinical manifestations of BPAD and perhaps other related affective disorders.


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The cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1, important for p53-dependent cell cycle control, mediates G1/S arrest through inhibition of Cdks and possibly through inhibition of DNA replication. Cdk inhibition requires a sequence of approximately 60 amino acids within the p21 NH2 terminus. We show, using proteolytic mapping, circular dichroism spectropolarimetry, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, that p21 and NH2-terminal fragments that are active as Cdk inhibitors lack stable secondary or tertiary structure in the free solution state. In sharp contrast to the disordered free state, however, the p21 NH2 terminus adopts an ordered stable conformation when bound to Cdk2, as shown directly by NMR spectroscopy. We have, thus, identified a striking disorder-order transition for p21 upon binding to one of its biological targets, Cdk2. This structural transition has profound implications in light of the ability of p21 to bind and inhibit a diverse family of cyclin-Cdk complexes, including cyclin A-Cdk2, cyclin E-Cdk2, and cyclin D-Cdk4. Our findings suggest that the flexibility, or disorder, of free p21 is associated with binding diversity and offer insights into the role for structural disorder in mediating binding specificity in biological systems. Further, these observations challenge the generally accepted view of proteins that stable secondary and tertiary structure are prerequisites for biological activity and suggest that a broader view of protein structure should be considered in the context of structure-activity relationships.


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By equilibrating condensed DNA arrays against reservoirs of known osmotic stress and examining them with several structural probes, it has been possible to achieve a detailed thermodynamic and structural characterization of the change between two distinct regions on the liquid-crystalline phase diagram: (i) a higher density hexagonally packed region with long-range bond orientational order in the plane perpendicular to the average molecular direction and (ii) a lower density cholesteric region with fluid-like positional order. X-ray scattering on highly ordered DNA arrays at high density and with the helical axis oriented parallel to the incoming beam showed a sixfold azimuthal modulation of the first-order diffraction peak that reflects the macroscopic bond-orientational order. Transition to the less-dense cholesteric phase through osmotically controlled swelling shows the loss of this bond orientational order, which had been expected from the change in optical birefringence patterns and which is consistent with a rapid onset of molecular positional disorder. This change in order was previously inferred from intermolecular force measurements and is now confirmed by 31P NMR. Controlled reversible swelling and compaction under osmotic stress, spanning a range of densities between approximately 120 mg/ml to approximately 600 mg/ml, allow measurement of the free-energy changes throughout each phase and at the phase transition, essential information for theories of liquid-crystalline states.


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The development of complex states of fluid motion is illustrated by reviewing a series of experiments, emphasizing film flows, surface waves, and thermal convection. In one dimension, cellular patterns bifurcate to states of spatiotemporal chaos. In two dimensions, even ordered patterns can be surprisingly intricate when quasiperiodic patterns are included. Spatiotemporal chaos is best characterized statistically, and methods for doing so are evolving. Transport and mixing phenomena can also lead to spatial complexity, but the degree depends on the significance of molecular or thermal diffusion.


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The compaction level of arrays of nucleosomes may be understood in terms of the balance between the self-repulsion of DNA (principally linker DNA) and countering factors including the ionic strength and composition of the medium, the highly basic N termini of the core histones, and linker histones. However, the structural principles that come into play during the transition from a loose chain of nucleosomes to a compact 30-nm chromatin fiber have been difficult to establish, and the arrangement of nucleosomes and linker DNA in condensed chromatin fibers has never been fully resolved. Based on images of the solution conformation of native chromatin and fully defined chromatin arrays obtained by electron cryomicroscopy, we report a linker histone-dependent architectural motif beyond the level of the nucleosome core particle that takes the form of a stem-like organization of the entering and exiting linker DNA segments. DNA completes ≈1.7 turns on the histone octamer in the presence and absence of linker histone. When linker histone is present, the two linker DNA segments become juxtaposed ≈8 nm from the nucleosome center and remain apposed for 3–5 nm before diverging. We propose that this stem motif directs the arrangement of nucleosomes and linker DNA within the chromatin fiber, establishing a unique three-dimensional zigzag folding pattern that is conserved during compaction. Such an arrangement with peripherally arranged nucleosomes and internal linker DNA segments is fully consistent with observations in intact nuclei and also allows dramatic changes in compaction level to occur without a concomitant change in topology.


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Single chicken erythrocyte chromatin fibers were stretched and released at room temperature with force-measuring laser tweezers. In low ionic strength, the stretch-release curves reveal a process of continuous deformation with little or no internucleosomal attraction. A persistence length of 30 nm and a stretch modulus of ≈5 pN is determined for the fibers. At forces of 20 pN and higher, the fibers are modified irreversibly, probably through the mechanical removal of the histone cores from native chromatin. In 40–150 mM NaCl, a distinctive condensation-decondensation transition appears between 5 and 6 pN, corresponding to an internucleosomal attraction energy of ≈2.0 kcal/mol per nucleosome. Thus, in physiological ionic strength the fibers possess a dynamic structure in which the fiber locally interconverting between “open” and “closed” states because of thermal fluctuations.


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The Escherichia coli biotin repressor binds to the biotin operator to repress transcription of the biotin biosynthetic operon. In this work, a structure determined by x-ray crystallography of a complex of the repressor bound to biotin, which also functions as an activator of DNA binding by the biotin repressor (BirA), is described. In contrast to the monomeric aporepressor, the complex is dimeric with an interface composed in part of an extended β-sheet. Model building, coupled with biochemical data, suggests that this is the dimeric form of BirA that binds DNA. Segments of three surface loops that are disordered in the aporepressor structure are located in the interface region of the dimer and exhibit greater order than was observed in the aporepressor structure. The results suggest that the corepressor of BirA causes a disorder-to-order transition that is a prerequisite to repressor dimerization and DNA binding.


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The equilibrium dissociation of recombinant human IFN-γ was monitored as a function of pressure and sucrose concentration. The partial molar volume change for dissociation was −209 ± 13 ml/mol of dimer. The specific molar surface area change for dissociation was 12.7 ± 1.6 nm2/molecule of dimer. The first-order aggregation rate of recombinant human IFN-γ in 0.45 M guanidine hydrochloride was studied as a function of sucrose concentration and pressure. Aggregation proceeded through a transition-state species, N*. Sucrose reduced aggregation rate by shifting the equilibrium between native state (N) and N* toward the more compact N. Pressure increased aggregation rate through increased solvation of the protein, which exposes more surface area, thus shifting the equilibrium away from N toward N*. The changes in partial molar volume and specific molar surface area between the N* and N were −41 ± 9 ml/mol of dimer and 3.5 ± 0.2 nm2/molecule, respectively. Thus, the structural change required for the formation of the transition state for aggregation is small relative to the difference between N and the dissociated state. Changes in waters of hydration were estimated from both specific molar surface area and partial molar volume data. From partial molar volume data, estimates were 25 and 128 mol H2O/mol dimer for formation of the aggregation transition state and for dissociation, respectively. From surface area data, estimates were 27 and 98 mol H2O/mol dimer. Osmotic stress theory yielded values ≈4-fold larger for both transitions.


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For a better understanding of Al inhibition of root elongation, knowledge of the morphological and functional organization of the root apex is a prerequisite. We developed a polyvinyl chloride-block technique to supply Al (90 μm monomeric Al) in a medium containing agarose to individual 1-mm root zones of intact seedlings of maize (Zea mays L. cv Lixis). Root elongation was measured during a period of 5 h. After Al treatment, callose (5 h) and Al (1 h) contents of individual 1-mm apical root segments were determined. For comparison, callose and Al levels were also measured in root segments after uniform Al supply in agarose blocks to the 10-mm root apex. Only applying Al to the three apical 1-mm root zones inhibited root elongation after 1 h. The order of sensitivity was 1 to 2 > 0 to 1 > 2 to 3 mm. In the 1- to 2-mm root zone high levels of Al-induced callose formation and accumulation of Al was found, independently of whether Al was applied to individual apical root zones or uniformly to the whole-root apex. We conclude from these results that the distal part of the transition zone of the root apex, where the cells are undergoing a preparatory phase for rapid elongation (F. Baluška, D. Volkmann, P.W. Barlow [1996] Plant Physiol 112: 3–4), is the primary target of Al in this Al-sensitive maize cultivar.


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In this paper I review the ways in which the glassy state is obtained both in nature and in materials science and highlight a "new twist"--the recent recognition of polymorphism within the glassy state. The formation of glass by continuous cooling (viscous slowdown) is then examined, the strong/fragile liquids classification is reviewed, and a new twist-the possibility that the slowdown is a result of an avoided critical point-is noted. The three canonical characteristics of relaxing liquids are correlated through the fragility. As a further new twist, the conversion of strong liquids to fragile liquids by pressure-induced coordination number increases is demonstrated. It is then shown that, for comparable systems, it is possible to have the same conversion accomplished via a first-order transition within the liquid state during quenching. This occurs in the systems in which "polyamorphism" (polymorphism in the glassy state) is observed, and the whole phenomenology is accounted for by Poole's bond-modified van der Waals model. The sudden loss of some liquid degrees of freedom through such weak first-order transitions is then related to the polyamorphic transition between native and denatured hydrated proteins, since the latter are also glass-forming systems--water-plasticized, hydrogen bond-cross-linked chain polymers (and single molecule glass formers). The circle is closed with a final new twist by noting that a short time scale phenomenon much studied by protein physicists-namely, the onset of a sharp change in d/dT ( is the Debye-Waller factor)--is general for glass-forming liquids, including computer-simulated strong and fragile ionic liquids, and is closely correlated with the experimental glass transition temperature. The latter thus originates in strong anharmonicity in certain components of the vibrational density of states, which permits the system to access the multiple minima of its configuration space. The connection between the anharmonicity in these modes, vibrational localization, the Kauzmann temperature, and the fragility of the liquid is proposed as the key problem in glass science.