5 resultados para Mixed marine-terrestrial assemblage

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Some islands in the Gulf of California support very high densities of spiders. Spider density is negatively correlated with island size; many small islands support 50-200 spiders per m3 of cactus. Energy for these spiders comes primarily from the ocean and not from in situ productivity by land plants. We explicitly connect the marine and terrestrial systems to show that insular food webs represent one endpoint of the marine web. We describe two conduits for marine energy entering these islands: shore drift and seabird colonies. Both conduits are related to island area, having a much stronger effect on smaller islands. This asymmetric effect helps to explain the exceptionally high spider densities on small islands. Although productivity sets the maximal potential densities, predation (by scorpions) limits realized spider abundance. Thus, prey availability and predation act in concert to set insular spider abundance.


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A densely sampled, diverse new fauna from the uppermost Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, indicates that the basic pattern of faunal composition for the Late Cretaceous of North America was already established by the Albian-Cenomanian boundary. Multiple, concordant 40Ar/39Ar determinations from a volcanic ash associated with the fauna have an average age of 98.39 ± 0.07 million years. The fauna of the Cedar Mountain Formation records the first global appearance of hadrosaurid dinosaurs, advanced lizard (e.g., Helodermatidae), and mammal (e.g., Marsupialia) groups, and the first North American appearance of other taxa such as tyrannosaurids, pachycephalosaurs, and snakes. Although the origin of many groups is unclear, combined biostratigraphic and phylogenetic evidence suggests an Old World, specifically Asian, origin for some of the taxa, an hypothesis that is consistent with existing evidence from tectonics and marine invertebrates. Large-bodied herbivores are mainly represented by low-level browsers, ornithopod dinosaurs, whose radiations have been hypothesized to be related to the initial diversification of angiosperm plants. Diversity at the largest body sizes (>106 g) is low, in contrast to both preceding and succeeding faunas; sauropods, which underwent demise in the Northern hemisphere coincident with the radiation of angiosperms, apparently went temporarily unreplaced by other megaherbivores. Morphologic and taxonomic diversity among small, omnivorous mammals, multituberculates, is also low. A later apparent increase in diversity occurred during the Campanian, coincident with the appearance of major fruit types among angiosperms, suggesting the possibility of adaptive response to new resources.


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In the most extensive analysis of body size in marine invertebrates to date, we show that the size–frequency distributions of northeastern Pacific bivalves at the provincial level are surprisingly invariant in modal and median size as well as size range, despite a 4-fold change in species richness from the tropics to the Arctic. The modal sizes and shapes of these size–frequency distributions are consistent with the predictions of an energetic model previously applied to terrestrial mammals and birds. However, analyses of the Miocene–Recent history of body sizes within 82 molluscan genera show little support for the expectation that the modal size is an evolutionary attractor over geological time.


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Archaea, one of the three major domains of extant life, was thought to comprise predominantly microorganisms that inhabit extreme environments, inhospitable to most Eucarya and Bacteria. However, molecular phylogenetic surveys of native microbial assemblages are beginning to indicate that the evolutionary and physiological diversity of Archaea is far greater than previously supposed. We report here the discovery and preliminary characterization of a marine archaeon that inhabits the tissues of a temperate water sponge. The association was specific, with a single crenarchaeal phylotype inhabiting a single sponge host species. To our knowledge, this partnership represents the first described symbiosis involving Crenarchaeota. The symbiotic archaeon grows well at temperatures of 10 degrees C, over 60 degrees C below the growth temperature optimum of any cultivated species of Crenarchaeota. Archaea have been generally characterized as microorganisms that inhabit relatively circumscribed niches, largely high-temperature anaerobic environments. In contrast, data from molecular phylogenetic surveys, including this report, suggest that some crenarchaeotes have diversified considerably and are found in a wide variety of lifestyles and habitats. We present here the identification and initial description of Cenarchaeum symbiosum gen. nov., sp. nov., a symbiotic archaeon closely related to other nonthermophilic crenarchaeotes that inhabit diverse marine and terrestrial environments.


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Because of its prominent role in global biomass storage, land vegetation is the most obvious biota to be investigated for records of dramatic ecologic crisis in Earth history. There is accumulating evidence that, throughout the world, sedimentary organic matter preserved in latest Permian deposits is characterized by unparalleled abundances of fungal remains, irrespective of depositional environment (marine, lacustrine, fluviatile), floral provinciality, and climatic zonation. This fungal event can be considered to reflect excessive dieback of arboreous vegetation, effecting destabilization and subsequent collapse of terrestrial ecosystems with concomitant loss of standing biomass. Such a scenario is in harmony with predictions that the Permian-Triassic ecologic crisis was triggered by the effects of severe changes in atmospheric chemistry arising from the rapid eruption of the Siberian Traps flood basalts.