283 resultados para Mutant P53

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Mutant, but not wild-type p53 binds with high affinity to a variety of MAR-DNA elements (MARs), suggesting that MAR-binding of mutant p53 relates to the dominant-oncogenic activities proposed for mutant p53. MARs recognized by mutant p53 share AT richness and contain variations of an AATATATTT “DNA-unwinding motif,” which enhances the structural dynamics of chromatin and promotes regional DNA base-unpairing. Mutant p53 specifically interacted with MAR-derived oligonucleotides carrying such unwinding motifs, catalyzing DNA strand separation when this motif was located within a structurally labile sequence environment. Addition of GC-clamps to the respective MAR-oligonucleotides or introducing mutations into the unwinding motif strongly reduced DNA strand separation, but supported the formation of tight complexes between mutant p53 and such oligonucleotides. We conclude that the specific interaction of mutant p53 with regions of MAR-DNA with a high potential for base-unpairing provides the basis for the high-affinity binding of mutant p53 to MAR-DNA.


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Some 50% of human cancers are associated with mutations in the core domain of the tumor suppressor p53. Many mutations are thought just to destabilize the protein. To assess this and the possibility of rescue, we have set up a system to analyze the stability of the core domain and its mutants. The use of differential scanning calorimetry or spectroscopy to measure its melting temperature leads to irreversible denaturation and aggregation and so is useful as only a qualitative guide to stability. There are excellent two-state denaturation curves on the addition of urea that may be analyzed quantitatively. One Zn2+ ion remains tightly bound in the holo-form of p53 throughout the denaturation curve. The stability of wild type is 6.0 kcal (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ)/mol at 25°C and 9.8 kcal/mol at 10°C. The oncogenic mutants R175H, C242S, R248Q, R249S, and R273H are destabilized by 3.0, 2.9, 1.9, 1.9, and 0.4 kcal/mol, respectively. Under certain denaturing conditions, the wild-type domain forms an aggregate that is relatively highly fluorescent at 340 nm on excitation at 280 nm. The destabilized mutants give this fluorescence under milder denaturation conditions.


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Several groups have attempted to develop gene therapy strategies to treat cancer via introduction of the wild-type (wt) p53 cDNA into cancer cells. Unfortunately, these approaches do not result in regulated expression of the p53 gene and do not reduce expression of the mutant p53 that is overexpressed in cancerous cells. These shortcomings may greatly limit the utility of this gene replacement approach. We describe an alternative strategy with trans-splicing ribozymes that can simultaneously reduce mutant p53 expression and restore wt p53 activity in various human cancers. The ribozyme accomplished such conversion by repairing defective p53 mRNAs with high fidelity and specificity. The corrected transcripts were translated to produce functional p53 that can transactivate p53-responsive promoters and down-modulate expression of the multidrug resistance (MDR1) gene promoter. The level of wt p53 activity generated was significant, resulting in a 23-fold induction of a p53-responsive promoter and a 3-fold reduction in MDR1 promoter expression in transfected cancer cells. Once efficient delivery systems are developed, this strategy should prove useful for making human cancers more responsive to p53 activity and more sensitive to chemotherapeutic agents.


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The insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF-I-R) plays a critical role in transformation events. It is highly overexpressed in most malignant tissues where it functions as an anti-apoptotic agent by enhancing cell survival. Tumor suppressor p53 is a nuclear transcription factor that blocks cell cycle progression and induces apoptosis. p53 is the most frequently mutated gene in human cancer. Cotransfection of Saos-2 (os-teosarcoma-derived cells) and RD (rhabdomyosarcoma-derived cells) cells with IGF-I-R promoter constructs driving luciferase reporter genes and with wild-type p53 expression vectors suppressed promoter activity in a dose-dependent manner. This effect of p53 is mediated at the level of transcription and it involves interaction with TBP, the TATA box-binding component of TFIID. On the other hand, three tumor-derived mutant forms of p53 (mut 143, mut 248, and mut 273) stimulated the activity of the IGF-I-R promoter and increased the levels of IGF-I-R/luciferase fusion mRNA. These results suggest that wild-type p53 has the potential to suppress the IGF-I-R promoter in the postmitotic, fully differentiated cell, thus resulting in low levels of receptor gene expression in adult tissues. Mutant versions of p53 protein, usually associated with malignant states, can derepress the IGF-I-R promoter, with ensuing mitogenic activation by locally produced or circulating IGFs.


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High levels of the p53 protein are immunohistochemically detectable in a majority of human nonmelanoma skin cancers and UVB-induced murine skin tumors. These increased protein levels are often associated with mutations in the conserved domains of the p53 gene. To investigate the timing of the p53 alterations in the process of UVB carcinogenesis, we used a well defined murine model (SKH:HR1 hairless mice) in which the time that tumors appear is predictable from the UVB exposures. The mice were subjected to a series of daily UVB exposures, either for 17 days or for 30 days, which would cause skin tumors to appear around 80 or 30 weeks, respectively. In the epidermis of these mice, we detected clusters of cells showing a strong immunostaining of the p53 protein, as measured with the CM-5 polyclonal antiserum. This cannot be explained by transient accumulation of the normal p53 protein as a physiological response to UVB-induced DNA damage. In single exposure experiments the observed transient CM-5 immunoreactivity lasted for only 3 days and was not clustered, whereas these clusters were still detectable as long as 56 days after 17 days of UVB exposure. In addition, approximately 70% of these patches reacted with the mutant-specific monoclonal antibody PAb240, whereas transiently induced p53-positive cells did not. In line with indicative human data, these experimental results in the hairless mouse model unambiguously demonstrate that constitutive p53 alterations are causally related to chronic UVB exposure and that they are a very early event in the induction of skin cancer by UVB radiation.


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Myeloid leukemic M1 cells that do not express p53 and transfected M1 clones that constitutively express the [Val135]p53 mutant or deregulated c-myc or coexpressing both genes grew autonomously in culture with a similar growth rate and cloning efficiency. Expression of deregulated c-myc in M1 leukemic cells enhanced susceptibility to induction of apoptotic cell death and resulted in a reduced leukemogenicity when injected into isologous mice. Expression of the [Val135]p53 mutant did not change cell susceptibility to induction of apoptosis or leukemogenicity, but expression of this mutant p53 suppressed the effects of deregulated c-myc on these properties. The results indicate that the [Val135]p53 mutant can show a gain of function for susceptibility to apoptosis and leukemogenicity in leukemic cells with deregulated c-myc and, thus, enhance tumor development.


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The factors that regulate the perpetuation and invasiveness of rheumatoid synovitis have been the subject of considerable inquiry, and the possibility that nonimmunologic defects can contribute to the disease has not been rigorously addressed. Using a mismatch detection system, we report that synovial tissue from the joints of severe chronic rheumatoid arthritis patients contain mutant p53 transcripts, which were not found in skin samples from the same patients or in joints of patients with osteoarthritis. Mutant p53 transcripts also were identified in synoviocytes cultured from rheumatoid joints. The predicted amino acid substitutions in p53 were identical or similar to those commonly observed in a variety of tumors and might influence growth and survival of rheumatoid synoviocytes. Thus, mutations in p53 and subsequent selection of the mutant cells may occur in the joints of patients as a consequence of inflammation and contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease.


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The Ink4a/Arf locus encodes p16Ink4a and p19Arf and is among the most frequently mutated tumor suppressor loci in human cancer. In mice, many of these effects appear to be mediated by interactions between p19Arf and the p53 tumor-suppressor protein. Because Tp53 mutations are a common feature of the multistep pre-B cell transformation process mediated by Abelson murine leukemia virus (Ab-MLV), we examined the possibility that proteins encoded by the Ink4a/Arf locus also play a role in Abelson virus transformation. Analyses of primary transformants revealed that both p16Ink4a and p19Arf are expressed in many of the cells as they emerge from the apoptotic crisis that characterizes the transformation process. Analyses of primary transformants from Ink4a/Arf null mice revealed that these cells bypassed crisis. Because expression of p19Arf but not p16 Ink4a induced apoptosis in Ab-MLV-transformed pre-B cells, p19Arf appears to be responsible for these events. Consistent with the link between p19Arf and p53, Ink4a/Arf expression correlates with or precedes the emergence of cells expressing mutant p53. These data demonstrate that p19Arf is an important part of the cellular defense mounted against transforming signals from the Abl oncoprotein and provide direct evidence that the p19Arf–p53 regulatory loop plays an important role in lymphoma induction.


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A cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clone generated in vitro from the peripheral blood of a healthy HLA-A2-positive individual against a synthetic p53 protein-derived wild-type peptide (L9V) was shown to kill squamous carcinoma cell lines derived from two head and neck carcinomas, which expressed mutant p53 genes, in a L9V/HLA-A2 specific and restricted fashion. Thus, the normal tolerance against endogenously processed p53 protein-derived self-epitopes can be broken by peptide-specific in vitro priming. p53 protein-derived wild-type peptides might thus represent tumor associated target molecules for immunotherapeutical approaches.


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We present a general method for rigorously identifying correlations between variations in large-scale molecular profiles and outcomes and apply it to chromosomal comparative genomic hybridization data from a set of 52 breast tumors. We identify two loci where copy number abnormalities are correlated with poor survival outcome (gain at 8q24 and loss at 9q13). We also identify a relationship between abnormalities at two loci and the mutational status of p53. Gain at 8q24 and loss at 5q15-5q21 are linked with mutant p53. The 9q and 5q losses suggest the possibility of gene products involved in breast cancer progression. The analytical techniques are general and also are applicable to the analysis of array-based expression data.


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The p53 protein is an attractive target for immunotherapy, because mutations in the p53 gene are the most common genetic alterations found in human tumors. These mutations result in high levels of p53 protein in the tumor cell, whereas the expression level of wild-type p53 in nonmalignant tissue is usually much lower. Several canarypox virus recombinants expressing human or murine p53 in wild-type or mutant form were constructed. Immunization with these viruses protected BALB/c mice from a challenge with an isogenic and highly tumorigenic mouse fibroblast tumor cell line expressing high levels of mutant p53. The tumor protection was equally effective regardless of whether wild-type or mutant p53 was used for the immunization, indicating that the immunologic response was not dependent on any particular p53 mutation and that immunization with this live virus vaccine works effectively against mutant p53 protein expressed in a tumor cell. In tumors escaping immunologic rejection, the expression of the p53 protein was commonly down-regulated.


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Clinically important mutant p53 proteins may be tumorigenic through a dominant-negative mechanism or due to a gain-of-function. Examples for both hypotheses have been described; however, it remains unclear to what extent they apply to TP53 mutations in general. Here it is shown that the mutational spectrum of dominant-negative p53 mutants selected in a novel yeast assay correlates tightly with p53 mutations in cancer. Two classes of dominant-negative mutations are described; the more dominant one affects codons that are essential for the stabilization of the DNA-binding surface of the p53 core domain and for the direct interaction of p53 with its DNA binding sites. These results predict that the vast majority of TP53 mutations leading to cancer do so in a dominant-negative fashion.


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Thyroid hormone nuclear receptors (TRs) are ligand-dependent transcriptional factors that regulate growth, differentiation, and development. The molecular mechanisms by which TRs mediate these effects are unclear. One prevailing hypothesis suggests that TRs may cooperate with other transcriptional factors to mediate their biological effects. In this study, we tested this hypothesis by examining whether the activity of TRs is modulated by the tumor suppressor p53. p53 is a nuclear protein that regulates gene expression via sequence-specific DNA binding and/or direct protein-protein interaction. We found that the human TR subtype beta 1 (h-TR beta 1) physically interacted with p53 via its DNA binding domain. As a result of this physical interaction, binding of h-TR beta 1 to its hormone response elements either as homodimer or as a heterodimer with the retinoic X receptor was inhibited by p53 in a concentration-dependent manner. In transfected cells, wild-type p53 repressed the hormone-dependent transcriptional activation of h-TR beta 1. In contrast, mutant p53 either had no effect or activated the transcriptional activity of h-TR beta 1 depending on the type of hormone response elements. These results indicate the gene regulating activity of TRs was modulated by p53, suggesting that the cross talk between these two transcriptional factors may play an important role in the biology of normal and cancer cells.


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We investigated whether mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene alter UV sensitivity and/or repair of UV-induced DNA damage in primary human skin fibroblasts from patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome, heterozygous for mutations in one allele of the p53 gene (p53 wt/mut) and sublines expressing only mutant p53 (p53 mut). The p53 mut cells were more resistant than the p53 wt/mut cells to UV cytotoxicity and exhibited less UV-induced apoptosis. DNA repair analysis revealed reduced removal of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers from overall genomic DNA in vivo in p53 mut cells compared with p53 wt/mut or normal cells. However, p53 mut cells retained the ability to preferentially repair damage in the transcribed strands of expressed genes (transcription-coupled repair). These results suggest that loss of p53 function may lead to greater genomic instability by reducing the efficiency of DNA repair but that cellular resistance to DNA-damaging agents may be enhanced through elimination of apoptosis.


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Mutations in the p53 gene are implicated in the pathogenesis of half of all human tumors. We have developed a simple functional assay for p53 mutation in which human p53 expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae activates transcription of the ADE2 gene. Consequently, yeast colonies containing wild-type p53 are white and colonies containing mutant p53 are red. Since this assay tests the critical biological function of p53, it can distinguish inactivating mutations from functionally silent mutations. By combining this approach with gap repair techniques in which unpurified p53 reverse transcription-PCR products are cloned by homologous recombination in vivo it is possible to screen large numbers of samples and multiple clones per sample for biologically important mutations. This means that mutations can be detected in tumor specimens contaminated with large amounts of normal tissue. In addition, the assay detects temperature-sensitive mutants, which give pink colonies. We show here that this form of p53 functional assay can be used rapidly to detect germline mutations in blood samples, somatic mutations in tumors, and mutations in cell lines.