14 resultados para Molly J. Dahm

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The mouse p53 protein generated by alternative splicing (p53as) has amino acid substitutions at its C terminus that result in constitutively active sequence-specific DNA binding (active form), whereas p53 protein itself binds inefficiently (latent form) unless activated by C-terminal modification. Exogenous p53as expression activated transcription of reporter plasmids containing p53 binding sequences and inhibited growth of mouse and human cells lacking functional endogenous p53. Inducible p53as in stably transfected p53 null fibroblasts increased p21WAF1/Cip-1/Sdi and decreased bcl-2 protein steady-state levels. Endogenous p53as and p53 proteins differed in response to cellular DNA damage. p53 protein was induced transiently in normal keratinocytes and fibroblasts whereas p53as protein accumulation was sustained in parallel with induction of p21WAF1/Cip-1/Sdi protein and mRNA, in support of p53as transcriptional activity. Endogenous p53 and p53as proteins in epidermal tumor cells responded to DNA damage with different kinetics of nuclear accumulation and efficiencies of binding to a p53 consensus DNA sequence. A model is proposed in which C-terminally distinct p53 protein forms specialize in functions, with latent p53 forms primarily for rapid non-sequence-specific binding to sites of DNA damage and active p53 forms for sustained regulation of transcription and growth.


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HIV-1 specifically incorporates the peptidyl prolyl isomerase cyclophilin A (CyPA), the cytosolic receptor for the immunosuppressant cyclosporin A (CsA). HIV-1 replication is inhibited by CsA as well as by nonimmunosuppressive CsA analogues that bind to CyPA and interfere with its virion association. In contrast, the related simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac, which does not interact with CyPA, is resistant to these compounds. The incorporation of CyPA into HIV-1 virions is mediated by a specific interaction between the active site of the enzyme and the capsid (CA) domain of the HIV-1 Gag polyprotein. We report here that the transfer of HIV-1 CA residues 86–93, which form part of an exposed loop, to the corresponding position in SIVmac resulted in the efficient incorporation of CyPA and conferred an HIV-1-like sensitivity to a nonimmunosuppressive cyclosporin. HIV-1 CA residues 86–90 were also sufficient to transfer the ability to efficiently incorporate CyPA, provided that the length of the CyPA-binding loop was preserved. However, the resulting SIVmac mutant required the presence of cyclosporin for efficient virus replication. The results indicate that the presence or absence of a type II tight turn adjacent to the primary CyPA-binding site determines whether CyPA incorporation enhances or inhibits viral replication. By demonstrating that CyPA-binding-site residues can induce cyclosporin sensitivity in a heterologous context, this study provides direct in vivo evidence that the exposed loop between helices IV and V of HIV-1 CA not merely constitutes a docking site for CyPA but is a functional target of this cellular protein.


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An mRNA differential display comparison of mouse JB6 promotion-sensitive (P+) and -resistant (P−) cells identified a novel gene product that inhibits neoplastic transformation. The JB6 P+ and P− cells are genetic variants that differ in their transformation response to tumor promoters; P+ cells form anchorage-independent colonies that are tumorigenic, and P− cells do not. A differentially displayed fragment, A7-1, was preferentially expressed in P− cells at levels ≥10-fold those in P+ cells, making its mRNA a candidate inhibitor of neoplastic transformation. An A7-1 cDNA was isolated that was identical to murine Pdcd4 gene cDNAs, also known as MA-3 or TIS, and analogous to human H731 and 197/15a. Until now, the function of the Pdcd4 protein has been unknown. Paralleling the mRNA levels, Pdcd4 protein levels were greater in P− than in P+ cells. Pdcd4 mRNA was also expressed at greater levels in the less progressed keratinocytes of another mouse skin neoplastic progression series. To test the hypothesis that Pdcd4 inhibits tumor promoter-induced transformation, stable cell lines expressing antisense Pdcd4 were generated from parental P− cells. The reduction of Pdcd4 proteins in antisense lines was accompanied by acquisition of a transformation-sensitive (P+) phenotype. The antisense-transfected cells were reverted to their initial P− phenotype by overexpression of a Pdcd4 sense fragment. These observations demonstrate that the Pdcd4 protein inhibits neoplastic transformation.


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The relative abundance of alternatively spliced long (γ2L) and short (γ2S) mRNAs of the γ2 subunit of the γ-amino butyrate type A (GABAA) receptor was examined in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of schizophrenics and matched controls by using in situ hybridization histochemistry and semiquantitative reverse transcription–PCR (RT-PCR) amplification. A cRNA probe identifying both mRNAs showed that the transcripts are normally expressed at moderately high levels in the prefrontal cortex. Consistent with previous studies, overall levels of γ2 transcripts in prefrontal cortex of brains from schizophrenics were reduced by 28.0%, although this reduction did not reach statistical significance. RT-PCR, performed under nonsaturating conditions on total RNA from the same blocks of tissue used for in situ hybridization histochemistry, revealed a marked reduction in the relative proportion of γ2S transcripts in schizophrenic brains compared with controls. In schizophrenics, γ2S transcripts had fallen to 51.7% (±7.9% SE; P < 0.0001) relative to control levels. Levels of γ2L transcripts showed only a small and nonsignificant reduction of 16.9% (±12.0% SE, P > 0.05). These findings indicate differential transcriptional regulation of two functionally distinct isoforms of one of the major GABAA receptor subunits in the prefrontal cortex of schizophrenics. The specific reduction in relative abundance of γ2S mRNAs and the associated relative increase in γ2L mRNAs should result in functionally less active GABAA receptors and have severe consequences for cortical integrative function.


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Although the function of metallothionein (MT), a 6- to 7-kDa cysteine-rich metal binding protein, remains unclear, it has been suggested from in vitro studies that MT is an important component of intracellular redox signaling, including being a target for nitric oxide (NO). To directly study the interaction between MT and NO in live cells, we generated a fusion protein consisting of MT sandwiched between two mutant green fluorescent proteins (GFPs). In vitro studies with this chimera (FRET-MT) demonstrate that fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be used to follow conformational changes indicative of metal release from MT. Imaging experiments with live endothelial cells show that agents that increase cytoplasmic Ca2+ act via endogenously generated NO to rapidly and persistently release metal from MT. A role for this interaction in intact tissue is supported by the finding that the myogenic reflex of mesenteric arteries is absent in MT knockout mice (MT−/−) unless endogenous NO synthesis is blocked. These results are the first application of intramolecular green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based FRET in a native protein and demonstrate the utility of FRET-MT as an intracellular surrogate indicator of NO production. In addition, an important role of metal thiolate clusters of MT in NO signaling in vascular tissue is revealed.


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One approach to understanding common human diseases is to determine the genetic defects responsible for similar diseases in animal models and place those defective genes in their corresponding biochemical pathways. Our laboratory is working with an animal model for human rheumatoid arthritis called collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). We are particularly interested in determining the location of disease-predisposing loci. To that end, we performed experiments to localize susceptibility loci for CIA in an F2 cross between the highly susceptible mouse strain DBA/1j and the highly resistant mouse strain SWR/j. Specifically, a quantitative trait locus analysis was performed to localize regions of the mouse genome responsible for susceptibility/severity to CIA. One susceptibility locus, Cia1 in the major histocompatibility locus, had been identified previously. Two additional loci were detected in our analysis that contribute to CIA severity (Cia2, Cia3) on chromosomes 2 and 6. A third locus was detected that contributes to the age of onset of the disease. This locus (Cia4) was located on chromosome 2 and was linked to the same region as Cia2. Determining the identity of these loci may provide insights into the etiology of human rheumatoid arthritis.


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Retroviral Gag polyproteins have specific regions, commonly referred to as late assembly (L) domains, which are required for the efficient separation of assembled virions from the host cell. The L domain of HIV-1 is in the C-terminal p6gag domain and contains an essential P(T/S)AP core motif that is widely conserved among lentiviruses. In contrast, the L domains of oncoretroviruses such as Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) have a more N-terminal location and a PPxY core motif. In the present study, we used chimeric Gag constructs to probe for L domain activity, and observed that the unrelated L domains of RSV and HIV-1 both induced the appearance of Gag-ubiquitin conjugates in virus-like particles (VLP). Furthermore, a single-amino acid substitution that abolished the activity of the RSV L domain in VLP release also abrogated its ability to induce Gag ubiquitination. Particularly robust Gag ubiquitination and enhancement of VLP release were observed in the presence of the candidate L domain of Ebola virus, which contains overlapping P(T/S)AP and PPxY motifs. The release defect of a minimal Gag construct could also be corrected through the attachment of a peptide that serves as a physiological docking site for the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4. Furthermore, VLP formation by a full-length Gag polyprotein was sensitive to lactacystin, which depletes the levels of free ubiquitin through inhibition of the proteasome. Our findings suggest that the engagement of the ubiquitin conjugation machinery by L domains plays a crucial role in the release of a diverse group of enveloped viruses.


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Previous studies have suggested that ionizing radiation causes irreparable DNA double-strand breaks in mice and cell lines harboring mutations in any of the three subunits of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) (the catalytic subunit, DNA-PKcs, or one of the DNA-binding subunits, Ku70 or Ku86). In actuality, these mutants vary in their ability to resolve double-strand breaks generated during variable (diversity) joining [V(D)J] recombination. Mutant cell lines and mice with targeted deletions in Ku70 or Ku86 are severely compromised in their ability to form coding and signal joints, the products of V(D)J recombination. It is noteworthy, however, that severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice, which bear a nonnull mutation in DNA-PKcs, are substantially less impaired in forming signal joints than coding joints. The current view holds that the defective protein encoded by the murine SCID allele retains enough residual function to support signal joint formation. An alternative hypothesis proposes that DNA-PKcs and Ku perform different roles in V(D)J recombination, with DNA-PKcs required only for coding joint formation. To resolve this issue, we examined V(D)J recombination in DNA-PKcs-deficient (SLIP) mice. We found that the effects of this mutation on coding and signal joint formation are identical to the effects of the SCID mutation. Signal joints are formed at levels 10-fold lower than in wild type, and one-half of these joints are aberrant. These data are incompatible with the notion that signal joint formation in SCID mice results from residual DNA-PKcs function, and suggest a third possibility: that DNA-PKcs normally plays an important but nonessential role in signal joint formation.


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Some topoisomerase inhibitors trap covalent topoisomerase–DNA complexes as topoisomerase–drug–DNA ternary complexes. Ternary complex formation results in inhibition of DNA replication and generation of permanent double-strand breaks. Recent demonstrations of the stimulation of covalent topoisomerase–DNA complex formation by DNA lesions suggest that DNA damage may act as an endogenous topoisomerase poison. We have investigated the effects of abasic (AP) sites on topoisomerase IV (Topo IV). AP sites can stimulate the formation of covalent Topo IV–DNA complexes when they are located either within the 4 base overhang generated by DNA scission or immediately 5′ to the point of scission (the –1 position). Thus, the AP site acts as a position-specific, endogenous topoisomerase poison. Both EDTA and salt can reverse covalent Topo IV–DNA complexes induced by AP sites located within the 4 base overhang. Interestingly, an AP site at the –1 position inhibits EDTA-mediated reversal of formation of the covalent Topo IV–DNA complex. Furthermore, we find that, unlike quinolone-induced covalent Topo IV–DNA complexes, AP site-induced covalent Topo IV–DNA complexes do not inhibit the helicase activities of the DnaB and T7 Gene 4 proteins. These results suggest that the AP site-induced poisoning of Topo IV does not arrest replication fork progression.


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To quantitatively investigate the trafficking of the transmembrane lectin VIP36 and its relation to cargo-containing transport carriers (TCs), we analyzed a C-terminal fluorescent-protein (FP) fusion, VIP36-SP-FP. When expressed at moderate levels, VIP36-SP-FP localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and intermediate transport structures, and colocalized with epitope-tagged VIP36. Temperature shift and pharmacological experiments indicated VIP36-SP-FP recycled in the early secretory pathway, exhibiting trafficking representative of a class of transmembrane cargo receptors, including the closely related lectin ERGIC53. VIP36-SP-FP trafficking structures comprised tubules and globular elements, which translocated in a saltatory manner. Simultaneous visualization of anterograde secretory cargo and VIP36-SP-FP indicated that the globular structures were pre-Golgi carriers, and that VIP36-SP-FP segregated from cargo within the Golgi and was not included in post-Golgi TCs. Organelle-specific bleach experiments directly measured the exchange of VIP36-SP-FP between the Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Fitting a two-compartment model to the recovery data predicted first order rate constants of 1.22 ± 0.44%/min for ER → Golgi, and 7.68 ± 1.94%/min for Golgi → ER transport, revealing a half-time of 113 ± 70 min for leaving the ER and 1.67 ± 0.45 min for leaving the Golgi, and accounting for the measured steady-state distribution of VIP36-SP-FP (13% Golgi/87% ER). Perturbing transport with AlF4− treatment altered VIP36-SP-GFP distribution and changed the rate constants. The parameters of the model suggest that relatively small differences in the first order rate constants, perhaps manifested in subtle differences in the tendency to enter distinct TCs, result in large differences in the steady-state localization of secretory components.


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After ionising radiation double-strand breaks (dsb) are lethal if not repaired or misrepaired. Cell killing is greatly enhanced by hyperthermia and it is questioned here whether heat not only affects dsb repair capacity but also fidelity in a chromosomal context. dsb repair experiments were designed so as to mainly score non-homologous end joining, while homologous recombination was largely precluded. Human male G0 fibroblasts were either preheated (45°C, 20 min) or not before X-irradiation. dsb induction and repair were measured by conventional gel electrophoresis and an assay combining restriction digestion using a rare cutting enzyme (NotI) and Southern hybridisation, which detects large chromosomal rearrangements (>100 kb). dsb induction rate in an X-chromosomal NotI fragment was 4.8 × 10–3 dsb/Gy/Mb. Similar values were found for the genome overall and also when cells were preheated. After 50 Gy, fibroblasts were competent to largely restore the original restriction fragment size. Five per cent of dsb remained non-rejoined and 14% were misrejoined. Correct restitution of restriction fragments occurred preferably during the first hour but continued at a slow rate for 12–16 h. In addition, dsb appeared to misrejoin throughout the entire repair period. After hyperthermia the fractions of non-rejoined and misrejoined dsb were similarly increased to 13 and 51%, respectively. It is suggested that heat increases the probability of dsb being incorrectly rejoined but it is not likely to interfere with one dsb repair pathway in particular.


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Genotoxic stress activation of the tumor suppressor transcription factor p53 involves post-translational C-terminal modifications that increase both protein stability and DNA binding activity. We compared the requirement for p53 protein activation of p53 target sequences in two major p53-regulated genes, p21/WAF1 (encoding a cell cycle inhibitory protein) and Mdm2 (encoding a ubiquitin ligase that targets p53 for proteolytic degradation). The p53 binding site in the proximal p21/WAF1 promoter contains a single p53 binding consensus sequence, while the p53 binding site in the Mdm2 promoter contains two consensus sequences linked by a 17 bp spacer. Binding of recombinant p53 protein to the p21/WAF1 binding site required monoclonal antibody PAb421, which can mimic activating phosphorylation and/or acetylation events at the C-terminus. In contrast, recombinant p53 bound strongly to the Mdm2 binding site in the absence of PAb421 antibody. Separate binding to each consensus sequence of the Mdm2 binding site still required PAb421, indicating that p53 binding was not simply due to greater affinity to the Mdm2 consensus sequences. Linking two p21/WAF1 binding sites with the 17 bp spacer region from the Mdm2 gene eliminated the PAb421 requirement for p53 binding to the p21/WAF1 site. These results suggest a mechanism for regulation of Mdm2 gene transcription that differs from that other p53-induced genes by its lack of a requirement for C-terminal activation of p53 protein. A steady induction of Mdm2 protein would maintain p53 protein at low levels until post-translational modifications following DNA damage increased p53 activity towards other genes, mediating p53 growth inhibitory and apoptotic activities.


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Here we report an approach to the design and production of antibody/ligand pairs, to achieve functional affinity far greater than avidin/biotin. Using fundamental chemical principles, we have developed antibody/ligand pairs that retain the binding specificity of the antibody, but do not dissociate. Choosing a structurally characterized antibody/ligand pair as an example, we engineered complementary reactive groups in the antibody binding pocket and the ligand, so that they would be in close proximity in the antibody/ligand complex. Cross-reactions with other molecules in the medium are averted because of the low reactivity of these groups; however, in the antibody/ligand complex the effective local concentrations of the complementary reactive groups are very large, allowing a covalent reaction to link the two together. By eliminating the dissociation of the ligand from the antibody, we have made the affinity functionally infinite. This chemical manipulation of affinity is applicable to other biological binding pairs.


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The extracellular factors that determine a cell's responsiveness to neurotransmitters are of particular relevance for pharmacologically diverse cell types such as neurons and smooth muscle. We previously demonstrated that matrix-associated factors are capable of dramatically and specifically suppressing the responsiveness of smooth muscle to the neuropeptide, substance P. We now demonstrate that this influence of extracellular matrix on the pharmacological phenotype of smooth muscle cells can be blocked specifically by an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD)-containing antagonist of integrins. Of a battery of integrin ligands tested, only thrombospondin mimicked the effect of the extracellular matrix on substance P responsiveness. This effect of thrombospondin was dose dependent, RGD sensitive, and blocked by an antibody directed against the RGD-containing region of thrombospondin. Because the mRNA for thrombospondin is present in the cells of the chicken amnion, this extracellular factor may normally suppress substance P responsiveness in amniotic smooth muscle. The results suggest a role for matrix-associated integrin ligands in the regulation of cellular responses to specific neurotransmitters and hormones and in the development and maintenance of tissue-specific pharmacological properties.