9 resultados para Myogenin

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Myogenin, one of the MyoD family of proteins, is expressed early during somitogenesis and is required for myoblast fusion in vivo. Previous studies in transgenic mice have shown that a 184-bp myogenin promoter fragment is sufficient to correctly drive expression of a β-galactosidase transgene during embryogenesis. We show here that mutation of one of the DNA motifs present in this region, the MEF3 motif, abolished correct expression of this β-galactosidase transgene. We have found that the proteins that bind to the MEF3 site are homeoproteins of the Six/sine oculis family. Antibodies directed specifically against Six1 or Six4 proteins reveal that each of these proteins is present in the embryo when myogenin is activated and constitutes a muscle-specific MEF3-binding activity in adult muscle nuclear extracts. Both of these proteins accumulate in the nucleus of C2C12 myogenic cells, and transient transfection experiments confirm that Six1 and Six4 are able to transactivate a reporter gene containing MEF3 sites. Altogether these results establish Six homeoproteins as a family of transcription factors controlling muscle formation through activation of one of its key regulators, myogenin.


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In the present study we used the mutant muscle cell line NFB4 to study the balance between proliferation and myogenic differentiation. We show that removal of serum, which induced the parental C2C12 cells to withdraw from the cell cycle and differentiate, had little effect on NFB4 cells. Gene products characteristic of the proliferation state, such as c-Jun, continued to accumulate in the mutant cells in low serum, whereas those involved in differentiation, like myogenin, insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II), and IGF-binding protein 5 (IGFBP-5) were undetectable. Moreover, NFB4 cells displayed a unique pattern of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins, especially in low serum, suggesting that the signal transduction pathway(s) that controls differentiation is not properly regulated in these cells. Treatment of NFB4 cells with exogenous IGF-I or IGF-II at concentrations shown to promote myogenic differentiation in wild-type cells resulted in activation of myogenin but not MyoD gene expression, secretion of IG-FBP-5, changes in tyrosine phosphorylation, and enhanced myogenic differentiation. Similarly, transfection of myogenin expression constructs also enhanced differentiation and resulted in activation of IGF-II expression, showing that myogenin and IGF-II cross-activate each other's expression. However, in both cases, the expression of Jun mRNA remained elevated, suggesting that IGFs and myogenin cannot overcome all aspects of the block to differentiation in NFB4 cells.


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Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) was found to inhibit differentiation of myogenic cells only when they were grown to high density. Inhibition also occurred when myogenic cells were cocultured with other types of mesenchymal cells but not when they were cocultured with epithelial cells. It is therefore possible that some density-dependent signaling mediates the intracellular response to TGF-β. Within 30 min of treatment, TGF-β induced translocation of MEF2, but not MyoD, myogenin, or p21, to the cytoplasm of myogenic cells grown to high density. Translocation was reversible on withdrawal of TGF-β. By using immune electron microscopy and Western blot analysis on subcellular fractions, MEF2 was shown to be tightly associated with cytoskeleton membrane components. To test whether MEF2 export from the nucleus was causally related to the inhibitory action of TGF-β, we transfected C2C12 myoblasts with MEF2C containing the nuclear localization signal of simian virus 40 large T antigen (nlsSV40). Myogenic cells expressing the chimerical MEF2C/nlsSV40, but not wild-type MEF2C, retained this transcription factor in the nucleus and were resistant to the inhibitory action of TGF-β. We propose a mechanism in which the inhibition of myogenesis by TGF-β is mediated through MEF2 localization to the cytoplasm, thus preventing it from participating in an active transcriptional complex.


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Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is an aggressive pediatric cancer of striated muscle characterized in 60% of cases by a t(2;13)(q35;q14). This results in the fusion of PAX3, a developmental transcription factor required for limb myogenesis, with FKHR, a member of the forkhead family of transcription factors. The resultant PAX3-FKHR gene possesses transforming properties; however, the effects of this chimeric oncogene on gene expression are largely unknown. To investigate the actions of these transcription factors, both Pax3 and PAX3-FKHR were introduced into NIH 3T3 cells, and the resultant gene expression changes were analyzed with a murine cDNA microarray containing 2,225 elements. We found that PAX3-FKHR but not PAX3 activated a myogenic transcription program including the induction of transcription factors MyoD, Myogenin, Six1, and Slug as well as a battery of genes involved in several aspects of muscle function. Notable among this group were the growth factor gene Igf2 and its binding protein Igfbp5. Relevance of this model was suggested by verification that three of these genes (IGFBP5, HSIX1, and Slug) were also expressed in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines. This study utilizes cDNA microarrays to elucidate the pattern of gene expression induced by an oncogenic transcription factor and demonstrates the profound myogenic properties of PAX3-FKHR in NIH 3T3 cells.


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Rho family GTPases have been implicated in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton in response to extracellular cues and in the transduction of signals from the membrane to the nucleus. Their role in development and cell differentiation, however, is little understood. Here we show that the transient expression of constitutively active Rac1 and Cdc42 in unestablished avian myoblasts is sufficient to cause inhibition of myogenin expression and block of the transition to the myocyte compartment, whereas activated RhoA affects myogenic differentiation only marginally. Activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) appears not to be essential for block of differentiation because, although Rac1 and Cdc42 GTPases modestly activate JNK in quail myoblasts, a Rac1 mutant defective for JNK activation can still inhibit myogenic differentiation. Stable expression of active Rac1, attained by infection with a recombinant retrovirus, is permissive for terminal differentiation, but the resulting myotubes accumulate severely reduced levels of muscle-specific proteins. This inhibition is the consequence of posttranscriptional events and suggests the presence of a novel level of regulation of myogenesis. We also show that myotubes expressing constitutively active Rac1 fail to assemble ordered sarcomeres. Conversely, a dominant-negative Rac1 variant accelerates sarcomere maturation and inhibits v-Src–induced selective disassembly of I-Z-I complexes. Collectively, our findings provide a role for Rac1 during skeletal muscle differentiation and strongly suggest that Rac1 is required downstream of v-Src in the signaling pathways responsible for the dismantling of tissue-specific supramolecular structures.


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Cell–cell interactions, mediated by members of the cadherin family of Ca2+-dependent adhesion molecules, play key roles in morphogenetic processes as well as in the transduction of long-range growth and differentiation signals. In muscle differentiation cell adhesion is involved in both early stages of myogenic induction and in later stages of myoblast interaction and fusion. In this study we have explored the involvement of a specific cadherin, namely N-cadherin, in myogenic differentiation. For that purpose we have treated different established lines of cultured myoblasts with beads coated with N-cadherin–specific ligands, including a recombinant N-cadherin extracellular domain, and anti-N-cadherin antibodies. Immunofluorescent labeling for cadherins and catenins indicated that treatment with the cadherin-reactive beads for several hours enhances the assembly of cell–cell adherens-type junctions. Moreover, immunofluorescence and immunoblotting analyses indicated that treatment with the beads for 12–24 h induces myogenin expression and growth arrest, which are largely independent of cell plating density. Upon longer incubation with the beads (2–3 d) a major facilitation in the expression of several muscle-specific sarcomeric proteins and in cell fusion into myotubes was observed. These results suggest that surface clustering or immobilization of N-cadherin can directly trigger signaling events, which promote the activation of a myogenic differentiation program.


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Myogenic cell differentiation is induced by Arg8-vasopressin, whereas high cAMP levels and protein kinase A (PKA) activity inhibit myogenesis. We investigated the role of type 4 phosphodiesterase (PDE4) during L6-C5 myoblast differentiation. Selective PDE4 inhibition resulted in suppression of differentiation induced by vasopressin. PDE4 inhibition prevented vasopressin-induced nuclear translocation of the muscle-specific transcription factor myogenin without affecting its overall expression level. The effects of PDE4 inhibition could be attributed to an increase of cAMP levels and PKA activity. RNase protection, reverse transcriptase PCR, immunoprecipitation, Western blot, and enzyme activity assays demonstrated that the PDE4D3 isoform is the major PDE4 expressed in L6-C5 myoblasts and myotubes, accounting for 75% of total cAMP-hydrolyzing activity. Vasopressin cell stimulation caused a biphasic increase of PDE4 activity, which peaked at 2 and 15 min and remained elevated for 48 h. In the continuous presence of vasopressin, cAMP levels and PKA activity were lowered. PDE4D3 overexpression increased spontaneous and vasopressin-dependent differentiation of L6-C5 cells. These results show that PDE4D3 plays a key role in the control of cAMP levels and differentiation of L6-C5 cells. Through the modulation of PDE4 activity, vasopressin inhibits the cAMP signal transduction pathway, which regulates myogenesis possibly by controlling the subcellular localization of myogenin.


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The mechanisms by which insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) can be both mitogenic and differentiation-promoting in skeletal myoblasts are unclear because these two processes are believed to be mutually exclusive in this tissue. The phosphorylation state of the ubiquitous nuclear retinoblastoma protein (Rb) plays an important role in determining whether myoblasts proliferate or differentiate: Phosphorylated Rb promotes mitogenesis, whereas un- (or hypo-) phosphorylated Rb promotes cell cycle exit and differentiation. We hypothesized that IGFs might affect the fate of myoblasts by regulating the phosphorylation of Rb. Although long-term IGF treatment is known to stimulate differentiation, we find that IGFs act initially to inhibit differentiation and are exclusively mitogenic. These early effects of IGFs are associated with maintenance of Rb phosphorylation typical of proliferating cells; upregulation of the gene expression of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and cyclin D1, components of a holoenzyme that plays a principal role in mediating Rb phosphorylation; and marked inhibition of the gene expression of myogenin, a member of the MyoD family of skeletal muscle-specific transcription factors that is essential in muscle differentiation. We also find that IGF-induced inhibition of differentiation occurs through a process that is independent of its mitogenic effects. We demonstrate, thus, that IGFs regulate Rb phosphorylation and cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 gene expression; together with their biphasic effects on myogenin expression, these results suggest a mechanism by which IGFs are initially mitogenic and subsequently differentiation-promoting in skeletal muscle.


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Skeletal muscle and adipose tissue development often has a reciprocal relationship in vivo, particularly in myodystrophic states. We have investigated whether determined myoblasts with no inherent adipogenic potential can be induced to transdifferentiate into mature adipocytes by the ectopic expression of two adipogenic transcription factors, PPAR gamma and C/EBP alpha. When cultured under optimal conditions for muscle differentiation, murine G8 myoblasts expressing PPAR gamma and C/EBP alpha show markedly reduced levels of the myogenic basic helix-loop-helix proteins MyoD, myogenin, MRF4, and myf5 and are completely unable to differentiate into myotubes. Under conditions permissive for adipogenesis including a PPAR activator, these cells differentiate into mature adipocytes that express molecular markers characteristic of this lineage. Our results demonstrate that a developmental switch between these two related but highly specialized cell types can be controlled by the expression of key adipogenic transcription factors. These factors have an ability to inhibit myogenesis that is temporally and functionally separate from their ability to stimulate adipogenesis.