7 resultados para Mucus

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), goblet cell metaplasia, and mucus overproduction are important features of bronchial asthma. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms behind these pulmonary pathologies, we examined for genes preferentially expressed in the lungs of a murine model of allergic asthma by using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). We identified a gene called gob-5 that had a selective expression pattern in the airway epithelium with AHR. Here, we show that gob-5, a member of the calcium-activated chloride channel family, is a key molecule in the induction of murine asthma. Intratracheal administration of adenovirus-expressing antisense gob-5 RNA into AHR-model mice efficiently suppressed the asthma phenotype, including AHR and mucus overproduction. In contrast, overexpression of gob-5 in airway epithelia by using an adenoviral vector exacerbated the asthma phenotype. Introduction of either gob-5 or hCLCA1, the human counterpart of gob-5, into the human mucoepidermoid cell line NCI-H292 induced mucus production as well as MUC5AC expression. Our results indicated that gob-5 may play a critical role in murine asthma, and its human counterpart hCLCA1 is therefore a potential target for asthma therapy.


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While most animal–bacterial symbioses are reestablished each successive generation, the mechanisms by which the host and its potential microbial partners ensure tissue colonization remain largely undescribed. We used the model association between the squid Euprymna scolopes and Vibrio fischeri to examine this process. This light organ symbiosis is initiated when V. fischeri cells present in the surrounding seawater enter pores on the surface of the nascent organ and colonize deep epithelia-lined crypts. We discovered that when newly hatched squid were experimentally exposed to natural seawater, the animals responded by secreting a viscous material from the pores of the organ. Animals maintained in filtered seawater produced no secretions unless Gram-negative bacteria, either living or dead, were reintroduced. The viscous material bound only lectins that are specific for either N-acetylneuraminic acid or N-acetylgalactosamine, suggesting that it was composed of a mucus-containing matrix. Complex ciliated fields on the surface of the organ produced water currents that focused the matrix into a mass that was tethered to, and suspended above, the light organ pores. When V. fischeri cells were introduced into the seawater surrounding the squid, the bacteria were drawn into its fluid-filled body cavity during ventilation and were captured in the matrix. After residing as an aggregate for several hours, the symbionts migrated into the pores and colonized the crypt epithelia. This mode of infection may be an example of a widespread strategy by which aquatic hosts increase the likelihood of successful colonization by rarely encountered symbionts.


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It was previously shown that the Haemonchus contortus apical gut surface proteins p46, p52, and p100 induced protective immunity to challenge infections in goats. Here, it is shown that the three proteins are all encoded by a single gene (GA1) and initially expressed in adult parasites as a polyprotein (p100GA1). p46GA1 and p52GA1 are related proteins with 47% sequence identity, including a cysteine-containing region, which appears to confer secondary structure to these proteins, and a region with sequence similarity to bacterial Tolb proteins. GA1 protein expression is regulated during the life cycle at the level of transcript abundance. Only p52GA1 has characteristics of a glycosylinositolphospholipid membrane-anchored protein. However, both p46GA1 and p52GA1 were released from the gut membrane by phosphatidylinositol specific-phospholipase C, suggesting that p46GA1 membrane association depends on interactions with a glycosylinositolphospholipid gut membrane protein. Finally, GA1 proteins occur in abomasal mucus of infected lambs, demonstrating possible presentation to the host immune system during H. contortus infection. The results identify multiple characteristics of the GA1 proteins that should be considered for design of recombinant antigens for vaccine trials and that implicate a series of cellular processes leading to modification and expression of GA1 proteins at the nematode apical gut surface.


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To investigate the contribution of interleukin-4 (IL-4) to airway inflammation in vivo and to explore directly its relationship to airway reactivity, we created transgenic mice in which the murine cDNA for IL-4 was regulated by the rat Clara cell 10 protein promoter. Expression was detected only in the lung and not in thymus, heart, liver, spleen, kidney, or uterus. The expression of IL-4 elicited hypertrophy of epithelial cells of the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. Hypertrophy is due, at least in part, to the accumulation of mucus glycoprotein. Histologic examination of parenchyma revealed multinucleated macrophages and occasional islands of cells consisting largely of eosinophils or lymphocytes. Analysis of lung lavage fluid revealed the presence of a leukocytic infiltrate consisting of lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils. Mice expressing IL-4 had greater baseline airway resistance but did not demonstrate hyperreactivity to methacholine. Thus, the expression of IL-4 selectively within the lung elicits an inflammatory response characterized by epithelial cell hypertrophy, and the accumulation of macrophages, lymphocytes, eosinophils, and neutrophils without resulting in an alteration in airway reactivity to inhaled methacholine.


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In tissues of higher organisms homopolymers of alpha2,8-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid can be found as a posttranslational modification on selected proteins. We report here the discovery of homopolymers of alpha2,8-linked deaminoneuraminic acid [poly(alpha2,8-KDN)] in various tissues derived from all three germ layers in vertebrates including mammals. The monoclonal antibody kdn8kdn in conjunction with a bacterial KDNase permitted the detection of poly(alpha2,8-KDN) by immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting. Further evidence for the existence of poly(alpha2,8-KDN) was obtained by gas/liquid chromatography. The poly(alpha2,8-KDN) glycan was detectable in all tissues studied with the exception of mucus-producing cells present in various organs, the extracellular matrix, and basement membranes. However, in certain organs such as muscle, kidney, lung, and brain its expression was developmentally regulated. Despite its widespread tissue distribution, the poly(alpha2,8-KDN) glycan was detected on a single 150-kDa glycoprotein except for a single >350-kDa glycoprotein in kidney, which makes it most distinctive among polysialic acids. The ubiquitous yet selective expression may be indicative of a general function of the poly(alpha2,8-KDN)-bearing glycoproteins.


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The gastric mucosa of mammalian stomach contains several differentiated cell types specialized for the secretion of acid, digestive enzymes, mucus, and hormones. Understanding whether each of these cell lineages is derived from a common stem cell has been a challenging problem. We have used a genetic approach to analyze the ontogeny of progenitor cells within mouse stomach. Herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase was targeted to parietal cells within the gastric mucosa of transgenic mice, and parietal cells were ablated by treatment of animals with the antiherpetic drug ganciclovir. Ganciclovir treatment produced complete ablation of parietal cells, dissolution of gastric glands, and loss of chief and mucus-producing cells. Termination of drug treatment led to the reemergence of all major gastric epithelial cell types and restoration of glandular architecture. Our results imply the existence of a pluripotent stem cell for the gastric mucosa. Parietal cell ablation should provide a model for analyzing cell lineage relationships within the stomach as well as mechanisms underlying gastric injury and repair.


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Fermentation of nonabsorbed nutrients in the colon generates high concentrations of NH3/NH4+ in the colonic lumen. NH3 is a small, lipophilic neutral weak base that readily permeates almost all cell membranes, whereas its conjugate weak acid NH4+ generally crosses membranes much more slowly. It is not known how colonocytes maintain intracellular pH in the unusual acid-base environment of the colon, where permeant acid-base products of fermentation exist in high concentration. To address this issue, we hand dissected and perfused single, isolated crypts from rabbit proximal colon, adapting techniques from renal-tubule microperfusion. Crypt perfusion permits control of solutions at the apical (luminal) and basolateral (serosal) surfaces of crypt cells. We assessed apical- vs. basolateral-membrane transport of NH3/NH4+ by using fluorescent dyes and digital imaging to monitor intracellular pH of microvacuolated crypt cells as well as luminal pH. We found that, although the basolateral membranes have normal NH3/NH4+ permeability properties, there is no evidence for transport of either NH3 or NH4+ across the apical borders of these crypt cells. Disaggregating luminal mucus did not increase the transport of NH3/NH4+ across the apical border. We conclude that, compared to the basolateral membrane, the apical border of crypt colonocytes has a very low permeability-area product for NH3/NH4+. This barrier may represent an important adaptation for the survival of crypt cells in the environment of the colon.