102 resultados para Leukemia, Myeloid

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The recurring translocation t(11;16)(q23;p13.3) has been documented only in cases of acute leukemia or myelodysplasia secondary to therapy with drugs targeting DNA topoisomerase II. We show that the MLL gene is fused to the gene that codes for CBP (CREB-binding protein), the protein that binds specifically to the DNA-binding protein CREB (cAMP response element-binding protein) in this translocation. MLL is fused in-frame to a different exon of CBP in two patients producing chimeric proteins containing the AT-hooks, methyltransferase homology domain, and transcriptional repression domain of MLL fused to the CREB binding domain or to the bromodomain of CBP. Both fusion products retain the histone acetyltransferase domain of CBP and may lead to leukemia by promoting histone acetylation of genomic regions targeted by the MLL AT-hooks, leading to transcriptional deregulation via aberrant chromatin organization. CBP is the first partner gene of MLL containing well defined structural and functional motifs that provide unique insights into the potential mechanisms by which these translocations contribute to leukemogenesis.


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Primitive subsets of leukemic cells isolated by using fluorescence-activated cell sorting from patients with newly diagnosed Ph+/BCR–ABL+ chronic myeloid leukemia display an abnormal ability to proliferate in vitro in the absence of added growth factors. We now show from analyses of growth-factor gene expression, protein production, and antibody inhibition studies that this deregulated growth can be explained, at least in part, by a novel differentiation-controlled autocrine mechanism. This mechanism involves the consistent and selective activation of IL-3 and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) production and a stimulation of STAT5 phosphorylation in CD34+ leukemic cells. When these cells differentiate into CD34− cells in vivo, IL-3 and G-CSF production declines, and the cells concomitantly lose their capacity for autonomous growth in vitro despite their continued expression of BCR–ABL. Based on previous studies of normal cells, excessive exposure of the most primitive chronic myeloid leukemia cells to IL-3 and G-CSF through an autocrine mechanism could explain their paradoxically decreased self-renewal in vitro and slow accumulation in vivo, in spite of an increased cycling activity and selective expansion of later compartments.


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The inv(16) is one of the most frequent chromosomal translocations associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The inv(16) fusion protein acts by dominantly interfering with AML-1/core binding factor β-dependent transcriptional regulation. Here we demonstrate that the inv(16) fusion protein cooperates with AML-1B to repress transcription. This cooperativity requires the ability of the translocation fusion protein to bind to AML-1B. Mutational analysis and cell fractionation experiments indicated that the inv(16) fusion protein acts in the nucleus and that repression occurs when the complex is bound to DNA. We also found that the inv(16) fusion protein binds to AML-1B when it is associated with the mSin3A corepressor. An AML-1B mutant that fails to bind mSin3A was impaired in cooperative repression, suggesting that the inv(16) fusion protein acts through mSin3 and possibly other corepressors. Finally, we demonstrate that the C-terminal portion of the inv(16) fusion protein contains a repression domain, suggesting a molecular mechanism for AML-1-mediated repression.


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The clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia (CALM) gene encodes a putative homologue of the clathrin assembly synaptic protein AP180. Hence the biochemical properties, the subcellular localization, and the role in endocytosis of a CALM protein were studied. In vitro binding and coimmunoprecipitation demonstrated that the clathrin heavy chain is the major binding partner of CALM. The bulk of cellular CALM was associated with the membrane fractions of the cell and localized to clathrin-coated areas of the plasma membrane. In the membrane fraction, CALM was present at near stoichiometric amounts relative to clathrin. To perform structure–function analysis of CALM, we engineered chimeric fusion proteins of CALM and its fragments with the green fluorescent protein (GFP). GFP–CALM was targeted to the plasma membrane–coated pits and also found colocalized with clathrin in the Golgi area. High levels of expression of GFP–CALM or its fragments with clathrin-binding activity inhibited the endocytosis of transferrin and epidermal growth factor receptors and altered the steady-state distribution of the mannose-6-phosphate receptor in the cell. In addition, GFP–CALM overexpression caused the loss of clathrin accumulation in the trans-Golgi network area, whereas the localization of the clathrin adaptor protein complex 1 in the trans-Golgi network remained unaffected. The ability of the GFP-tagged fragments of CALM to affect clathrin-mediated processes correlated with the targeting of the fragments to clathrin-coated areas and their clathrin-binding capacities. Clathrin–CALM interaction seems to be regulated by multiple contact interfaces. The C-terminal part of CALM binds clathrin heavy chain, although the full-length protein exhibited maximal ability for interaction. Altogether, the data suggest that CALM is an important component of coated pit internalization machinery, possibly involved in the regulation of clathrin recruitment to the membrane and/or the formation of the coated pit.


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MLL (ALL1, Htrx, HRX), which is located on chromosome band 11q23, frequently is rearranged in patients with therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia who previously were treated with DNA topoisomerase II inhibitors. In this study, we have identified a fusion partner of MLL in a 10-year-old female who developed therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia 17 months after treatment for Hodgkin’s disease. Leukemia cells of this patient had a t(11;17)(q23;q25), which involved MLL as demonstrated by Southern blot analysis. The partner gene was cloned from cDNA of the leukemia cells by use of a combination of adapter reverse transcriptase–PCR, rapid amplification of 5′ cDNA ends, and blast database analysis to identify expressed sequence tags. The full-length cDNA of 2.8 kb was found to be an additional member of the septin family, therefore it was named MSF (MLL septin-like fusion). Members of the septin family conserve the GTP binding domain, localize in the cytoplasm, and interact with cytoskeletal filaments. A major 4-kb transcript of MSF was expressed ubiquitously; a 1.7-kb transcript was found in most tissues. An additional 3-kb transcript was found only in hematopoietic tissues. By amplification with MLL exon 5 forward primer and reverse primers in MSF, the appropriately sized products were obtained. MSF is highly homologous to hCDCrel-1, which is a partner gene of MLL in leukemias with a t(11;22)(q23;q11.2). Further analysis of MSF may help to delineate the function of MLL partner genes in leukemia, particularly in therapy-related leukemia.


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We examined the MLL genomic translocation breakpoint in acute myeloid leukemia of infant twins. Southern blot analysis in both cases showed two identical MLL gene rearrangements indicating chromosomal translocation. The rearrangements were detectable in the second twin before signs of clinical disease and the intensity relative to the normal fragment indicated that the translocation was not constitutional. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with an MLL-specific probe and karyotype analyses suggested t(11;22)(q23;q11.2) disrupting MLL. Known 5′ sequence from MLL but unknown 3′ sequence from chromosome band 22q11.2 formed the breakpoint junction on the der(11) chromosome. We used panhandle variant PCR to clone the translocation breakpoint. By ligating a single-stranded oligonucleotide that was homologous to known 5′ MLL genomic sequence to the 5′ ends of BamHI-digested DNA through a bridging oligonucleotide, we formed the stem–loop template for panhandle variant PCR which yielded products of 3.9 kb. The MLL genomic breakpoint was in intron 7. The sequence of the partner DNA from band 22q11.2 was identical to the hCDCrel (human cell division cycle related) gene that maps to the region commonly deleted in DiGeorge and velocardiofacial syndromes. Both MLL and hCDCrel contained homologous CT, TTTGTG, and GAA sequences within a few base pairs of their respective breakpoints, which may have been important in uniting these two genes by translocation. Reverse transcriptase-PCR amplified an in-frame fusion of MLL exon 7 to hCDCrel exon 3, indicating that an MLL-hCDCrel chimeric mRNA had been transcribed. Panhandle variant PCR is a powerful strategy for cloning translocation breakpoints where the partner gene is undetermined. This application of the method identified a region of chromosome band 22q11.2 involved in both leukemia and a constitutional disorder.


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The t(8;21) translocation between two genes known as AML1 and ETO is seen in approximately 12–15% of all acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and is the second-most-frequently observed nonrandom genetic alteration associated with AML. AML1 up-regulates a number of target genes critical to normal hematopoiesis, whereas the AML1/ETO fusion interferes with this trans-activation. We discovered that the fusion partner ETO binds to the human homolog of the murine nuclear receptor corepressor (N-CoR). The interaction is mediated by two unusual zinc finger motifs present at the carboxyl terminus of ETO. Human N-CoR (HuN-CoR), which we cloned and sequenced in its entirety, encodes a 2,440-amino acid polypeptide and has a central domain that binds ETO. N-CoR, mammalian Sin3 (mSin3A and B), and histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) form a complex that alters chromatin structure and mediates transcriptional repression by nuclear receptors and by a number of oncoregulatory proteins. We found that ETO, through its interaction with the N-CoR/mSin3/HDAC1 complex, is also a potent repressor of transcription. This observation provides a mechanism for how the AML1/ETO fusion may inhibit expression of AML1-responsive target genes and disturb normal hematopoiesis.


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A mammalian A-type cyclin, cyclin A1, is highly expressed in testes of both human and mouse and targeted mutagenesis in the mouse has revealed the unique requirement for cyclin A1 in the progression of male germ cells through the meiotic cell cycle. While very low levels of cyclin A1 have been reported in the human hematopoietic system and brain, the sites of elevated levels of expression of human cyclin A1 were several leukemia cell lines and blood samples from patients with hematopoietic malignances, notably acute myeloid leukemia. To evaluate whether cyclin A1 is directly involved with the development of myeloid leukemia, mouse cyclin A1 protein was overexpressed in the myeloid lineage of transgenic mice under the direction of the human cathepsin G (hCG) promoter. The resulting transgenic mice exhibited an increased proportion of immature myeloid cells in the peripheral blood, bone marrow, and spleen. The abnormal myelopoiesis developed within the first few months after birth and progressed to overt acute myeloid leukemia at a low frequency (≈15%) over the course of 7–14 months. Both the abnormalities in myelopoiesis and the leukemic state could be transplanted to irradiated SCID (severe combined immunodeficient) mice. The observations suggest that cyclin A1 overexpression results in abnormal myelopoiesis and is necessary, but not sufficient in the cooperative events inducing the transformed phenotype. The data further support an important role of cyclin A1 in hematopoiesis and the etiology of myeloid leukemia.


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We have generated a physical map of human chromosome bands 20q11.2-20q13.1, a region containing a gene involved in the development of one form of early-onset, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, MODY1, as well as a putative myeloid tumor suppressor gene. The yeast artificial chromosome contig consists of 71 clones onto which 71 markers, including 20 genes, 5 expressed sequence tags, 32 simple tandem repeat DNA polymorphisms, and 14 sequence-tagged sites have been ordered. This region spans about 18 Mb, which represents about 40% of the physical length of 20q. Using this physical map, we have refined the location of MODY1 to a 13-centimorgan interval (approximately equal to 7 Mb) between D20S169 and D20S176. The myeloid tumor suppressor gene was localized to an 18-centimorgan interval (approximately equal to 13 Mb) between RPN2 and D20S17. This physical map will facilitate the isolation of MODY1 and the myeloid tumor suppressor gene.


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The human chromosome 21 AML1 gene is expressed predominantly in the hematopoietic system. In several leukemia-associated translocations AML1 is fused to other genes and transcription of the fused regions is mediated by upstream sequences that normally regulate the expression of AML1. The 5' genomic region of AML1 was cloned and sequenced. The two 5' untranslated regions (UTRs) previously identified in AML1 cDNAs were located in this region and the distance between them was established. The distal 5' UTR maps over 7 kb upstream of the proximal one. Using primer extension with mRNA, transcription start sites were identified at two distinct sites above these 5' uTRs. Sequence analysis revealed the absence of a TATA motif and the presence of Sp1, PU.1, Oct, CRE, Myb, Ets, and Ets-like binding sites in both upstream regions. Several initiator elements (Inr) that overlap the transcription start sites were also identified. These proximal and distal upstream regions and their deletion mutants were cloned in front of a luciferase reporter gene and used in transfection assays. We demonstrate that both upstream regions function as promoters in hematopoietic (Jurkat) and nonhematopoietic (HEK) cell lines. The activity of both promoters was orientation dependent and was enhanced, in a cell-type specific manner, by a heterologous enhancer sequence. These results indicate that additional control elements, either negative or positive, regulate the tissue-specific expression of AML1.


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Patients with the M4Eo subtype of acute myeloid leukemia almost invariably are found to have an inversion of chromosome 16 in their leukemic cells, which results in a gene fusion between the transcription factor called core binding factor beta (CBFbeta) on 16q and a smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SMMHC) gene on 16p. Subcellular localizations of the wild-type CBFbeta and the CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein were determined by immunofluorescence of NIH 3T3 cells that overexpress wild-type or fusion protein. Normal CBFbeta showed an unexpected perinuclear pattern consistent with primary localization in the Golgi complex. The CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein had a very different pattern. Nuclear staining included rod-like crystalline structures as long as 11 microm. The heterodimeric partner of CBFbeta, CBFalpha, formed part of this complex. Cytoplasmic staining included stress fibers that colocalized with actin, probably as a consequence of the myosin heavy chain component of the fusion protein. Deletion of different regions of the CBFbeta portion of the fusion protein showed that binding to CBFalpha was not required for nuclear translocation. However, deletion of parts of the SMMHC domain of the fusion protein involved in myosin-mediated filament formation resulted in proteins that did not form rod-like structures. These observations confirm previous indirect evidence that the CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein is capable of forming macromolecular nuclear aggregates and suggests possible models for the mechanism of leukemic transformation.


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The EVI1 gene, located at chromosome band 3q26, is overexpressed in some myeloid leukemia patients with breakpoints either 5' of the gene in the t(3;3)(q21;q26) or 3' of the gene in the inv(3)(q21q26). EVI1 is also expressed as part of a fusion transcript with the transcription factor AML1 in the t(3;21)(q26;q22), associated with myeloid leukemia. In cells with t(3;21), additional fusion transcripts are AML1-MDS1 and AML1-MDS1-EVI1. MDS1 is located at 3q26 170-400 kb upstream (telomeric) of EVI1 in the chromosomal region in which some of the breakpoints 5' of EVI1 have been mapped. MDS1 has been identified as a single gene as well as a previously unreported exon(s) of EVI1 We have analyzed the relationship between MDS1 and EVI1 to determine whether they are two separate genes. In this report, we present evidence indicating that MDS1 exists in normal tissues both as a unique transcript and as a normal fusion transcript with EVI1, with an additional 188 codons at the 5' end of the previously reported EVI1 open reading frame. This additional region has about 40% homology at the amino acid level with the PR domain of the retinoblastoma-interacting zinc-finger protein RIZ. These results are important in view of the fact that EVI1 and MDS1 are involved in leukemia associated with chromosomal translocation breakpoints in the region between these genes.


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Reduction of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate (methyleneTHF), a donor for methylating dUMP to dTMP in DNA synthesis, to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (methylTHF), the primary methyl donor for methionine synthesis, is catalyzed by 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). A common 677 C → T polymorphism in the MTHFR gene results in thermolability and reduced MTHFR activity that decreases the pool of methylTHF and increases the pool of methyleneTHF. Recently, another polymorphism in MTHFR (1298 A → C) has been identified that also results in diminished enzyme activity. We tested whether carriers of these variant alleles are protected from adult acute leukemia. We analyzed DNA from a case–control study in the United Kingdom of 308 adult acute leukemia patients and 491 age- and sex-matched controls. MTHFR variant alleles were determined by a PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism assay. The MTHFR 677TT genotype was lower among 71 acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) cases compared with 114 controls, conferring a 4.3-fold decrease in risk of ALL [odds ratio (OR = 0.23; 95% CI = 0.06–0.81]. We observed a 3-fold reduction in risk of ALL in individuals with the MTHFR 1298AC polymorphism (OR = 0.33; 95% CI = 0.15–0.73) and a 14-fold decreased risk of ALL in those with the MTHFR 1298CC variant allele (OR = 0.07; 95% CI = 0.00–1.77). In acute myeloid leukemia, no significant difference in MTHFR 677 and 1298 genotype frequencies was observed between 237 cases and 377 controls. Individuals with the MTHFR 677TT, 1298AC, and 1298CC genotypes have a decreased risk of adult ALL, but not acute myeloid leukemia, which suggests that folate inadequacy may play a key role in the development of ALL.


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Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is associated with reciprocal chromosomal translocations involving the retinoic acid receptor α (RARα) locus on chromosome 17. In the majority of cases, RARα translocates and fuses with the promyelocytic leukemia (PML) gene located on chromosome 15. The resulting fusion genes encode the two structurally unique PML/RARα and RARα/PML fusion proteins as well as aberrant PML gene products, the respective pathogenetic roles of which have not been elucidated. We have generated transgenic mice in which the PML/RARα fusion protein is specifically expressed in the myeloid-promyelocytic lineage. During their first year of life, all the PML/RARα transgenic mice have an abnormal hematopoiesis that can best be described as a myeloproliferative disorder. Between 12 and 14 months of age, 10% of them develop a form of acute leukemia with a differentiation block at the promyelocytic stage that closely mimics human APL even in its response to retinoic acid. Our results are conclusive in vivo evidence that PML/RARα plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of APL.


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Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML) most often is associated with the balanced reciprocal translocation t(15;17) (q22;q11.2) and the expression of both the PML-RARα and RARα-PML fusion cDNAs that are formed by this translocation. In this report, we investigated the biological role of a bcr-3 isoform of RARα-PML for the development of APML in a transgenic mouse model. Expression of RARα-PML alone in the early myeloid cells of transgenic mice did not alter myeloid development or cause APML, but its expression significantly increased the penetrance of APML in mice expressing a bcr-1 isoform of PML-RARα (15% of animals developed APML with PML-RARα alone vs. 57% with both transgenes, P < 0.001). The latency of APML development was not altered substantially by the expression of RARα-PML, suggesting that it does not behave as a classical “second hit” for development of the disease. Leukemias that arose from doubly transgenic mice were less mature than those from PML-RARα transgenic mice, but they both responded to all-trans retinoic acid in vitro. These findings suggest that PML-RARα drives the development of APML and defines its basic phenotype, whereas RARα-PML potentiates this phenotype via mechanisms that are not yet understood.