7 resultados para MICROFLUIDIC CHIPS

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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This paper describes the design of a parallel algorithm that uses moving fluids in a three-dimensional microfluidic system to solve a nondeterministically polynomial complete problem (the maximal clique problem) in polynomial time. This algorithm relies on (i) parallel fabrication of the microfluidic system, (ii) parallel searching of all potential solutions by using fluid flow, and (iii) parallel optical readout of all solutions. This algorithm was implemented to solve the maximal clique problem for a simple graph with six vertices. The successful implementation of this algorithm to compute solutions for small-size graphs with fluids in microchannels is not useful, per se, but does suggest broader application for microfluidics in computation and control.


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We report the development of a practical ultrafast allelic profiling assay for the analysis of short tandem repeats (STRs) by using a highly optimized microfluidic electrophoresis device. We have achieved baseline-resolved electrophoretic separations of single-locus STR samples in 30 sec. Analyses of PCR samples containing the four loci CSF1PO, TPOX, THO1, and vWA (abbreviated as CTTv) were performed in less than 2 min. This constitutes a 10- to 100-fold improvement in speed relative to capillary or slab gel systems. The separation device consists of a microfabricated channel 45 μm × 100 μm in cross section and 26 mm in length, filled with a replaceable polyacrylamide matrix operated under denaturing conditions at 50°C. A fluorescently labeled STR ladder was used as an internal standard for allele identification. Samples were prepared by standard procedures and only 4 μl was required for each analysis. The device is capable of repetitive operation and is suitable for automated high-speed and high-throughput applications.


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We report automated DNA sequencing in 16-channel microchips. A microchip prefilled with sieving matrix is aligned on a heating plate affixed to a movable platform. Samples are loaded into sample reservoirs by using an eight-tip pipetting device, and the chip is docked with an array of electrodes in the focal plane of a four-color scanning detection system. Under computer control, high voltage is applied to the appropriate reservoirs in a programmed sequence that injects and separates the DNA samples. An integrated four-color confocal fluorescent detector automatically scans all 16 channels. The system routinely yields more than 450 bases in 15 min in all 16 channels. In the best case using an automated base-calling program, 543 bases have been called at an accuracy of >99%. Separations, including automated chip loading and sample injection, normally are completed in less than 18 min. The advantages of DNA sequencing on capillary electrophoresis chips include uniform signal intensity and tolerance of high DNA template concentration. To understand the fundamentals of these unique features we developed a theoretical treatment of cross-channel chip injection that we call the differential concentration effect. We present experimental evidence consistent with the predictions of the theory.


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Measuring the DNA content of eukaryotic cells is a fundamental task in biology and medicine. We have observed a linear relationship between the DNA content of eukaryotic cells and the change in capacitance that is evoked by the passage of individual cells across a 1-kHz electric field. This relationship is species-independent; consequently, we have developed a microfluidic technique—“capacitance cytometry”—that can be used to quantify the DNA content of single eukaryotic cells and to analyze the cell-cycle kinetics of populations of cells. Comparisons with standard flow cytometry demonstrate the sensitivity of this new technique.


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We have developed a novel cost-effective procedure, namely ‘chemical nanoprinting’, for oligonucleotide or cDNA chips manufacture. In this thermo-controlled process, the oligonucleotides, covalently attached to a highly loaded ‘master-chip’ through disulfide bonds, are chemically transferred to the acrylamide layer mounted on a ‘print-chip’. It is demonstrated here that multiple identical print-chips can be produced from a single master-chip. This duplication process is a few hundreds of times faster than any existing methods and the speed of process and cost incurred are independent of the scale of the DNA chips.


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We have developed a novel allele-specific primer elongation protocol using a DNA polymerase on oligonucleotide chips. Oligonucleotide primers carrying polymorphic sites at their free 3́end were covalently bound to glass slides. The generation of single-stranded targets of genomic DNA containing single nuclotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to be typed was achieved by an asymmetric PCR reaction or exonuclease treatment of phosphothioate (PTO)-modified PCR products. In the presence of DNA polymerase and all four dNTPs, with Cy3-dUTP replacing dTTP, allele-specific extension of the immobilized primers took place along a stretch of target DNA sequence. The yield of elongated products was increased by repeated reaction cycles. We performed multiplexed assays with many small DNA targets, or used single targets of up to 4.4 kb mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence to detect multiple SNPs in one reaction. The latter approach greatly simplifies preamplification of SNP-containing regions, thereby providing a framework for typing hundreds of mtDNA polymorphisms.


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Microarrays containing 1046 human cDNAs of unknown sequence were printed on glass with high-speed robotics. These 1.0-cm2 DNA "chips" were used to quantitatively monitor differential expression of the cognate human genes using a highly sensitive two-color hybridization assay. Array elements that displayed differential expression patterns under given experimental conditions were characterized by sequencing. The identification of known and novel heat shock and phorbol ester-regulated genes in human T cells demonstrates the sensitivity of the assay. Parallel gene analysis with microarrays provides a rapid and efficient method for large-scale human gene discovery.