24 resultados para Occupancy

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The effects of calcium ion on the Na+ activation gate were studied in squid giant axons. Saxitoxin (STX) was used to block ion entry into Na+ channels without hindering access to the membrane surface, making it possible to distinguish surface effects of calcium from pore-occupancy effects. In the presence of STX, gating kinetics were measured from gating current (Ig). The kinetic effects of external calcium concentration changes were small when STX was present. In the absence of STX, lowering the calcium concentration (from 100 to 10 mM) slowed the closing of Na+ channels (measured from INa tails) by more than a factor of 2. Surprisingly, the voltage sensitivity of closing kinetics changed with calcium concentration, and it was modified by STX. Voltage sensitivity apparently depends in part on the ability of calcium to enter and block the channels as voltage is driven negative. In external medium with no added calcium, INa tail current initially increases in amplitude severalfold with the relief of calcium block, then progressively slows and gets smaller, as calcium diffuses out of the layers investing the axon. INa tails seen just before the current disappears suggest that closing in the absence of channel block is very slow or does not occur. INa amplitude and kinetics are completely restored when calcium is returned. The results strongly suggest that calcium occupancy is a requirement for channel closing and that nonoccupied channels fold reversibly into a nonfunctional conformation.


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The activation of the silent endogenous progesterone receptor (PR) gene by 17-β-estradiol (E2) in cells stably transfected with estrogen receptor (ER) was used as a model system to study the mechanism of E2-induced transcription. The time course of E2-induced PR transcription rate was determined by nuclear run-on assays. No marked effect on specific PR gene transcription rates was detected at 0 and 1 h of E2 treatment. After 3 h of E2 treatment, the PR mRNA synthesis rate increased 2.0- ± 0.2-fold and continued to increase to 3.5- ± 0.4-fold by 24 h as compared with 0 h. The transcription rate increase was followed by PR mRNA accumulation. No PR mRNA was detectable at 0, 1, and 3 h of E2 treatment. PR mRNA accumulation was detected at 6 h of E2 treatment and continued to accumulate until 18 h, the longest time point examined. Interestingly, this slow and gradual transcription rate increase of the endogenous PR gene did not parallel binding of E2 to ER, which was maximized within 30 min. Furthermore, the E2–ER level was down-regulated to 15% at 3 h as compared with 30 min of E2 treatment and remained low at 24 h of E2 exposure. These paradoxical observations indicate that E2-induced transcription activation is more complicated than just an association of the occupied ER with the transcription machinery.


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The ability of cocaine to inhibit the dopamine transporter (DAT) appears to be crucial for its reinforcing properties. The potential use of drugs that produce long-lasting inhibition of the DAT as a mean of preventing the "high" and reducing drug-seeking behavior has become a major strategy in medication development. However, neither the relation between the high and DAT inhibition nor the ability to block the high by prior DAT blockade have ever been demonstrated. To evaluate if DAT could prevent the high induced by methylphenidate (MP), a drug which like cocaine inhibits the DAT, we compared the responses in eight non-drug-abusing subjects between the first and the second of two MP doses (0.375 mg/kg, i.v.) given 60 min apart. At 60 min the high from MP has returned to baseline, but 75-80% of the drug remains in brain. Positron-emission tomography and [11C]d-threo-MP were used to estimate DAT occupancies at different times after MP. DAT inhibition by MP did not block or attenuate the high from a second dose of MP given 60 min later, despite a 80% residual transporter occupancy from the first dose. Furthermore some subjects did not perceive a high after single or repeated administration despite significant DAT blockade. These results indicate that DAT occupancy is not sufficient to account for the high, and that for DAT inhibitors to be therapeutically effective, occupancies > 80% may be required.


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Binding of transcriptional activators to a promoter is a prerequisite process in transcriptional activation. It is well established that the efficiency of activator binding to a promoter is determined by the affinity of direct interactions between the DNA-binding domain of an activator and its specific target sequences. However, I describe here that activator binding to a promoter is augmented in vivo by the effects of two other determinants that have not been generally appreciated: (i) the number of activator binding sites present in a promoter and (ii) the potency of activation domains of activators. Multiple sites within a promoter can cooperatively recruit cognate factors regardless of whether they contain an effective activation domain. This cooperativity can result in the synergistic activation of transcription. The second effect is the enhancement of activator binding to a promoter by the presence of activation domains. In this case, activation domains are not simply tethered to the promoter by the DNA-binding domain but instead assist the DNA-binding domain being tethered onto the promoter. This effect of activation domains on DNA binding is instrumental in determining how potent activators can induce steep transcriptional increases at low concentrations.


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Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) have been shown to migrate in response to insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). However, the mechanism mediating this response has not been determined. The migration rates of porcine and human vascular SMCs were assessed in a monolayer wounding assay. IGF-I and IGF-II induced increases of 141% and 97%, respectively, in the number of cells that migrated in 4 days. The presence of 0.2% fetal bovine serum in the culture medium was necessary for the IGFs to stimulate migration over uncoated plastic surfaces. However, if vitronectin was used as the substratum, IGF-I stimulated migration by 162% even in the absence of serum. To determine the role of integrins in mediating this migration, SMC surface proteins were labeled with 125I and immunoprecipitated with specific anti-integrin antibodies. Integrins containing alpha-V (vitronectin receptor), alpha5 (fibronectin receptor), and alpha3 (collagen/laminin receptor) subunits were the most abundant. IGF-I treatment caused a 73% reduction in alpha5-integrin subunit protein and a 25% increase in alpha-V subunit. More importantly, ligand binding of alpha-V-beta3 was increased by 2.4-fold. We therefore examined whether the function of the alpha-V-beta3 integrin was important for IGF-I-mediated migration. The disintegrin kistrin was shown by affinity crosslinking to specifically bind with high affinity to alpha-V-beta3 and not to alpha5-beta1 or other abundant integrins. The related disintegrin echistatin specifically inhibited 125I-labeled kistrin binding to alpha-V-beta3, while a structurally distinct disintegrin, decorsin, had 1000-fold lower affinity. The addition of increasing concentrations of either kistrin or echistatin inhibited IGF-I-induced migration, whereas decorsin had a minimal effect. The potency of these disintegrins in inhibiting IGF-I-induced migration paralleled their apparent affinity for the alpha-V integrin. Furthermore, an alpha-V-beta3 blocking antibody inhibited SMC migration by 80%. In summary, vitronectin receptor activation is a necessary component of IGF-I-mediated stimulation of smooth muscle migration, and alpha-V-beta3 integrin antagonists appear to be important reagents for modulating this process.


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Accumulated data indicate that endocytosis of the glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol-anchored protein urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) depends on binding of the ligand uPA:plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and subsequent interaction with internalization receptors of the low-density lipoprotein receptor family, which are internalized through clathrin-coated pits. This interaction is inhibited by receptor-associated protein (RAP). We show that uPAR with bound uPA:PAI-1 is capable of entering cells in a clathrin-independent process. First, HeLaK44A cells expressing mutant dynamin efficiently internalized uPA:PAI-1 under conditions in which transferrin endocytosis was blocked. Second, in polarized Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, which expressed human uPAR apically, the low basal rate of uPAR ligand endocytosis, which could not be inhibited by RAP, was increased by forskolin or phorbol ester (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate), which selectively up-regulate clathrin-independent endocytosis from the apical domain of epithelial cells. Third, in subconfluent nonpolarized MDCK cells, endocytosis of uPA:PAI-1 was only decreased marginally by RAP. At the ultrastructural level uPAR was largely excluded from clathrin-coated pits in these cells and localized in invaginated caveolae only in the presence of cross-linking antibodies. Interestingly, a larger fraction of uPAR in nonpolarized relative to polarized MDCK cells was insoluble in Triton X-100 at 0°C, and by surface labeling with biotin we also show that internalized uPAR was mainly detergent insoluble, suggesting a correlation between association with detergent-resistant membrane microdomains and higher degree of clathrin-independent endocytosis. Furthermore, by cryoimmunogold labeling we show that 5–10% of internalized uPAR in nonpolarized, but not polarized, MDCK cells is targeted to lysosomes by a mechanism that is regulated by ligand occupancy.


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Transcriptional termination of the GAL10 gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae depends on the efficiency of polyadenylation. Either cis mutations in the poly(A) signal or trans mutations of mRNA 3′ end cleavage factors result in GAL10 read-through transcripts into the adjacent GAL7 gene and inactivation (occlusion) of the GAL7 promoter. Herein, we present a molecular explanation of this transcriptional interference phenomenon. In vivo footprinting data reveal that GAL7 promoter occlusion is associated with the displacement of Gal4p transcription factors from the promoter. Interestingly, overexpression of Gal4p restores promoter occupancy, activates GAL7 expression, and rescues growth on the otherwise toxic galactose substrate. Our data therefore demonstrate a precise balance between transcriptional interference and initiation.


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Ultraspiracle (USP) is the invertebrate homologue of the mammalian retinoid X receptor (RXR). RXR plays a uniquely important role in differentiation, development, and homeostasis through its ability to serve as a heterodimeric partner to many other nuclear receptors. RXR is able to influence the activity of its partner receptors through the action of the ligand 9-cis retinoic acid. In contrast to RXR, USP has no known high-affinity ligand and is thought to be a silent component in the heterodimeric complex with partner receptors such as the ecdysone receptor. Here we report the 2.4-Å crystal structure of the USP ligand-binding domain. The structure shows that a conserved sequence motif found in dipteran and lepidopteran USPs, but not in mammalian RXRs, serves to lock USP in an inactive conformation. It also shows that USP has a large hydrophobic cavity, implying that there is almost certainly a natural ligand for USP. This cavity is larger than that seen previously for most other nuclear receptors. Intriguingly, this cavity has partial occupancy by a bound lipid, which is likely to resemble the natural ligand for USP.


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The observation of light metal ions in nucleic acids crystals is generally a fortuitous event. Sodium ions in particular are notoriously difficult to detect because their X-ray scattering contributions are virtually identical to those of water and Na+…O distances are only slightly shorter than strong hydrogen bonds between well-ordered water molecules. We demonstrate here that replacement of Na+ by K+, Rb+ or Cs+ and precise measurements of anomalous differences in intensities provide a particularly sensitive method for detecting alkali metal ion-binding sites in nucleic acid crystals. Not only can alkali metal ions be readily located in such structures, but the presence of Rb+ or Cs+ also allows structure determination by the single wavelength anomalous diffraction technique. Besides allowing identification of high occupancy binding sites, the combination of high resolution and anomalous diffraction data established here can also pinpoint binding sites that feature only partial occupancy. Conversely, high resolution of the data alone does not necessarily allow differentiation between water and partially ordered metal ions, as demonstrated with the crystal structure of a DNA duplex determined to a resolution of 0.6 Å.


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Recent evidence suggests that the Myc and Mad1 proteins are implicated in the regulation of the gene encoding the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), the catalytic subunit of telomerase. We have analyzed the in vivo interaction between endogenous c-Myc and Mad1 proteins and the hTERT promoter in HL60 cells with the use of the chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. The E-boxes at the hTERT proximal promoter were occupied in vivo by c-Myc in exponentially proliferating HL60 cells but not in cells induced to differentiate by DMSO. In contrast, Mad1 protein was induced and bound to the hTERT promoter in differentiated HL60 cells. Concomitantly, the acetylation of the histones at the promoter was significantly reduced. These data suggest that the reciprocal E-box occupancy by c-Myc and Mad1 is responsible for activation and repression of the hTERT gene in proliferating and differentiated HL60 cells, respectively. Furthermore, the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A inhibited deacetylation of histones at the hTERT promoter and attenuated the repression of hTERT transcription during HL60 cell differentiation. In addition, trichostatin A treatment activated hTERT transcription in resting human lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Taken together, these results indicate that acetylation/deacetylation of histones is operative in the regulation of hTERT expression.


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The crystal structure of anthranilate synthase (AS) from Serratia marcescens, a mesophilic bacterium, has been solved in the presence of its substrates, chorismate and glutamine, and one product, glutamate, at 1.95 Å, and with its bound feedback inhibitor, tryptophan, at 2.4 Å. In comparison with the AS structure from the hyperthermophile Sulfolobus solfataricus, the S. marcescens structure shows similar subunit structures but a markedly different oligomeric organization. One crystal form of the S. marcescens enzyme displays a bound pyruvate as well as a putative anthranilate (the nitrogen group is ambiguous) in the TrpE subunit. It also confirms the presence of a covalently bound glutamyl thioester intermediate in the TrpG subunit. The tryptophan-bound form reveals that the inhibitor binds at a site distinct from that of the substrate, chorismate. Bound tryptophan appears to prevent chorismate binding by a demonstrable conformational effect, and the structure reveals how occupancy of only one of the two feedback inhibition sites can immobilize the catalytic activity of both TrpE subunits. The presence of effectors in the structure provides a view of the locations of some of the amino acid residues in the active sites. Our findings are discussed in terms of the previously described AS structure of S. solfataricus, mutational data obtained from enteric bacteria, and the enzyme's mechanism of action.


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TFII-I is an unusual transcription factor possessing both basal and signal-induced transcriptional functions. Here we report the characterization of a TFII-I-related factor (MusTRD1/BEN) that regulates transcriptional functions of TFII-I by controlling its nuclear residency. MusTRD1/BEN has five or six direct repeats, each containing helix–loop–helix motifs, and, thus, belongs to the TFII-I family of transcription factors. TFII-I and MusTRD1/BEN, when expressed individually, show predominant nuclear localization. However, when the two proteins are coexpressed ectopically, MusTRD1/BEN locates almost exclusively to the nucleus, whereas TFII-I is largely excluded from the nucleus, resulting in a loss of TFII-I-dependent transcriptional activation of the c-fos promoter. Mutation of a consensus nuclear localization signal in MusTRD1/BEN results in a reversal of nuclear residency of the two proteins and a concomitant gain of c-fos promoter activity. These data suggest a means of transcriptional repression by competition at the level of nuclear occupancy.


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For the functional role of the ribosomal tRNA exit (E) site, two different models have been proposed. It has been suggested that transient E-site binding of the tRNA leaving the peptidyl (P) site promotes elongation factor G (EF-G)-dependent translocation by lowering the energetic barrier of tRNA release [Lill, R., Robertson, J. M. & Wintermeyer, W. (1989) EMBO J. 8, 3933-3938]. The alternative "allosteric three-site model" [Nierhaus, K.H. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 4997-5008] features stable, codon-dependent tRNA binding to the E site and postulates a coupling between E and aminoacyl (A) sites that regulates the tRNA binding affinity of the two sites in an anticooperative manner. Extending our testing of the two conflicting models, we have performed translocation experiments with fully active ribosomes programmed with heteropolymeric mRNA. The results confirm that the deacylated tRNA released from the P site is bound to the E site in a kinetically labile fashion, and that the affinity of binding, i.e., the occupancy of the E site, is increased by Mg2+ or polyamines. At conditions of high E-site occupancy in the posttranslocation complex, filling the A site with aminoacyl-tRNA had no influence on the E site, i.e., there was no detectable anticooperative coupling between the two sites, provided that second-round translocation was avoided by removing EF-G. On the basis of these results, which are entirely consistent with our previous results, we consider the allosteric three-site model of elongation untenable. Rather, as proposed earlier, the E site-bound state of the leaving tRNA is a transient intermediate and, as such, is a mechanistic feature of the classic two-state model of the elongating ribosome.


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Transmembrane signaling by bacterial chemoreceptors is thought to involve relative movement among the four transmembrane helices of the homodimer. We assayed that movement by measuring effects of ligand occupancy on rates of oxidative cross-linking between cysteines introduced into neighboring helices of the transmembrane domain of chemoreceptor Trg from Escherichia coli. Measurements were done on chemoreceptors in their native environment, intact cells that were motile and chemotactically responsive. Receptor occupancy did not appear to cause drastic rearrangement of the four-helix structure since, among 67 cysteine pairs tested, the same 19 exhibited oxidative cross-linking in the presence or absence of saturating chemoattractant. However, occupancy did cause subtle changes that were detected as effects on rates of cross-linking. Among the seven disulfides appropriate for measurements of initial rates of formation, ligand occupancy had significant and different effects on all three cross-links that connected the two helices within a subunit but had minimal effects on the four that spanned the packing interface between subunits. This constitutes direct evidence that the conformational change of transmembrane signaling involves significant movement within a subunit and minimal movement between subunits, a pattern deduced from several previous studies and now documented directly. Among possible modes of movement between the two helices of a subunit, axial sliding of one helix relative to the other was the conformational change that best accounted for the observed effects on cross-linking.


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The interleukin 2 (IL-2) gene is subject to two types of regulation: its expression is T-lymphocyte-specific and it is acutely dependent on specific activation signals. The IL-2 transcriptional apparatus integrates multiple types of biochemical information in determining whether or not the gene will be expressed, using multiple diverse transcription factors that are each optimally activated or inhibited by different signaling pathways. When activation of one or two of these factors is blocked IL-2 expression is completely inhibited. The inability of the other, unaffected factors to work is explained by the striking finding that none of the factors interacts stably with its target site in the IL-2 enhancer unless all the factors are present. Coordinate occupancy of all the sites in the minimal enhancer is apparently maintained by continuous assembly and disassembly cycles that respond to the instantaneous levels of each factor in the nuclear compartment. In addition, the minimal enhancer undergoes specific increases in DNase I accessibility, consistent with dramatic changes in chromatin structure upon activation. Still to be resolved is what interaction(s) conveys T-lineage specificity. In the absence of activating signals, the minimal IL-2 enhancer region in mature T cells is apparently unoccupied, exactly as in non-T lineage cells. However, in a conserved but poorly studied upstream region, we have now mapped several novel sites of DNase I hypersensitivity in vivo that constitutively distinguish IL-2 producer type T cells from cell types that cannot express IL-2. Thus a distinct domain of the IL-2 regulatory sequence may contain sites for competence- or lineage-marking protein contacts.