9 resultados para Memories and visions
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Hippocampal-based behavioral memories and hippocampal-based forms of synaptic plasticity, such as long-term potentiation, are divisible into short- and long-term phases, with the long-term phase requiring the synthesis of new proteins and mRNA for its persistence. By contrast, it is less clear whether long-term depression (LTD) can be divisible into phases. We here describe that in stable hippocampal organotypic cultures, LTD also is not a unitary event but a multiphase process. A prolonged stimulus of 900 stimuli spaced at 1 Hz for 15 min induces a late phase of LTD, which is protein- and mRNA synthesis-dependent. By contrast, a short train of the same 900 stimuli massed at 5 Hz for 3 min produces only a short-lasting LTD. This short-lasting LTD is capable of capturing late-phase LTD. The 5-Hz stimulus or the prolonged 1-Hz stimulus in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors each can be transformed into an enduring late phase of depression when the prolonged stimulus is applied to another input in the same population of neurons.
Humans are consciously aware of some memories and can make verbal reports about these memories. Other memories cannot be brought to consciousness, even though they influence behavior. This conspicuous difference in access to memories is central in taxonomies of human memory systems but has been difficult to document in animal studies, suggesting that some forms of memory may be unique to humans. Here I show that rhesus macaque monkeys can report the presence or absence of memory. Although it is probably impossible to document subjective, conscious properties of memory in nonverbal animals, this result objectively demonstrates an important functional parallel with human conscious memory. Animals able to discern the presence and absence of memory should improve accuracy if allowed to decline memory tests when they have forgotten, and should decline tests most frequently when memory is attenuated experimentally. One of two monkeys examined unequivocally met these criteria under all test conditions, whereas the second monkey met them in all but one case. Probe tests were used to rule out “cueing” by a wide variety of environmental and behavioral stimuli, leaving detection of the absence of memory per se as the most likely mechanism underlying the monkeys' abilities to selectively decline memory tests when they had forgotten.
The basal forebrain complex, which includes the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM), provides widespread cholinergic and γ-aminobutyric acid-containing projections throughout the brain, including the insular and pyriform cortices. A number of studies have implicated the cholinergic neurons in the mediation of learning and memory processes. However, the role of basal forebrain activity in information retrieval mechanisms is less known. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effects of reversible inactivation of the NBM by tetrodotoxin (TTX, a voltage-sensitive sodium channel blocker) during the acquisition and retrieval of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) and to measure acetylcholine (ACh) release during TTX inactivation in the insular cortex, by means of the microdialysis technique in free-moving rats. Bilateral infusion of TTX in the NBM was performed 30 min before the presentation of gustative stimuli, in either the CTA acquisition trial or retrieval trial. At the same time, levels of extracellular ACh release were measured in the insular cortex. The behavioral results showed significant impairment in CTA acquisition when the TTX was infused in the NBM, whereas retrieval was not affected when the treatment was given during the test trial. Biochemical results showed that TTX infusion into the NBM produced a marked decrease in cortical ACh release as compared with the controls during consumption of saccharin in the acquisition trial. Depleted ACh levels were found during the test trial in all groups except in the group that received TTX during acquisition. These results suggest a cholinergic-dependent process during acquisition, but not during memory retrieval, and that NBM-mediated cholinergic cortical release may play an important role in early stages of learning, but not during recall of aversive memories.
Long-term potentiation (LTP) of excitatory transmission is an important candidate cellular mechanism for the storage of memories in the mammalian brain. The subcellular phenomena that underlie the persistent increase in synaptic strength, however, are incompletely understood. A potentially powerful method to detect a presynaptic increase in glutamate release is to examine the effect of LTP induction on the rate at which the use-dependent blocker MK-801 attenuates successive N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor-mediated synaptic signals. This method, however, has given apparently contradictory results when applied in hippocampal CA1. The inconsistency could be explained if NMDA receptors were opened by glutamate not only released from local presynaptic terminals, but also diffusing from synapses on neighboring cells where LTP was not induced. Here we examine the effect of pairing-induced LTP on the MK-801 blocking rate in two afferent inputs to dentate granule cells. LTP in the medial perforant path is associated with a significant increase in the MK-801 blocking rate, implying a presynaptic increase in glutamate release probability. An enhanced MK-801 blocking rate is not seen, however, in the lateral perforant path. This result still could be compatible with a presynaptic contribution to LTP in the lateral perforant path if intersynaptic cross-talk occurred. In support of this hypothesis, we show that NMDA receptors consistently sense more quanta of glutamate than do α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors. In the medial perforant path, in contrast, there is no significant difference in the number of quanta mediated by the two receptors. These results support a presynaptic contribution to LTP and imply that differences in intersynaptic cross-talk can complicate the interpretation of experiments designed to detect changes in transmitter release.
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have impaired ability to use context, which may manifest as alterations of relatedness within the semantic network. However, impairment in context use may be more difficult to detect in high-functioning adults with ASD. To test context use in this population, we examined the influence of context on memory by using the “false memory” test. In the false memory task, lists of words were presented to high-functioning subjects with ASD and matched controls. Each list consists of words highly related to an index word not on the list. Subjects are then given a recognition test. Positive responses to the index words represent false memories. We found that individuals with ASD are able to discriminate false memory items from true items significantly better than are control subjects. Memory in patients with ASD may be more accurate than in normal individuals under certain conditions. These results also suggest that semantic representations comprise a less distributed network in high-functioning adults with ASD. Furthermore, these results may be related to the unusually high memory capacities found in some individuals with ASD. Research directed at defining the range of tasks performed superiorly by high-functioning individuals with ASD will be important for optimal vocational rehabilitation.
It is now clear that there are a number of different forms or aspects of learning and memory that involve different brain systems. Broadly, memory phenomena have been categorized as explicit or implicit. Thus, explicit memories for experience involve the hippocampus–medial temporal lobe system and implicit basic associative learning and memory involves the cerebellum, amygdala, and other systems. Under normal conditions, however, many of these brain–memory systems are engaged to some degree in learning situations. But each of these brain systems is learning something different about the situation. The cerebellum is necessary for classical conditioning of discrete behavioral responses (eyeblink, limb flexion) under all conditions; however, in the “trace” procedure where a period of no stimuli intervenes between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus the hippocampus plays a critical role. Trace conditioning appears to provide a simple model of explicit memory where analysis of brain substrates is feasible. Analysis of the role of the cerebellum in basic delay conditioning (stimuli overlap) indicates that the memories are formed and stored in the cerebellum. The phenomenon of cerebellar long-term depression is considered as a putative mechanism of memory storage.
Memory illusions and distortions have long been of interest to psychology researchers studying memory, but neuropsychologists and neuroscientists have paid relatively little attention to them. This article attempts to lay the foundation for a cognitive neuroscience analysis of memory illusions and distortions by reviewing relevant evidence from a patient with a right frontal lobe lesion, patients with amnesia produced by damage to the medial temporal lobes, normal aging, and healthy young volunteers studied with functional neuroimaging techniques. Particular attention is paid to the contrasting roles of prefrontal cortex and medial temporal lobe structures in accurate and illusory remembering. Converging evidence suggests that the study of illusory memories can provide a useful tool for delineating the brain processes and systems involved in constructive aspects of remembering.
We used [3H]thymidine to document the birth of neurons and their recruitment into the hippocampal complex (HC) of juvenile (4.5 months old) and adult blackcapped chickadees (Parus atricapillus) living in their natural surroundings. Birds received a single dose of [3H]thymidine in August and were recaptured and killed 6 weeks later, in early October. All brains were stained with Cresyl violet, a Nissl stain. The boundaries of the HC were defined by reference to the ventricular wall, the brain surface, or differences in neuronal packing density. The HC of juveniles was as large as or larger than that of adults and packing density of HC neurons was 31% higher in juveniles than in adults. Almost all of the 3H-labeled HC neurons were found in a 350-m-wide layer of tissue adjacent to the lateral ventricle. Within this layer the fraction of 3H-labeled neurons was 50% higher in juveniles than in adults. We conclude that the HC of juvenile chickadees recruits more neurons and has more neurons than that of adults. We speculate that juveniles encounter greater environmental novelty than adults and that the greater number of HC neurons found in juveniles allows them to learn more than adults. At a more general level, we suggest that (i) long-term learning alters HC neurons irreversibly; (ii) sustained hippocampal learning requires the periodic replacement of HC neurons; (iii) memories coded by hippocampal neurons are transferred elsewhere before the neurons are replaced.
A dissociation between human neural systems that participate in the encoding and later recognition of new memories for faces was demonstrated by measuring memory task-related changes in regional cerebral blood flow with positron emission tomography. There was almost no overlap between the brain structures associated with these memory functions. A region in the right hippocampus and adjacent cortex was activated during memory encoding but not during recognition. The most striking finding in neocortex was the lateralization of prefrontal participation. Encoding activated left prefrontal cortex, whereas recognition activated right prefrontal cortex. These results indicate that the hippocampus and adjacent cortex participate in memory function primarily at the time of new memory encoding. Moreover, face recognition is not mediated simply by recapitulation of operations performed at the time of encoding but, rather, involves anatomically dissociable operations.