11 resultados para Loop Analysis
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
The coupling of agonist-activated seven transmembrane domain receptors to G proteins is known to involve the amino-terminal region of their third cytoplasmic loop. Analysis of the amino acids in this region of the rat type in angiotensin (AT1a) receptor identified Leu-222 as an essential residue in receptor activation by the physiological agonist, angiotensin II (Ang II). Nonpolar replacements for Leu-222 yielded functionally intact AT1 receptors, while polar or charged residues caused progressive impairment of Ang II-induced inositol phosphate generation. The decrease in agonist-induced signal generation was associated with a parallel reduction of receptor internalization, and was most pronounced for the Lys-222 mutant receptor. Although this mutant showed normal binding of the peptide antagonist, [Sar1,Ile6]Ang II, its affinity for Ang II was markedly reduced, consistent with its inability to adopt the high-affinity conformation. A search revealed that many Gq-coupled receptors contain an apolar amino acid (frequently leucine) in the position corresponding to Leu-222 of the AT1 receptor. These findings suggest that such a conserved apolar residue in the third intracellular loop is a crucial element in the agonist-induced activation of the AT1 and possibly many other G protein-coupled receptors.
Connector enhancer of KSR (CNK) is a multidomain protein required for RAS signaling. Its C-terminal portion (CNKC-term) directly binds to RAF. Herein, we show that the N-terminal portion of CNK (CNKN-term) strongly cooperates with RAS, whereas CNKC-term efficiently blocks RAS- and RAF-dependent signaling when overexpressed in the Drosophila eye. Two effector loop mutants of RASV12, S35 and C40, which selectively activate the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase pathways, respectively, do not cooperate with CNK. However, a strong cooperation is observed between CNK and RASV12G37, an effector loop mutant known in mammals to activate specifically the RAL pathway. We have identified two domains in CNKN-term that are critical for cooperation with RAS. Our results suggest that CNK functions in more than one pathway downstream of RAS. CNKc-term seems to regulate RAF, a component of the MAPK pathway, whereas CNKN-term seems to be involved in a MAPK-independent pathway.
The actin-activated ATPase activity of Acanthamoeba myosin IC is stimulated 15- to 20-fold by phosphorylation of Ser-329 in the heavy chain. In most myosins, either glutamate or aspartate occupies this position, which lies within a surface loop that forms part of the actomyosin interface. To investigate the apparent need for a negative charge at this site, we mutated Ser-329 to alanine, asparagine, aspartate, or glutamate and coexpressed the Flag-tagged wild-type or mutant heavy chain and light chain in baculovirus-infected insect cells. Recombinant wild-type myosin IC was indistinguishable from myosin IC purified from Acanthamoeba as determined by (i) the dependence of its actin-activated ATPase activity on heavy-chain phosphorylation, (ii) the unusual triphasic dependence of its ATPase activity on the concentration of F-actin, (iii) its Km for ATP, and (iv) its ability to translocate actin filaments. The Ala and Asn mutants had the same low actin-activated ATPase activity as unphosphorylated wild-type myosin IC. The Glu mutant, like the phosphorylated wild-type protein, was 16-fold more active than unphosphorylated wild type, and the Asp mutant was 8-fold more active. The wild-type and mutant proteins had the same Km for ATP. Unphosphorylated wild-type protein and the Ala and Asn mutants were unable to translocate actin filaments, whereas the Glu mutant translocated filaments at the same velocity, and the Asp mutant at 50% the velocity, as phosphorylated wild-type proteins. These results demonstrate that an acidic amino acid can supply the negative charge in the surface loop required for the actin-dependent activities of Acanthamoeba myosin IC in vitro and indicate that the length of the side chain that delivers this charge is important.
The effect of desert dust on cloud properties and precipitation has so far been studied solely by using theoretical models, which predict that rainfall would be enhanced. Here we present observations showing the contrary; the effect of dust on cloud properties is to inhibit precipitation. Using satellite and aircraft observations we show that clouds forming within desert dust contain small droplets and produce little precipitation by drop coalescence. Measurement of the size distribution and the chemical analysis of individual Saharan dust particles collected in such a dust storm suggest a possible mechanism for the diminished rainfall. The detrimental impact of dust on rainfall is smaller than that caused by smoke from biomass burning or anthropogenic air pollution, but the large abundance of desert dust in the atmosphere renders it important. The reduction of precipitation from clouds affected by desert dust can cause drier soil, which in turn raises more dust, thus providing a possible feedback loop to further decrease precipitation. Furthermore, anthropogenic changes of land use exposing the topsoil can initiate such a desertification feedback process.
The 5' noncoding region of poliovirus RNA contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) for cap-independent initiation of translation. Utilization of the IRES requires the participation of one or more cellular proteins that mediate events in the translation initiation reaction, but whose biochemical roles have not been defined. In this report, we identify a cellular RNA binding protein isolated from the ribosomal salt wash of uninfected HeLa cells that specifically binds to stem-loop IV, a domain located in the central part of the poliovirus IRES. The protein was isolated by specific RNA affinity chromatography, and 55% of its sequence was determined by automated liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The sequence obtained matched that of poly(rC) binding protein 2 (PCBP2), previously identified as an RNA binding protein from human cells. PCBP2, as well as a related protein, PCBP1, was over-expressed in Escherichia coli after cloning the cDNAs into an expression plasmid to produce a histidine-tagged fusion protein. Specific interaction between recombinant PCBP2 and poliovirus stem-loop IV was demonstrated by RNA mobility shift analysis. The closely related PCBP1 showed no stable interaction with the RNA. Stem-loop IV RNA containing a three nucleotide insertion that abrogates translation activity and virus viability was unable to bind PCBP2.
To identify determinants that form nonapeptide hormone binding domains of the white sucker Catostomus commersoni [Arg8]vasotocin receptor, chimeric constructs encoding parts of the vasotocin receptor and parts of the isotocin receptor have been analyzed by [(3,5-3H)Tyr2, Arg8]vasotocin binding to membranes of human embryonic kidney cells previously transfected with the different cDNA constructs and by functional expression studies in Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with mutant cRNAs. The results indicate that the N terminus and a region spanning the second extracellular loop and its flanking transmembrane segments, which contains a number of amino acid residues that are conserved throughout the nonapeptide receptor family, contribute to the affinity of the receptor for its ligand. Nonapeptide selectivity, however, is mainly defined by transmembrane region VI and the third extracellular loop. These results are complemented by a molecular model of the vasotocin receptor obtained by aligning its sequence with those of other G-protein coupled receptors as well as that of bacteriorhodopsin. The model indicates that amino acid residues of transmembrane regions II-VII that are located close to the extracellular surface also contribute to the binding of vasotocin.
Recombinational repair of double-stranded DNA gaps was investigated in Ustilago maydis. The experimental system was designed for analysis of repair of an autonomously replicating plasmid containing a cloned gene disabled by an internal deletion. It was discovered that crossing over rarely accompanied gap repair. The strong bias against crossing over was observed in three different genes regardless of gap size. These results indicate that gap repair in U. maydis is unlikely to proceed by the mechanism envisioned in the double-stranded break repair model of recombination, which was developed to account for recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Experiments aimed at exploring processing of DNA ends were performed to gain understanding of the mechanism responsible for the observed bias. A heterologous insert placed within a gap in the coding sequence of two different marker genes strongly inhibited repair if the DNA was cleaved at the promoter-proximal junction joining the insert and coding sequence but had little effect on repair if the DNA was cleaved at the promoter-distal junction. Gene conversion of plasmid restriction fragment length polymorphism markers engineered in sequences flanking both sides of a gap accompanied repair but was directionally biased. These results are interpreted to mean that the DNA ends flanking a gap are subject to different types of processing. A model featuring a single migrating D-loop is proposed to explain the bias in gap repair outcome based on the observed asymmetry in processing the DNA ends.
Immune challenge to the insect Podisus maculiventris induces synthesis of a 21-residue peptide with sequence homology to frog skin antimicrobial peptides of the brevinin family. The insect and frog peptides have in common a C-terminally located disulfide bridge delineating a cationic loop. The peptide is bactericidal and fungicidal, exhibiting the largest antimicrobial spectrum observed so far for an insect defense peptide. An all-D-enantiomer is nearly inactive against Gram-negative bacteria and some Gram-positive strains but is fully active against fungi and other Gram-positive bacteria, suggesting that more than one mechanism accounts for the antimicrobial activity of this peptide. Studies with truncated synthetic isoforms underline the role of the C-terminal loop and flanking residues for the activity of this molecule for which we propose the name thanatin.
Point mutations were selectively introduced into a cDNA for guinea pig estrogen sulfotransferase (gpEST); each construct was then expressed in Chinese hamster ovary K1 cells. The molecular site chosen for study is a conserved GXXGXXK sequence that resembles the P-loop-type nucleotide-binding motif for ATP- and GTP-binding proteins and is located near the C terminus of all steroid and phenol(aryl) sulfotransferases for which the primary structures are known. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that the GXXGXXK motif is essential for binding the activated sulfonate donor 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS). The present study was undertaken to ascertain the relative importance of each individual residue of the motif. While the mutation of a single motif residue had little effect on the interaction between gpEST and PAPS as determined by kinetic analysis and photoaffinity labeling, the mutation of any two residues in concert resulted in an approximate 10-fold increase in the Km for PAPS and reduced photoaffinity labeling. The mutation of all three motif residues resulted in an inactive enzyme and complete loss of photoaffinity labeling. Interestingly, several mutants also displayed a striking effect on the Km for the steroid substrate; double mutants, again, demonstrated greater perturbations (8- to 28-fold increase) than did single mutants. Unexpectedly, whereas the mutation of nonmotif residues had a negligible effect on the Km for PAPS, a marked increase in the Km for the estrogen substrate ( > 30-fold) was noted. On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that the sequence GISGDWKN within the C-terminal domain of gpEST represents a critical component of the active site.
A hierarchy of enzyme-catalyzed positive feedback loops is examined by mathematical and numerical analysis. Four systems are described, from the simplest, in which an enzyme catalyzes its own formation from an inactive precursor, to the most complex, in which two sequential feedback loops act in a cascade. In the latter we also examine the function of a long-range feedback, in which the final enzyme produced in the second loop activates the initial step in the first loop. When the enzymes generated are subject to inhibition or inactivation, all four systems exhibit threshold properties akin to excitable systems like neuron firing. For those that are amenable to mathematical analysis, expressions are derived that relate the excitation threshold to the kinetics of enzyme generation and inhibition and the initial conditions. For the most complex system, it was expedient to employ numerical simulation to demonstrate threshold behavior, and in this case long-range feedback was seen to have two distinct effects. At sufficiently high catalytic rates, this feedback is capable of exciting an otherwise subthreshold system. At lower catalytic rates, where the long-range feedback does not significantly affect the threshold, it nonetheless has a major effect in potentiating the response above the threshold. In particular, oscillatory behavior observed in simulations of sequential feedback loops is abolished when a long-range feedback is present.
Swapping structural determinants of ribonucleases: an energetic analysis of the hinge peptide 16-22.
Bovine seminal ribonuclease (BS-RNase) is a homodimeric enzyme strictly homologous to the pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A). Native BS-RNase is an equilibrium mixture of two distinct dimers differing in the interchange of the N-terminal segments and in their biological properties. The loop 16-22 plays a fundamental role on the relative stability of the two isomers. Both the primary and tertiary structures of the RNase A differ substantially from those of the seminal ribonuclease in the loop region 16-22. To analyze the possible stable conformations of this loop in both enzymes, structure predictions have been attempted, according to a procedure described by Palmer and Scheraga [Palmer, K. A. & Scheraga, H. A. (1992) J. Comput. Chem. 13, 329-350]. Results compare well with experimental x-ray structures and clarify the structural determinants that are responsible for the swapping of the N-terminal domains and for the peculiar properties of BS-RNase. Minimal modifications of RNase A sequence needed to form a stable swapped dimer are also predicted.