4 resultados para Lolium Arundinaceum
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Long-day exposure of the grass Lolium temulentum may regulate flowering via changes in gibberellin (GA) levels. Therefore, we have examined both GA levels and expression of a MYB transcription factor that is specific to the GA signal transduction pathway in monocots. This MYB gene from L. temulentum shows over 90% nucleotide identity with the barley and rice GAMYB genes, and, like them, gibberellic acid (GA3) up-regulates its expression in the seed. Furthermore, cDNAs of both the barley and L. temulentum GAMYB show the same simple patterns of hybridization with digests of L. temulentum genomic DNA. Compared with vegetative shoot apices of L. temulentum, the in situ mRNA expression of LtGAMYB does not change during the earliest steps of “floral” initiation at the apex. However, by 100 h (the double-ridge stage of flowering) its expression increased substantially and was highest in the terminal and lateral spikelet sites. Thereafter, expression declined overall but then increased within stamen primordia. Prior to increased LtGAMYB expression, long-day exposure sufficient to induce flowering led to increased (5- to 20-fold) levels of GA1 and GA4 in the leaf. Thus, increases first in GA level in the leaf followed by increased expression of LtGAMYB in the apex suggest important signaling and/or response roles in flowering.
The quantitative significance of reserves and current assimilates in regrowing tillers of severely defoliated plants of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was assessed by a new approach, comprising 13C/12C and 15N/14N steady-state labeling and separation of sink and source zones. The functionally distinct zones showed large differences in the kinetics of currently assimilated C and N. These are interpreted in terms of ”substrate” and ”tissue” flux among zones and C and N turnover within zones. Tillers refoliated rapidly, although C and N supply was initially decreased. Rapid refoliation was associated with (a) transient depletion of water-soluble carbohydrates and dilution of structural biomass in the immature zone of expanding leaves, (b) rapid transition to current assimilation-derived growth, and (c) rapid reestablishment of a balanced C:N ratio in growth substrate. This balance (C:N, approximately 8.9 [w/w] in new biomass) indicated coregulation of growth by C and N supply and resulted from complementary fluxes of reserve- and current assimilation-derived C and N. Reserves were the dominant N source until approximately 3 d after defoliation. Amino-C constituted approximately 60% of the net influx of reserve C during the first 2 d. Carbohydrate reserves were an insignificant source of C for tiller growth after d 1. We discuss the physiological mechanisms contributing to defoliation tolerance.
cDNA fragments encoding the carboxyltransferase domain of the multidomain plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) from herbicide-resistant maize and from herbicide-sensitive and herbicide-resistant Lolium rigidum were cloned and sequenced. A Leu residue was found in ACCases from herbicide-resistant plants at a position occupied by Ile in all ACCases from sensitive grasses studied so far. Leu is present at the equivalent position in herbicide-resistant ACCases from other eukaryotes. Chimeric ACCases containing a 1000-aa fragment of two ACCase isozymes found in a herbicide-resistant maize were expressed in a yeast ACC1 null mutant to test herbicide sensitivity of the enzyme in vivo and in vitro. One of the enzymes was resistant/tolerant, and one was sensitive to haloxyfop and sethoxydim, rendering the gene-replacement yeast strains resistant and sensitive to these compounds, respectively. The sensitive enzyme has an Ile residue, and the resistant one has a Leu residue at the putative herbicide-binding site. Additionally, a single Ile to Leu replacement at an equivalent position changes the wheat plastid ACCase from sensitive to resistant. The effect of the opposite substitution, Leu to Ile, makes Toxoplasma gondii apicoplast ACCase resistant to haloxyfop and clodinafop. In this case, inhibition of the carboxyltransferase activity of ACCase (second half-reaction) of a large fragment of the Toxoplasma enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli was tested. The critical amino acid residue is located close to a highly conserved motif of the carboxyltransferase domain, which is probably a part of the enzyme active site, providing the basis for the activity of fop and dim herbicides.
Acclimation of photosynthesis to elevated CO2 has previously been shown to be more pronounced when N supply is poor. Is this a direct effect of N or an indirect effect of N by limiting the development of sinks for photoassimilate? This question was tested by growing a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in the field under elevated (60 Pa) and current (36 Pa) partial pressures of CO2 (pCO2) at low and high levels of N fertilization. Cutting of this herbage crop at 4- to 8-week intervals removed about 80% of the canopy, therefore decreasing the ratio of photosynthetic area to sinks for photoassimilate. Leaf photosynthesis, in vivo carboxylation capacity, carbohydrate, N, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase, and chloroplastic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase levels were determined for mature lamina during two consecutive summers. Just before the cut, when the canopy was relatively large, growth at elevated pCO2 and low N resulted in significant decreases in carboxylation capacity and the amount of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase protein. In high N there were no significant decreases in carboxylation capacity or proteins, but chloroplastic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase protein levels increased significantly. Elevated pCO2 resulted in a marked and significant increase in leaf carbohydrate content at low N, but had no effect at high N. This acclimation at low N was absent after the harvest, when the canopy size was small. These results suggest that acclimation under low N is caused by limitation of sink development rather than being a direct effect of N supply on photosynthesis.