11 resultados para Light Sensitivity
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Phosducin (Pd), a small protein found abundantly in photoreceptors, is widely assumed to regulate light sensitivity in the rod outer segment through interaction with the heterotrimeric G protein transducin. But, based on histochemistry and Western blot analysis, Pd is found almost entirely in the inner segment in both light and dark, most abundantly near the rod synapse. We report a second small protein, 14-3-3, in the rod with a similar distribution. By immunoprecipitation, phospho-Pd is found to interact with 14-3-3 in material from dark-adapted retina, and this interaction is markedly diminished by light, which dephosphorylates Pd. Conversely, unphosphorylated Pd binds to inner segment G protein(s) in the light. From these results and reported functions of 14-3-3, we have constructed a hypothesis for the regulation of light sensitivity at the level of rod synapse. By dissociating the Pd/14-3-3 complex, light enables both proteins to function in this role.
Fluorescence spectroscopy was used to characterize blue light responses from chloroplasts of adaxial guard cells from Pima cotton (Gossypium barbadense) and coleoptile tips from corn (Zea mays). The chloroplast response to blue light was quantified by measurements of the blue light-induced enhancement of a red light-stimulated quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence. In adaxial (upper) guard cells, low fluence rates of blue light applied under saturating fluence rates of red light enhanced the red light-stimulated fluorescence quenching by up to 50%. In contrast, added blue light did not alter the red light-stimulated quenching from abaxial (lower) guard cells. This response pattern paralleled the blue light sensitivity of stomatal opening in the two leaf surfaces. An action spectrum for the blue light-induced enhancement of the red light-stimulated quenching showed a major peak at 450 nm and two minor peaks at 420 and 470 nm. This spectrum matched closely an action spectrum for blue light-stimulated stomatal opening. Coleoptile chloroplasts also showed an enhancement by blue light of red light-stimulated quenching. The action spectrum of this response, showing a major peak at 450 nm, a minor peak at 470 nm, and a shoulder at 430 nm, closely matched an action spectrum for blue light-stimulated coleoptile phototropism. Both action spectra match the absorption spectrum of zeaxanthin, a chloroplastic carotenoid recently implicated in blue light photoreception of both guard cells and coleoptiles. The remarkable similarity between the action spectra for the blue light responses of guard cells and coleoptile chloroplasts and the spectra for blue light-stimulated stomatal opening and phototropism, coupled to the recently reported evidence on a role of zeaxanthin in blue light photoreception, indicates that the guard cell and coleoptile chloroplasts specialize in sensory transduction.
We have changed the potential phosphorylation site, a threonine residue at position 2 of the D2 polypeptide of the photosystem II complex of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, to alanine, valine, aspartate, proline, glycine, or glutamate. Mutants with neutral amino acid changes did not display any phenotype with regard to photoautotrophic growth, light sensitivity, fluorescence transients, or photoinhibition. Pulse labeling of these mutants with 32P indicated that a phosphorylated protein of the same size as D2 is absent in these mutants, suggesting that threonine-2 is indeed the unique phosphorylation site of D2. In contrast, mutants in which threonine-2 has been replaced with acidic residues are deficient in photosystem II. Use of chimeric genes containing the psbD 5′-untranslated region revealed that the initiation of translation was not affected in these mutants, but the mutations interfered with a later step of D2 synthesis and accumulation.
Blue light regulates plant growth and development, and three photoreceptors, CRY1, CRY2, and NPH1, have been identified. The transduction pathways of these receptors are poorly understood. Transgenic plants containing aequorin have been used to dissect the involvement of these three receptors in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+. Pulses of blue light induce cytosolic Ca2+ transients lasting about 80 s in Arabidopsis and tobacco seedlings. Use of organelle-targeted aequorins shows that Ca2+ increases are limited to the cytoplasm. Blue light treatment of cry1, cry2, and nph1 mutants showed that NPH1, which regulates phototropism, is largely responsible for the Ca2+ transient. The spectral response of the Ca2+ transient is similar to that of phototropism, supporting NPH1 involvement. Furthermore, known interactions between red and blue light and between successive blue light pulses on phototropic sensitivity are mirrored in the blue light control of cytosolic Ca2+ in these seedlings. Our observations raise the possibility that physiological responses regulated by NPH1, such as phototropism, may be transduced through cytosolic Ca2+.
The Arabidopsis bas1-D mutation suppresses the long hypocotyl phenotype caused by mutations in the photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB). The adult phenotype of bas1-D phyB-4 double mutants mimics that of brassinosteroid biosynthetic and response mutants. bas1-D phyB-4 has reduced levels of brassinosteroids and accumulates 26-hydroxybrassinolide in feeding experiments. The basis for the mutant phenotype is the enhanced expression of a cytochrome P450 (CYP72B1). bas1-D suppresses a phyB-null allele, but not a phyA-null mutation, and partially suppresses a cryptochrome-null mutation. Seedlings with reduced BAS1 expression are hyperresponsive to brassinosteroids in a light-dependent manner and display reduced sensitivity to light under a variety of conditions. Thus, BAS1 represents one of the control points between multiple photoreceptor systems and brassinosteroid signal transduction.
Wild-type Arabidopsis plants, the starch-deficient mutant TL46, and the near-starchless mutant TL25 were evaluated by noninvasive in situ methods for their capacity for net CO2 assimilation, true rates of photosynthetic O2 evolution (determined from chlorophyll fluorescence measurements of photosystem II), partitioning of photosynthate into sucrose and starch, and plant growth. Compared with wild-type plants, the starch mutants showed reduced photosynthetic capacity, with the largest reduction occurring in mutant TL25 subjected to high light and increased CO2 partial pressure. The extent of stimulation of CO2 assimilation by increasing CO2 or by reducing O2 partial pressure was significantly less for the starch mutants than for wild-type plants. Under high light and moderate to high levels of CO2, the rates of CO2 assimilation and O2 evolution and the percentage inhibition of photosynthesis by low O2 were higher for the wild type than for the mutants. The relative rates of 14CO2 incorporation into starch under high light and high CO2 followed the patterns of photosynthetic capacity, with TL46 showing 31% to 40% of the starch-labeling rates of the wild type and TL25 showing less than 14% incorporation. Overall, there were significant correlations between the rates of starch synthesis and CO2 assimilation and between the rates of starch synthesis and cumulative leaf area. These results indicate that leaf starch plays an important role as a transient reserve, the synthesis of which can ameliorate any potential reduction in photosynthesis caused by feedback regulation.
We used a pale-green maize (Zea mays L.) mutant that fails to accumulate ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) to test the working hypothesis that the regulatory phosphorylation of C4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) by its Ca2+-insensitive protein-serine/threonine kinase (PEPC kinase) in the C4 mesophyll cytosol depends on cross-talk with a functional Calvin cycle in the bundle sheath. Wild-type (W22) and bundle sheath defective2-mutable1 (bsd2-m1) seeds were grown in a controlled environment chamber at 100 to 130 μmol m−2 s−1 photosynthetic photon flux density, and leaf tissue was harvested 11 d after sowing, following exposure to various light intensities. Immunoblot analysis showed no major difference in the amount of polypeptide present for several mesophyll- and bundle-sheath-specific photosynthetic enzymes apart from Rubisco, which was either completely absent or very much reduced in the mutant. Similarly, leaf net CO2-exchange analysis and in vitro radiometric Rubisco assays showed that no appreciable carbon fixation was occurring in the mutant. In contrast, the sensitivity of PEPC to malate inhibition in bsd2-m1 leaves decreased significantly with an increase in light intensity, and there was a concomitant increase in PEPC kinase activity, similar to that seen in wild-type leaf tissue. Thus, although bsd2-m1 mutant plants lack an operative Calvin cycle, light activation of PEPC kinase and its target enzyme are not grossly perturbed.
Many auxin responses are dependent on redistribution and/or polar transport of indoleacetic acid. Polar transport of auxin can be inhibited through the application of phytotropins such as 1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA). When Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings were grown in the light on medium containing 1.0 μm NPA, hypocotyl and root elongation and gravitropism were strongly inhibited. When grown in darkness, however, NPA disrupted the gravity response but did not affect elongation. The extent of inhibition of hypocotyl elongation by NPA increased in a fluence-rate-dependent manner to a maximum of about 75% inhibition at 50 μmol m−2 s−1 of white light. Plants grown under continuous blue or far-red light showed NPA-induced hypocotyl inhibition similar to that of white-light-grown plants. Plants grown under continuous red light showed less NPA-induced inhibition. Analysis of photoreceptor mutants indicates the involvement of phytochrome and cryptochrome in mediating this NPA response. Hypocotyls of some auxin-resistant mutants had decreased sensitivity to NPA in the light, but etiolated seedlings of these mutants were similar in length to the wild type. These results indicate that light has a significant effect on NPA-induced inhibition in Arabidopsis, and suggest that auxin has a more important role in elongation responses in light-grown than in dark-grown seedlings.
Dark-grown hypocotyls of a starch-deficient mutant (NS458) of tobacco (Nicotiana sylvestris) lack amyloplasts and plastid sedimentation, and have severely reduced gravitropism. However, gravitropism improved dramatically when NS458 seedlings were grown in the light. To determine the extent of this improvement and whether mutant hypocotyls contain sedimented amyloplasts, gravitropic sensitivity (induction time and intermittent stimulation) and plastid size and position in the endodermis were measured in seedlings grown for 8 d in the light. Light-grown NS458 hypocotyls were gravitropic but were less sensitive than the wild type (WT). Starch occupied 10% of the volume of NS458 plastids grown in both the light and the dark, whereas WT plastids were essentially filled with starch in both treatments. Light increased plastid size twice as much in the mutant as in the WT. Plastids in light-grown NS458 were sedimented, presumably because of their larger size and greater total starch content. The induction by light of plastid sedimentation in NS458 provides new evidence for the role of plastid mass and sedimentation in stem gravitropic sensing. Because the mutant is not as sensitive as the WT, NS458 plastids may not have sufficient mass to provide full gravitropic sensitivity.
The retinas of macaque monkeys usually contain three types of photopigment, providing them with trichromatic color vision homologous to that of humans. However, we recently used molecular genetic analysis to identify several macaques with a dichromatic genotype. The affected X chromosome of these animals contains a hybrid gene of long-wavelength-sensitive (L) and middle-wavelength-sensitive (M) photopigments instead of separate genes encoding L and M photopigments. The product of the hybrid gene exhibits a spectral sensitivity close to that of M photopigment; consequently, male monkeys carrying the hybrid gene are genetic protanopes, effectively lacking L photopigment. In the present study, we assessed retinal expression of L photopigment in monkeys carrying the hybrid gene. The relative sensitivities to middle-wavelength (green) and long-wavelength (red) light were measured by electroretinogram flicker photometry. We found the sensitivity to red light to be extremely low in protanopic male monkeys compared with monkeys with the normal genotype. In female heterozygotes, sensitivity to red light was intermediate between the genetic protanopes and normal monkeys. Decreased sensitivity to long wavelengths was thus consistent with genetic loss of L photopigment.
The specific Ca2+ binding site that triggers contraction of molluscan muscle requires the presence of an essential light chain (ELC) from a Ca2+ binding myosin. Of the four EF hand-like domains in molluscan ELCs, only domain III has an amino acid sequence predicted to be capable of binding Ca2+. In this report, we have used mutant ELCs to locate the Ca2+ binding site in scallop myosin and to probe the role of the ELC in regulation. Point mutations in domain III of scallop ELC have no effect on Ca2+ binding. Interestingly, scallop and rat cardiac ELC chimeras support Ca2+ binding only if domain I is scallop. These results are nevertheless in agreement with structural studies on a proteolytic fragment of scallop myosin, the regulatory domain. Furthermore, Ca2+ sensitivity of the scallop myosin ATPase requires scallop ELC domain I: ELCs containing cardiac domain I convert scallop myosin to an unregulated molecule whose activity is no longer repressed in the absence of Ca2+. Despite its unusual EF hand domain sequence, our data indicate that the unique and required contribution of molluscan ELCs to Ca2+ binding and regulation of molluscan myosins resides exclusively in domain I.