19 resultados para Nutrition - Labeling

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The use of molecular genetics for introducing fluorescent molecules enables the use of donor–donor energy migration to determine intramolecular distances in a variety of proteins. This approach can be applied to examine the overall molecular dimensions of proteins and to investigate structural changes upon interactions with specific target molecules. In this report, the donor–donor energy migration method is demonstrated by experiments with the latent form of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1. Based on the known x-ray structure of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1, three positions forming the corners of a triangle were chosen. Double Cys substitution mutants (V106C-H185C, H185C-M266C, and M266C-V106C) and corresponding single substitution mutants (V106C, H185C, and M266C) were created and labeled with a sulfhydryl specific derivative of BODIPY (=the D molecule). The side lengths of this triangle were obtained from analyses of the experimental data. The analyses account for the local anisotropic order and rotational motions of the D molecules, as well as for the influence of a partial DD-labeling. The distances, as determined from x-ray diffraction, between the Cα-atoms of the positions V106C–H185C, H185C–M266C, and M266C–V106C were 60.9, 30.8, and 55.1 Å, respectively. These are in good agreement with the distances of 54 ± 4, 38 ± 3, and 55 ± 3 Å, as determined between the BODIPY groups attached via linkers to the same residues. Although the positions of the D-molecules and the Cα-atoms physically cannot coincide, there is a reasonable agreement between the methods.


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Previous studies of the annexin family of Ca2+ binding proteins identified a soluble monomer in the absence of Ca2+ and a trimer adsorbed on the membrane surface in the presence of Ca2+. On the basis of site-directed spin-labeling studies of annexin XII at low pH, we now report a membrane-inserted form of the protein with a dramatically different structure. The data suggest that upon insertion a continuous transmembrane α-helix is reversibly formed from a helix–loop–helix motif in the solution structure. Other regions with similar membrane-insertion potential were identified in the amino acid sequence, and we propose that the corresponding helices come together to form an aqueous pore that mediates the ion channel activity reported for several annexins.


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Potassium (K+) nutrition and salt tolerance are key factors controlling plant productivity. However, the mechanisms by which plants regulate K+ nutrition and salt tolerance are poorly understood. We report here the identification of an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, sos3 (salt-overly-sensitive 3), which is hypersensitive to Na+ and Li+ stresses. The mutation is recessive and is in a nuclear gene that maps to chromosome V. The sos3 mutation also renders the plant unable to grow on low K+. Surprisingly, increased extracellular Ca2+ suppresses the growth defect of sos3 plants on low K+ or 50 mM NaCl. In contrast, high concentrations of external Ca2+ do not rescue the growth of the salt-hypersensitive sos1 mutant on low K+ or 50 mM NaCl. Under NaCl stress, sos3 seedlings accumulated more Na+ and less K+ than the wild type. Increased external Ca2+ improved K+/Na+ selectivity of both sos3 and wild-type plants. However, this Ca2+ effect in sos3 is more than twice as much as that in the wild type. In addition to defining the first plant mutant with an altered calcium response, these results demonstrate that the SOS3 locus is essential for K+ nutrition, K+/Na+ selectivity, and salt tolerance in higher plants.


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ATP, which is present in the extracellular matrix of multicellular organisms and in the extracellular fluid of unicellular organisms, has been shown to function as a signaling molecule in animals. The concentration of extracellular ATP (xATP) is known to be functionally modulated in part by ectoapyrases, membrane-associated proteins that cleave the γ- and β-phosphates on xATP. We present data showing a previously unreported (to our knowledge) linkage between apyrase and phosphate transport. An apyrase from pea (Pisum sativum) complements a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) phosphate-transport mutant and significantly increases the amount of phosphate taken up by transgenic plants overexpressing the gene. The transgenic plants show enhanced growth and augmented phosphate transport when the additional phosphate is supplied as inorganic phosphate or as ATP. When scavenging phosphate from xATP, apyrase mobilizes the γ-phosphate without promoting the transport of the purine or the ribose.


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The isolation of thionein (T) from tissues has not been reported heretofore. T contains 20 cysteinyl residues that react with 7-fluorobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole-4-sulfonamide to form fluorescent adducts. In metallothionein (MT) the cysteinyl residues, which are bound to zinc, do not react. However, they do react in the presence of a chelating agent such as EDTA. The resultant difference in chemical reactivity provides a means to measure T in the absence of EDTA, (MT + T) in its presence, and, of course, MT by difference. The 7-fluorobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole-4-sulfonamide derivative of T can be isolated from tissue homogenates by HPLC and quantified fluorimetrically with a detection limit in the femtomolar range and a linear response over 3 orders of magnitude. Analysis of liver, kidney, and brain of rats reveals almost as much T as MT. Moreover, in contrast to earlier views, MT in tissue extracts appears to be less stable than T. The existence of T in tissues under normal physiological conditions has important implications for its function both in zinc metabolism and the redox balance of the cell.


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While the last 50 years of agriculture have focused on meeting the food, feed, and fiber needs of humans, the challenges for the next 50 years go far beyond simply addressing the needs of an ever-growing global population. In addition to producing more food, agriculture will have to deal with declining resources like water and arable land, need to enhance nutrient density of crops, and achieve these and other goals in a way that does not degrade the environment. Biotechnology and other emerging life sciences technologies offer valuable tools to help meet these multidimensional challenges. This paper explores the possibilities afforded through biotechnology in providing improved agronomic “input” traits, differentiated crops that impart more desirable “output” traits, and using plants as green factories to fortify foods with valuable nutrients naturally rather than externally during food processing. The concept of leveraging agriculture as green factories is expected to have tremendous positive implications for harnessing solar energy to meet fiber and fuel needs as well. Widespread adaptation of biotech-derived products of agriculture should lay the foundation for transformation of our society from a production-driven system to a quality and utility-enhanced system.


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Acclimation of photosynthesis to elevated CO2 has previously been shown to be more pronounced when N supply is poor. Is this a direct effect of N or an indirect effect of N by limiting the development of sinks for photoassimilate? This question was tested by growing a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in the field under elevated (60 Pa) and current (36 Pa) partial pressures of CO2 (pCO2) at low and high levels of N fertilization. Cutting of this herbage crop at 4- to 8-week intervals removed about 80% of the canopy, therefore decreasing the ratio of photosynthetic area to sinks for photoassimilate. Leaf photosynthesis, in vivo carboxylation capacity, carbohydrate, N, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase, and chloroplastic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase levels were determined for mature lamina during two consecutive summers. Just before the cut, when the canopy was relatively large, growth at elevated pCO2 and low N resulted in significant decreases in carboxylation capacity and the amount of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase protein. In high N there were no significant decreases in carboxylation capacity or proteins, but chloroplastic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase protein levels increased significantly. Elevated pCO2 resulted in a marked and significant increase in leaf carbohydrate content at low N, but had no effect at high N. This acclimation at low N was absent after the harvest, when the canopy size was small. These results suggest that acclimation under low N is caused by limitation of sink development rather than being a direct effect of N supply on photosynthesis.


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The rates of whole body nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, plasma arginine flux, and de novo arginine synthesis and their relationships to urea production, were examined in a total of seven healthy adults receiving an L-amino acid diet for 6 days. NO synthesis was estimated by the rate of conversion of the [15N] guanidino nitrogen of arginine to plasma [15N] ureido citrulline and compared with that based on urinary nitrite (NO2-)/nitrate (NO3-) excretion. Six subjects received on dietary day 7, a 24-hr (12-hr fed/12-hr fasted) primed, constant, intravenous infusion of L-[guanidino-15N2]arginine and [13C]urea. A similar investigation was repeated with three of these subjects, plus an additional subject, in which they received L-[ureido-13C]citrulline, to determine plasma citrulline fluxes. The estimated rates (mean +/- SD) of NO synthesis over a period of 24 hr averaged 0.96 +/- 0.1 mumol .kg-1.hr-1 and 0.95 +/- 0.1 mumol.kg-1.hr-1, for the [15N]citrulline and the nitrite/nitrate methods, respectively. About 15% of the plasma arginine turnover was associated with urea formation and 1.2% with NO formation. De novo arginine synthesis averaged 9.2 +/- 1.4 mumol. kg-1.hr-1, indicating that approximately 11% of the plasma arginine flux originates via conversion of plasma citrulline to arginine. Thus, the fraction of the plasma arginine flux associated with NO and also urea synthesis in healthy humans is small, although the plasma arginine compartment serves as a significant precursor pool (54%) for whole body NO formation. This tracer model should be useful for exploring these metabolic relationships in vivo, under specific pathophysiologic states where the L-arginine-NO pathway might be altered.


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A novel photoactivatable analog of ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (ovine photoCRF) has been synthesized and characterized. A diazirine group, the 4-(1-azi-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)benzoyl residue, was covalently bound to the amino terminus of ovine CRF (oCRF), which was N-terminally extended by a tyrosyl residue for radioactive labeling with 125I. Under mild conditions, photolysis yielded highly reactive carbenes, responsible for the formation of covalent bonds to the CRF receptor. Ovine photoCRF was shown to bind to the high-affinity site of the CRF receptor with a similar Kd value as oCRF. When radioactively iodinated ovine photoCRF (ovine 125I-photoCRF) was covalently linked to rat CRF receptor, type 1 (rCRFR1), permanently transfected into human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, a highly glycosylated 75-kDa protein was identified with SDS/PAGE. The specificity of ovine 125I-photoCRF was demonstrated by the finding that this analog could be displaced from the receptor by oCRF, but not other unrelated peptides such as vasoactive intestinal peptide. The observed size of the 75-kDa cross-link was in agreement with the molecular weight reported earlier for native CRFR1 from rat brain. Deglycosylation of the 75-kDa cross-link with peptide:N-glycosidase (PNGase) yielded a 46-kDa protein, in agreement with the molecular weight estimated from cDNA coding for rat CRFR1. The developed CRF analog, photoCRF, is expected to facilitate future biochemical and physiological analysis of CRF receptors and--by analogous strategies--of other peptide receptors.


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Site-directed chemical cleavage of lactose permease indicates that helix V is in close proximity to helices VII and VIII. To test this conclusion further, permease containing a biotin-acceptor domain and paired Cys residues at positions 148 (helix V) and 228 (helix VII), 148 and 226 (helix VII), or 148 and 275 (helix VIII) was affinity purified and labeled with a sulfhydryl-specific nitroxide spin label. Spin-spin interactions are observed with the 148/228 and 148/275 pairs, indicating close proximity between appropriate faces of helix V and helices VII and VIII. Little or no interaction is evident with the 148/226 pair, in all likelihood because position 226 is on the opposite face of helix VII from position 228. Broadening of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectra in the frozen state was used to estimate distance between the 148/228 and the 148/275 pairs. The nitroxides at positions 148 and 228 or 148 and 275 are within approximately 13-15 A. Finally, Cys residues at positions 148 and 228 are crosslinked by dibromobimane, a bifunctional crosslinker that is approximately 5 A. long, while no crosslinking is detected between Cys residues at positions 148 and 275 or 148 and 226. The results provide strong support for a structure in which helix V is in close proximity to both helices VII and VIII and is oriented in such a fashion that Cys-148 is closer to helix VII.


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Recent developments in multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy and large-scale synthesis of uniformly 13C- and 15N-labeled oligonucleotides have greatly improved the prospects for determination of the solution structure of RNA. However, there are circumstances in which it may be advantageous to label only a segment of the entire RNA chain. For example, in a larger RNA molecule the structural question of interest may reside in a localized domain. Labeling only the corresponding nucleotides simplifies the spectrum and resonance assignments because one can filter proton spectra for coupling to 13C and 15N. Another example is in resolving alternative secondary structure models that are indistinguishable in imino proton connectivities. Here we report a general method for enzymatic synthesis of quantities of segmentally labeled RNA molecules required for NMR spectroscopy. We use the method to distinguish definitively two competing secondary structure models for the 5' half of Caenorhabditis elegans spliced leader RNA by comparison of the two-dimensional [15N] 1H heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation spectrum of the uniformly labeled sample with that of a segmentally labeled sample. The method requires relatively small samples; solutions in the 200-300 microM concentration range, with a total of 30 nmol or approximately 40 micrograms of RNA in approximately 150 microliters, give strong NMR signals in a short accumulation time. The method can be adapted to label an internal segment of a larger RNA chain for study of localized structural problems. This definitive approach provides an alternative to the more common enzymatic and chemical footprinting methods for determination of RNA secondary structure.