15 resultados para Natural Heritage site
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
A colonization mutant of the efficient root-colonizing biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365 is described that is impaired in competitive root-tip colonization of gnotobiotically grown potato, radish, wheat, and tomato, indicating a broad host range mutation. The colonization of the mutant is also impaired when studied in potting soil, suggesting that the defective gene also plays a role under more natural conditions. A DNA fragment that is able to complement the mutation for colonization revealed a multicistronic transcription unit composed of at least six ORFs with similarity to lppL, lysA, dapF, orf235/233, xerC/sss, and the largely incomplete orf238. The transposon insertion in PCL1233 appeared to be present in the orf235/233 homologue, designated orf240. Introduction of a mutation in the xerC/sss homologue revealed that the xerC/sss gene homologue rather than orf240 is crucial for colonization. xerC in Escherichia coli and sss in Pseudomonas aeruginosa encode proteins that belong to the λ integrase family of site-specific recombinases, which play a role in phase variation caused by DNA rearrangements. The function of the xerC/sss homologue in colonization is discussed in terms of genetic rearrangements involved in the generation of different phenotypes, thereby allowing a bacterial population to occupy various habitats. Mutant PCL1233 is assumed to be locked in a phenotype that is not well suited to compete for colonization in the rhizosphere. Thus we show the importance of phase variation in microbe–plant interactions.
Methionine aminopeptidase (MetAP) exists in two forms (type I and type II), both of which remove the N-terminal methionine from proteins. It previously has been shown that the type II enzyme is the molecular target of fumagillin and ovalicin, two epoxide-containing natural products that inhibit angiogenesis and suppress tumor growth. By using mass spectrometry, N-terminal sequence analysis, and electronic absorption spectroscopy we show that fumagillin and ovalicin covalently modify a conserved histidine residue in the active site of the MetAP from Escherichia coli, a type I enzyme. Because all of the key active site residues are conserved, it is likely that a similar modification occurs in the type II enzymes. This modification, by occluding the active site, may prevent the action of MetAP on proteins or peptides involved in angiogenesis. In addition, the results suggest that these compounds may be effective pharmacological agents against pathogenic and resistant forms of E. coli and other microorganisms.
A M182T substitution was discovered as a second-site suppressor of a missense mutation in TEM-1 β-lactamase. The combination of the M182T substitution with other substitutions in the enzyme indicates the M182T substitution is a global suppressor of missense mutations in β-lactamase. The M182T substitution also is found in natural variants of TEM-1 β-lactamase with altered substrate specificity that have evolved in response to antibiotic therapy. The M182T substitution may have been selected in natural isolates as a suppressor of folding or stability defects resulting from mutations associated with drug resistance. This pathway of protein evolution may occur in other targets of antimicrobial drugs such as the HIV protease.
tRNA binding to the ribosomal P site is dependent not only on correct codon–anticodon interaction but also involves identification of structural elements of tRNA by the ribosome. By using a phosphorothioate substitution–interference approach, we identified specific nonbridging Rp-phosphate oxygens in the anticodon loop of tRNAPhe from Escherichia coli which are required for P-site binding. Stereo-specific involvement of phosphate oxygens at these positions was confirmed by using synthetic anticodon arm analogues at which single Rp- or Sp-phosphorothioates were incorporated. Identical interference results with yeast tRNAPhe and E. coli tRNAfMet indicate a common backbone conformation or common recognition elements in the anticodon loop of tRNAs. N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea modification–interference experiments with natural tRNAs point to the importance of the same phosphates in the loop. Guided by the crystal structure of tRNAPhe, we propose that specific Rp-phosphate oxygens are required for anticodon loop (“U-turn”) stabilization or are involved in interactions with the ribosome on correct tRNA–mRNA complex formation.
Tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease recognizes a 7-aa consensus sequence, Glu-Xaa-Xaa-Tyr-Xaa-Gln-Ser, where Xaa can be almost any amino acyl residue. Cleavage occurs between the conserved Gln and Ser residues. Because of its distinct specificity, TEV protease can be expressed in the cytoplasm without interfering with viability. Polypeptides that are not natural substrates of TEV protease are proteolyzed if they carry the appropriate cleavage site. Thus, this protease can be used to study target proteins in their natural environment in vivo, as well as in vitro. We describe two Tn5-based mini-transposons that insert TEV protease cleavage sites at random into target proteins. TnTIN introduces TEV cleavage sites into cytoplasmic proteins. TnTAP facilitates the same operation for proteins localized to the bacterial cell envelope. By using two different target proteins, SecA and TolC, we show that such modified proteins can be cleaved in vivo and in vitro by TEV protease. Possible applications of the site-specific proteolysis approach are topological studies of soluble as well as of inner and outer membrane proteins, protein inactivation, insertion mutagenesis experiments, and protein tagging.
Psorospermin is a plant natural product that shows significant in vivo activity against P388 mouse leukemia. The molecular basis for this selectivity is unknown, although psorospermin has been demonstrated to intercalate into DNA and alkylate N7 of guanine. Significantly, the alkylation reactivity of psorospermin at specific sites on DNA increased 25-fold in the presence of topoisomerase II. In addition, psorospermin trapped the topoisomerase II-cleaved complex formation at the same site. These results imply that the efficacy of psorospermin is related to its interaction with the topoisomerase II–DNA complex. Because thermal treatment of (N7 guanine)–DNA adducts leads to DNA strand breakage, we were able to determine the site of alkylation of psorospermin within the topoisomerase II gate site and infer that intercalation takes place at the gate site between base pairs at the +1 and +2 positions. These results provide not only additional mechanistic information on the mode of action of the anticancer agent psorospermin but also structural insights into the design of an additional class of topoisomerase II poisons. Because the alkylation site for psorospermin in the presence of topoisomerase II can be assigned unambiguously and the intercalation site inferred, this drug is a useful probe for other topoisomerase poisons where the sites for interaction are less well defined.
rSNP_Guide is a novel curated database system for analysis of transcription factor (TF) binding to target sequences in regulatory gene regions altered by mutations. It accumulates experimental data on naturally occurring site variants in regulatory gene regions and site-directed mutations. This database system also contains the web tools for SNP analysis, i.e., active applet applying weight matrices to predict the regulatory site candidates altered by a mutation. The current version of the rSNP_Guide is supplemented by six sub-databases: (i) rSNP_DB, on DNA–protein interaction caused by mutation; (ii) SYSTEM, on experimental systems; (iii) rSNP_BIB, on citations to original publications; (iv) SAMPLES, on experimentally identified sequences of known regulatory sites; (v) MATRIX, on weight matrices of known TF sites; (vi) rSNP_Report, on characteristic examples of successful rSNP_Tools implementation. These databases are useful for the analysis of natural SNPs and site-directed mutations. The databases are available through the Web, http://wwwmgs.bionet.nsc.ru/mgs/systems/rsnp/.
IL-18 can be considered a proinflammatory cytokine mediating disease as well as an immunostimulatory cytokine that is important for host defense against infection and cancer. The high-affinity, constitutively expressed, and circulating IL-18 binding protein (IL-18BP), which competes with cell surface receptors for IL-18 and neutralizes IL-18 activity, may act as a natural antiinflammatory as well as immunosuppressive molecule. In the present studies, the IL-18 precursor caspase-1 cleavage site was changed to a factor Xa site, and, after expression in Escherichia coli, mature IL-18 was generated by factor Xa cleavage. Mature IL-18 generated by factor Xa cleavage was fully active. Single point mutations in the mature IL-18 peptide were made, and the biological activities of the wild-type (WT) IL-18 were compared with those of the mutants. Mutants E42A and K89A exhibited 2-fold increased activity compared with WT IL-18. A double mutant, E42A plus K89A, exhibited 4-fold greater activity. Unexpectedly, IL-18BP failed to neutralize the double mutant E42A plus K89A compared with WT IL-18. The K89A mutant was intermediate in being neutralized by IL-18BP, whereas neutralization of the E42A mutant was comparable to that in the WT IL-18. The identification of E42 and K89 in the mature IL-18 peptide is consistent with previous modeling studies of IL-18 binding to IL-18BP and explains the unusually high affinity of IL-18BP for IL-18.
2-Nitropropane (2-NP), an important industrial solvent and a component of cigarette smoke, is mutagenic in bacteria and carcinogenic in rats. 8-Amino-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-amino-dG) is one of the types of DNA damage found in liver, the target organ in 2-NP-treated rats. To investigate the thermodynamic properties of 8-amino-dG opposite each of the four DNA bases, we have synthesized an 11mer, d(CCATCG*CTACC), in which G* represents the modified base. By annealing a complementary DNA strand to this modified 11mer, four sets of duplexes were generated each containing one of the four DNA bases opposite the lesion. Circular dichroism studies indicated that 8-amino-dG did not alter the global helical properties of natural right-handed B-DNA. The thermal stability of each duplex was examined by UV melting measurements and compared with its unmodified counterpart. For the unmodified 11mer, the relative stability of the complementary DNA bases opposite G was in the order C > T > G > A, as determined from their –ΔG° values. The free energy change of each modified duplex was lower than its unmodified counterpart, except for the G*:G pair that exhibited a higher melting transition and a larger –ΔG° than the G:G duplex. Nevertheless, the stability of the modified 11mer duplex also followed the order C > T > G > A when placed opposite 8-amino-dG. To explore if 8-amino-dG opposite another 8-amino-dG has any advantage in base pairing, a G*:G* duplex was evaluated, which showed that the stability of this duplex was similar to the G*:G duplex. Mutagenesis of 8-amino-dG in this sequence context was studied in Escherichia coli, which showed that the lesion is weakly mutagenic (mutation frequency ∼10–3) but still can induce a variety of targeted and semi-targeted mutations.
Mechanical injury to the adult mammalian spinal cord results in permanent morphological disintegration including severance/laceration of brain-cord axons at the lesion site. We report here that some of the structural consequences of injury can be averted by altering the cellular components of the lesion site with x-irradiation. We observed that localized irradiation of the unilaterally transected adult rat spinal cord when delivered during a defined time-window (third week) postinjury prevented cavitation, enabled establishment of structural integrity, and resulted in regrowth of severed corticospinal axons through the lesion site and into the distal stump. In addition, we examined the natural course of degeneration and cavitation at the site of lesion with time after injury, noting that through the third week postinjury recovery processes are in progress and only at the fourth week do the destructive processes take over. Our data suggest that the adult mammalian spinal cord has innate mechanisms required for recovery from injury and that timed intervention in certain cellular events by x-irradiation prevents the onset of degeneration and thus enables structural regenerative processes to proceed unhindered. We postulate that a radiation-sensitive subgroup of cells triggers the delayed degenerative processes. The identity of these intrusive cells and the mechanisms for triggering tissue degeneration are still unknown.
(+)-Hydantocidin, a recently discovered natural spironucleoside with potent herbicidal activity, is shown to be a proherbicide that, after phosphorylation at the 5' position, inhibits adenylosuccinate synthetase, an enzyme involved in de novo purine synthesis. The mode of binding of hydantocidin 5'-monophosphate to the target enzyme was analyzed by determining the crystal structure of the enzyme-inhibitor complex at 2.6-A resolution. It was found that adenylosuccinate synthetase binds the phosphorylated compound in the same fashion as it does adenosine 5'-monophosphate, the natural feedback regulator of this enzyme. This work provides the first crystal structure of a herbicide-target complex reported to date.
Chorismate mutase (EC catalyzes the intramolecular rearrangement of chorismate to prephenate. Arg-90 in the active site of the enzyme from Bacillus subtilis is in close proximity to the substrate's ether oxygen and may contribute to efficient catalysis by stabilizing the presumed dipolar transition state that would result upon scission of the C--O bond. To test this idea, we have developed a novel complementation system for chorismate mutase activity in Escherichia coli by reengineering parts of the aromatic amino acid biosynthetic pathway. The codon for Arg-90 was randomized, alone and in combination with that for Cys-88, and active clones were selected. The results show that a positively charged residue either at position 88 (Lys) or 90 (Arg or Lys) is essential. Our data provide strong support for the hypothesis that the positive charge is required for stabilization of the transition state of the enzymatic chorismate rearrangement. The new selection system, in conjunction with combinatorial mutagenesis, renders the mechanism of the natural enzyme(s) accessible to further exploration and opens avenues for the improvement of first generation catalytic antibodies with chorismate mutase activity.
Microbial community structure in natural environments has remained largely unexplored yet is generally considered to be complex. It is shown here that in a Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent habitat, where food webs depend on prokaryotic primary production, the surface microbial community consists largely of only one bacterial phylogenetic type (phylotype) as indicated by the dominance of a single 16S rRNA sequence. The main part of its population occurs as an ectosymbiont on the dominant animals, the shrimp Rimicaris exoculata, where it grows as a monoculture within the carapace and on the extremities. However, the same bacteria are also the major microbial component of the free-living substrate community. Phylogenetically, this type forms a distinct branch within the epsilon-Proteobacteria. This is different from all previously studied chemoautotrophic endo- and ectosymbioses from hydrothermal vents and other sulfidic habitats in which all the bacterial members cluster within the gamma-Proteobacteria.
Electron microscopic visualization indicates that the transcription activator NRI (NTRC) binds with exceptional selectivity and efficiency to a sequence-induced superhelical (spiral) segment inserted upstream of the glnA promoter, accounting for its observed ability to substitute for the natural glnA enhancer. The cooperative binding of NRI to the spiral insert leads to protein oligomerization which, at higher concentration, promotes selective coating of the entire superhelical segment with protein. Localization of NRI at apical loops is observed with negatively supercoiled plasmid DNA. With a linear plasmid, bending of DNA is observed. We confirm that NRI is a DNA-bending protein, consistent with its high affinity for spiral DNA. These results prove that spiral DNA without any homology to the NRI-binding sequence site can substitute for the glnA enhancer by promoting cooperative activator binding to DNA and facilitating protein oligomerization. Similar mechanisms might apply to other prokaryotic and eukaryotic activator proteins that share the ability to bend DNA and act efficiently as multimers.
A compact, well-organized, and natural motif, stabilized by three disulfide bonds, is proposed as a basic scaffold for protein engineering. This motif contains 37 amino acids only and is formed by a short helix on one face and an antiparallel triple-stranded beta-sheet on the opposite face. It has been adopted by scorpions as a unique scaffold to express a wide variety of powerful toxic ligands with tuned specificity for different ion channels. We further tested the potential of this fold by engineering a metal binding site on it, taking the carbonic anhydrase site as a model. By chemical synthesis we introduced nine residues, including three histidines, as compared to the original amino acid sequence of the natural charybdotoxin and found that the new protein maintains the original fold, as revealed by CD and 1H NMR analysis. Cu2+ ions are bound with Kd = 4.2 x 10(-8) M and other metals are bound with affinities in an order mirroring that observed in carbonic anhydrase. The alpha/beta scorpion motif, small in size, easily amenable to chemical synthesis, highly stable, and tolerant for sequence mutations represents, therefore, an appropriate scaffold onto which polypeptide sequences may be introduced in a predetermined conformation, providing an additional means for design and engineering of small proteins.