39 resultados para Molecular recognition

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The Arabidopsis thaliana disease resistance genes RPS2 and RPM1 belong to a class of plant disease resistance genes that encode proteins that contain an N-terminal tripartite nucleotide binding site (NBS) and a C- terminal tandem array of leucine-rich repeats. RPS2 and RPM1 confer resistance to strains of the bacterial phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae carrying the avirulence genes avrRpt2 and avrB, respectively. In these gene-for-gene relationships, it has been proposed that pathogen avirulence genes generate specific ligands that are recognized by cognate receptors encoded by the corresponding plant resistance genes. To test this hypothesis, it is crucial to know the site of the potential molecular recognition. Mutational analysis of RPS2 protein and in vitro translation/translocation studies indicated that RPS2 protein is localized in the plant cytoplasm. To determine whether avirulence gene products themselves are the ligands for resistance proteins, we expressed the avrRpt2 and avrB genes directly in plant cells using a novel quantitative transient expression assay, and found that expression of avrRpt2 and avrB elicited a resistance response in plants carrying the corresponding resistance genes. This observation indicates that no bacterial factors other than the avirulence gene products are required for the specific resistance response as long as the avirulence gene products are correctly localized. We propose that molecular recognition of P. syringae in RPS2- and RPM1-specified resistance occurs inside of plant cells.


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Phenylamidine cationic groups linked by a furan ring (furamidine) and related compounds bind as monomers to AT sequences of DNA. An unsymmetric derivative (DB293) with one of the phenyl rings of furamidine replaced with a benzimidazole has been found by quantitative footprinting analyses to bind to GC-containing sites on DNA more strongly than to pure AT sequences. NMR structural analysis and surface plasmon resonance binding results clearly demonstrate that DB293 binds in the minor groove at specific GC-containing sequences of DNA in a highly cooperative manner as a stacked dimer. Neither the symmetric bisphenyl nor bisbenzimidazole analogs of DB293 bind significantly to the GC containing sequences. DB293 provides a paradigm for design of compounds for specific recognition of mixed DNA sequences and extends the boundaries for small molecule-DNA recognition.


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Angiogenesis inhibitors are a novel class of promising therapeutic agents for treating cancer and other human diseases. Fumagillin and ovalicin compose a class of structurally related natural products that potently inhibit angiogenesis by blocking endothelial cell proliferation. A synthetic analog of fumagillin, TNP-470, is currently undergoing clinical trials for treatment of a variety of cancers. A common target for fumagillin and ovalicin recently was identified as the type 2 methionine aminopeptidase (MetAP2). These natural products bind MetAP2 covalently, inhibiting its enzymatic activity. The specificity of this binding is underscored by the lack of inhibition of the closely related type 1 enzyme, MetAP1. The molecular basis of the high affinity and specificity of these inhibitors for MetAP2 has remained undiscovered. To determine the structural elements of these inhibitors and MetAP2 that are involved in this interaction, we synthesized fumagillin analogs in which each of the potentially reactive epoxide groups was removed either individually or in combination. We found that the ring epoxide in fumagillin is involved in the covalent modification of MetAP2, whereas the side chain epoxide group is dispensable. By using a fumagillin analog tagged with fluorescein, His-231 in MetAP2 was identified as the residue that is covalently modified by fumagillin. Site-directed mutagenesis of His-231 demonstrated its importance for the catalytic activity of MetAP2 and confirmed that the same residue is covalently modified by fumagillin. These results, in agreement with a recent structural study, suggest that fumagillin and ovalicin inhibit MetAP2 by irreversible blockage of the active site.


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In an effort to determine whether proteins with structures other than the immunoglobulin fold can be used to mimic the ligand binding properties of antibodies, we generated a library from the four-helix bundle protein cytochrome b562 in which the two loops were randomized. Panning of this library against the bovine serum albumin (BSA) conjugate of N-methyl-p-nitrobenzylamine derivative 1 by phage display methods yielded cytochromes in which residues Trp-20, Arg-21, and Ser-22 in loop A and Arg-83 and Trp-84 in loop B were conserved. The individual mutants, which fold into native-like structure, bind selectively to the BSA-1 conjugate with micromolar dissociation constants (Kd), in comparison to a monoclonal antibody that binds selectively to 1 with a Kd of 290 nM. These and other antibody-like receptors may prove useful as therapeutic agents or as reagents for both intra- and extracellular studies.


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The cleavage specificity of the Pvu II and BamHI restriction endonucleases is found to be dramatically reduced at elevated osmotic pressure. Relaxation in specificity of these otherwise highly accurate and specific enzymes, previously termed "star activity," is uniquely correlated with osmotic pressure between 0 and 100 atmospheres. No other colligative solvent property exhibits a uniform correlation with star activity for all of the compounds tested. Application of hydrostatic pressure counteracts the effects of osmotic pressure and restores the natural selectivity of the enzymes for their canonical recognition sequences. These results indicate that water solvation plays an important role in the site-specific recognition of DNA by many restriction enzymes. Osmotic pressure did not induce an analogous effect on the specificity of the EcoRV endonuclease, implying that selective hydration effects do not participate in DNA recognition in this system. Hydrostatic pressure was found to have little effect on the star activity induced by changes in ionic strength, pH, or divalent cation, suggesting that distinct mechanisms may exist for these observed alterations in specificity. Recent evidence has indicated that BamHI and EcoRI share similar structural motifs, while Pvu II and EcoRV belong to a different structural family. Evidently, the use of hydration water to assist in site-specific recognition is a motif neither limited to nor defined by structural families.


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Staphylococcus aureus produces a virulence factor, protein A (SpA), that contains five homologous Ig-binding domains. The interactions of SpA with the Fab region of membrane-anchored Igs can stimulate a large fraction of B cells, contributing to lymphocyte clonal selection. To understand the molecular basis for this activity, we have solved the crystal structure of the complex between domain D of SpA and the Fab fragment of a human IgM antibody to 2.7-Å resolution. In the complex, helices II and III of domain D interact with the variable region of the Fab heavy chain (VH) through framework residues, without the involvement of the hypervariable regions implicated in antigen recognition. The contact residues are highly conserved in human VH3 antibodies but not in other families. The contact residues from domain D also are conserved among all SpA Ig-binding domains, suggesting that each could bind in a similar manner. Features of this interaction parallel those reported for staphylococcal enterotoxins that are superantigens for many T cells. The structural homology between Ig VH regions and the T-cell receptor Vβ regions facilitates their comparison, and both types of interactions involve lymphocyte receptor surface remote from the antigen binding site. However, T-cell superantigens reportedly interact through hydrogen bonds with T-cell receptor Vβ backbone atoms in a primary sequence-independent manner, whereas SpA relies on a sequence-restricted conformational binding with residue side chains, suggesting that this common bacterial pathogen has adopted distinct molecular recognition strategies for affecting large sets of B and T lymphocytes.


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The search for novel leads is a critical step in the drug discovery process. Computational approaches to identify new lead molecules have focused on discovering complete ligands by evaluating the binding affinity of a large number of candidates, a task of considerable complexity. A new computational method is introduced in this work based on the premise that the primary molecular recognition event in the protein binding site may be accomplished by small core fragments that serve as molecular anchors, providing a structurally stable platform that can be subsequently tailored into complete ligands. To fulfill its role, we show that an effective molecular anchor must meet both the thermodynamic requirement of relative energetic stability of a single binding mode and its consistent kinetic accessibility, which may be measured by the structural consensus of multiple docking simulations. From a large number of candidates, this technique is able to identify known core fragments responsible for primary recognition by the FK506 binding protein (FKBP-12), along with a diverse repertoire of novel molecular cores. By contrast, absolute energetic criteria for selecting molecular anchors are found to be promiscuous. A relationship between a minimum frustration principle of binding energy landscapes and receptor-specific molecular anchors in their role as "recognition nuclei" is established, thereby unraveling a mechanism of lead discovery and providing a practical route to receptor-biased computational combinatorial chemistry.


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A methodology has been developed for the study of molecular recognition at the level of single events and for the localization of sites on biosurfaces, in combining force microscopy with molecular recognition by specific ligands. For this goal, a sensor was designed by covalently linking an antibody (anti-human serum albumin, polyclonal) via a flexible spacer to the tip of a force microscope. This sensor permitted detection of single antibody-antigen recognition events by force signals of unique shape with an unbinding force of 244 +/- 22 pN. Analysis revealed that observed unbinding forces originate from the dissociation of individual Fab fragments from a human serum albumin molecule. The two Fab fragments of the antibody were found to bind independently and with equal probability. The flexible linkage provided the antibody with a 6-nm dynamical reach for binding, rendering binding probability high, 0.5 for encounter times of 60 ms. This permitted fast and reliable detection of antigenic sites during lateral scans with a positional accuracy of 1.5 nm. It is indicated that this methodology has promise for characterizing rate constants and kinetics of molecular recognition complexes and for molecular mapping of biosurfaces such as membranes.


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Proteins play an important role in the biological mechanisms controlling hard tissue development, but the details of molecular recognition at inorganic crystal interfaces remain poorly characterized. We have applied a recently developed homonuclear dipolar recoupling solid-state NMR technique, dipolar recoupling with a windowless sequence (DRAWS), to directly probe the conformation of an acidic peptide adsorbed to hydroxyapatite (HAP) crystals. The phosphorylated hexapeptide, DpSpSEEK (N6, where pS denotes phosphorylated serine), was derived from the N terminus of the salivary protein statherin. Constant-composition kinetic characterization demonstrated that, like the native statherin, this peptide inhibits the growth of HAP seed crystals when preadsorbed to the crystal surface. The DRAWS technique was used to measure the internuclear distance between two 13C labels at the carbonyl positions of the adjacent phosphoserine residues. Dipolar dephasing measured at short mixing times yielded a mean separation distance of 3.2 ± 0.1 Å. Data obtained by using longer mixing times suggest a broad distribution of conformations about this average distance. Using a more complex model with discrete α-helical and extended conformations did not yield a better fit to the data and was not consistent with chemical shift analysis. These results suggest that the peptide is predominantly in an extended conformation rather than an α-helical state on the HAP surface. Solid-state NMR approaches can thus be used to determine directly the conformation of biologically relevant peptides on HAP surfaces. A better understanding of peptide and protein conformation on biomineral surfaces may provide design principles useful for the modification of orthopedic and dental implants with coatings and biological growth factors that are designed to enhance biocompatibility with surrounding tissue.


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Cation-π interactions are important forces in molecular recognition by biological receptors, enzyme catalysis, and crystal engineering. We have harnessed these interactions in designing molecular systems with circular arrangement of benzene units that are capable of acting as ionophores and models for biological receptors. [n]Collarenes are promising candidates with high selectivity for a specific cation, depending on n, because of their structural rigidity and well-defined cavity size. The interaction energies of [n]collarenes with cations have been evaluated by using ab initio calculations. The selectivity of these [n]collarenes in aqueous solution was revealed by using statistical perturbation theory in conjunction with Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations. It has been observed that in [n]collarenes the ratio of the interaction energies of a cation with it and the cation with the basic building unit (benzene) can be correlated to its ion selectivity. We find that collarenes are excellent and efficient ionophores that bind cations through cation-π interactions. [6]Collarene is found to be a selective host for Li+ and Mg2+, [8]collarene for K+ and Sr2+, and [10]collarene for Cs+ and Ba2+. This finding indicates that [10]collarene and [8]collarene could be used for effective separation of highly radioactive isotopes, 137Cs and 90Sr, which are major constituents of nuclear wastes. More interestingly, collarenes of larger cavity size can be useful in capturing organic cations. [12]Collarene exhibits a pronounced affinity for tetramethylammonium cation and acetylcholine, which implies that it could serve as a model for acetylcholinestrase. Thus, collarenes can prove to be novel and effective ionophores/model-receptors capable of heralding a new direction in molecular recognition and host-guest chemistry.


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As a problem in molecular recognition and for drug discovery, great interest has developed around the possibility that RNA structures could be discriminated by peptides and other small molecules. Although small peptides have been shown to have the capacity to discriminate specific bulges and loops in RNA molecules, discrimination of double helical regions by a peptide binder has not been reported. Indeed, the most accessible part of an RNA helix is the minor groove, and fundamental stereochemical considerations have suggested that discrimination of at least some base pairs would be difficult in the minor groove. Here we report the design and isolation of a peptide binder that manifests the most subtle kind of discrimination of base pair differences in the RNA minor groove. Functional discrimination of a single atomic group is demonstrated as well as the difference between two different angular orientations of the same group. This report of RNA helix discrimination by a peptide binder suggests a richer potential for RNA minor groove recognition than previously thought.


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We demonstrate that the ligand pocket of a lipocalin from Pieris brassicae, the bilin-binding protein (BBP), can be reshaped by combinatorial protein design such that it recognizes fluorescein, an established immunological hapten. For this purpose 16 residues at the center of the binding site, which is formed by four loops on top of an eight-stranded β-barrel, were subjected to random mutagenesis. Fluorescein-binding BBP variants were then selected from the mutant library by bacterial phage display. Three variants were identified that complex fluorescein with high affinity, exhibiting dissociation constants as low as 35.2 nM. Notably, one of these variants effects almost complete quenching of the ligand fluorescence, similarly as an anti-fluorescein antibody. Detailed ligand-binding studies and site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicated (i) that the molecular recognition of fluorescein is specific and (ii) that charged residues at the center of the pocket are responsible for tight complex formation. Sequence comparison of the BBP variants directed against fluorescein with the wild-type protein and with further variants that were selected against several other ligands revealed that all of the randomized amino acid positions are variable. Hence, a lipocalin can be used for generating molecular pockets with a diversity of shapes. We term this class of engineered proteins “anticalins.” Their one-domain scaffold makes them a promising alternative to antibodies to create a stable receptor protein for a ligand of choice.


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The syndecans are transmembrane proteoglycans that place structurally heterogeneous heparan sulfate chains at the cell surface and a highly conserved polypeptide in the cytoplasm. Their versatile heparan sulfate moieties support various processes of molecular recognition, signaling, and trafficking. Here we report the identification of a protein that binds to the cytoplasmic domains of the syndecans in yeast two-hybrid screens, surface plasmon resonance experiments, and ligand-overlay assays. This protein, syntenin, contains a tandem repeat of PDZ domains that reacts with the FYA C-terminal amino acid sequence of the syndecans. Recombinant enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP)–syntenin fusion proteins decorate the plasmamembrane and intracellular vesicles, where they colocalize and cosegregate with syndecans. Cells that overexpress eGFP–syntenin show numerous cell surface extensions, suggesting effects of syntenin on cytoskeleton–membrane organization. We propose that syntenin may function as an adaptor that couples syndecans to cytoskeletal proteins or cytosolic downstream signal-effectors.


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Rolling circle amplification (RCA) is a surface-anchored DNA replication reaction that can be exploited to visualize single molecular recognition events. Here we report the use of RCA to visualize target DNA sequences as small as 50 nts in peripheral blood lymphocytes or in stretched DNA fibers. Three unique target sequences within the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene could be detected simultaneously in interphase nuclei, and could be ordered in a linear map in stretched DNA. Allele-discriminating oligonucleotide probes in conjunction with RCA also were used to discriminate wild-type and mutant alleles in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, p53, BRCA-1, and Gorlin syndrome genes in the nuclei of cultured cells or in DNA fibers. These observations demonstrate that signal amplification by RCA can be coupled to nucleic acid hybridization and multicolor fluorescence imaging to detect single nucleotide changes in DNA within a cytological context or in single DNA molecules. This provides a means for direct physical haplotyping and the analysis of somatic mutations on a cell-by-cell basis.


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The cation-pi interaction is an important, general force for molecular recognition in biological receptors. Through the sidechains of aromatic amino acids, novel binding sites for cationic ligands such as acetylcholine can be constructed. We report here a number of calculations on prototypical cation-pi systems, emphasizing structures of relevance to biological receptors and prototypical heterocycles of the type often of importance in medicinal chemistry. Trends in the data can be rationalized using a relatively simple model that emphasizes the electrostatic component of the cation-pi interaction. In particular, plots of the electrostatic potential surfaces of the relevant aromatics provide useful guidelines for predicting cation-pi interactions in new systems.