15 resultados para Marks of origin
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
The promoters of MEA (FIS1), FIS2, and FIE (FIS3), genes that repress seed development in the absence of pollination, were fused to β-glucuronidase (GUS) to study their activity pattern. The FIS2∷GUS product is found in the embryo sac, in each of the polar cell nuclei, and in the central cell nucleus. After pollination, the maternally derived FIS2∷GUS protein occurs in the nuclei of the cenocytic endosperm. Before cellularization of the endosperm, activity is terminated in the micropylar and central nuclei of the endosperm and subsequently in the nuclei of the chalazal cyst. MEA∷GUS has a pattern of activity similar to that of FIS2∷GUS, but FIE∷GUS protein is found in many tissues, including the prepollination embryo sac, and in embryo and endosperm postpollination. The similarity in mutant phenotypes; the activity of FIE, MEA, and FIS2 in the same cells in the embryo sac; and the fact that MEA and FIE proteins interact in a yeast two-hybrid system suggest that these proteins operate in the same system of control of seed development. Maternal and not paternal FIS2∷GUS, MEA∷GUS, and FIE∷GUS show activity in early endosperm, so these genes may be imprinted. When fis2, mea, and fie mutants are pollinated, seed development is arrested at the heart embryo stage. The seed arrest of mea and fis2 is avoided when they are fertilized by a low methylation parent. The wild-type alleles of MEA or FIS2 are not required. The parent-of-origin-determined differential activity of MEA, FIS2, and FIE is not dependent on DNA methylation, but methylation does control some gene(s) that have key roles in seed development.
Himalayacetus subathuensis is a new pakicetid archaeocete from the Subathu Formation of northern India. The type dentary has a small mandibular canal indicating a lack of auditory specializations seen in more advanced cetaceans, and it has Pakicetus-like molar teeth suggesting that it fed on fish. Himalayacetus is significant because it is the oldest archaeocete known and because it was found in marine strata associated with a marine fauna. Himalayacetus extends the fossil record of whales about 3.5 million years back in geological time, to the middle part of the early Eocene [≈53.5 million years ago (Ma)]. Oxygen in the tooth-enamel phosphate has an isotopic composition intermediate between values reported for freshwater and marine archaeocetes, indicating that Himalayacetus probably spent some time in both environments. When the temporal range of Archaeoceti is calibrated radiometrically, comparison of likelihoods constrains the time of origin of Archaeoceti and hence Cetacea to about 54–55 Ma (beginning of the Eocene), whereas their divergence from extant Artiodactyla may have been as early as 64–65 Ma (beginning of the Cenozoic).
The database of imprinted genes and parent-of-origin effects in animals (http:// www.otago.ac.nz/IGC) is a collation of genes and phenotypes for which parent-of-origin effects have been reported. The database currently includes over 220 entries, which describe over 40 imprinted genes in human, mouse and other animals. In addition a wide variety of other parent-of-origin effects, such as transmission of human disease phenotypes, transmission of QTLs, uniparental disomies and interspecies crosses are recorded. Data are accessed through a search engine and references are hyperlinked to PubMed.
A new set of European genetic data has been analyzed to dissect independent patterns of geographic variation. The most important cause of European genetic variation has been confirmed to correspond to the migration of Neolithic farmers from the area of origin of agriculture in the Middle East. The next most important component of genetic variation is apparently associated with a north-south gradient possibly due to adaptation to cold climates but also to the differentiation of the Uralic and the Indo-European language-speaking people; however, the relevant correlations are not significantly different from zero after elimination of the spatial autocorrelation. The third component is highly correlated with the infiltration of the Yamna ("Kurgan") people, nomadic pastoralists who domesticated the horse and who have been claimed to have spread Indo-European languages to Europe; this association, which is statistically significant even when taking spatial autocorrelations into account, does not completely exclude the hypothesis of Indo-European as the language of Neolithic farmers. It is possible that both expansions were responsible for the spread of different subfamilies of Indo-European languages, but our genetic data cannot resolve their relative importance.
Imprinted genes tend to occur in clusters. We have identified a cluster in distal mouse chromosome (Chr) 2, known from early genetic studies to contain both maternally and paternally imprinted, but unspecified, genes. Subsequently, one was identified as Gnas, which encodes a G protein α subunit, and there is clinical and biochemical evidence that the human homologue GNAS1, mutated in patients with Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, is also imprinted. We have used representational difference analysis, based on parent-of-origin methylation differences, to isolate candidate imprinted genes in distal Chr 2 and found two oppositely imprinted genes, Gnasxl and Nesp. Gnasxl determines a variant G protein α subunit associated with the trans-Golgi network and Nesp encodes a secreted protein of neuroendocrine tissues. Gnasxl is maternally methylated in genomic DNA and encodes a paternal-specific transcript, whereas Nesp is paternally methylated with maternal-specific expression. Their reciprocal imprinting may offer insight into the distal Chr 2 imprinting phenotypes. Remarkably, Gnasxl, Nesp, and Gnas are all part of the same transcription unit; transcripts for Gnasxl and Nesp are alternatively spliced onto exon 2 of Gnas. This demonstrates an imprinting mechanism in which two oppositely imprinted genes share the same downstream exons.
To investigate phylogenetic relationships among plasmons in Triticum and Aegilops, PCR–single-strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analyses were made of 14.0-kb chloroplast (ct) and 13.7-kb mitochondrial (mt)DNA regions that were isolated from 46 alloplasmic wheat lines and one euplasmic line. These plasmons represent 31 species of the two genera. The ct and mtDNA regions included 10 and 9 structural genes, respectively. A total of 177 bands were detected, of which 40.6% were variable. The proportion of variable bands in ctDNA (51.1%) was higher than that of mtDNA (28.9%). The phylogenetic trees of plasmons, derived by two different models, indicate a common picture of plasmon divergence in the two genera and suggest three major groups of plasmons (Einkorn, Triticum, and Aegilops). Because of uniparental plasmon transmission, the maternal parents of all but one polyploid species were identified. Only one Aegilops species, Ae. speltoides, was included in the Triticum group, suggesting that this species is the plasmon and B and G genome donor of all polyploid wheats. ctDNA variations were more intimately correlated with vegetative characters, whereas mtDNA variations were more closely correlated with reproductive characters. Plasmon divergence among the diploids of the two genera largely paralleled genome divergence. The relative times of origin of the polyploid species were inferred from genetic distances from their putative maternal parents.
Recent evidence suggests that apical and basolateral endocytic pathways in epithelia converge in an apically located, pericentriolar endosomal compartment termed the apical recycling endosome. In this compartment, apically and basolaterally internalized membrane constituents are thought to be sorted for recycling back to their site of origin or for transcytosis to the opposite plasma membrane domain. We report here that in the epithelial cell line Madin–Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK), antibodies to Rab11a label an apical pericentriolar endosomal compartment that is dependent on intact microtubules for its integrity. Furthermore, this compartment is accessible to a membrane-bound marker (dimeric immunoglobulin A [IgA]) internalized from either the apical or basolateral pole, functionally defining it as the apical recycling endosome. We have also examined the role of a closely related epithelial-specific Rab, Rab25, in the regulation of membrane recycling and transcytosis in MDCK cells. When cDNA encoding Rab25 was transfected into MDCK cells, the protein colocalized with Rab11a in subapical vesicles. Rab25 transfection also altered the distribution of Rab11a, causing the coalescence of immunoreactivity into multiple denser vesicular structures not associated with the centrosome. Nevertheless, nocodazole still dispersed these vesicles, and dimeric IgA internalized from either the apical or basolateral membrane was detected in endosomes labeled with antibodies to both Rab11a and Rab25. Overexpression of Rab25 decreased the rate of IgA transcytosis and of apical, but not basolateral, recycling of internalized ligand. Conversely, expression of the dominant-negative Rab25T26N did not alter either apical recycling or transcytosis. These results indicate that both Rab11a and Rab25 associate with the apical recycling system of epithelial cells and suggest that Rab25 may selectively regulate the apical recycling and/or transcytotic pathways.
Mutations of the VHL tumor suppressor gene occur in patients with VHL disease and in the majority of sporadic clear cell renal carcinomas (VHL−/− RCC). Loss of VHL protein function is associated with constitutive expression of mRNAs encoding hypoxia-inducible proteins, such as vascular endothelial growth factor. Overproduction of angiogenic factors might explain why VHL−/− RCC tumors are so highly vascularized, but whether this overproduction is sufficient for oncogenesis still remains unknown. In this report, we examined the activity of transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α), another VHL-regulated growth factor. We show that TGF-α mRNA and protein are hypoxia-inducible in VHL−/− RCC cells expressing reintroduced VHL. In addition to its overexpression by VHL−/− RCC cells, TGF-α can also act as a specific growth-stimulatory factor for VHL−/− RCC cells expressing reintroduced wild-type VHL, as well as primary renal proximal tubule epithelial cells, the likely site of origin of RCC. This role is in contrast to those of other growth factors overexpressed by VHL−/− RCC cells, such as vascular endothelial growth factor and TGF-β1, which do not stimulate RCC cell proliferation. A TGF-α-specific antisense oligodeoxynucleotide blocked TGF-α production in VHL−/− RCC cells, which led to the dependence of those cells on exogenous growth factors to sustain growth in culture. Growth of VHL−/− RCC cells was also significantly reduced by a drug that specifically inhibits the epidermal growth factor receptor, the receptor through which TGF-α stimulates proliferation. These results suggest that the generation of a TGF-α autocrine loop as a consequence of VHL inactivation in renal proximal tubule epithelial cells may provide the uncontrolled growth stimulus necessary for the initiation of tumorigenesis.
Humans affect biodiversity at the genetic, species, community, and ecosystem levels. This impact on genetic diversity is critical, because genetic diversity is the raw material of evolutionary change, including adaptation and speciation. Two forces affecting genetic variation are genetic drift (which decreases genetic variation within but increases genetic differentiation among local populations) and gene flow (which increases variation within but decreases differentiation among local populations). Humans activities often augment drift and diminish gene flow for many species, which reduces genetic variation in local populations and prevents the spread of adaptive complexes outside their population of origin, thereby disrupting adaptive processes both locally and globally within a species. These impacts are illustrated with collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) in the Missouri Ozarks. Forest fire suppression has reduced habitat and disrupted gene flow in this lizard, thereby altering the balance toward drift and away from gene flow. This balance can be restored by managed landscape burns. Some have argued that, although human-induced fragmentation disrupts adaptation, it will also ultimately produce new species through founder effects. However, population genetic theory and experiments predict that most fragmentation events caused by human activities will facilitate not speciation, but local extinction. Founder events have played an important role in the macroevolution of certain groups, but only when ecological opportunities are expanding rather than contracting. The general impact of human activities on genetic diversity disrupts or diminishes the capacity for adaptation, speciation, and macroevolutionary change. This impact will ultimately diminish biodiversity at all levels.
We have studied the HA1 domain of 254 human influenza A(H3N2) virus genes for clues that might help identify characteristics of hemagglutinins (HAs) of circulating strains that are predictive of that strain’s epidemic potential. Our preliminary findings include the following. (i) The most parsimonious tree found requires 1,260 substitutions of which 712 are silent and 548 are replacement substitutions. (ii) The HA1 portion of the HA gene is evolving at a rate of 5.7 nucleotide substitutions/year or 5.7 × 10−3 substitutions/site per year. (iii) The replacement substitutions are distributed randomly across the three positions of the codon when allowance is made for the number of ways each codon can change the encoded amino acid. (iv) The replacement substitutions are not distributed randomly over the branches of the tree, there being 2.2 times more changes per tip branch than for non-tip branches. This result is independent of how the virus was amplified (egg grown or kidney cell grown) prior to sequencing or if sequencing was carried out directly on the original clinical specimen by PCR. (v) These excess changes on the tip branches are probably the result of a bias in the choice of strains to sequence and the detection of deleterious mutations that had not yet been removed by negative selection. (vi) There are six hypervariable codons accumulating replacement substitutions at an average rate that is 7.2 times that of the other varied codons. (vii) The number of variable codons in the trunk branches (the winners of the competitive race against the immune system) is 47 ± 5, significantly fewer than in the twigs (90 ± 7), which in turn is significantly fewer variable codons than in tip branches (175 ± 8). (viii) A minimum of one of every 12 branches has nodes at opposite ends representing viruses that reside on different continents. This is, however, no more than would be expected if one were to randomly reassign the continent of origin of the isolates. (ix) Of 99 codons with at least four mutations, 31 have ratios of non-silent to silent changes with probabilities less than 0.05 of occurring by chance, and 14 of those have probabilities <0.005. These observations strongly support positive Darwinian selection. We suggest that the small number of variable positions along the successful trunk lineage, together with knowledge of the codons that have shown positive selection, may provide clues that permit an improved prediction of which strains will cause epidemics and therefore should be used for vaccine production.
The active migration of neurons from their sites of origin to their final destinations requires the unidirectional translocation of the nuclei and somatic cytoplasm within the growing leading processes. To explore the cellular machinery underlying this translocation, we determined the polarity of microtubules situated within the leading and trailing processes of migrating cerebellar granule cells in situ. Our analysis reveals that the newly assembled positive ends of the microtubules in the leading process uniformly face the growing tip, while their disintegrating negative ends face the nucleus. In the trailing process, by contrast, microtubule arrays are of mixed polarity. We suggest that the dynamics of slow polymerization in combination with fast disintegration of oriented microtubules create "push" and "pull" forces that contribute to the piston-like saltatory displacement of the nucleus and cytoplasm within the membrane cylinder of the leading process of the migrating neuron.
The broad host range plasmid RK2 replicates and regulates its copy number in a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria. The plasmid-encoded trans-acting replication protein TrfA and the origin of replication oriV are sufficient for controlled replication of the plasmid in all Gram-negative bacteria tested. The TrfA protein binds specifically to direct repeat sequences (iterons) at the origin of replication. A replication control model, designated handcuffing or coupling, has been proposed whereby the formation of coupled TrfA-oriV complexes between plasmid molecules results in hindrance of origin activity and, consequently, a shut-down of plasmid replication under conditions of higher than normal copy number. Therefore, according to this model, the coupling activity of an initiation protein is essential for copy number control and a copy-up initiation protein mutant should have reduced ability to form coupled complexes. To test this model for plasmid RK2, two previously characterized copy-up TrfA mutations, trfA-254D and trfA-267L, were combined and the resulting copy-up double mutant TFrfA protein TrfA-254D/267L was characterized. Despite initiating runaway (uncontrolled) replication in vivo, the copy-up double-mutant TrfA protein exhibited replication kinetics similar to the wild-type protein in vitro. Purified TrfA-254D, TrfA-267L, and TrfA-254D/267L proteins were then examined for binding to the iterons and for coupling activity using an in vitro ligase-catalyzed multimerization assay. It was found that both single and double TrfA mutant proteins exhibited substantially reduced (single mutants) or barely detectable (double mutant) levels of coupling activity while not being diminished in their capacity to bind to the origin of replication. These observations provide direct evidence in support of the coupling model of replication control.
The synthetic peptides DP-107 and DP-178 (T-20), derived from separate domains within the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmembrane (TM) protein, gp4l, are stable and potent inhibitors of HIV-1 infection and fusion. Using a computer searching strategy (computerized antiviral searching technology, C.A.S.T.) based on the predicted secondary structure of DP-107 and DP-178 (T-20), we have identified conserved heptad repeat domains analogous to the DP-107 and DP-178 regions of HIV-1 gp41 within the glycoproteins of other fusogenic viruses. Here we report on antiviral peptides derived from three representative paramyxoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV-3), and measles virus (MV). We screened crude preparations of synthetic 35-residue peptides, scanning the DP-178-like domains, in antiviral assays. Peptide preparations demonstrating antiviral activity were purified and tested for their ability to block syncytium formation. Representative DP-178-like peptides from each paramyxovirus blocked homologous virus-mediated syncytium formation and exhibited EC50 values in the range 0.015-0.250 microM. Moreover, these peptides were highly selective for the virus of origin. Identification of biologically active peptides derived from domains within paramyxovirus F1 proteins analogous to the DP-178 domain of HIV-1 gp4l is compelling evidence for equivalent structural and functional features between retroviral and paramyxoviral fusion proteins. These antiviral peptides provide a novel approach to the development of targeted therapies for paramyxovirus infections.
Protein-DNA interactions were studied in vivo at the region containing a human DNA replication origin, located at the 3' end of the lamin B2 gene and partially overlapping the promoter of another gene, located downstream. DNase I treatment of nuclei isolated from both exponentially growing and nonproliferating HL-60 cells showed that this region has an altered, highly accessible, chromatin structure. High-resolution analysis of protein-DNA interactions in a 600-bp area encompassing the origin was carried out by the in vivo footprinting technique based on the ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction. In growing HL-60 cells, footprints at sequences homologous to binding sites for known transcription factors (members of the basic-helix-loop-helix family, nuclear respiratory factor 1, transcription factor Sp1, and upstream binding factor) were detected in the region corresponding to the promoter of the downstream gene. Upon conversion of cells to a nonproliferative state, a reduction in the intensity of these footprints was observed that paralleled the diminished transcriptional activity of the genomic area. In addition to these protections, in close correspondence to the replication initiation site, a prominent footprint was detected that extended over 70 nucleotides on one strand only. This footprint was absent from nonproliferating HL-60 cells, indicating that this specific protein-DNA interaction might be involved in the process of origin activation.
In homozygous weaver (wv/wv) mutant mice, nearly 50% of the dopaminergic substantia nigra neurons degenerate by postnatal day 20. We have now determined that the total number of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral midbrains of a litter of obligatory homozygous weaver pups and a litter of normal wild-type control pups indicates that no significant differences are present between groups at birth. To test the hypothesis that the subsequent degeneration of these neurons is linked to their time of origin, [3H]thymidine autoradiography was combined with tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry to construct neurogenetic timetables on postnatal day 20 in wild-type mice and weaver homozygotes. Both groups have the same span of neurogenesis but have statistically different proportions of neurons generated on specific days. In wild-type mice, more than half of the dopaminergic neurons originate on or after embryonic day 12. In contrast, over two-thirds of the surviving dopaminergic neurons in homozygous weaver mice originate on or before embryonic day 11. Our data suggest that the weaver gene does not interfere with the generation of dopaminergic neurons, but it preferentially kills late-generated dopaminergic neurons between birth and postnatal day 20.