15 resultados para OF-ONSET DISTRIBUTIONS
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Organization of proteins into structurally and functionally distinct plasma membrane domains is an essential characteristic of polarized epithelial cells. Based on studies with cultured kidney cells, we have hypothesized that a mechanism for restricting Na/K-ATPase to the basal-lateral membrane involves E-cadherin–mediated cell–cell adhesion and integration of Na/K-ATPase into the Triton X-100–insoluble ankyrin- and spectrin-based membrane cytoskeleton. In this study, we examined the relevance of these in vitro observations to the generation of epithelial cell polarity in vivo during mouse kidney development. Using differential detergent extraction, immunoblotting, and immunofluorescence histochemistry, we demonstrate the following. First, expression of the 220-kDa splice variant of ankyrin-3 correlates with the development of resistance to Triton X-100 extraction for Na/K-ATPase, E-cadherin, and catenins and precedes maximal accumulation of Na/K-ATPase. Second, expression of the 190-kDa slice variant of ankyrin-3 correlates with maximal accumulation of Na/K-ATPase. Third, Na/K-ATPase, ankyrin-3, and fodrin specifically colocalize at the basal-lateral plasma membrane of all epithelial cells in which they are expressed and during all stages of nephrogenesis. Fourth, the relative immunofluorescence staining intensities of Na/K-ATPase, ankyrin-3, and fodrin become more similar during development until they are essentially identical in adult kidney. Thus, renal epithelial cells in vivo regulate the accumulation of E-cadherin–mediated adherens junctions, the membrane cytoskeleton, and Na/K-ATPase through sequential protein expression and assembly on the basal-lateral membrane. These results are consistent with a mechanism in which generation and maintenance of polarized distributions of these proteins in vivo and in vitro involve cell–cell adhesion, assembly of the membrane cytoskeleton complex, and concomitant integration and retention of Na/K-ATPase in this complex.
One approach to understanding common human diseases is to determine the genetic defects responsible for similar diseases in animal models and place those defective genes in their corresponding biochemical pathways. Our laboratory is working with an animal model for human rheumatoid arthritis called collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). We are particularly interested in determining the location of disease-predisposing loci. To that end, we performed experiments to localize susceptibility loci for CIA in an F2 cross between the highly susceptible mouse strain DBA/1j and the highly resistant mouse strain SWR/j. Specifically, a quantitative trait locus analysis was performed to localize regions of the mouse genome responsible for susceptibility/severity to CIA. One susceptibility locus, Cia1 in the major histocompatibility locus, had been identified previously. Two additional loci were detected in our analysis that contribute to CIA severity (Cia2, Cia3) on chromosomes 2 and 6. A third locus was detected that contributes to the age of onset of the disease. This locus (Cia4) was located on chromosome 2 and was linked to the same region as Cia2. Determining the identity of these loci may provide insights into the etiology of human rheumatoid arthritis.
We report single-molecule measurements on the folding and unfolding conformational equilibrium distributions and dynamics of a disulfide crosslinked version of the two-stranded coiled coil from GCN4. The peptide has a fluorescent donor and acceptor at the N termini of its two chains and a Cys disulfide near its C terminus. Thus, folding brings the two N termini of the two chains close together, resulting in an enhancement of fluorescent resonant energy transfer. End-to-end distance distributions have thus been characterized under conditions where the peptide is nearly fully folded (0 M urea), unfolded (7.4 M urea), and in dynamic exchange between folded and unfolded states (3.0 M urea). The distributions have been compared for the peptide freely diffusing in solution and deposited onto aminopropyl silanized glass. As the urea concentration is increased, the mean end-to-end distance shifts to longer distances both in free solution and on the modified surface. The widths of these distributions indicate that the molecules are undergoing millisecond conformational fluctuations. Under all three conditions, these fluctuations gave nonexponential correlations on 1- to 100-ms time scale. A component of the correlation decay that was sensitive to the concentration of urea corresponded to that measured by bulk relaxation kinetics. The trajectories provided effective intramolecular diffusion coefficients as a function of the end-to-end distances for the folded and unfolded states. Single-molecule folding studies provide information concerning the distributions of conformational states in the folded, unfolded, and dynamically interconverting states.
Apolipoprotein E (apoE) mediates the redistribution of lipids among cells and is expressed at highest levels in brain and liver. Human apoE exists in three major isoforms encoded by distinct alleles (ɛ2, ɛ3, and ɛ4). Compared with APOE ɛ2 and ɛ3, APOE ɛ4 increases the risk of cognitive impairments, lowers the age of onset of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and decreases the response to AD treatments. Besides age, inheritance of the APOE ɛ4 allele is the most important known risk factor for the development of sporadic AD, the most common form of this illness. Although numerous hypotheses have been advanced, it remains unclear how APOE ɛ4 might affect cognition and increase AD risk. To assess the effects of distinct human apoE isoforms on the brain, we have used the neuron-specific enolase (NSE) promoter to express human apoE3 or apoE4 at similar levels in neurons of transgenic mice lacking endogenous mouse apoE. Compared with NSE-apoE3 mice and wild-type controls, NSE-apoE4 mice showed impairments in learning a water maze task and in vertical exploratory behavior that increased with age and were seen primarily in females. These findings demonstrate that human apoE isoforms have differential effects on brain function in vivo and that the susceptibility to apoE4-induced deficits is critically influenced by age and gender. These results could be pertinent to cognitive impairments observed in human APOE ɛ4 carriers. NSE-apoE mice and similar models may facilitate the preclinical assessment of treatments for apoE-related cognitive deficits.
Long-distance population dispersal leaves its characteristic signature in genomes, namely, reduced diversity and increased linkage between genetic markers. This signature enables historical patterns of range expansion to be traced. Herein, we use microsatellite loci from the human pathogen Coccidioides immitis to show that genetic diversity in this fungus is geographically partitioned throughout North America. In contrast, analyses of South American C. immitis show that this population is genetically depauperate and was founded from a single North American population centered in Texas. Variances of allele distributions show that South American C. immitis have undergone rapid population growth, consistent with an epidemic increase in postcolonization population size. Herein, we estimate the introduction into South America to have occurred within the last 9,000–140,000 years. This range increase parallels that of Homo sapiens. Because of known associations between Amerindians and this fungus, we suggest that the colonization of South America by C. immitis represents a relatively recent and rapid codispersal of a host and its pathogen.
We review the study of flower color polymorphisms in the morning glory as a model for the analysis of adaptation. The pathway involved in the determination of flower color phenotype is traced from the molecular and genetic levels to the phenotypic level. Many of the genes that determine the enzymatic components of flavonoid biosynthesis are redundant, but, despite this complexity, it is possible to associate discrete floral phenotypes with individual genes. An important finding is that almost all of the mutations that determine phenotypic differences are the result of transposon insertions. Thus, the flower color diversity seized on by early human domesticators of this plant is a consequence of the rich variety of mobile elements that reside in the morning glory genome. We then consider a long history of research aimed at uncovering the ecological fate of these various flower phenotypes in the southeastern U.S. A large body of work has shown that insect pollinators discriminate against white phenotypes when white flowers are rare in populations. Because the plant is self-compatible, pollinator bias causes an increase in self-fertilization in white maternal plants, which should lead to an increase in the frequency of white genes, according to modifier gene theory. Studies of geographical distributions indicate other, as yet undiscovered, disadvantages associated with the white phenotype. The ultimate goal of connecting ecology to molecular genetics through the medium of phenotype is yet to be attained, but this approach may represent a model for analyzing the translation between these two levels of biological organization.
Previously, a hypomorphic mutation in CD18 was generated by gene targeting, with homozygous mice displaying increased circulating neutrophil counts, defects in the response to chemically induced peritonitis, and delays in transplantation rejection. When this mutation was backcrossed onto the PL/J inbred strain, virtually all homozygous mice developed a chronic inflammatory skin disease with a mean age of onset of 11 weeks after birth. The disease was characterized by erythema, hair loss, and the development of scales and crusts. The histopathology revealed hyperplasia of the epidermis, subcorneal microabscesses, orthohyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, and lymphocyte exocytosis, which are features in common with human psoriasis and other hyperproliferative inflammatory skin disorders. Repetitive cultures failed to demonstrate bacterial or fungal organisms potentially involved in the pathogenesis of this disease, and the dermatitis resolved rapidly after subcutaneous administration of dexamethasone. Homozygous mutant mice on a (PL/J x C57BL/6J)F1 background did not develop the disease and backcross experiments suggest that a small number of genes (perhaps as few as one), in addition to CD18, determine susceptibility to the disorder. This phenotype provides a model for inflammatory skin disorders, may have general relevance to polygenic human inflammatory diseases, and should help to identify genes that interact with the beta2 integrins in inflammatory processes.
Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is critical in the modulation of cholesterol and phospholipid transport between cells of different types. Human apoE is a polymorphic protein with three common alleles, APO epsilon 2, APO epsilon 3, and APO epsilon 4. ApoE4 is associated with sporadic and late-onset familial Alzheimer disease (AD). Gene dose was shown to have an effect on risk of developing AD, age of onset, accumulation of senile plaques in the brain, and reduction of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity in the hippocampus of AD subjects. To characterize the possible impact of the apoE4 allele on cholinergic markers in AD, we examined the effect of apoE4 allele copy number on pre- and postsynaptic markers of cholinergic activity. ApoE4 allele copy number showed an inverse relationship with residual brain ChAT activity and nicotinic receptor binding sites in both the hippocampal formation and the temporal cortex of AD subjects. AD cases lacking the apoE4 allele showed ChAT activities close or within age-matched normal control values. The effect of the apoE4 allele on cholinomimetic drug responsiveness was assessed next in a group (n = 40) of AD patients who completed a double-blind, 30-week clinical trial of the cholinesterase inhibitor tacrine. Results showed that > 80% of apoE4-negative AD patients showed marked improvement after 30 weeks as measured by the AD assessment scale (ADAS), whereas 60% of apoE4 carriers had ADAS scores that were worse compared to baseline. These results strongly support the concept that apoE4 plays a crucial role in the cholinergic dysfunction associated with AD and may be a prognostic indicator of poor response to therapy with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in AD patients.
The genetics of Alzheimer disease (AD) are complex and not completely understood. Mutations in the amyloid precursor protein gene (APP) can cause early-onset autosomal dominant AD. In vitro studies indicate that cells expressing mutant APPs overproduce pathogenic forms of the A beta peptide, the major component of AD amyloid. However, mutations in the APP gene are responsible for 5% or less of all early-onset familial AD. A locus on chromosome 14 is responsible for AD in other early-onset AD families and represents the most severe form of the disease in terms of age of onset and rate of decline. Attempts to identify the AD3 gene by positional cloning methods are underway. At least one additional early-onset AD locus remains to be located. In late-onset AD, the apolipoprotein E gene allele epsilon 4 is a risk factor for AD. This allele appears to act as a dose-dependent age-of-onset modifier. The epsilon 2 allele of this gene may be protective. Other late-onset susceptibility factors remain to be identified.
Senescence, the decline in survivorship and fertility with increasing age, is a near-universal property of organisms. Senescence and limited lifespan are thought to arise because weak natural selection late in life allows the accumulation of mutations with deleterious late-age effects that are either neutral (the mutation accumulation hypothesis) or beneficial (the antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis) early in life. Analyses of Drosophila spontaneous mutations, patterns of segregating variation and covariation, and lines selected for late-age fertility have implicated both classes of mutation in the evolution of aging, but neither their relative contributions nor the properties of individual loci that cause aging in nature are known. To begin to dissect the multiple genetic causes of quantitative variation in lifespan, we have conducted a genome-wide screen for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting lifespan that segregate among a panel of recombinant inbred lines using a dense molecular marker map. Five autosomal QTLs were mapped by composite interval mapping and by sequential multiple marker analysis. The QTLs had large sex-specific effects on lifespan and age-specific effects on survivorship and mortality and mapped to the same regions as candidate genes with fertility, cellular aging, stress resistance and male-specific effects. Late age-of-onset QTL effects are consistent with the mutation accumulation hypothesis for the evolution of senescence, and sex-specific QTL effects suggest a novel mechanism for maintaining genetic variation for lifespan.
The study of passive scalar transport in a turbulent velocity field leads naturally to the notion of generalized flows, which are families of probability distributions on the space of solutions to the associated ordinary differential equations which no longer satisfy the uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations. Two most natural regularizations of this problem, namely the regularization via adding small molecular diffusion and the regularization via smoothing out the velocity field, are considered. White-in-time random velocity fields are used as an example to examine the variety of phenomena that take place when the velocity field is not spatially regular. Three different regimes, characterized by their degrees of compressibility, are isolated in the parameter space. In the regime of intermediate compressibility, the two different regularizations give rise to two different scaling behaviors for the structure functions of the passive scalar. Physically, this means that the scaling depends on Prandtl number. In the other two regimes, the two different regularizations give rise to the same generalized flows even though the sense of convergence can be very different. The “one force, one solution” principle is established for the scalar field in the weakly compressible regime, and for the difference of the scalar in the strongly compressible regime, which is the regime of inverse cascade. Existence and uniqueness of an invariant measure are also proved in these regimes when the transport equation is suitably forced. Finally incomplete self similarity in the sense of Barenblatt and Chorin is established.
In adult forebrain, nerve growth factor (NGF) influences neuronal maintenance and axon sprouting and is neuroprotective in several injury models through mechanisms that are incompletely understood. Most NGF signaling is thought to occur after internalization and retrograde transport of trkA receptor and be mediated through the nucleus. However, NGF expression in hippocampus is rapidly and sensitively regulated by synaptic activity, suggesting that NGF exerts local effects more dynamically than possible through signaling requiring retrograde transport to distant afferent neurons. Interactions have been reported between NGF and nitric oxide (NO). Because NO affects both neural plasticity and degeneration, and trk receptors can mediate signaling within minutes, we hypothesized that NGF might rapidly modulate NO production. Using in vivo microdialysis we measured conversion of l-[14C]arginine to l-[14C]citrulline as an accurate reflection of NO synthase (NOS) activity in adult rat hippocampus. NGF significantly reduced NOS activity to 61% of basal levels within 20 min of onset of delivery and maintained NOS activity at less than 50% of baseline throughout 3 hr of delivery. This effect did not occur with control protein (cytochrome c) and was not mediated by an effect of NGF on glutamate levels. In addition, simultaneous delivery of NGF prevented significant increases in NOS activity triggered by the glutamate receptor agonists N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA). Rapid suppression by NGF of basal and glutamate-stimulated NOS activity may regulate neuromodulatory functions of NO or protect neurons from NO toxicity and suggests a novel mechanism for rapidly mediating functions of NGF and other neurotrophins.
The question of whether proteins originate from random sequences of amino acids is addressed. A statistical analysis is performed in terms of blocked and random walk values formed by binary hydrophobic assignments of the amino acids along the protein chains. Theoretical expectations of these variables from random distributions of hydrophobicities are compared with those obtained from functional proteins. The results, which are based upon proteins in the SWISS-PROT data base, convincingly show that the amino acid sequences in proteins differ from what is expected from random sequences in a statistically significant way. By performing Fourier transforms on the random walks, one obtains additional evidence for nonrandomness of the distributions. We have also analyzed results from a synthetic model containing only two amino acid types, hydrophobic and hydrophilic. With reasonable criteria on good folding properties in terms of thermodynamical and kinetic behavior, sequences that fold well are isolated. Performing the same statistical analysis on the sequences that fold well indicates similar deviations from randomness as for the functional proteins. The deviations from randomness can be interpreted as originating from anticorrelations in terms of an Ising spin model for the hydrophobicities. Our results, which differ from some previous investigations using other methods, might have impact on how permissive with respect to sequence specificity protein folding process is-only sequences with nonrandom hydrophobicity distributions fold well. Other distributions give rise to energy landscapes with poor folding properties and hence did not survive the evolution.
Inheritance of specific apolipoprotein E (apoE) alleles determines, in large part, the risk and mean age of onset of late-onset familial and sporadic Alzheimer disease. The mechanism by which the apoE isoforms differentially contribute to disease expression is, however, unknown. Isoform-specific differences have been identified in the binding of apoE to the microtubule-associated protein tau, which forms the paired helical filament and neurofibrillary tangles, and to amyloid beta peptide, a major component of the neuritic plaque. These and other isoform-specific interactions of apoE give rise to testable hypotheses for the mechanism(s) of pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. An unresolved issue of increasing importance is the relationship between the structural pathological lesions and the cellular pathogenesis responsible for the clinical disease phenotype, progressive dementia. The identification of apoE in the cytoplasm of human neurons and the characterization of isoform-specific binding of apoE to the microtubule-associated proteins tau and MAP-2 present the possibility that apoE may affect microtubule function in the Alzheimer brain.
The human genome contains many repeated DNA sequences that vary in complexity of repeating unit from a single nucleotide to a whole gene. The repeat sequences can be widely dispersed or in simple tandem arrays. Arrays of up to 5 or 6 nt are known as simple tandem repeats, and these are widely dispersed and highly polymorphic. Members of one group of the simple tandem repeats, the trinucleotide repeats, can undergo an increase in copy number by a process of dynamic mutation. Dynamic mutations of the CCG trinucleotide give rise to one group of fragile sites on human chromosomes, the rare folate-sensitive group. One member of this group, the fragile X (FRAXA) is responsible for the most common familial form of mental retardation. Another member of the group FRAXE is responsible for a rarer mild form of mental retardation. Similar mutations of AGC repeats give rise to a number of neurological disorders. The expanded repeats are unstable between generations and somatically. The intergenerational instability gives rise to unusual patterns of inheritance--particularly anticipation, the increasing severity and/or earlier age of onset of the disorder in successive generations. Dynamic mutations have been found only in the human species, and possible reasons for this are considered. The mechanism of dynamic mutation is discussed, and a number of observations of simple tandem repeat mutation that could assist in understanding this phenomenon are commented on.