117 resultados para NITRIC-OXIDE PRODUCTION

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We recently reported development of an experimental model for the study of nitric oxide (NO·) toxicology in vivo. SJL mice were injected with superantigen-bearing RcsX (pre-B-cell lymphoma) cells, which migrated to the spleen and lymph nodes, where their rapid growth induced activation of macrophages to produce large amounts of NO· over a period of several weeks. In the experiments described here, we used this model to investigate mutagenesis in splenocytes exposed to NO· during RcsX cell growth. Transgenic mice were produced by crossbreeding animals of the pUR288 transgenic C57BL/6 and SJL strains. RcsX cells were injected into F1 mice and NO· production was confirmed by quantification of urinary nitrate, the ultimate metabolite of NO·. Mutant frequency in the lacZ gene of the pUR288 plasmid was determined in DNA isolated from spleen (target) and kidney (nontarget) tissues. A significant elevation in mutant frequency was found in the spleen, but not in the kidney, of tumor-bearing mice. Furthermore, increases in mutant frequency in the spleen as well as NO· production were abrogated by administration of N-methylarginine, a NO· inhibitor, to mice following injection of RcsX cells. These results indicate that NO· had mutagenic activity in RcsX tumor-bearing mice and thus support a possible role for its involvement in the carcinogenic process.


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SJL mice spontaneously develop pre-B-cell lymphoma that we hypothesized might stimulate macrophages to produce nitric oxide (NO.). Transplantation of an aggressive lymphoma (RcsX) was used to induce tumor formation. Urinary nitrate excretion was measured as an index of NO. production and was found to increase 50-fold by 13 days after tumor injection. NO. production was prevented by the addition of a nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor. The expression of inducible NOS (iNOS) in various tissues was estimated by Western blot analysis and localized by immunohistochemistry. The synthase was detected in the spleen, lymph nodes, and liver of treated but not control mice. To assess whether the iNOS-staining cells were macrophages, spleen sections from ResX-bearing animals were costained with anti-iNOS antibody and the anti-macrophage antibody moma-2. Expression of iNOS was found to be limited to a subset of the macrophage population. The concentration of gamma-interferon, a cytokine known to induce NO. production by macrophages, in the serum of tumor-bearing mice, was measured and found to be elevated 25-fold above untreated mice. The ability of ResX-activated macrophages to inhibit splenocyte growth in primary culture was estimated and macrophage-derived NO. was found to inhibit cell division 10-fold. Our findings demonstrate that ResX cells stimulate NO. production by macrophages in the spleen and lymph nodes of SJL mice, and we believe this experimental model will prove useful for study of the toxicological effects of NO. under physiological conditions.


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Because of the short half-life of NO, previous studies implicating NO in central nervous system pathology during infection had to rely on the demonstration of elevated levels of NO synthase mRNA or enzyme expression or NO metabolites such as nitrate and nitrite in the infected brain. To more definitively investigate the potential causative role of NO in lesions of the central nervous system in animals infected with neurotropic viruses or suffering from experimental allergic encephalitis, we have determined directly the levels of NO present in the central nervous system of such animals. Using spin trapping of NO and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, we confirm here that copious amounts of NO (up to 30-fold more than control) are elaborated in the brains of rats infected with rabies virus or borna disease virus, as well as in the spinal cords of rats that had received myelin basic protein-specific T cells.


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Estradiol is known to exert a protective effect against the development of atherosclerosis, but the mechanism by which this protection is mediated is unclear. Since animal studies strongly suggest that production of endothelium-derived relaxing factor is enhanced by estradiol, we have examined the effect of estrogens on nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS) activity, protein, and mRNA in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells. In reporter cells rich in guanylate cyclase, it has been observed that long-term treatment (> or = 24 hr) with ethinylestradiol (EE2) dose-dependently increased guanylate cyclase-activating factor activity in the conditioned medium of endothelial cells. However, conversion of L-[14C]arginine to L-[14C]citrulline by endothelial cell homogenate or quantification of nitrite and nitrate released by intact cells in the conditioned medium did not reveal any change in NOS activity induced by EE2 treatment. Similarly, Western and Northern blot analyses did not reveal any change in the endothelial NOS protein and mRNA content in response to EE2. However, EE2 dose- and time-dependently decreased superoxide anion production in the conditioned medium of endothelial cells with an EC50 value (0.1 nM) close to that which increased guanylate cyclase-activating factor activity (0.5 nM). Both of these effects were completely prevented by the antiestrogens tamoxifen and RU54876. Thus, endothelium exposure to estrogens appears to induce a receptor-mediated antioxidant effect that enhances the biological activity of endothelium-derived NO. These effects could account at least in part for the vascular protective properties of these hormones.


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The inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) contains an amino-terminal oxygenase domain, a carboxy-terminal reductase domain, and an intervening calmodulin-binding region. For the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), iNOS is active as a homodimer. The human iNOS mRNA is subject to alternative splicing, including deletion of exons 8 and 9 that encode amino acids 242–335 of the oxygenase domain. In this study, iNOS8−9− and full-length iNOS (iNOSFL) were cloned from bronchial epithelial cells. Expression of iNOS8−9− in 293 cell line resulted in generation of iNOS8−9− mRNA and protein but did not lead to NO production. In contrast to iNOSFL, iNOS8−9− did not form dimers. Similar to iNOSFL, iNOS8−9− exhibited NADPH-diaphorase activity and contained tightly bound calmodulin, indicating that the reductase and calmodulin-binding domains were functional. To identify sequences in exons 8 and 9 that are critical for dimerization, iNOSFL was used to construct 12 mutants, each with deletion of eight residues in the region encoded by exons 8 and 9. In addition, two “control” iNOS deletion mutants were synthesized, lacking either residues 45–52 of the oxygenase domain or residues 1131–1138 of the reductase domain. Whereas both control deletion mutants generated NO and formed dimers, none of the 12 other mutants formed dimers or generated NO. The region encoded by exons 8 and 9 is critical for iNOS dimer formation and NO production but not for reductase activity. This region could be a potential target for therapeutic interventions aimed at inhibiting iNOS dimerization and hence NO synthesis.


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Experiments were performed on uteri from estrogen-primed female rats. Bradykinin (BK) (10−8 M) significantly augmented biosynthesis of prostaglandin F2 α (PGF2α) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), and this synthesis was completely blocked by NG-monomethyl l-arginine (NMMA) (300 μM), a competitive inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Blockade of prostaglandin synthesis by indomethacin caused rapid dissipation of isometric developed tension (IDT) induced by BK. Blockade of NOS with NMMA had similar but less marked effects. Combining the two inhibitors produced an even more rapid decay in IDT, suggesting that BK-induced NO release maintains IDT by release of prostanoids. The decline of frequency of contraction (FC) was not significantly altered by either indomethacin or NMMA but was markedly accelerated by combination of the inhibitors, which suggests that PGs maintain FC and therefore FC decline is accelerated only when PG production is blocked completely by combination of the two inhibitors of PG synthesis. The increase in IDT induced by oxytocin was unaltered by indomethacin, NMMA or their combination indicating that neither NO nor PGs are involved in the contractions induced by oxytocin. However, the decline in FC with time was significantly reduced by the inhibitor of NOS, NMMA, suggesting that FC decay following oxytocin is caused by NO released by the contractile process. In the case of PGF2α, NMMA resulted in increased initial IDT and FC. The decline in FC was rapid and dramatically inhibited by NMMA. Receptor-mediated contraction by BK, oxytocin, and PGF2α is modulated by NO that maintains IDT by releasing PGs but reduces IDT and FC via cyclic GMP.


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Deregulated production of nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated in the development of certain human diseases, including cancer. We sought to assess the damaging potential of NO produced under long-term conditions through the development of a suitable model cell culture system. In this study, we report that when murine macrophage-like RAW264.7 cells were exposed continuously to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or mouse recombinant interferon-γ (IFN-γ) over periods of 21–23 days, they continued to grow, but with doubling times 2 to 4 times, respectively, longer than the doubling time of unstimulated cells. Stimulated cells produced NO at rates of 30 to 70 nmol per million cells per day throughout the stimulation period. Within 24 hr after removal of stimulant, cells resumed exponential growth. Simultaneous exposure to LPS and IFN-γ resulted in decreased cell number, which persisted for 2 days after removal of the stimulants. Exponential growth was attained only after an additional 4 days. Addition of N-methyl-l-arginine (NMA), an NO synthase inhibitor, to the medium inhibited NO production by 90% of all stimulated cells, partially reduced doubling time of cells stimulated with LPS or IFN-γ, and partially increased viability and growth rates in those exposed to both LPS and IFN-γ. However, when incubated with LPS and IFN-γ at low densities both in the presence and in the absence of NMA, cells grew at a rate slower than that of unstimulated cells, with no cell death, and they resumed exponential growth 24 hr after removal of stimulants. Results from cell density experiments suggest that macrophages are protected from intracellularly generated NO; much of the NO damaging activity occurred outside of the producer cells. Collectively, results presented in this study suggest that the type of cellular toxicity observed in macrophages is markedly influenced by rate of exposure to NO: at low rates of exposure, cells exhibit slower growth; at higher rates, cells begin to die; at even higher rates, cells undergo growth arrest or die. The ability of RAW264.7 cells to produce NO over many cell generations makes the cell line a useful system for the study of other aspects of cellular damage, including genotoxicity, resulting from exposure to NO under long-term conditions.


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We show that the heme-copper terminal oxidases of Thermus thermophilus (called ba3 and caa3) are able to catalyze the reduction of nitric oxide (NO) to nitrous oxide (N2O) under reducing anaerobic conditions. The rate of NO consumption and N2O production were found to be linearly dependent on enzyme concentration, and activity was abolished by enzyme denaturation. Thus, contrary to the eukaryotic enzyme, both T. thermophilus oxidases display a NO reductase activity (3.0 ± 0.7 mol NO/mol ba3 × min and 32 ± 8 mol NO/mol caa3 × min at [NO] ≈ 50 μM and 20°C) that, though considerably lower than that of bona fide NO reductases (300–4,500 mol NO/mol enzyme × min), is definitely significant. We also show that for ba3 oxidase, NO reduction is associated to oxidation of cytochrome b at a rate compatible with turnover, suggesting a mechanism consistent with the stoichiometry of the overall reaction. We propose that the NO reductase activity of T. thermophilus oxidases may depend on a peculiar CuB+ coordination, which may be revealed by the forthcoming three-dimensional structure. These findings support the hypothesis of a common phylogeny of aerobic respiration and bacterial denitrification, which was proposed on the basis of structural similarities between the Pseudomonas stutzeri NO reductase and the cbb3 terminal oxidases. Our findings represent functional evidence in support of this hypothesis.


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Nitric oxide (NO), synthesized from l-arginine by NO synthases (NOS), plays an essential role in the regulation of cerebrovascular tone. Adenoviral vectors have been widely used to transfer recombinant genes to different vascular beds. To determine whether the recombinant endothelial NOS (eNOS) gene can be delivered in vivo to the adventitia of cerebral arteries and functionally expressed, a replication-incompetent adenoviral vector encoding eNOS gene (AdCMVNOS) or β-galactosidase reporter gene (AdCMVLacZ) was injected into canine cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) via the cisterna magna (final viral titer in CSF, 109 pfu/ml). Adventitial transgene expression was demonstrated 24 h later by β-galactosidase histochemistry and quantification, eNOS immunohistochemistry, and Western blot analysis of recombinant eNOS. Electron microscopy immunogold labeling indicated that recombinant eNOS protein was expressed in adventitial fibroblasts. In AdCMVNOS-transduced arteries, basal cGMP production and bradykinin-induced relaxations were significantly augmented when compared with AdCMVLacZ-transduced vessels (P < 0.05). The increased receptor-mediated relaxations and cGMP production were inhibited by eNOS inhibitors. In addition, the increase in cGMP production was reversed in the absence of calcium, suggesting that the increased NO production did not result from inducible NOS expression. The present study demonstrates the successful in vivo transfer and functional expression of recombinant eNOS gene in large cerebral arteries. It also suggests that perivascular eNOS gene delivery via the CSF is a feasible approach that does not require interruption of cerebral blood flow.


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Potent and selective inhibitors of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) (EC were identified in an encoded combinatorial chemical library that blocked human iNOS dimerization, and thereby NO production. In a cell-based iNOS assay (A-172 astrocytoma cells) the inhibitors had low-nanomolar IC50 values and thus were >1,000-fold more potent than the substrate-based direct iNOS inhibitors 1400W and N-methyl-l-arginine. Biochemical studies confirmed that inhibitors caused accumulation of iNOS monomers in mouse macrophage RAW 264.7 cells. High affinity (Kd ≈ 3 nM) of inhibitors for isolated iNOS monomers was confirmed by using a radioligand binding assay. Inhibitors were >1,000-fold selective for iNOS versus endothelial NOS dimerization in a cell-based assay. The crystal structure of inhibitor bound to the monomeric iNOS oxygenase domain revealed inhibitor–heme coordination and substantial perturbation of the substrate binding site and the dimerization interface, indicating that this small molecule acts by allosterically disrupting protein–protein interactions at the dimer interface. These results provide a mechanism-based approach to highly selective iNOS inhibition. Inhibitors were active in vivo, with ED50 values of <2 mg/kg in a rat model of endotoxin-induced systemic iNOS induction. Thus, this class of dimerization inhibitors has broad therapeutic potential in iNOS-mediated pathologies.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) are important participants in signal transduction that could provide the cellular basis for activity-dependent regulation of neuronal excitability. In young rat cortical brain slices and undifferentiated PC12 cells, paired application of depolarization/agonist stimulation and oxidation induces long-lasting potentiation of subsequent Ca2+ signaling that is reversed by hypoxia. This potentiation critically depends on NO production and involves cellular ROS utilization. The ability to develop the Ca2+ signal potentiation is regulated by the developmental stage of nerve tissue, decreasing markedly in adult rat cortical neurons and differentiated PC12 cells.


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Although the function of metallothionein (MT), a 6- to 7-kDa cysteine-rich metal binding protein, remains unclear, it has been suggested from in vitro studies that MT is an important component of intracellular redox signaling, including being a target for nitric oxide (NO). To directly study the interaction between MT and NO in live cells, we generated a fusion protein consisting of MT sandwiched between two mutant green fluorescent proteins (GFPs). In vitro studies with this chimera (FRET-MT) demonstrate that fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be used to follow conformational changes indicative of metal release from MT. Imaging experiments with live endothelial cells show that agents that increase cytoplasmic Ca2+ act via endogenously generated NO to rapidly and persistently release metal from MT. A role for this interaction in intact tissue is supported by the finding that the myogenic reflex of mesenteric arteries is absent in MT knockout mice (MT−/−) unless endogenous NO synthesis is blocked. These results are the first application of intramolecular green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based FRET in a native protein and demonstrate the utility of FRET-MT as an intracellular surrogate indicator of NO production. In addition, an important role of metal thiolate clusters of MT in NO signaling in vascular tissue is revealed.


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NO2Tyr (3-Nitrotyrosine) is a modified amino acid that is formed by nitric oxide-derived species and has been implicated in the pathology of diverse human diseases. Nitration of active-site tyrosine residues is known to compromise protein structure and function. Although free NO2Tyr is produced in abundant concentrations under pathological conditions, its capacity to alter protein structure and function at the translational or posttranslational level is unknown. Here, we report that free NO2Tyr is transported into mammalian cells and selectively incorporated into the extreme carboxyl terminus of α-tubulin via a posttranslational mechanism catalyzed by the enzyme tubulin–tyrosine ligase. In contrast to the enzymatically regulated carboxyl-terminal tyrosination/detyrosination cycle of α-tubulin, incorporation of NO2Tyr shows apparent irreversibility. Nitrotyrosination of α-tubulin induces alterations in cell morphology, changes in microtubule organization, loss of epithelial-barrier function, and intracellular redistribution of the motor protein cytoplasmic dynein. These observations imply that posttranslational nitrotyrosination of α-tubulin invokes conformational changes, either directly or via allosteric interactions, in the surface-exposed carboxyl terminus of α-tubulin that compromises the function of this critical domain in regulating microtubule organization and binding of motor- and microtubule-associated proteins. Collectively, these observations illustrate a mechanism whereby free NO2Tyr can impact deleteriously on cell function under pathological conditions encompassing reactive nitrogen species production. The data also yield further insight into the role that the α-tubulin tyrosination/detyrosination cycle plays in microtubule function.


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In adult forebrain, nerve growth factor (NGF) influences neuronal maintenance and axon sprouting and is neuroprotective in several injury models through mechanisms that are incompletely understood. Most NGF signaling is thought to occur after internalization and retrograde transport of trkA receptor and be mediated through the nucleus. However, NGF expression in hippocampus is rapidly and sensitively regulated by synaptic activity, suggesting that NGF exerts local effects more dynamically than possible through signaling requiring retrograde transport to distant afferent neurons. Interactions have been reported between NGF and nitric oxide (NO). Because NO affects both neural plasticity and degeneration, and trk receptors can mediate signaling within minutes, we hypothesized that NGF might rapidly modulate NO production. Using in vivo microdialysis we measured conversion of l-[14C]arginine to l-[14C]citrulline as an accurate reflection of NO synthase (NOS) activity in adult rat hippocampus. NGF significantly reduced NOS activity to 61% of basal levels within 20 min of onset of delivery and maintained NOS activity at less than 50% of baseline throughout 3 hr of delivery. This effect did not occur with control protein (cytochrome c) and was not mediated by an effect of NGF on glutamate levels. In addition, simultaneous delivery of NGF prevented significant increases in NOS activity triggered by the glutamate receptor agonists N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA). Rapid suppression by NGF of basal and glutamate-stimulated NOS activity may regulate neuromodulatory functions of NO or protect neurons from NO toxicity and suggests a novel mechanism for rapidly mediating functions of NGF and other neurotrophins.


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Production of nitric oxide by macrophages is believed to be an important microbicidal mechanism for a variety of intracellular pathogens, including Toxoplasma gondii. Mice with a targeted disruption of the inducible nitric oxide synthase gene (iNOS) were infected orally with T. gondii tissue cysts. Time to death was prolonged compared with parental controls. Histologic analysis of tissue from infected mice showed scattered small foci of inflammation with parasites in various tissues of iNOS−/− mice, whereas tissue from the parental C57BL/6 mice had more extensive tissue inflammation with few visible parasites. In particular, extensive ulceration and necrosis of distal small intestine and fatty degeneration of the liver was seen in the parental mice at day 7 postinfection, as compared with the iNOS−/− mice where these tissues appeared normal. Serum interferon γ and tumor necrosis factor α levels postinfection were equally elevated in both mouse strains. Treatment of the parental mice with a NO synthase inhibitor, aminoguanidine, prevented early death in these mice as well as the hepatic degeneration and small bowel necrosis seen in acutely infected control parentals. These findings indicate that NO production during acute infection with T. gondii can kill intracellular parasites but can be detrimental, even lethal, to the host.