13 resultados para Myosin Type V

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We characterized the novel Schizosaccharomyces pombe genes myo4+ and myo5+, both of which encode myosin-V heavy chains. Disruption of myo4 caused a defect in cell growth and led to an abnormal accumulation of secretory vesicles throughout the cytoplasm. The mutant cells were rounder than normal, although the sites for cell polarization were still established. Elongation of the cell ends and completion of septation required more time than in wild-type cells, indicating that Myo4 functions in polarized growth both at the cell ends and during septation. Consistent with this conclusion, Myo4 was localized around the growing cell ends, the medial F-actin ring, and the septum as a cluster of dot structures. In living cells, the dots of green fluorescent protein-tagged Myo4 moved rapidly around these regions. The localization and movement of Myo4 were dependent on both F-actin cables and its motor activity but seemed to be independent of microtubules. Moreover, the motor activity of Myo4 was essential for its function. These results suggest that Myo4 is involved in polarized cell growth by moving with a secretory vesicle along the F-actin cables around the sites for polarization. In contrast, the phenotype of myo5 null cells was indistinguishable from that of wild-type cells. This and other data suggest that Myo5 has a role distinct from that of Myo4.


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Using the full-length and two engineered soluble forms (C1-C2 and Cla-C2) of type V adenylyl cyclase (ACV), we have investigated the role of an intramolecular interaction in ACV that modulates the ability of the α subunit of the stimulatory GTP-binding protein of AC (Gsα) to stimulate enzyme activity. Concentration–response curves with Gsα suggested the presence of high and low affinity sites on ACV, which interact with the G protein. Activation of enzyme by Gsα interaction at these two sites was most apparent in the C1a-C2 form of ACV, which lacks the C1b region (K572–F683). Yeast two-hybrid data demonstrated that the C1b region interacted with the C2 region and its 64-aa subdomain, C2I. Using peptides corresponding to the C2I region of ACV, we investigated the role of the C1b/C2I interaction on Gsα-mediated stimulation of C1-C2 and full-length ACV. Our data demonstrate that a 10-aa peptide corresponding to L1042–T1051 alters the profile of the activation curves of full-length and C1-C2 forms of ACV by different Gsα concentrations to mimic the activation profile observed with C1a-C2 ACV. The various peptides used in our studies did not alter forskolin-mediated stimulation of full-length and C1-C2 forms of ACV. We conclude that the C1b region of ACV interacts with the 10-aa region (L1042–T1051) in the C2 domain of the enzyme to modulate Gsα-elicited stimulation of activity.


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Deficiency of dolichyl-P-Glc:Man9GlcNAc2-PP-dolichyl glucosyltransferase is the cause of an additional type of carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome (CDGS type V). Clinically this type resembles the classical type Ia of CDGS caused by the deficiency of phosphomannomutase. As a result of the glucosyltransferase deficiency in CDGS type V nonglucosylated lipid-linked oligosaccharides accumulate. The defect is leaky and glucosylated oligosaccharides are found on nascent glycoproteins. The limited availability of glucosylated lipid-linked oligosaccharides explains the incomplete usage of N-glycosylation sites in glycoproteins. This finding is reflected in the presence of transferrin forms in serum that lack one or both of the two N-linked oligosaccharides and the reduction of mannose incorporation to about one-third of control in glycoproteins of fibroblasts.


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Cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) interactions with type I collagen may be a ubiquitous cell adhesion mechanism. However, the HSPG binding sites on type I collagen are unknown. Previously we mapped heparin binding to the vicinity of the type I collagen N terminus by electron microscopy. The present study has identified type I collagen sequences used for heparin binding and endothelial cell–collagen interactions. Using affinity coelectrophoresis, we found heparin to bind as follows: to type I collagen with high affinity (Kd ≈ 150 nM); triple-helical peptides (THPs) including the basic N-terminal sequence α1(I)87–92, KGHRGF, with intermediate affinities (Kd ≈ 2 μM); and THPs including other collagenous sequences, or single-stranded sequences, negligibly (Kd ≫ 10 μM). Thus, heparin–type I collagen binding likely relies on an N-terminal basic triple-helical domain represented once within each monomer, and at multiple sites within fibrils. We next defined the features of type I collagen necessary for angiogenesis in a system in which type I collagen and heparin rapidly induce endothelial tube formation in vitro. When peptides, denatured or monomeric type I collagen, or type V collagen was substituted for type I collagen, no tubes formed. However, when peptides and type I collagen were tested together, only the most heparin-avid THPs inhibited tube formation, likely by influencing cell interactions with collagen–heparin complexes. Thus, induction of endothelial tube morphogenesis by type I collagen may depend upon its triple-helical and fibrillar conformations and on the N-terminal heparin-binding site identified here.


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The discovery that the dilute gene encodes a class V myosin led to the hypothesis that this molecular motor is involved in melanosome transport and/or dendrite outgrowth in mammalian melanocytes. The present studies were undertaken to gain insight into the subcellular distribution of myosin-V in the melanoma cell line B16-F10, which is wild-type for the dilute gene. Immunofluorescence studies showed some degree of superimposed labeling of myosin-V with melanosomes that predominated at the cell periphery. A subcellular fraction highly enriched in melanosomes was also enriched in myosin-V based on Western blot analysis. Immunoelectron microscopy showed myosin-V labeling associated with melanosomes and other organelles. The stimulation of B16 cells with the α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone led to a significant increase in myosin-V expression. This is the first evidence that a cAMP signaling pathway might regulate the dilute gene expression. Immunofluorescence also showed an intense labeling of myosin-V independent of melanosomes that was observed within the dendrites and at the perinuclear region. Although the results presented herein are consistent with the hypothesis that myosin-V might act as a motor for melanosome translocation, they also suggest a broader cytoplasmic function for myosin-V, acting on other types of organelles or in cytoskeletal dynamics.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae myosin-V, Myo2p, has been implicated in the polarized movement of several organelles and is essential for yeast viability. We have shown previously that Myo2p is required for the movement of a portion of the lysosome (vacuole) into the bud and consequently for proper inheritance of this organelle during cell division. Class V myosins have a globular carboxyl terminal tail domain that is proposed to mediate localization of the myosin, possibly through interaction with organelle-specific receptors. Here we describe a myo2 allele whose phenotypes support this hypothesis. vac15–1/myo2–2 has a single mutation in this globular tail domain, causing defects in vacuole movement and inheritance. Although a portion of wild-type Myo2p fractionates with the vacuole, the myo2–2 gene product does not. In addition, the mutant protein does not concentrate at sites of active growth, the predominant location of wild-type Myo2p. Although deletion of the tail domain is lethal, the myo2–2 gene product retains the essential functions of Myo2p. Moreover, myo2–2 does not cause the growth defects and lethal genetic interactions seen in myo2–66, a mutant defective in the actin-binding domain. These observations suggest that the myo2–2 mutation specifically disrupts interactions with selected myosin receptors, namely those on the vacuole membrane and those at sites of polarized growth.


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Myosin V is an unconventional myosin proposed to be processive on actin filaments, analogous to kinesin on a microtubule [Mehta, A. D., et al. (1999) Nature (London) 400, 590–593]. To ascertain the unique properties of myosin V that permit processivity, we undertook a detailed kinetic analysis of the myosin V motor. We expressed a truncated, single-headed myosin V construct that bound a single light chain to study its innate kinetics, free from constraints imposed by other regions of the molecule. The data demonstrate that unlike any previously characterized myosin a single-headed myosin V spends most of its kinetic cycle (>70%) strongly bound to actin in the presence of ATP. This kinetic tuning is accomplished by increasing several of the rates preceding strong binding to actin and concomitantly prolonging the duration of the strongly bound state by slowing the rate of ADP release. The net result is a myosin unlike any previously characterized, in that ADP release is the rate-limiting step for the actin-activated ATPase cycle. Thus, because of a number of kinetic adaptations, myosin V is tuned for processive movement on actin and will be capable of transporting cargo at lower motor densities than any other characterized myosin.


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F- and V-type ATPases are central enzymes in energy metabolism that couple synthesis or hydrolysis of ATP to the translocation of H+ or Na+ across biological membranes. They consist of a soluble headpiece that contains the catalytic sites and an integral membrane-bound part that conducts the ion flow. Energy coupling is thought to occur through the physical rotation of a stalk that connects the two parts of the enzyme complex. This mechanism implies that a stator-like structure prevents the rotation of the headpiece relative to the membrane-bound part. Such a structure has not been observed to date. Here, we report the projected structure of the V-type Na+-ATPase of Clostridium fervidus as determined by electron microscopy. Besides the central stalk, a second stalk of 130 Å in length is observed that connects the headpiece and membrane-bound part in the periphery of the complex. This additional stalk is likely to be the stator.


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Myo2p is a yeast class V myosin that functions in membrane trafficking. To investigate the function of the carboxyl-terminal-tail domain of Myo2p, we have overexpressed this domain behind the regulatable GAL1 promoter (MYO2DN). Overexpression of the tail domain of Myo2p results in a dominant–negative phenotype that is phenotypically similar to a temperature-sensitive allele of myo2, myo2–66. The tail domain of Myo2p is sufficient for localization at low- expression levels and causes mislocalization of the endogenous Myo2p from sites of polarized cell growth. Subcellular fractionation of polarized, mechanically lysed yeast cells reveals that Myo2p is present predominantly in a 100,000 × g pellet. The Myo2p in this pellet is not solubilized by Mg++-ATP or Triton X-100, but is solubilized by high salt. Tail overexpression does not disrupt this fractionation pattern, nor do mutations in sec4, sec3, sec9, cdc42, or myo2. These results show that overexpression of the tail domain of Myo2p does not compete with the endogenous Myo2p for assembly into a pelletable structure, but does compete with the endogenous Myo2p for a factor that is necessary for localization to the bud tip.


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In contrast to the F-type ATPases, which use a proton gradient to generate ATP, the V-type enzymes use ATP to actively transport protons into organelles and extracellular compartments. We describe here the structure of the H-subunit (also called Vma13p) of the yeast enzyme. This is the first structure of any component of a V-type ATPase. The H-subunit is not required for assembly but plays an essential regulatory role. Despite the lack of any apparent sequence homology the structure contains five motifs similar to the so-called HEAT or armadillo repeats seen in the importins. A groove, which is occupied in the importins by the peptide that targets proteins for import into the nucleus, is occupied here by the 10 amino-terminal residues of subunit H itself. The structural similarity suggests how subunit H may interact with the ATPase itself or with other proteins. A cleft between the amino- and carboxyl-terminal domains also suggests another possible site of interaction with other factors.


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V-type proton-translocating ATPases (V-ATPases) (EC are electrogenic proton pumps involved in acidification of endomembrane compartments in all eukaryotic cells. V-ATPases from various species consist of 8 to 12 polypeptide subunits arranged into an integral membrane proton pore sector (V0) and a peripherally associated catalytic sector (V1). Several V-ATPase subunits are functionally and structurally conserved among all species examined. In yeast, a 36-kD peripheral subunit encoded by the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) VMA6 gene (Vma6p) is required for stable assembly of the V0 sector as well as for V1 attachment. Vma6p has been characterized as a nonintegrally associated V0 subunit. A high degree of sequence similarity among Vma6p homologs from animal and fungal species suggests that this subunit has a conserved role in V-ATPase function. We have characterized a novel Vma6p homolog from red beet (Beta vulgaris) tonoplast membranes. A 44-kD polypeptide cofractionated with V-ATPase upon gel-filtration chromatography of detergent-solubilized tonoplast membranes and was specifically cross-reactive with anti-Vma6p polyclonal antibodies. The 44-kD polypeptide was dissociated from isolated tonoplast preparations by mild chaotropic agents and thus appeared to be nonintegrally associated with the membrane. The putative 44-kD homolog appears to be structurally similar to yeast Vma6p and occupies a similar position within the holoenzyme complex.


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We have isolated cDNAs encoding a second member of the dilute (myosin-V) unconventional myosin family in vertebrates, myr 6 (myosin from rat 6). Expression of myr 6 transcripts in the brain is much more limited than is the expression of dilute, with highest levels observed in choroid plexus and components of the limbic system. We have mapped the myr 6 locus to mouse chromosome 18 using an interspecific backcross. The 3' portion of the myr 6 cDNA sequence from rat is nearly identical to that of a previously published putative glutamic acid decarboxylase from mouse [Huang, W.M., Reed-Fourquet, L., Wu, E. & Wu, J.Y. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 8491-8495].


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Myosin VIIa is a newly identified member of the myosin superfamily of actin-based motors. Recently, the myosin VIIa gene was identified as the gene defective in shaker-1, a recessive deafness in mice [Gibson, F., Walsh, J., Mburu, P., Varela, A., Brown, K.A., Antonio, M., Beisel, K.W., Steel, K.P. & Brown, S.D.M. (1995) Nature (London) 374, 62-64], and in human Usher syndrome type 1B, an inherited disease characterized by congenital deafness, vestibular dysfunction, and retinitis pigmentosa [Weil, D., Blanchard, S., Kaplan, J., Guilford, P., Gibson, F., Walsh, J., Mburu, P., Varela, A., Levilliers, J., Weston, M.D., Kelley, P.M., Kimberling, W.J., Wagenaar, M., Levi-Acobas, F., Larget-Piet, D., Munnich, A., Steel, K.P., Brown, S.D.M. & Petit, C. (1995) Nature (London) 374, 60-61]. To understand the normal function of myosin VIIa and how it could cause these disease phenotypes when defective, we generated antibodies specific to the tail portion of this unconventional myosin. We found that myosin VIIa was expressed in cochlea, retina, testis, lung, and kidney. In cochlea, myosin VIIa expression was restricted to the inner and outer hair cells, where it was found in the apical stereocilia as well as the cytoplasm. In the eye, myosin VIIa was expressed by the retinal pigmented epithelial cells, where it was enriched within the apical actin-rich domain of this cell type. The cell-specific localization of myosin VIIa suggests that the blindness and deafness associated with Usher syndrome is due to lack of proper myosin VIIa function within the cochlear hair cells and the retinal pigmented epithelial cells.