20 resultados para New oil regulatory mark

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Nuclear receptors regulate metabolic pathways in response to changes in the environment by appropriate alterations in gene expression of key metabolic enzymes. Here, a computational search approach based on iteratively built hidden Markov models of nuclear receptors was used to identify a human nuclear receptor, termed hPAR, that is expressed in liver and intestines. hPAR was found to be efficiently activated by pregnanes and by clinically used drugs including rifampicin, an antibiotic known to selectively induce human but not murine CYP3A expression. The CYP3A drug-metabolizing enzymes are expressed in gut and liver in response to environmental chemicals and clinically used drugs. Interestingly, hPAR is not activated by pregnenolone 16α-carbonitrile, which is a potent inducer of murine CYP3A genes and an activator of the mouse receptor PXR.1. Furthermore, hPAR was found to bind to and trans-activate through a conserved regulatory sequence present in human but not murine CYP3A genes. These results provide evidence that hPAR and PXR.1 may represent orthologous genes from different species that have evolved to regulate overlapping target genes in response to pharmacologically distinct CYP3A activators, and have potential implications for the in vitro identification of drug interactions important to humans.


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The recent determination of the myosin head atomic structure has led to a new model of muscle contraction, according to which mechanical torque is generated in the catalytic domain and amplified by the lever arm made of the regulatory domain [Fisher, A. J., Smith, C. A., Thoden, J., Smith, R., Sutoh, K., Holden, H. M. & Rayment, I. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 8960–8972]. A crucial aspect of this model is the ability of the regulatory domain to move independently of the catalytic domain. Saturation transfer–EPR measurements of mobility of these two domains in myosin filaments give strong support for this notion. The catalytic domain of the myosin head was labeled at Cys-707 with indane dione spin label; the regulatory domain was labeled at the single cysteine residue of the essential light chain and exchanged into myosin. The mobility of the regulatory domain in myosin filaments was characterized by an effective rotational correlation time (τR) between 24 and 48 μs. In contrast, the mobility of the catalytic domain was found to be τR = 5–9 μs. This difference in mobility between the two domains existed only in the filament form of myosin. In the monomeric form, or when bound to actin, the mobility of the two domains in myosin was indistinguishable, with τR = 1–4 μs and >1,000 μs, respectively. Therefore, the observed difference in filaments cannot be ascribed to differences in local conformations of the spin-labeled sites. The most straightforward interpretation suggests a flexible hinge between the two domains, which would have to stiffen before force could be generated.


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Jasmonic acid and its precursors are potent regulatory molecules in plants. We devised a method for the simultaneous extraction of these compounds from plant leaves to quantitate changes in the levels of jasmonate family members during health and on wounding. During our study, we identified a novel 16-carbon cyclopentenoic acid in leaf extracts from Arabidopsis and potato. The new compound, a member of the jasmonate family of signals, was named dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid. Dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid was not detected in the Arabidopsis mutant fad5, which is incapable of synthesizing 7Z,10Z,13Z-hexadecatrienoic acid (16:3), suggesting that the metabolite is derived directly from plastid 16:3 rather than by β-oxidation of the 18-carbon 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid. Simultaneous quantitation of jasmonate family members in healthy leaves of Arabidopsis and potato suggest that different plant species have different relative levels of jasmonic acid, oxo-phytodienoic acid, and dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid. We term these profiles “oxylipin signatures.” Dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid levels increased dramatically in Arabidopsis and potato leaves on wounding, suggesting roles in wound signaling. Treatment of Arabidopsis with micromolar levels of dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid increased the ability of leaf extracts to transform linoleic acid into the α-ketol 13-hydroxy-12-oxo-9(Z) octadecenoic acid indicating that the compound can regulate part of its own biosynthetic pathway. Tightly regulated changes in the relative levels of biologically active jasmonates may permit sensitive control over metabolic, developmental, and defensive processes in plants.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Mps1p protein kinase is critical for both spindle pole body (SPB) duplication and the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint. The mps1–1 mutation causes failure early in SPB duplication, and because the spindle assembly checkpoint is also compromised, mps1–1 cells proceed with a monopolar mitosis and rapidly lose viability. Here we report the genetic and molecular characterization of mps1–1 and five new temperature-sensitive alleles of MPS1. Each of the six alleles contains a single point mutation in the region of the gene encoding the protein kinase domain. The mutations affect several residues conserved among protein kinases, most notably the invariant glutamate in subdomain III. In vivo and in vitro kinase activity of the six epitope-tagged mutant proteins varies widely. Only two display appreciable in vitro activity, and interestingly, this activity is not thermolabile under the assay conditions used. While five of the six alleles cause SPB duplication to fail early, yielding cells with a single SPB, mps1–737 cells proceed into SPB duplication and assemble a second SPB that is structurally defective. This phenotype, together with the observation of intragenic complementation between this unique allele and two others, suggests that Mps1p is required for multiple events in SPB duplication.


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We have used the ciliate Euplotes to study the role of DNA polymerase in telomeric C strand synthesis. Euplotes provides a unique opportunity to study C strand synthesis without the complication of simultaneous DNA replication because millions of new telomeres are made at a stage in the life cycle when no general DNA replication takes place. Previously we showed that the C-strands of newly synthesized telomeres have a precisely controlled length while the G-strands are more heterogeneous. This finding suggested that, although synthesis of the G-strand (by telomerase) is the first step in telomere addition, a major regulatory step occurs during subsequent C strand synthesis. We have now examined whether G- and C strand synthesis might be regulated coordinately rather than by two independent mechanisms. We accomplished this by determining what happens to G- and C strand length if C strand synthesis is partially inhibited by aphidicolin. Aphidicolin treatment caused a general lengthening of the G-strands and a large increase in C strand heterogeneity. This concomitant change in both the G- and C strand length indicates that synthesis of the two strands is coordinated. Since aphidicolin is a very specific inhibitor of DNA polα and polδ, our results suggest that this coordinate length regulation is mediated by DNA polymerase.


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Two-component regulatory systems require highly specific interactions between histidine kinase (transmitter) and response regulator (receiver) proteins. We have developed a novel genetic strategy that is based on tightly regulated synthesis of a given protein to identify domains and residues of an interacting protein that are critical for interactions between them. Using a reporter strain synthesizing the nonpartner kinase VanS under tight arabinose control and carrying a promoter-lacZ fusion activated by phospho-PhoB, we isolated altered recognition (AR) mutants of PhoB showing enhanced activation (phosphorylation) by VanS as arabinose-dependent Lac+ mutants. Changes in the PhoBAR mutants cluster in a “patch” near the proposed helix 4 of PhoB based on the CheY crystal structure (a homolog of the PhoB receiver domain) providing further evidence that helix 4 lies in the kinase-regulator interface. Based on the CheY structure, one mutant has an additional change in a region that may propagate a conformational change to helix 4. The overall genetic strategy described here may also be useful for studying interactions of other components of the vancomycin resistance and Pi signal transduction pathways, other two-component regulatory systems, and other interacting proteins. Conditionally replicative oriRR6Kγ attP “genome targeting” suicide plasmids carrying mutagenized phoB coding regions were integrated into the chromosome of a reporter strain to create mutant libraries; plasmids encoding mutant PhoB proteins were subsequently retrieved by P1-Int-Xis cloning. Finally, the use of similar genome targeting plasmids and P1-Int-Xis cloning should be generally useful for constructing genomic libraries from a wide array of organisms.


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The availability of complete genome sequences and mRNA expression data for all genes creates new opportunities and challenges for identifying DNA sequence motifs that control gene expression. An algorithm, “MobyDick,” is presented that decomposes a set of DNA sequences into the most probable dictionary of motifs or words. This method is applicable to any set of DNA sequences: for example, all upstream regions in a genome or all genes expressed under certain conditions. Identification of words is based on a probabilistic segmentation model in which the significance of longer words is deduced from the frequency of shorter ones of various lengths, eliminating the need for a separate set of reference data to define probabilities. We have built a dictionary with 1,200 words for the 6,000 upstream regulatory regions in the yeast genome; the 500 most significant words (some with as few as 10 copies in all of the upstream regions) match 114 of 443 experimentally determined sites (a significance level of 18 standard deviations). When analyzing all of the genes up-regulated during sporulation as a group, we find many motifs in addition to the few previously identified by analyzing the subclusters individually to the expression subclusters. Applying MobyDick to the genes derepressed when the general repressor Tup1 is deleted, we find known as well as putative binding sites for its regulatory partners.


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We have reported some type II restriction-modification (RM) gene complexes on plasmids resist displacement by an incompatible plasmid through postsegregational host killing. Such selfish behavior may have contributed to the spread and maintenance of RM systems. Here we analyze the role of regulatory genes (C), often found linked to RM gene complexes, in their interaction with the host and the other RM gene complexes. We identified the C gene of EcoRV as a positive regulator of restriction. A C mutation eliminated postsegregational killing by EcoRV. The C system has been proposed to allow establishment of RM systems in new hosts by delaying the appearance of restriction activity. Consistent with this proposal, bacteria preexpressing ecoRVC were transformed at a reduced efficiency by plasmids carrying the EcoRV RM gene complex. Cells carrying the BamHI RM gene complex were transformed at a reduced efficiency by a plasmid carrying a PvuII RM gene complex, which shares the same C specificity. The reduction most likely was caused by chromosome cleavage at unmodified PvuII sites by prematurely expressed PvuII restriction enzyme. Therefore, association of the C genes of the same specificity with RM gene complexes of different sequence specificities can confer on a resident RM gene complex the capacity to abort establishment of a second, incoming RM gene complex. This phenomenon, termed “apoptotic mutual exclusion,” is reminiscent of suicidal defense against virus infection programmed by other selfish elements. pvuIIC and bamHIC genes define one incompatibility group of exclusion whereas ecoRVC gene defines another.


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The FixL proteins are biological oxygen sensors that restrict the expression of specific genes to hypoxic conditions. FixL’s oxygen-detecting domain is a heme binding region that controls the activity of an attached histidine kinase. The FixL switch is regulated by binding of oxygen and other strong-field ligands. In the absence of bound ligand, the heme domain permits kinase activity. In the presence of bound ligand, this domain turns off kinase activity. Comparison of the structures of two forms of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum FixL heme domain, one in the “on” state without bound ligand and one in the “off” state with bound cyanide, reveals a mechanism of regulation by a heme that is distinct from the classical hemoglobin models. The close structural resemblance of the FixL heme domain to the photoactive yellow protein confirms the existence of a PAS structural motif but reveals the presence of an alternative regulatory gateway.


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Independent transgene insertions differ in expression based on their location in the genome; these position effects are of interest because they reflect the influence of genome organization on gene regulation. Position effects also represent potentially insurmountable obstacles to the rigorous functional comparison of homologous genes from different species because (i) quantitative variation in expression of each gene across genomic positions (generalized position effects, or GPEs) may overwhelm differences between the genes of interest, or (ii) divergent genes may be differentially sensitive to position effects, reflecting unique interactions between each gene and its genomic milieu (lineage-specific position effects, or LSPEs). We have investigated both types of position-effect variation by applying our method of transgene coplacement, which allows comparisons of transgenes in the same position in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster. Here we report an experimental test for LSPE in Drosophila. The alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) genes of D. melanogaster and Drosophila affinidisjuncta differ in both tissue distribution and amounts of ADH activity. Despite this striking regulatory divergence, we found a very high correlation in overall ADH activity between the genes of the two species when placed in the same genomic position as assayed in otherwise Adh-null adults and larvae. These results argue against the influence of LSPE for these sequences, although the effects of GPE are significant. Our new findings validate the coplacement approach and show that it greatly magnifies the power to detect differences in expression between transgenes. Transgene coplacement thus dramatically extends the range of functional and evolutionary questions that can be addressed by transgenic technology.


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Nuclear envelope breakdown was investigated during meiotic maturation of starfish oocytes. Fluorescent 70-kDa dextran entry, as monitored by confocal microscopy, consists of two phases, a slow uniform increase and then a massive wave. From quantitative analysis of the first phase of dextran entry, and from imaging of green fluorescent protein chimeras, we conclude that nuclear pore disassembly begins several minutes before nuclear envelope breakdown. The best fit for the second phase of entry is with a spreading disruption of the membrane permeability barrier determined by three-dimensional computer simulations of diffusion. We propose a new model for the mechanism of nuclear envelope breakdown in which disassembly of the nuclear pores leads to a fenestration of the nuclear envelope double membrane.


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The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein has the ability to function as both a chloride channel and a channel regulator. The loss of these functions explains many of the manifestations of the cystic fibrosis disease (CF), including lung and pancreatic failure, meconium ileus, and male infertility. CFTR has previously been implicated in the cell regulatory volume decrease (RVD) response after hypotonic shocks in murine small intestine crypts, an effect associated to the dysfunction of an unknown swelling-activated potassium conductance. In the present study, we investigated the RVD response in human tracheal CF epithelium and the nature of the volume-sensitive potassium channel affected. Neither the human tracheal cell line CFT1, expressing the mutant CFTR-ΔF508 gene, nor the isogenic vector control line CFT1-LC3, engineered to express the βgal gene, showed RVD. On the other hand, the cell line CFT1-LCFSN, engineered to express the wild-type CFTR gene, presented a full RVD. Patch-clamp studies of swelling-activated potassium currents in the three cell lines revealed that all of them possess a potassium current with the biophysical and pharmacological fingerprints of the intermediate conductance Ca2+-dependent potassium channel (IK, also known as KCNN4). However, only CFT1-LCFSN cells showed an increase in IK currents in response to hypotonic challenges. Although the identification of the molecular mechanism relating CFTR to the hIK channel remains to be solved, these data offer new evidence on the complex integration of CFTR in the cells where it is expressed.


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The relationship between the production of reactive oxygen species and the hypersensitive response (HR) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) toward an incompatible race of the Oomycete Phytophthora parasitica var nicotianae has been investigated. A new assay for superoxide radical (O2−) production based on reduction of the tetrazolium dye sodium,3′-(1-[phenylamino-carbonyl]-3,4-tetrazolium)-bis(4-methoxy-6-nitro) benzene-sulfonic acid hydrate (XTT) has enabled the quantitative estimation of perhydroxyl/superoxide radical acid-base pair (HO2·/O2−) production during the resistant response. Tobacco suspension cells were inoculated with zoospores from compatible or incompatible races of the pathogen. Subsequent HO2·/O2− production was monitored by following the formation of XTT formazan. In the incompatible interaction only, HO2·/O2− was produced in a minor burst between 0 and 2 h and then in a major burst between 8 and 10 h postinoculation. During this second burst, rates of XTT reduction equivalent to a radical flux of 9.9 × 10−15 mol min−1 cell−1 were observed. The HO2·/O2− scavengers O2− dismutase and Mn(III)desferal each inhibited dye reduction. An HR was observed in challenged, resistant cells immediately following the second burst of radical production. Both scavengers inhibited the HR when added prior to the occurrence of either radical burst, indicating that O2− production is a necessary precursor to the HR.