10 resultados para Nef

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The Nef protein is an important virulence factor of primate lentiviruses, yet the mechanisms by which it exerts this influence are imperfectly understood. Here, using an inducible system, we demonstrate that Nef increases IL-2 secretion from T cells stimulated via CD3 or CD28. This effect requires the conservation of the Nef myristoylation signal and SH3-binding proline-based motif. Together with several proteins involved in the initiation and propagation of T cell signaling, Nef associates with membrane microdomains known as rafts. The Nef-mediated superinduction of IL-2 reflects the activation of both NFAT and NFκB. Accordingly, Nef also enhances HIV-1 transcription in response to CD3 or CD28 stimulation. Nef-induced IL-2 hyperresponsiveness is also observed in primary CD4 lymphocytes. Overall, these data suggest that Nef acts at the level of rafts to prime T cells for activation. Likely consequences of this effect are the promotion of HIV-1 replication and the facilitation of virus spread.


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Comparison of immune responses to infection by a pathogenic or a nonpathogenic immunodeficiency virus in macaques may provide insights into pathogenetic events leading to simian AIDS. This work is aimed at exploring cytokine expression during infection by simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). We used semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR to monitor interleukin (IL)-2/interferon (IFN)-gamma (Th1-like), and IL-4/IL-10 (Th2-like) expression in unmanipulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), during the acute phase of infection of eight cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) with a pathogenic primary isolate of SIVmac251 (full-length nef), and of four other cynomolgus macaques by an attenuated molecular clone of SIVmac251 (nef-truncated). All the monkeys became infected, as clearly shown by the presence of infected PBMCs and by seroconversion. Nevertheless, PBMC-associated virus loads and p27 antigenemia in monkeys infected by the attenuated virus clone remained lower than those observed in animals infected with the pathogenic SIVmac251 isolate. A rise of IL-10 mRNA expression occurred in both groups of monkeys coincident with the peak of viral replication. In monkeys infected with the pathogenic SIVmac251, IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma mRNAs were either weakly detectable or undetectable. On the contrary, animals infected by the attenuated virus exhibited an overexpression of these cytokine mRNAs during the first weeks after inoculation. The lack of expression of these cytokines in monkeys infected with the pathogenic primary isolate may reflect early immunodeficiency.


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Human T lymphocytes have been shown to express inhibitory natural killer cell receptors (NKR), which can down-regulate T cell antigen receptor-mediated T cell function, including cytolytic activity. In the present study, we demonstrate that CD3+NKR+ cells can be identified in HIV-infected patients. HIV-specific cytolytic activity was analyzed in five patients in whom autologous lymphoblastoid B cell lines could be derived as a source of autologous target cells. Phytohemagglutinin-activated T cell populations that had been cultured in interleukin 2 displayed HIV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity against HIV env, gag, pol, and nef in 3 of 5 patients. Addition of anti-NKR mAb of IgM isotype could increase the specific CTL activity. Moreover, in one additional patient, HIV-specific CTL activity was undetectable; however, after addition of anti-NKR mAb such CTL activity appeared de novo. Similar results were obtained by analysis of CD3+NKR+ clones derived from two patients. These data provide direct evidence that CD3+NKR+ cells may include antigen (HIV)-specific CTLs and that mAb-mediated masking of inhibitory NKR may revert the down-regulation of CTL function.


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Immunization with live attenuated simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) strains has proved to be one of the most effective strategies to induce protective immunity in the SIV/macaque model. To better understand the role that CD4+ T helper responses may play in mediating protection in this model, we characterized SIV-specific proliferative and cytokine responses in macaques immunized with live attenuated SIV strains. Macaques chronically infected with live attenuated SIV had strong proliferative responses to SIV proteins, with stimulation indices of up to 74. The magnitude of the proliferative response to SIV Gag varied inversely with the degree of attenuation; Gag-specific but not envelope-specific responses were lower in animals infected with more highly attenuated SIV strains. SIV-specific stimulation of lymphocytes from vaccinated macaques resulted in secretion of interferon-γ, IL-2, regulated-upon-activation, normal T cells expressed and secreted (RANTES), macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α, and MIP-1β but not IL-4 or IL-10. Intracellular flow cytometric analysis documented that, in macaques vaccinated with SIVmac239Δnef, up to 2% of all CD4+T cells were specific for SIV p55. The ability of live attenuated SIV to induce a strong, sustained type 1 T helper response may play a role in the success of this vaccination approach to generate protection against challenge with wild-type SIV.


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The use of Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MLV)-based vectors to deliver therapeutic genes into target cells is limited by their inability to transduce nondividing cells. To test the capacity of HIV-based vectors to deliver genes into nondividing cells, we have generated replication-defective HIV type 1 (HIV-1) reporter vectors carrying neomycin phosphotransferase or mouse heat stable antigen, replacing the HIV-1 sequences encoding gp160. These vectors also harbor inactive vpr, vpu, and nef coding regions. Pseudotyped HIV-1 particles carrying either the ecotropic or the amphotropic Mo-MLV envelope proteins or the vesicular stomatitis virus G protein were released after single or double transfections of either human 293T or monkey COS-7 cells with titers of up to 107 colony-forming units per milliliter. A simple ultrafiltration procedure resulted in an additional 10- to 20-fold concentration of the pseudotyped particles. These vectors along with Mo-MLV-based vectors were used to transduce primary human skin fibroblasts and human peripheral blood CD34+ cells. The HIV-1 vector system was significantly more efficient than its Mo-MLV-based counterpart in transducing human skin fibroblasts arrested at the G0/G1 stage of the cell cycle by density-dependent inhibition of growth. Human CD34+ cells were transduced efficiently using HIV-1 pseudotype particles without prior stimulation with cytokines.


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The accessory protein negative factor (Nef) from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is required for optimal viral infectivity and the progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Nef interacts with the endocytic machinery, resulting in the down-regulation of cluster of differentiation antigen 4 (CD4) and major histocompatibility complex class I (MHCI) molecules on the surface of infected cells. Mutations in the C-terminal flexible loop of Nef result in a lower rate of internalization by this viral protein. However, no loop-dependent binding of Nef to adaptor protein-2 (AP-2), which is the adaptor protein complex that is required for the internalization of proteins from the plasma membrane, could be demonstrated. In this study we investigated the relevance of different motifs in Nef from SIVmac239 for its internalization, CD4 down-regulation, binding to components of the trafficking machinery, and viral infectivity. Our data suggest that the binding of Nef to the catalytic subunit H of the vacuolar membrane ATPase (V-ATPase) facilitates its internalization. This binding depends on the integrity of the whole flexible loop. Subsequent studies on Nef mutant viruses revealed that the flexible loop is essential for optimal viral infectivity. Therefore, our data demonstrate how Nef contacts the endocytic machinery in the absence of its direct binding to AP-2 and suggest an important role for subunit H of the V-ATPase in viral infectivity.


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The recent discovery of long term AIDS nonprogressors who harbor nef-attenuated HIV suggests that a naturally occurring live vaccine for AIDS may already exist. Animal models have shown that a live vaccine for AIDS, attenuated in nef, is the best candidate vaccine. There are considerable risks, real and perceived, with the use of live HIV vaccines. We have introduced a conditional lethal genetic element into HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) molecular clones deleted in nef. The antiviral strategy we employed targets both virus replication and the survival of the infected cell. The suicide gene, herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (tk), was expressed and maintained in HIV over long periods of time. Herpes simplex virus tk confers sensitivity to the antiviral activity of acyclic nucleosides such as ganciclovir (GCV). HIV-tk and SIV-tk replication were sensitive to GCV at subtoxic concentrations, and virus-infected cells were eliminated from tumor cell lines as well as primary cell cultures. We found the HIV-tk virus to be remarkably stable even after being cultured in media containing a low concentration of GCV and then challenged with the higher dose and that while GCV resistant escape mutants did arise, a significant fraction of the virus remained sensitive to GCV.


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Ca2+ and its ubiquitous intracellular receptor calmodulin (CaM) are required in the nervous system, among a host of cellular responses, for the modulation of several important enzymes and ion channels involved in synaptic efficacy and neuronal plasticity. Here, we report that CaM can be replaced by the neuronal calcium sensor NCS-1 both in vitro and in vivo. NCS-1 is a calcium binding protein with two Ca(2+)-binding domains that shares only 21% of homology with CaM. We observe that NCS-1 directly activates two Ca2+/CaM-dependent enzymes (3':5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase and protein phosphatase calcineurin). Co-activation of nitric oxide synthase by NCS-1 and CaM results in a higher activity than with CaM alone. Moreover, NCS-1 is coexpressed with calcineurin and nitric oxide synthase in several neuron populations. Finally, injections of NCS-1 into calmodulin-defective cam1 Paramecium partially restore wildtype behavioral responses. With this highly purified preparation of NCS-1, we have obtained crystals suitable for crystallographic structure studies. NCS-1, despite its very different structure, distribution, and Ca(2+)-binding affinity as compared with CaM, can substitute for or potentiate CaM functions. Therefore, NCS-1 represents a novel protein capable of mediating multiple Ca(2+)-signaling pathways in the nervous system.


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The development of an effective vaccine for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) would be a major advance toward controlling the AIDS pandemic. Several disparate strategies for a safe and effective HIV vaccine have been proposed. Recent data suggest that loss-of-function live-attenuated virus could be a safe lentivirus vaccine. Here, we propose a gain-of-function approach that can complement loss-of-function in enhancing the safety profile of a live-attenuated virus. We describe an example in which ganciclovir (GCV) was used to treat effectively nef(-)HIV-1 engineered to express herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) thymidine kinase (TK). This treatment was found to be highly efficient in controlling HIV-1 spread in tissue culture and in a small animal (hu-PBL-SCID) model. We demonstrate that one distinct advantage of GCV-HSV-TK treatment is the elimination of integrated proviruses, a goal not easily achieved with other antiretrovirals.


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Oligonucleotide analogs with N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate linkages bind to the major groove of double-helical DNA at specific oligopurine.oligopyrimidine sequences. These triple-helical complexes are much more stable than those formed by oligonucleotides with natural phosphodiester linkages. Oligonucleotide phosphoramidates containing thymine and cytosine or thymine, cytosine, and guanine bind strongly to the polypurine tract of human immunodeficiency virus proviral DNA under physiological conditions. Site-specific cleavage by the Dra I restriction enzyme at the 5' end of the polypurine sequence was inhibited by triplex formation. A eukaryotic transcription assay was used to investigate the effect of oligophosphoramidate binding to the polypurine tract sequence on transcription of the type 1 human immunodeficiency virus nef gene under the control of a cytomegalovirus promoter. An efficient arrest of RNA polymerase II was observed at the specific triplex site at submicromolar concentrations.