12 resultados para Neurotrophic factors

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Although an excitotoxic mechanism of neuronal injury has been proposed to play a role in chronic neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, and neurotrophic factors have been put forward as potential therapeutic agents, direct evidence is lacking. Taking advantage of the fact that mutations in the presenilin-1 (PS1) gene are causally linked to many cases of early-onset inherited Alzheimer’s disease, we generated PS1 mutant knock-in mice and directly tested the excitotoxic and neurotrophic hypotheses of Alzheimer’s disease. Primary hippocampal neurons from PS1 mutant knock-in mice exhibited increased production of amyloid β-peptide 42/43 and increased vulnerability to excitotoxicity, which occurred in a gene dosage-dependent manner. Neurons expressing mutant PS1 exhibited enhanced calcium responses to glutamate and increased oxyradical production and mitochondrial dysfunction. Pretreatment with either basic fibroblast growth factor or activity-dependent neurotrophic factor protected neurons expressing mutant PS1 against excitotoxicity. Both basic fibroblast growth factor and activity-dependent neurotrophic factor stabilized intracellular calcium levels and abrogated the increased oxyradical production and mitochondrial dysfunction otherwise caused by the PS1 mutation. Our data indicate that neurotrophic factors can interrupt excitotoxic neurodegenerative cascades promoted by PS1 mutations.


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Glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a potent neurotrophic factor for adult nigral dopamine neurons in vivo. GDNF has both protective and restorative effects on the nigro-striatal dopaminergic (DA) system in animal models of Parkinson disease. Appropriate administration of this factor is essential for the success of its clinical application. Since it cannot cross the blood–brain barrier, a gene transfer method may be appropriate for delivery of the trophic factor to DA cells. We have constructed a recombinant adenovirus (Ad) encoding GDNF and injected it into rat striatum to make use of its ability to infect neurons and to be retrogradely transported by DA neurons. Ad-GDNF was found to drive production of large amounts of GDNF, as quantified by ELISA. The GDNF produced after gene transfer was biologically active: it increased the survival and differentiation of DA neurons in vitro. To test the efficacy of the Ad-mediated GDNF gene transfer in vivo, we used a progressive lesion model of Parkinson disease. Rats received injections unilaterally into their striatum first of Ad and then 6 days later of 6-hydroxydopamine. We found that mesencephalic nigral dopamine neurons of animals treated with the Ad-GDNF were protected, whereas those of animals treated with the Ad-β-galactosidase were not. This protection was associated with a difference in motor function: amphetamine-induced turning was much lower in animals that received the Ad-GDNF than in the animals that received Ad-β-galactosidase. This finding may have implications for the development of a treatment for Parkinson disease based on the use of neurotrophic factors.


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Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) 1 and 2 and their tyrosine kinase receptor (FGFR) are present throughout the adult retina. FGFs are potential mitogens, but adult retinal cells are maintained in a nonproliferative state unless the retina is damaged. Our work aims to find a modulator of FGF signaling in normal and pathological retina. We identified and sequenced a truncated FGFR1 form from rat retina generated by the use of selective polyadenylation sites. This 70-kDa form of soluble extracellular FGFR1 (SR1) was distributed mainly localized in the inner nuclear layer of the retina, whereas the full-length FGFR1 form was detected in the retinal Muller glial cells. FGF2 and FGFR1 mRNA levels greatly increased in light-induced retinal degeneration. FGFR1 was detected in the radial fibers of activated retinal Muller glial cells. In contrast, SR1 mRNA synthesis followed a biphasic pattern of down- and up-regulation, and anti-SR1 staining was intense in retinal pigmented epithelial cells. The synthesis of SR1 and FGFR1 specifically and independently regulated in normal and degenerating retina suggests that changes in the proportion of various FGFR forms may control the bioavailability of FGFs and thus their potential as neurotrophic factors. This was demonstrated in vivo during retinal degeneration when recombinant SR1 inhibited the neurotrophic activity of exogenous FGF2 and increased damaging effects of light by inhibiting endogenous FGF. This study highlights the significance of the generation of SR1 in normal and pathological conditions.


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Huntington disease is a dominantly inherited, untreatable neurological disorder featuring a progressive loss of striatal output neurons that results in dyskinesia, cognitive decline, and, ultimately, death. Neurotrophic factors have recently been shown to be protective in several animal models of neurodegenerative disease, raising the possibility that such substances might also sustain the survival of compromised striatal output neurons. We determined whether intracerebral administration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor, neurotrophin-3, or ciliary neurotrophic factor could protect striatal output neurons in a rodent model of Huntington disease. Whereas treatment with brain-derived neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor, or neurotrophin-3 provided no protection of striatal output neurons from death induced by intrastriatal injection of quinolinic acid, an N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor agonist, treatment with ciliary neurotrophic factor afforded marked protection against this neurodegenerative insult.


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The topology of signal transduction is particularly important for neurons. Neurotrophic factors such as nerve growth factor (NGF) interact with receptors at distal axons and a signal is transduced by retrograde transport to the cell body to ensure survival of the neuron. We have discovered an organelle that may account for the retrograde transport of the neurotrophin signal. This organelle is derived from endocytosis of the receptor tyrosine kinase for NGF, TrkA. In vitro reactions containing semi-intact PC12 cells and ATP were used to enhance recovery of a novel organelle: small vesicles containing internalized NGF bound to activated TrkA. These vesicles were distinct from clathrin coated vesicles, uncoated primary endocytic vesicles, and synaptic vesicles, and resembled transport vesicles in their sedimentation velocity. They contained 10% of the total bound NGF and almost one-third of the total tyrosine phosphorylated TrkA. These small vesicles are compelling candidates for the organelles through which the neurotrophin signal is conveyed down the axon.


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Recent experimental evidence has shown that application of certain neurotrophic factors (NTs) to the developing primary visual cortex prevents the development of ocular dominance (OD) columns. One interpretation of this result is that afferents from the lateral geniculate nucleus compete for postsynaptic trophic factor in an activity-dependent manner. Application of excess trophic factor eliminates this competition, thereby preventing OD column formation. We present a model of OD column development, incorporating Hebbian synaptic modification and activity-driven competition for NT, which accounts for both normal OD column development as well as the prevention of that development when competition is removed. In the “control” situation, when available NT is below a critical amount, OD columns form normally. These columns form without weight normalization procedures and in the presence of positive inter-eye correlations. In the “experimental” case, OD column development is prevented in a local neighborhood in which excess NT has been added. Our model proposes a biologically plausible mechanism for competition between neural populations that is motivated by several pieces of experimental data, thereby accounting for both normal and experimentally perturbed conditions.


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Neurotrophic factors such as nerve growth factor (NGF) promote a wide variety of responses in neurons, including differentiation, survival, plasticity, and repair. Such actions often require changes in gene expression. To identify the regulated genes and thereby to more fully understand the NGF mechanism, we carried out serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) profiling of transcripts derived from rat PC12 cells before and after NGF-promoted neuronal differentiation. Multiple criteria supported the reliability of the profile. Approximately 157,000 SAGE tags were analyzed, representing at least 21,000 unique transcripts. Of these, nearly 800 were regulated by 6-fold or more in response to NGF. Approximately 150 of the regulated transcripts have been matched to named genes, the majority of which were not previously known to be NGF-responsive. Functional categorization of the regulated genes provides insight into the complex, integrated mechanism by which NGF promotes its multiple actions. It is anticipated that as genomic sequence information accrues the data derived here will continue to provide information about neurotrophic factor mechanisms.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a hypoxia-inducible angiogenic peptide with recently identified neurotrophic effects. Because some neurotrophic factors can protect neurons from hypoxic or ischemic injury, we investigated the possibility that VEGF has similar neuroprotective properties. In HN33, an immortalized hippocampal neuronal cell line, VEGF reduced cell death associated with an in vitro model of cerebral ischemia: at a maximally effective concentration of 50 ng/ml, VEGF approximately doubled the number of cells surviving after 24 h of hypoxia and glucose deprivation. To investigate the mechanism of neuroprotection by VEGF, the expression of known target receptors for VEGF was measured by Western blotting, which showed that HN33 cells expressed VEGFR-2 receptors and neuropilin-1, but not VEGFR-1 receptors. The neuropilin-1 ligand placenta growth factor-2 failed to reproduce the protective effect of VEGF, pointing to VEGFR-2 as the site of VEGF's neuroprotective action. Two phosphatidylinositol 3′-kinase inhibitors, wortmannin and LY294002, reversed the neuroprotective effect of VEGF, implicating the phosphatidylinositol 3′-kinase/Akt signal transduction system in VEGF-mediated neuroprotection. VEGF also protected primary cultures of rat cerebral cortical neurons from hypoxia and glucose deprivation. We conclude that in addition to its known role as an angiogenic factor, VEGF may exert a direct neuroprotective effect in hypoxic-ischemic injury.


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The mechanisms by which stress and anti-depressants exert opposite effects on the course of clinical depression are not known. However, potential candidates might include neurotrophic factors that regulate the development, plasticity, and survival of neurons. To explore this hypothesis, we examined the effects of stress and antidepressants on neurotrophin expression in the locus coeruleus (LC), which modulates many of the behavioral and physiological responses to stress and has been implicated in mood disorders. Using in situ hybridization, we demonstrate that neurotrophin 3 (NT-3) is expressed in noradrenergic neurons of the LC. Recurrent, but not acute, immobilization stress increased NT-3 mRNA levels in the LC. In contrast, chronic treatment with antidepressants decreased NT-3 mRNA levels. The effect occurred in response to antidepressants that blocked norepinephrine uptake, whereas serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors did not alter NT-3 levels. Electroconvulsive seizures also decreased NT-3 expression in the LC as well as the hippocampus. Ntrk3 (neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 3; formerly TrkC), the receptor for NT-3, is expressed in the LC, but its mRNA levels did not change with stress or antidepressant treatments. Because, NT-3 is known to be trophic for LC neurons, our results raise the possibility that some of the effects of stress and antidepressants on LC function and plasticity could be mediated through NT-3. Moreover, the coexpression of NT-3 and its receptor in the LC suggests the potential for autocrine mechanisms of action.


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Growth of mouse neural crest cultures in the presence of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) resulted in a dramatic dose-dependent increase in the number of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive cells that developed when 5% chicken embryo extract was present in the medium. In contrast, growth in the presence of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2, BMP-4, BMP-6, transforming growth factor (TGF) β1, TGF-β2, and TGF-β3 elicited no increase in the number of TH-positive cells. The TH-positive cells that developed in the presence of GDNF had neuronal morphology and contained the middle and low molecular weight neurofilament proteins. Numerous TH-negative cells with the morphology of neurons also were observed in GDNF-treated cultures. Analysis revealed that the period from 6 to 12 days in vitro was the critical time for exposure to GDNF to generate the increase in TH-positive cell number. The growth factors neurotrophin-3 and fibroblast growth factor-2 elicited increases in the number of TH-positive cells similar to that seen in response to GDNF. In contrast, nerve growth factor was unable to substitute for GDNF. These findings extend the previously reported biological activities of GDNF by showing that it can act on mouse neural crest cultures to promote the development of neurons.


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The primary sensory neurons that respond to noxious stimulation and project to the spinal cord are known to fall into two distinct groups: one sensitive to nerve growth factor and the other sensitive to glial cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor. There is currently considerable interest in the ways in which these factors may regulate nociceptor properties. Recently, however, it has emerged that another trophic factor—brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)—may play an important neuromodulatory role in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. BDNF meets many of the criteria necessary to establish it as a neurotransmitter/neuromodulator in small-diameter nociceptive neurons. It is synthesized by these neurons and packaged in dense core vesicles in nociceptor terminals in the superficial dorsal horn. It is markedly up-regulated in inflammatory conditions in a nerve growth factor-dependent fashion. Postsynaptic cells in this region express receptors for BDNF. Spinal neurons show increased excitability to nociceptive inputs after treatment with exogenous BDNF. There are both electrophysiological and behavioral data showing that antagonism of BDNF at least partially prevents some aspects of central sensitization. Together, these findings suggest that BDNF may be released from primary sensory nociceptors with activity, particularly in some persistent pain states, and may then increase the excitability of rostrally projecting second-order systems. BDNF released from nociceptive terminals may thus contribute to the sensory abnormalities associated with some pathophysiological states, notably inflammatory conditions.


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Macrophage stimulating protein (MSP), also known as hepatocyte growth factor-like, is a soluble cytokine that belongs to the family of the plasminogen-related growth factors (PRGFs). PRGFs are α/β heterodimers that bind to transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptors. MSP was originally isolated as a chemotactic factor for peritoneal macrophages. Through binding to its receptor, encoded by the RON gene, it stimulates dissociation of epithelia and works as an inflammatory mediator by repressing the production of nitric oxide (NO). Here, we identify a novel role for MSP in the central nervous system. As a paradigm to analyze this function we chose the hypoglossal system of adult mice. We demonstrate in vivo that either administration of exogenous MSP or transplantation of MSP-producing cells at the proximal stump of the resected nerve is sufficient to prevent motoneuron atrophy upon axotomy. We also show that the MSP gene is expressed in the tongue, the target of the hypoglossal nerve, and that MSP induces biosynthesis of Ron receptor in the motoneuron somata. Finally, we show that MSP suppresses NO production in the injured hypoglossal nuclei. Together, these data suggest that MSP is a novel neurotrophic factor for cranial motoneurons and, by regulating the production of NO, may have a role in brain plasticity and regeneration.