67 resultados para Multiple genes

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The CCAAT motif is found in the promoters of many eukaryotic genes. In yeast a single complex of three proteins, termed HAP2, HAP3, and HAP5, binds to this sequence, and in mammals the three components of the equivalent complex (called variously NF-Y, CBF, or CP1) are also represented by single genes. Here we report the presence of multiple genes for each of the components of the CCAAT-binding complex, HAP2,3,5, from Arabidopsis. Three independent Arabidopsis HAP subunit 2 (AtHAP2) cDNAs were cloned by functional complementation of a yeast hap2 mutant, and two independent forms each of AtHAP3 and AtHAP5 cDNAs were detected in the expressed sequence tag database. Additional homologs (two of AtHAP3 and one of AtHAP5) have been identified from available Arabidopsis genomic sequences. Northern-blot analysis indicated ubiquitous expression for each AtHAP2 and AtHAP5 cDNA in a range of tissues, whereas expression of each AtHAP3 cDNA was under developmental and/or environmental regulation. The unexpected presence of multiple forms of each HAP homolog in Arabidopsis, compared with the single genes in yeast and vertebrates, suggests that the HAP2,3,5 complex may play diverse roles in gene transcription in higher plants.


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Obesity is a complex disease, and multiple genes contribute to the trait. The description of five genes (ob, db, tub, Ay, and fat) responsible for distinct syndromes of spontaneous monogenic obesity in mice has advanced our knowledge of the genetics of obesity. However, many other genes involved in the expression of this disease remain to be determined. We report here the identification of an additional class of genes involved in the regulation of adipose tissue mass. These genes encode receptors mediating leukocyte adhesion. Mice deficient in intercellular adhesion molecule-1 became spontaneously obese in old age on normal mouse chow or at a young age when provided with a diet rich in fat. Mice deficient in the counterreceptor for intercellular adhesion molecule-1, the leukocyte integrin αMβ2 (Mac-1), showed a similar obesity phenotype. Since all mice consumed approximately the same amount of food as controls, the leukocyte function appears to be in regulating lipid metabolism and/or energy expenditure. Our results indicate that (i) leukocytes play a role in preventing excess body fat deposition and (ii) defects in leukocyte adhesion receptors can result in obesity.


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune multisystem inflammatory disease characterized by the production of pathogenic autoantibodies. Previous genetic studies have suggested associations with HLA Class II alleles, complement gene deficiencies, and Fc receptor polymorphisms; however, it is likely that other genes contribute to SLE susceptibility and pathogenesis. Here, we report the results of a genome-wide microsatellite marker screen in 105 SLE sib-pair families. By using multipoint nonparametric methods, the strongest evidence for linkage was found near the HLA locus (6p11-p21) [D6S257, logarithm of odds (lod) = 3.90, P = 0.000011] and at three additional regions: 16q13 (D16S415, lod = 3.64, P = 0.000022), 14q21–23 (D14S276, lod = 2.81, P = 0.00016), and 20p12 (D20S186, lod = 2.62, P = 0.00025). Another nine regions (1p36, 1p13, 1q42, 2p15, 2q21–33, 3cent-q11, 4q28, 11p15, and 15q26) were identified with lod scores ≥1.00. These data support the hypothesis that multiple genes, including one in the HLA region, influence susceptibility to human SLE.


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In Drosophila, the chromosomal region 75C1–2 contains at least three genes, reaper (rpr), head involution defective (hid), and grim, that have important functions in the activation of programmed cell death. To better understand how cells are killed by these genes, we have utilized a well defined set of embryonic central nervous system midline cells that normally exhibit a specific pattern of glial cell death. In this study we show that both rpr and hid are expressed in dying midline cells and that the normal pattern of midline cell death requires the function of multiple genes in the 75C1–2 interval. We also utilized the P[UAS]/P[Gal4] system to target expression of rpr and hid to midline cells. Targeted expression of rpr or hid alone was not sufficient to induce ectopic midline cell death. However, expression of both rpr and hid together rapidly induced ectopic midline cell death that resulted in axon scaffold defects characteristic of mutants with abnormal midline cell development. Midline-targeted expression of the baculovirus p35 protein, a caspase inhibitor, blocked both normal and ectopic rpr- and hid-induced cell death. Taken together, our results suggest that rpr and hid are expressed together and cooperate to induce programmed cell death during development of the central nervous system midline.


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Recent studies have suggested that the retention of selectable marker cassettes (like PGK–Neo, in which a hybrid gene consisting of the phosphoglycerate kinase I promoter drives the neomycin phosphotransferase gene) in targeted loci can cause unexpected phenotypes in “knockout” mice due to disruption of expression of neighboring genes within a locus. We have studied targeted mutations in two multigene clusters, the granzyme B locus and the β-like globin gene cluster. The insertion of PGK–Neo into the granzyme B gene, the most 5′ gene in the granzyme B gene cluster, severely reduced the normal expression of multiple genes within the locus, even at distances greater than 100 kb from the mutation. Similarly, the insertion of a PGK–Neo cassette into the β-globin locus control region (LCR) abrogates the expression of multiple globin genes downstream from the cassette. In contrast, a targeted mutation of the promyelocyte-specific cathepsin G gene (which lies just 3′ to the granzyme genes in the same cluster) had minimal effects on upstream granzyme gene expression. Although the mechanism of these long distance effects are unknown, the expression of PGK–Neo can be “captured” by the regulatory domain into which it is inserted. These results suggest that the PGK–Neo cassette can interact productively with locus control regions and thereby disrupt normal interactions between local and long-distance regulatory regions within a tissue-specific domain.


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Smads are intermediate effector proteins that transduce the TGF-β signal from the plasma membrane to the nucleus, where they participate in transactivation of downstream target genes. We have shown previously that coactivators p300/CREB-binding protein are involved in TGF-β–mediated transactivation of two Cdk inhibitor genes, p21 and p15. Here we examined the possibility that Smads function to regulate transcription by directly interacting with p300/CREB-binding protein. We show that Smad3 can interact with a C-terminal fragment of p300 in a temporal and phosphorylation-dependent manner. TGF-β–mediated phosphorylation of Smad3 potentiates the association between Smad3 and p300, likely because of an induced conformational change that removes the autoinhibitory interaction between the N- and C-terminal domains of Smad3. Consistent with a role for p300 in the transcription regulation of multiple genes, overexpression of a Smad3 C-terminal fragment causes a general squelching effect on multiple TGF-β–responsive reporter constructs. The adenoviral oncoprotein E1A can partially block Smad-dependent transcriptional activation by directly competing for binding to p300. Taken together, these findings define a new role for phosphorylation of Smad3: in addition to facilitating complex formation with Smad4 and promoting nuclear translocation, the phosphorylation-induced conformational change of Smad3 modulates its interaction with coactivators, leading to transcriptional regulation.


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In systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), T helper cells exhibit increased and prolonged expression of cell-surface CD40 ligand (CD154), spontaneously overproduce interleukin-10 (IL-10), but underproduce interferon-gamma (IFN-γ). We tested the hypothesis that the imbalance of these gene products reflects skewed expression of CD154, IL-10, and IFN-γ genes. Here, we demonstrate that the histone deacetylase inhibitor, trichostatin A, significantly down-regulated CD154 and IL-10 and up-regulated IFN-γ gene expression in SLE T cells. This reversal corrected the aberrant expression of these gene products, thereby enhancing IFN-γ production and inhibiting IL-10 and CD154 expression. That trichostatin A can simultaneously reverse the skewed expression of multiple genes implicated in the immunopathogenesis of SLE suggests that this pharmacologic agent may be a candidate for the treatment of this autoimmune disease.


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Most chloroplast genes in vascular plants are organized into polycistronic transcription units, which generate a complex pattern of mono-, di-, and polycistronic transcripts. In contrast, most Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast transcripts characterized to date have been monocistronic. This paper describes the atpA gene cluster in the C. reinhardtii chloroplast genome, which includes the atpA, psbI, cemA, and atpH genes, encoding the α-subunit of the coupling-factor-1 (CF1) ATP synthase, a small photosystem II polypeptide, a chloroplast envelope membrane protein, and subunit III of the CF0 ATP synthase, respectively. We show that promoters precede the atpA, psbI, and atpH genes, but not the cemA gene, and that cemA mRNA is present only as part of di-, tri-, or tetracistronic transcripts. Deletions introduced into the gene cluster reveal, first, that CF1-α can be translated from di- or polycistronic transcripts, and, second, that substantial reductions in mRNA quantity have minimal effects on protein synthesis rates. We suggest that posttranscriptional mRNA processing is common in C. reinhardtii chloroplasts, permitting the expression of multiple genes from a single promoter.


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of inherited blinding diseases caused by mutations in multiple genes including RDS. RDS encodes rds/peripherin (rds), a 36-kDa glycoprotein in the rims of rod and cone outer-segment (OS) discs. Rom1 is related to rds with similar membrane topology and the identical distribution in OS. In contrast to RDS, no mutations in ROM1 alone have been associated with retinal disease. However, an unusual digenic form of RP has been described. Affected individuals in several families were doubly heterozygous for a mutation in RDS causing a leucine 185 to proline substitution in rds (L185P) and a null mutation in ROM1. Neither mutation alone caused clinical abnormalities. Here, we generated transgenic/knockout mice that duplicate the amino acid substitutions and predicted levels of rds and rom1 in patients with RDS-mediated digenic and dominant RP. Photoreceptor degeneration in the mouse model of digenic RP was faster than in the wild-type and monogenic controls by histological, electroretinographic, and biochemical analysis. We observed a positive correlation between the rate of photoreceptor loss and the extent of OS disorganization in mice of several genotypes. Photoreceptor degeneration in RDS-mediated RP appears to be caused by a simple deficiency of rds and rom1. The critical threshold for the combined abundance of rds and rom1 is ≈60% of wild type. Below this value, the extent of OS disorganization results in clinically significant photoreceptor degeneration.


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Atherosclerosis is a complex disease resulting from the interaction of multiple genes. We have used the Ldlr knockout mouse model in an interspecific genetic cross to map atherosclerosis susceptibility loci. A total of 174 (MOLF/Ei × B6.129S7-Ldlrtm1Her) × C57BL/6J-Ldlrtm1Her backcross mice, homozygous for the Ldlr null allele, were fed a Western-type diet for 3 months and then killed for quantification of aortic lesions. A genome scan was carried out by using DNA pools and microsatellite markers spaced at ≈18-centimorgan intervals. Quantitative trait locus analysis of individual backcross mice confirmed linkages to chromosomes 4 (Athsq1, logarithm of odds = 6.2) and 6 (Athsq2, logarithm of odds = 6.7). Athsq1 affected lesions in females only whereas Athsq2 affected both sexes. Among females, the loci accounted for ≈50% of the total variance of lesion area. The susceptible allele at Athsq1 was derived from the MOLF/Ei genome whereas the susceptible allele at Athsq2 was derived from C57BL/6J. Inheritance of susceptible alleles at both loci conferred a 2-fold difference in lesion area, suggesting an additive effect of Athsq1 and Athsq2. No associations were observed between the quantitative trait loci and levels of plasma total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol, insulin, or body weight. We provide strong evidence for complex inheritance of atherosclerosis in mice with elevated plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol and show a major influence of nonlipoprotein-related factors on disease susceptibility. Athsq1 and Athsq2 represent candidate susceptibility loci for human atherosclerosis, most likely residing on chromosomes 1p36–32 and 12p13–12, respectively.


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Chronic administration of estrogen to the Fischer 344 (F344) rat induces growth of large, hemorrhagic pituitary tumors. Ten weeks of diethylstilbestrol (DES) treatment caused female F344 rat pituitaries to grow to an average of 109.2 +/- 6.3 mg (mean +/- SE) versus 11.3 +/- 1.4 mg for untreated rats, and to become highly hemorrhagic. The same DES treatment produced no significant growth (8.9 +/- 0.5 mg for treated females versus 8.7 +/- 1.1 for untreated females) or morphological changes in Brown Norway (BN) rat pituitaries. An F1 hybrid of F344 and BN exhibited significant pituitary growth after 10 weeks of DES treatment with an average mass of 26.3 +/- 0.7 mg compared with 8.6 +/- 0.9 mg for untreated rats. Surprisingly, the F1 hybrid tumors were not hemorrhagic and had hemoglobin content and outward appearance identical to that of BN. Expression of both growth and morphological changes is due to multiple genes. However, while DES-induced pituitary growth exhibited quantitative, additive inheritance, the hemorrhagic phenotype exhibited recessive, epistatic inheritance. Only 5 of the 160 F2 pituitaries exhibited the hemorrhagic phenotype; 36 of the 160 F2 pituitaries were in the F344 range of mass, but 31 of these were not hemorrhagic, indicating that the hemorrhagic phenotype is not merely a consequence of extensive growth. The hemorrhagic F2 pituitaries were all among the most massive, indicating that some of the genes regulate both phenotypes.


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 2, the second AIDS-associated human retrovirus, differs from HIV-1 in its natural history, infectivity, and pathogenicity, as well as in details of its genomic structure and molecular behavior. We report here that HIV-2 inhibits the replication of HIV-1 at the molecular level. This inhibition was selective, dose-dependent, and nonreciprocal. The closely related simian immunodeficiency provirus also inhibited HIV-1. The selectivity of inhibition was shown by the observation that HIV-2 did not significantly downmodulate the expression of the unrelated murine leukemia virus; neither did the murine leukemia virus markedly affect HIV-1 or HIV-2 expression. Moreover, while HIV-2 potently inhibited HIV-1, the reverse did not happen, thus identifying yet another and remarkable difference between HIV-1 and HIV-2. Mutational analysis of the HIV-2 genome suggested that the inhibition follows a complex pathway, possibly involving multiple genes and redundant mechanisms. Introduction of inactivating mutations into the structural and regulatory/accessory genes did not render the HIV-2 provirus ineffective. Some of the HIV-2 gene defects, such as that of tat and rev genes, were phenotypically transcomplemented by HIV-1. The HIV-2 proviruses with deletions in the putative packaging signal and defective for virus replication were effective in inducing the suppressive phenotype. Though the exact mechanism remains to be defined, the inhibition appeared to be mainly due to an intracellular molecular event because it could not be explained solely on the basis of cell surface receptor mediated interference. The results support the notion that the inhibition likely occurred at the level of viral RNA, possibly involving competition between viral RNAs for some transcriptional factor essential for virus replication. Induction of a cytokine is another possibility. These findings might be relevant to the clinical-epidemiological data suggesting that infection with HIV-2 may offer some protection against HIV-1 infection.


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Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) is a transcription factor regulating expression of genes intrinsic to inflammation and cell proliferation--features of asbestos-associated diseases. In studies here, crocidolite asbestos caused protracted and dose-responsive increases in proteins binding to nuclear NF-kappa B-binding DNA elements in hamster tracheal epithelial (HTE) cells. This binding was modulated by cellular glutathione levels. Antibodies recognizing p65 and p50 protein members of the NF-kappa B family revealed these proteins in two of the DNA complexes. Transient transfection assays with a construct containing six NF-kappa B-binding DNA consensus sites linked to a luciferase reporter gene indicated that asbestos induced transcriptional activation of NF-kappa B-dependent genes, an observation that was confirmed by northern blot analyses for c-myc mRNA levels in HTE cells. Studies suggest that NF-kappa B induction by asbestos is a key event in regulation of multiple genes involved in the pathogenesis of asbestos-related lung cancers.


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The respiratory gene cox2, normally present in the mitochondrion, was previously shown to have been functionally transferred to the nucleus during flowering plant evolution, possibly during the diversification of legumes. To search for novel intermediate stages in the process of intracellular gene transfer and to assess the evolutionary timing and frequency of cox2 transfer, activation, and inactivation, we examined nuclear and mitochondrial (mt) cox2 presence and expression in over 25 legume genera and mt cox2 presence in 392 genera. Transfer and activation of cox2 appear to have occurred during recent legume evolution, more recently than previously inferred. Many intermediate stages of the gene transfer process are represented by cox2 genes in the studied legumes. Nine legumes contain intact copies of both nuclear and mt cox2, although transcripts could not be detected for some of these genes. Both cox2 genes are transcribed in seven legumes that are phylogenetically interspersed with species displaying only nuclear or mt cox2 expression. Inactivation of cox2 in each genome has taken place multiple times and in a variety of ways, including loss of detectable transcripts or transcript editing and partial to complete gene loss. Phylogenetic evidence shows about the same number (3–5) of separate inactivations of nuclear and mt cox2, suggesting that there is no selective advantage for a mt vs. nuclear location of cox2 in plants. The current distribution of cox2 presence and expression between the nucleus and mitochondrion in the studied legumes is probably the result of chance mutations silencing either cox2 gene.


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In mammals, one of the major actions of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) is to increase skeletal growth by stimulating new cartilage formation. IGF-I stimulates chondrocytes in vitro to synthesize new cartilage matrix, measured by enhanced uptake of 35S-sulfate, but the addition of insulin does not produce a similar effect except when added at high concentrations. However, recent studies have shown that, in teleosts, both insulin and IGF-I are potent activators of 35S-sulfate uptake in gill cartilage. To further characterize the growth-promoting activities of these hormones in fish, we have used reverse transcriptase-linked PCR to analyze the expression of insulin receptor family genes in salmon gill cartilage. Partial cDNA sequences encoding the tyrosine kinase domains from six distinct members of the IR gene family were obtained, and sequence comparisons revealed that four of the cDNAs encoded amino acid sequences that were highly homologous to human IR whereas the encoded sequences from two of the cDNAs were more similar to the human type I IGF receptor (IGF-R). Furthermore, a comparative reverse transcriptase-linked PCR assay revealed that the four putative IR mRNAs expressed in toto in gill cartilage were 56% of that found in liver whereas the expressed amount of the two IGF-R mRNAs was 9-fold higher compared with liver. These results suggest that the chondrogenic actions of insulin and IGF-I in fish are mediated by the ligands binding to their cognate receptors. However, further studies will be required to characterize the binding properties and relative contribution of the individual IR and IGF-R genes.