15 resultados para Long Visual Fibres
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate by using positron emission tomography (PET) whether the cortical pathways that are involved in visual perception of spatial location and object identity are also differentially implicated in retrieval of these types of information from episodic long-term memory. Subjects studied a set of displays consisting of three unique representational line drawings arranged in different spatial configurations. Later, while undergoing PET scanning, subjects' memory for spatial location and identity of the objects in the displays was tested and compared to a perceptual baseline task involving the same displays. In comparison to the baseline task, each of the memory tasks activated both the dorsal and the ventral pathways in the right hemisphere but not to an equal extent. There was also activation of the right prefrontal cortex. When PET scans of the memory tasks were compared to each other, areas of activation were very circumscribed and restricted to the right hemisphere: For retrieval of object identity, the area was in the inferior temporal cortex in the region of the fusiform gyrus (area 37), whereas for retrieval of spatial location, it was in the inferior parietal lobule in the region of the supramarginal gyrus (area 40). Thus, our study shows that distinct neural pathways are activated during retrieval of information about spatial location and object identity from long-term memory.
In the visual cortex, as elsewhere, N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) play a critical role in triggering long-term, experience-dependent synaptic plasticity. Modifications of NMDAR subunit composition alter receptor function, and could have a large impact on the properties of synaptic plasticity. We have used immunoblot analysis to investigate the effects of age and visual experience on the expression of different NMDAR subunits in synaptoneurosomes prepared from rat visual cortices. NMDARs at birth are comprised of NR2B and NR1 subunits, and, over the first 5 postnatal weeks, there is a progressive inclusion of the NR2A subunit. Dark rearing from birth attenuates the developmental increase in NR2A. Levels of NR2A increase rapidly (in <2 hr) when dark-reared animals are exposed to light, and decrease gradually over the course of 3 to 4 days when animals are deprived of light. These data reveal that NMDAR subunit composition in the visual cortex is remarkably dynamic and bidirectionally regulated by sensory experience. We propose that NMDAR subunit regulation is a mechanism for experience-dependent modulation of synaptic plasticity in the visual cortex, and serves to maintain synaptic strength within an optimal dynamic range.
At early stages in visual processing cells respond to local stimuli with specific features such as orientation and spatial frequency. Although the receptive fields of these cells have been thought to be local and independent, recent physiological and psychophysical evidence has accumulated, indicating that the cells participate in a rich network of local connections. Thus, these local processing units can integrate information over much larger parts of the visual field; the pattern of their response to a stimulus apparently depends on the context presented. To explore the pattern of lateral interactions in human visual cortex under different context conditions we used a novel chain lateral masking detection paradigm, in which human observers performed a detection task in the presence of different length chains of high-contrast-flanked Gabor signals. The results indicated a nonmonotonic relation of the detection threshold with the number of flankers. Remote flankers had a stronger effect on target detection when the space between them was filled with other flankers, indicating that the detection threshold is caused by dynamics of large neuronal populations in the neocortex, with a major interplay between excitation and inhibition. We considered a model of the primary visual cortex as a network consisting of excitatory and inhibitory cell populations, with both short- and long-range interactions. The model exhibited a behavior similar to the experimental results throughout a range of parameters. Experimental and modeling results indicated that long-range connections play an important role in visual perception, possibly mediating the effects of context.
Long-term visual memory performance was impaired by two types of challenges: a diazepam challenge on acquisition and a sensory challenge on recognition. Using positron-emission tomography regional cerebral blood flow imaging, we studied the effect of these challenges on regional brain activation during the delayed recognition of abstract visual shapes as compared with a baseline fixation task. Both challenges induced a significant decrease in differential activation in the left fusiform gyrus, suggesting that this region is involved in the automatic or volitional comparison of incoming and stored stimuli. In contrast, thalamic differential activation increased in response to memory challenges. This increase might reflect enhanced retrieval attempts as a compensatory mechanism for restoring recognition performance.
In two experiments, electric brain waves of 14 subjects were recorded under several different conditions to study the invariance of brain-wave representations of simple patches of colors and simple visual shapes and their names, the words blue, circle, etc. As in our earlier work, the analysis consisted of averaging over trials to create prototypes and test samples, to both of which Fourier transforms were applied, followed by filtering and an inverse transformation to the time domain. A least-squares criterion of fit between prototypes and test samples was used for classification. The most significant results were these. By averaging over different subjects, as well as trials, we created prototypes from brain waves evoked by simple visual images and test samples from brain waves evoked by auditory or visual words naming the visual images. We correctly recognized from 60% to 75% of the test-sample brain waves. The general conclusion is that simple shapes such as circles and single-color displays generate brain waves surprisingly similar to those generated by their verbal names. These results, taken together with extensive psychological studies of auditory and visual memory, strongly support the solution proposed for visual shapes, by Bishop Berkeley and David Hume in the 18th century, to the long-standing problem of how the mind represents simple abstract ideas.
N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) activation has been implicated in forms of synaptic plasticity involving long-term changes in neuronal structure, function, or protein expression. Transcriptional alterations have been correlated with NMDAR-mediated synaptic plasticity, but the problem of rapidly targeting new proteins to particular synapses is unsolved. One potential solution is synapse-specific protein translation, which is suggested by dendritic localization of numerous transcripts and subsynaptic polyribosomes. We report here a mechanism by which NMDAR activation at synapses may control this protein synthetic machinery. In intact tadpole tecta, NMDAR activation leads to phosphorylation of a subset of proteins, one of which we now identify as the eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 (eEF2). Phosphorylation of eEF2 halts protein synthesis and may prepare cells to translate a new set of mRNAs. We show that NMDAR activation-induced eEF2 phosphorylation is widespread in tadpole tecta. In contrast, in adult tecta, where synaptic plasticity is reduced, this phosphorylation is restricted to short dendritic regions that process binocular information. Biochemical and anatomical evidence shows that this NMDAR activation-induced eEF2 phosphorylation is localized to subsynaptic sites. Moreover, eEF2 phosphorylation is induced by visual stimulation, and NMDAR blockade before stimulation eliminates this effect. Thus, NMDAR activation, which is known to mediate synaptic changes in the developing frog, could produce local postsynaptic alterations in protein synthesis by inducing eEF2 phosphorylation.
Revealing the layout of cortical maps is important both for understanding the processes involved in their development and for uncovering the mechanisms underlying neural computation. The typical organization of orientation maps in the cat visual cortex is radial; complete orientation cycles are mapped around orientation singularities. In contrast, long linear zones of orientation representation have been detected in the primary visual cortex of the tree shrew. In this study, we searched for the existence of long linear sequences and wide linear zones within orientation preference maps of the cat visual cortex. Optical imaging based on intrinsic signals was used. Long linear sequences and wide linear zones of preferred orientation were occasionally detected along the border between areas 17 and 18, as well as within area 18. Adjacent zones of distinct radial and linear organizations were observed across area 18 of a single hemisphere. However, radial and linear organizations were not necessarily segregated; long (7.5 mm) linear sequences of preferred orientation were found embedded within a typical pinwheel-like organization of orientation. We conclude that, although the radial organization is dominant, perfectly linear organization may develop and perform the processing related to orientation in the cat visual cortex.
Recent studies show that neuronal mechanisms for learning and memory both dynamically modulate and permanently alter the representations of visual stimuli in the adult monkey cortex. Three commonly observed neuronal effects in memory-demanding tasks are repetition suppression, enhancement, and delay activity. In repetition suppression, repeated experience with the same visual stimulus leads to both short- and long-term suppression of neuronal responses in subpopulations of visual neurons. Enhancement works in an opposite fashion, in that neuronal responses are enhanced for objects with learned behavioral relevance. Delay activity is found in tasks in which animals are required to actively hold specific information “on-line” for short periods. Repetition suppression appears to be an intrinsic property of visual cortical areas such as inferior temporal cortex and is thought to be important for perceptual learning and priming. By contrast, enhancement and delay activity may depend on feedback to temporal cortex from prefrontal cortex and are thought to be important for working memory. All of these mnemonic effects on neuronal responses bias the competitive interactions that take place between stimulus representations in the cortex when there is more than one stimulus in the visual field. As a result, memory will often determine the winner of these competitions and, thus, will determine which stimulus is attended.
Neurons in primary visual cortex (area 17) respond vigorously to oriented stimuli within their receptive fields; however, stimuli presented outside the suprathreshold receptive field can also influence their responses. Here we describe a fundamental feature of the spatial interaction between suprathreshold center and subthreshold surround. By optical imaging of intrinsic signals in area 17 in response to a stimulus border, we show that a given stimulus generates activity primarily in iso-orientation domains, which extend for several millimeters across the cortical surface in a manner consistent with the architecture of long-range horizontal connections in area 17. By mapping the receptive fields of single neurons and imaging responses from the same cortex to stimuli that include or exclude the aggregate suprathreshold receptive field, we show that intrinsic signals strongly reveal the subthreshold surround contribution. Optical imaging and single-unit recording both demonstrate that the relative contrast of center and surround stimuli regulates whether surround interactions are facilitative or suppressive: the same surround stimulus facilitates responses when center contrast is low, but suppresses responses when center contrast is high. Such spatial interactions in area 17 are ideally suited to contribute to phenomena commonly regarded as part of "higher-level" visual processing, such as perceptual "popout" and "filling-in."
The primate temporal cortex has been demonstrated to play an important role in visual memory and pattern recognition. It is of particular interest to investigate whether activity-dependent modification of synaptic efficacy, a presumptive mechanism for learning and memory, is present in this cortical region. Here we address this issue by examining the induction of synaptic plasticity in surgically resected human inferior and middle temporal cortex. The results show that synaptic strength in the human temporal cortex could undergo bidirectional modifications, depending on the pattern of conditioning stimulation. High frequency stimulation (100 or 40 Hz) in layer IV induced long-term potentiation (LTP) of both intracellular excitatory postsynaptic potentials and evoked field potentials in layers II/III. The LTP induced by 100 Hz tetanus was blocked by 50-100 microM DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid, suggesting that N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors were responsible for its induction. Long-term depression (LTD) was elicited by prolonged low frequency stimulation (1 Hz, 15 min). It was reduced, but not completely blocked, by DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid, implying that some other mechanisms in addition to N-methyl-DL-aspartate receptors were involved in LTD induction. LTD was input-specific, i.e., low frequency stimulation of one pathway produced LTD of synaptic transmission in that pathway only. Finally, the LTP and LTD could reverse each other, suggesting that they can act cooperatively to modify the functional state of cortical network. These results suggest that LTP and LTD are possible mechanisms for the visual memory and pattern recognition functions performed in the human temporal cortex.
Functional roles of the cortical backward signal in long-term memory formation were studied in monkeys performing a visual pair-association task. Before the monkeys learned the task, the anterior commissure was transected, disconnecting the anterior temporal cortex of each hemisphere. After training with 12 pairs of pictures, single units were recorded from the inferotemporal cortex of the monkeys as the control. By injecting a grid of ibotenic acid, we unilaterally lesioned the entorhinal and perirhinal cortex, which provides massive direct and indirect backward projections ipsilaterally to the inferotemporal cortex. After the lesion, the monkeys fixated the cue stimulus normally, relearned the preoperatively learned set (set A), and learned a new set (set B) of paired associates. Then, single units were recorded from the same area as for the prelesion control. We found that (i) in spite of the lesion, the sampled neurons responded strongly and selectively to both the set A and set B patterns and (ii) the paired associates elicited significantly correlated responses in the control neurons before the lesion but not in the cells tested after the lesion, either for set A or set B stimuli. We conclude that the ability of inferotemporal neurons to represent association between picture pairs was lost after the lesion of entorhinal and perirhinal cortex, most likely through disruption of backward neural signals to the inferotemporal neurons, while the ability of the neurons to respond to a particular visual stimulus was left intact.
Prolonged periods of low-frequency stimulation have been shown to produce a robust, long-term synaptic depression (LTD) in both hippocampus and visual cortex. In the present study we have examined the extent to which interactions among afferents govern the induction of homosynaptic LTD in young-adult rats in hippocampal region CA1 in vitro. Field excitatory postsynaptic potentials were assessed before and after conditioning stimulation consisting of two 10-min trains of low-frequency stimulation (LFS; 1 Hz) of the Schaffer collateral/commissural pathway. LFS at an intensity producing a 0.5-mV response did not produce significant synaptic depression. However, LFS administered at a higher intensity resulted in significant input-specific LTD of a 0.5-mV test response. Picrotoxin, which also facilitates depolarization of CA1 neurons, significantly enhanced the magnitude of LTD after LFS at 0.5 mV. In addition, LFS at 0.5 mV in normal perfusion medium (no picrotoxin) produced only small changes in synaptic efficacy when either of two converging pathways was conditioned separately but produced a robust LTD when both pathways were conditioned simultaneously. This cooperative LTD was reversibly blocked by prior administration of 100 microM DL-aminophosphonovaleric acid but not by 20 microM nimodipine. Taken together, these results suggest that cooperative interactions among afferents contribute to voltage-dependent processes underlying the induction of homosynaptic LTD.
A recurrent theme in the organization of vertebrate visual cortex is that of receptive fields with an associated "silent" opponency component. In the middle temporal area (area MT), a cortical visual area involved in the analysis of retinal motion in primates, this opponency appears in the form of a region outside the classical receptive field (CRF) that in itself gives no response but suppresses responses to motion evoked within the CRF. This antagonistic motion surround has been described as very large and symmetrically arrayed around the CRF. On the basis of this view, the primary function of the surround has long been thought to consist of simple figure-ground segregation based on movement. We have made use of small stimulus patches to map the form and extent of the surround and find evidence that the surround inhibition of many MT cells is in fact confined to restricted regions on one side or on opposite sides of the CRF. Such regions endow MT cells with the ability to make local-to-local motion comparisons, capable of extracting more complex features from the visual environment, and as such, may be better viewed as intrinsic parts of the receptive field, rather than as separate entities responsible for local-to-global comparisons.
Sensory areas of adult cerebral cortex can reorganize in response to long-term alterations in patterns of afferent signals. This long-term plasticity is thought to play a crucial role in recovery from injury and in some forms of learning. However, the degree to which sensory representations in primary cortical areas depend on short-term (i.e., minute to minute) stimulus variations remains unclear. A traditional view is that each neuron in the mature cortex has a fixed receptive field structure. An alternative view, with fundamentally different implications for understanding cortical function, is that each cell's receptive field is highly malleable, changing according to the recent history of the sensory environment. Consistent with the latter view, it has been reported that selective stimulation of regions surrounding the receptive field induces a dramatic short-term increase in receptive field size for neurons in the visual cortex [Pettet, M. W. & Gilbert, C. D. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 8366-8370]. In contrast, we report here that there is no change in either the size or the internal structure of the receptive field following several minutes of surround stimulation. However, for some cells, overall responsiveness increases. These results suggest that dynamic alterations of receptive field structure do not underlie short-term plasticity in the mature primary visual cortex. However, some degree of short-term adaptability could be mediated by changes in responsiveness.
The role of intrinsic cortical connections in processing sensory input and in generating behavioral output is poorly understood. We have examined this issue in the context of the tuning of neuronal responses in cortex to the orientation of a visual stimulus. We analytically study a simple network model that incorporates both orientation-selective input from the lateral geniculate nucleus and orientation-specific cortical interactions. Depending on the model parameters, the network exhibits orientation selectivity that originates from within the cortex, by a symmetry-breaking mechanism. In this case, the width of the orientation tuning can be sharp even if the lateral geniculate nucleus inputs are only weakly anisotropic. By using our model, several experimental consequences of this cortical mechanism of orientation tuning are derived. The tuning width is relatively independent of the contrast and angular anisotropy of the visual stimulus. The transient population response to changing of the stimulus orientation exhibits a slow "virtual rotation." Neuronal cross-correlations exhibit long time tails, the sign of which depends on the preferred orientations of the cells and the stimulus orientation.